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1 // Torc - Copyright 2011-2013 University of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
2 // $HeadURL$
3 // $Id$
5 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
6 // GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
7 // License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
10 // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See
11 // the GNU General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If
14 // not, see <>.
16 #include "torc/packer/Unpacker.hpp"
24 #include "torc/physical/Design.hpp"
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <vector>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <map>
36 namespace torc {
37 namespace packer {
39  using namespace torc::architecture;
41  void Unpacker::initialize(void) {
44  torc::common::DeviceDesignator deviceDesignator(mDesignPtr->getDevice() +
45  mDesignPtr->getPackage()
46  + mDesignPtr->getSpeedGrade());
47  mDDBPtr = new DDB(deviceDesignator);
48  const Sites& sites = mDDBPtr->getSites();
50  // look up the primitive def types
51  typedef const Array<const PrimitiveDef> PrimitiveDefArray;
52  PrimitiveDefArray& primitiveDefs = sites.getSiteTypes();
53  PrimitiveDefArray::const_iterator p = primitiveDefs.begin();
54  PrimitiveDefArray::const_iterator e = primitiveDefs.end();
55  while(p < e) {
56  // create a PrimitiveStructure object for this PrimitiveDef
57  PrimitiveStructureSharedPtr primitiveStructurePtr
58  (new Virtex5PrimitiveStructure(&*p++));
59  const torc::architecture::PrimitiveDef* primitiveDefPtr
60  = primitiveStructurePtr->getPrimitiveDefPtr();
61  const std::string& primitiveDefName = primitiveDefPtr->getName();
62  // insert the PrimitiveStructure into the map
63  if(primitiveDefName != "IOB" && primitiveDefName != "IOBM"
64  && primitiveDefName != "IOBS")
65  mPrimitiveStructures[primitiveDefName] = primitiveStructurePtr;
66  }
67  }
70  bool Unpacker::findNextElement(const PrimitiveStructure& inPrimitiveStructure,
72  torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr& inInstancePtr,
73  NameToElementPtrMap& inUsedElements,
74  std::vector<std::string> inInstanceInputPins,
75  CandidateNet& inElementPinsForNet,
77  &outNetSourcePin,
78  std::vector<torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr>
79  &outNewInstances,
80  ElementPtrToInstancePtrMap &elementToInstanceMap) {
82  // if we have already seen and marked this element as used, return true immediately
83  if(inUsedElements.find(element.getName()) != inUsedElements.end()) return true;
85  const PrimitiveElement* elementPtr = &element;
86  std::string elementName = element.getName();
87 //std::cout << "Current element -- >" << elementName << std::endl;
88  const PrimitiveElementPinArray& fetchNextElementPins = element.getPins();
89  PrimitiveElementPinArray::const_iterator fpp = fetchNextElementPins.begin();
90  PrimitiveElementPinArray::const_iterator fpe = fetchNextElementPins.end();
91  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator instanceInputit;
92  bool result = false;
93  bool found = false;
94  bool isInverter = false;
95  bool isInputTerminal = false;
96  bool isOutputTerminal = false;
97  // Check if the current element is a terminal and check if it is input/output
98  if(inPrimitiveStructure.mTerminals.find(elementName)
99  != inPrimitiveStructure.mTerminals.end()) {
100  const PrimitivePinArray& primitivePins
101  = inPrimitiveStructure.mPrimitiveDefPtr->getPins();
102  int primitivePinIndex
103  = inPrimitiveStructure.mPrimitiveDefPtr->findPinIndexByName
104  (elementName);
105  const PrimitivePin& primitivePin = primitivePins[primitivePinIndex];
106  //look up pin
107  isInputTerminal = (!primitivePin.isOutput());
108  isOutputTerminal = (primitivePin.isOutput());
109  }
110  // if it is a used input terminal, return true
111  if(isInputTerminal){
112  instanceInputit = find(inInstanceInputPins.begin(),
113  inInstanceInputPins.end(), elementName);
114  if(instanceInputit != inInstanceInputPins.end()) {
115  inUsedElements[elementName]
116  = inPrimitiveStructure.mElements.find(elementName)->second;
117  return true;
118  } else {
119  return false;
120  }
121  }
122  // look up config settings for the current element
123  std::string cfgName;
124  std::string cfgSetting;
125  bool hasConfig = inInstancePtr->getConfig(elementName, cfgName, cfgSetting);
126  //std::cout << "Config Name: " << elementName << " " << cfgName << " "
127  //<< cfgSetting << std::endl;
129  int pinIndex;
130  const PrimitiveElementPin* invPtr;
131  // Check is the current element is a MUX
132  if(inPrimitiveStructure.mMuxes.find(elementName)
133  != inPrimitiveStructure.mMuxes.end()){
134  // If the current element is a MUX and it has a config, then it *is* used
135  if(hasConfig){
136 //std::cout << "Next element *is* a MUX.. Recurse!" << std::endl;
137  pinIndex = element.findPinIndexByName(cfgSetting);
138  const PrimitiveElementPin* muxPtr
139  = fetchNextElementPins[pinIndex].getPrimitiveConn()
140  ->getSourcePtr();
141  invPtr = &fetchNextElementPins[pinIndex];
142 //std::cout << "Is this the Pin?: " << invPtr->getName() << std::endl;
143  // Check if it is an inverter
144  std::set<const PrimitiveElementPin*>::const_iterator it
145  = inPrimitiveStructure.mInvertedInputs.find(invPtr);
146  if(it != inPrimitiveStructure.mInvertedInputs.end()) {
147  outNetSourcePin = invPtr;
148  isInverter = true;
149  } else {
150  outNetSourcePin = muxPtr;
151  const PrimitiveElement* nextElementPtr2
152  = fetchNextElementPins[pinIndex].getPrimitiveConn()
153  ->getSourcePtr()->getElementPtr();
154  const PrimitiveElement& nextElement2 = *nextElementPtr2;
155  return findNextElement(inPrimitiveStructure, nextElement2,
156  inInstancePtr, inUsedElements,
157  inInstanceInputPins,
158  inElementPinsForNet,
159  outNetSourcePin, outNewInstances,
160  elementToInstanceMap);
161  }
162  // If the current element is a MUX and it does *NOT* have a config,
163  // then we discard the trace and move on
164  } else {
165  return false;
166  }
167  }
168  // Check if the *current* element is a power/ground element
169  if(inPrimitiveStructure.mPower.find(elementName)
170  != inPrimitiveStructure.mPower.end()){
171  result = true;
172  } else if(inPrimitiveStructure.mGround.find(elementName)
173  != inPrimitiveStructure.mGround.end()){
174  result = true;
175  }
176  // If the current element is a non-MUX and has a config,
177  // we add a new instance for that element
178  if(hasConfig) result = true;
179 //std::cout << "Next element is a NON-MUX element.. Get its Inputs!" << std::endl;
180 //std::cout << "Element Name: " << elementName << std::endl;
181  const PrimitiveElementPin* newNetSourcePin;
182  //Iterate through Element PINS
183  while(fpp < fpe) {
185  const PrimitiveElementPin& fetchNextElementPin = *fpp++;
186  const PrimitiveElementPin* fetchNextElementPinPtr = &fetchNextElementPin;
187  if(!fetchNextElementPin.isInput()) continue;
188 //std::cout << "Element Pin Name: " << fetchNextElementPin.getName() << std::endl;
189  if(isInverter && (invPtr != fetchNextElementPinPtr)) continue;
190  // Tracing back using primitive Conn
191  const PrimitiveElement* nextElementPtr
192  = fetchNextElementPin.getPrimitiveConn()->getSourcePtr()
193  ->getElementPtr();
194  const PrimitiveElementPin* sourcePtr
195  = fetchNextElementPin.getPrimitiveConn()->getSourcePtr();
196  const PrimitiveElement& nextElement = *nextElementPtr;
197  std::string nextElementName = fetchNextElementPin.getPrimitiveConn()
198  ->getSourcePtr()->getElementPtr()->getName();
199 //std::cout << "Next Element: " << nextElementName << std::endl;
200 //std::cout << "Next Element Pin: " << sourcePtr->getName() << std::endl;
201 //std::cout << "Current Element Pin: " << fetchNextElementPin.getName() << std::endl;
202  // Check if the *next* element is a power/ground element
203  bool isPower = false;
204  if(inPrimitiveStructure.mPower.find(nextElementName)
205  != inPrimitiveStructure.mPower.end()){
206  isPower = true;
207  } else if(inPrimitiveStructure.mGround.find(nextElementName)
208  != inPrimitiveStructure.mGround.end()){
209  isPower = true;
210  }
211  newNetSourcePin = sourcePtr;
212  found = findNextElement(inPrimitiveStructure, nextElement, inInstancePtr,
213  inUsedElements, inInstanceInputPins,
214  inElementPinsForNet, newNetSourcePin,
215  outNewInstances, elementToInstanceMap);
217  if(found) {
218 //std::cout << "Adding to the Candidate Net: " << newNetSourcePin->getName()
219 //<< "...." << fetchNextElementPinPtr->getName() << std::endl;
220  inElementPinsForNet[newNetSourcePin]
221  .push_back(fetchNextElementPinPtr);
222  }
223  result |= found && !isPower;
224  }
225  // If result is true (and the element is not an output terminal) add a new Instance
226  if (result && !isOutputTerminal){
227  //std::cout << "Adding a Used Element: " << elementName << std::endl;
228  inUsedElements[elementName] = inPrimitiveStructure.mElements.find
229  (elementName)->second;
230  string newName = inInstancePtr->getName();
231  newName = newName + ":" + elementName + ":" + cfgName;
232  // We don't have definitive types yet so giving it the element name.
233  string typeName = isInverter ? "INV" : elementName;
234  torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr newInstancePtr
235  = torc::physical::Factory::newInstancePtr(newName, typeName,
236  "", "");
237  // Keeping the new instances in a vector to add them to the design later
238  outNewInstances.push_back(newInstancePtr);
239 //std::cout << "THIS IS A NEW INSTANCE: " << newInstancePtr->getName() << std::endl;
240  // Set the config for a new instance
241  newInstancePtr->setConfig(elementName, cfgName, cfgSetting);
242  std::map<std::string,
243  std::vector<const PrimitiveElement*> >::const_iterator it;
244  // For non-MUX elements, copy over the configs of the
245  // orphans into the unpacked design
246  if(inPrimitiveStructure.mFlops.find(elementName)
247  != inPrimitiveStructure.mFlops.end()
248  || inPrimitiveStructure.mLUTs.find(elementName)
249  != inPrimitiveStructure.mLUTs.end()){
251  for(it = inPrimitiveStructure.mPrincipalsToOrphans.begin();
252  it != inPrimitiveStructure.mPrincipalsToOrphans.end(); it++){
253  if(it->first != elementName) continue;
254  for(std::vector<const PrimitiveElement*>
255  ::const_iterator iter = it->second.begin();
256  iter != it->second.end(); iter++){
257  const PrimitiveElement* orphanPtr = *iter;
258  const PrimitiveElement& orphan
259  = *orphanPtr;
260  std::string orphanName = orphan.getName();
261  std::string orphanCfgName,
262  orphanCfgSetting;
263  bool configForOrphan = inInstancePtr
264  ->getConfig(orphanName,
265  orphanCfgName,
266  orphanCfgSetting);
267  if(configForOrphan)
268  newInstancePtr->setConfig(
269  orphanName, orphanCfgName,
270  orphanCfgSetting);
271  }
272  }
273  }
274  elementToInstanceMap[elementPtr] = newInstancePtr;
275  return true;
276  }
277  return false;
278  }
281  void Unpacker::unpack(void) {
283  = mDesignPtr->instancesBegin();
285  = mDesignPtr->instancesEnd();
286  unpack(ip, ie);
287  }
292  std::vector<torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr> oldInstances;
293  std::vector<torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr> newInstances;
294  std::vector<torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr>::iterator instIt;
295  // Iterating through all the instances
296  while(ip < ie){
297 //std::cout << ">>>> ip: " << &ip << std::endl;
298  torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr instancePtr = *ip++;
299  torc::physical::Instance& instance = *instancePtr;
300  std::string instanceType = instance.getType();
301  std::string instanceName = instance.getName();
302  CandidateNet elementPinsForNet;
303  CandidateNet::const_iterator it1;
304  // Maintining a list of used elements
305  NameToElementPtrMap usedElements;
306  NameToElementPtrMap::const_iterator it;
307  ElementPtrToInstancePtrMap elementToInstanceMap;
308  ElementPtrToInstancePtrMap::const_iterator elementToInstanceMapit;
309  std::vector<std::string> instanceInputPins;
310  std::vector<std::string> instanceOutputPins;
311  std::vector<std::string> usedPower;
312  std::vector<std::string> usedGround;
313  const PrimitiveElementPin* outNetSourcePin = 0;
315 //std::cout << instanceName << std::endl;
316  PrimitiveStructuresSharedPtrMap::const_iterator pos;
317  // Finding the primitive structure that matches the instance type
318  pos = mPrimitiveStructures.find(instanceType);
319  if(pos != mPrimitiveStructures.end()){
320  // we need to retain this primitive structure!
321  const PrimitiveStructure& primitiveStructure = *(pos->second);
322  const PrimitiveDef* primitiveDefPtr
323  = primitiveStructure.getPrimitiveDefPtr();
324  // this should not happen for valid instances
325  if(primitiveDefPtr == 0) return;
326  const PrimitivePinArray& primitivePins
327  = primitiveDefPtr->getPins();
335  // iterate over the instance pins
336  InstancePinSharedPtrVector inputPins;
337  InstancePinSharedPtrVector outputPins;
338  Instance::InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator ipp
339  = instancePtr->pinsBegin();
340  Instance::InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator ipe
341  = instancePtr->pinsEnd();
342  InstancePinSharedPtr instancePinPtr;
343  NetSharedPtr netPtr;
344  while(ipp != ipe) {
345  // look up the instance pin
346  InstancePinSharedPtr instancePinPtr = ipp++->second;
347  const std::string& pinName = instancePinPtr->getPinName();
348  netPtr = instancePinPtr->getParentWeakPtr().lock();
349 //std::cout << " found " << pinName << " connected to net " << netPtr->getName() << ": ";
350  // determine whether the pin is an output or input
351  PinIndex pinIndex
352  = primitiveDefPtr->findPinIndexByName(pinName);
353  // this shouldn't happen
354  if(static_cast<boost::int32_t>(pinIndex) < 0) continue;
355  const PrimitivePin& primitivePin = primitivePins[pinIndex];
356  if(primitivePin.isInput())
357  inputPins.push_back(instancePinPtr);
358  if(primitivePin.isOutput())
359  outputPins.push_back(instancePinPtr);
360 //std::cout << (primitivePin.isInput() ? "INPUT" : (primitivePin.isOutput() ? "OUTPUT" : ""))
361 //<< std::endl;
362  }
363  // // iterate over the input pins
364  InstancePinSharedPtrVector::const_iterator ipp2;
365  InstancePinSharedPtrVector::const_iterator ipe2;
366  //InstancePinSharedPtr instancePinPtr;
367  ipp2 = inputPins.begin();
368  ipe2 = inputPins.end();
369  while(ipp2 != ipe2) {
370  InstancePinSharedPtr instancePinPtr = *ipp2++;
371  instanceInputPins.push_back(instancePinPtr->getPinName());
372 //std::cout << " found INPUT " << instancePinPtr->getPinName() << std::endl;
373  }
374  // iterate over the output pins
375  ipp2 = outputPins.begin();
376  ipe2 = outputPins.end();
377  while(ipp2 != ipe2) {
378  InstancePinSharedPtr instancePinPtr = *ipp2++;
379  instanceOutputPins.push_back(instancePinPtr->getPinName());
380  std::cout << " found OUTPUT " << instancePinPtr
381  ->getPinName() << std::endl;
382  std::string outPinName = instancePinPtr->getPinName();
383 //std::cout << "Used output terminal found:" << outPinName << std::endl;
384  const PrimitiveElement* elementPtr
385  = primitiveStructure.mTerminals.find(outPinName)
386  ->second;
387  const PrimitiveElement& element = *elementPtr;
388  findNextElement(primitiveStructure, element, instancePtr,
389  usedElements, instanceInputPins,
390  elementPinsForNet, outNetSourcePin,
391  newInstances, elementToInstanceMap);
392  }
393  // Iterating over the candidate nets
394  for(it1 = elementPinsForNet.begin();
395  it1 != elementPinsForNet.end(); it1++){
398  const PrimitiveElementPin* sourcePinPtr = it1->first;
399  std::string drivingElementName = sourcePinPtr
400  ->getElementPtr()->getName();
401  std::string sourcePinName = sourcePinPtr->getName();
402 //std::cout << drivingElementName << "." << sourcePinName << " ---->" << std::endl;
403  // Checking if the candidate net source is a terminal
404  if(primitiveStructure.mTerminals
405  .find(sourcePinPtr->getElementPtr()->getName())
406  != primitiveStructure.mTerminals.end()) {
407 //std::cout << "Source (terminal) Pin Name: " << sourcePinName << std::endl;
408  terminals.push_back(sourcePinPtr);
409  }
410  // Iterating over the candidate net sinks
411  for(PrimitiveElementPinPtrVector::const_iterator iter
412  = it1->second.begin(); iter
413  != it1->second.end(); iter++){
414  const PrimitiveElementPin* sinkPinPtr
415  = *iter;
416 //std::cout << "Sink Pin Element: " << sinkPinPtr->getElementPtr()->getName() << std::endl;
417  // Checking if the candidate net sinks
418  //are terminals
419  if(primitiveStructure.mTerminals.find(sinkPinPtr
420  ->getElementPtr()->getName())
421  != primitiveStructure.mTerminals.end()){
422  terminals.push_back(sinkPinPtr);
423  std::string sinkPinName
424  = sinkPinPtr->getName();
425 //std::cout << sinkPinPtr->getElementPtr()->getName() << "." << sinkPinName << std::endl;
426 //std::cout << "Terminal Pin Name: " << sinkPinName << std::endl;
427  }
428  }
429  // Number of terminals in the candidate net is
430  // more than one.. create a new net and collapse
431  // the old one
432  if(terminals.size() > 1){
433  std::string netName = instancePtr->getName()
434  + ":" + drivingElementName + ":"
435  + sourcePinName;
436  net = torc::physical::Factory::newNetPtr(netName);
437  for(std::vector<const PrimitiveElementPin*>
438  ::const_iterator iter
439  = terminals.begin();
440  iter != terminals.end(); iter++){
441  Instance::InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator
442  pin = instancePtr
443  ->findPin(torc::physical
444  ::PinName(sourcePinPtr
445  ->getName()));
446  InstancePinSharedPtr pinPtr = pin->second;
448  = pinPtr
449  ->getParentWeakPtr().lock();
451  ::InstancePinSharedPtrIterator
452  netSourceIter = net2
453  ->sourcesBegin();
454  netSourceIter != net2->sourcesEnd();
455  netSourceIter++ ){
456  net->addSource(*netSourceIter);
457  }
459  ::InstancePinSharedPtrIterator
460  netSinkIter = net2
461  ->sourcesBegin();
462  netSinkIter != net2->sourcesEnd();
463  netSinkIter++ ){
464  net->addSink(*netSinkIter);
465  }
466  mDesignPtr->removeNet(net2);
467  }
468  // Number of terminals is one..
469  // get the net it is a part of..
470  // this is the net we *modify*
471  } else if(terminals.size() == 1){
472  Instance::InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator pin
473  = instancePtr
474  ->findPin(torc::physical::PinName
475  (terminals.front()->getName()));
476  InstancePinSharedPtr pinPtr = pin->second;
477  net = pinPtr->getParentWeakPtr().lock();
478  net->unroute();
479  // No terminals in the candidate net..
480  // create a new net and add source and sink to it
481  } else {
482  //define a new net
483  std::cout << "Adding a new net" << std::endl;
484  std::string netName = instancePtr->getName()
485  + ":" + drivingElementName + ":"
486  + sourcePinName;
487  net = torc::physical::Factory::newNetPtr(netName);
488  mDesignPtr->addNet(net);
489  }
490  // For the source pin
491 //std::cout << "Adjusting net " << net->getName() << std::endl;
492  if(primitiveStructure.mTerminals.find(sourcePinPtr
493  ->getElementPtr()
494  ->getName())
495  != primitiveStructure.mTerminals.end()) {
496  Instance::InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator pin1
497  = instancePtr
498  ->findPin(torc::physical::PinName
499  (sourcePinPtr->getName()));
500  InstancePinSharedPtr pin1Ptr = pin1->second;
501 //std::cout << "removing a terminal (sink) pin from the net: " << pin1Ptr->getPinName()
502 //<< std::endl;
503  net->removeSink(pin1Ptr);
504  }else{
505  torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr instanceSourcePtr
506  = elementToInstanceMap.find(sourcePinPtr
507  ->getElementPtr())->second;
508  InstancePinSharedPtr instanceSourcePin
510  ::newInstancePinPtr(instanceSourcePtr,
511  sourcePinName);
512 //std::cout << "Adding source pin: " << instanceSourcePin->getPinName() << std::endl << std::endl;
513  net->addSource(instanceSourcePin);
514  }
515  const PrimitiveElementPinPtrVector& sinkVector
516  = it1->second;
517  //Iterate over the sink pins
519  ::const_iterator iter = sinkVector.begin();
520  iter != sinkVector.end(); iter++){
521  if(primitiveStructure.mTerminals.find((*iter)
522  ->getElementPtr()->getName())
523  != primitiveStructure.mTerminals.end()) {
524  Instance::InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator
525  pin2 = instancePtr
526  ->findPin(torc::physical::PinName
527  ((*iter)->getName()));
528  InstancePinSharedPtr pin2Ptr
529  = pin2->second;
530  net->removeSource(pin2Ptr);
531 //std::cout << "removing a terminal (source) pin from the net: " << pin2Ptr->getPinName()
532 //<< std::endl;
533  }else{
535  instanceSinkPtr
536  = elementToInstanceMap.find((*iter)
537  ->getElementPtr())->second;
538  InstancePinSharedPtr instanceSinkPin
541  (instanceSinkPtr,
542  (*iter)->getName());
543 //std::cout << "INSTANCE SINK PIN: " << instanceSinkPin->getPinName() << std::endl << std::endl;
544  net->addSink(instanceSinkPin);
545  }
546  }
547  terminals.clear();
548  }
549  // remember to remove the original instance from the design
550  oldInstances.push_back(instancePtr);
551  }
552  // std::cout << "----------- USED ELEMENTS ------------" << std::endl;
553  // for(it = usedElements.begin(); it != usedElements.end(); it++){
554  // std::cout << " " << it->first << std::endl;
555  // }
556  }
557  std::cout << "-------------------- NEW INSTANCES -------------------" << std::endl;
558  for(instIt = newInstances.begin(); instIt != newInstances.end(); instIt++){
559  torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr newInstancePtr = *instIt;
560  torc::physical::Instance newInstance = *newInstancePtr;
561  std::cout << " " << newInstance.getName() << std::endl;
562  mDesignPtr->addInstance(newInstancePtr);
563  }
564  std::cout << "-------------------- OLD INSTANCES -------------------" << std::endl;
565  for(instIt = oldInstances.begin(); instIt != oldInstances.end(); instIt++){
566  torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr oldInstancePtr = *instIt;
567  torc::physical::Instance oldInstance = *oldInstancePtr;
568  std::cout << " " << oldInstance.getName() << std::endl;
569  mDesignPtr->removeInstance(oldInstancePtr);
570  }
572  }
573 }// namespace packer
574 }// namespace torc
bool isOutput(void) const
Returns true if this pin is a primitive output.
const const PrimitiveElementPin * const_iterator
Constant T iterator type.
Definition: Array.hpp:83
Header for the ConfigMap class.
InstancePinSharedPtrConstIterator sourcesEnd(void) const
Returns the end constant iterator for source instance pins.
Encapsulation of a device designator and its constituent elements.
Device database, including complete wiring and logic support.
Definition: DDB.hpp:42
bool findNextElement(const PrimitiveStructure &inPrimitiveStructure, const torc::architecture::PrimitiveElement &element, torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr &inInstancePtr, NameToElementPtrMap &inUsedElements, std::vector< std::string > inInstanceInputPins, CandidateNet &inElementPinsForNet, const torc::architecture::PrimitiveElementPin *&outNetSourcePin, std::vector< torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr > &outNewInstances, ElementPtrToInstancePtrMap &elementToInstanceMap)
Function to find the next element.
Definition: Unpacker.cpp:70
PinIndex findPinIndexByName(const string &inName) const
Returns the pin index corresponding to the given pin name, or PinIndex::undefined() if the pin name d...
const string & getType(void) const
Returns the logic type for this instance.
const PrimitiveDef * getPrimitiveDefPtr(void) const
Returns a pointer to the associated primitive definition.
NameToElementPtrMap mGround
Map of all ground sources.
const PrimitiveConnSharedPtr getPrimitiveConn(void) const
Returns the primitive connection that includes this pin.
Header for the Virtex5PrimitiveStructure class.
Header for the DirectoryTree class.
Encapsulation of a site pin name.
ElementPinPtrSet mInvertedInputs
Set of inverted element input pins.
Header for the Instance class.
Encapsulation of primitive site definition, with associated connections, elements, and pins.
T * end(void)
Returns the non-constant end iterator.
Definition: Array.hpp:97
Header for the Sites class.
InstanceSharedPtrVector::const_iterator InstanceSharedPtrConstIterator
Constant iterator to Instance shared pointers.
Definition: Circuit.hpp:72
static NetSharedPtr newNetPtr(const string &inName, ENetType inNetType=eNetTypeNormal)
Create and return a new Net share pointer.
void unpack(void)
Default unpack function.
Definition: Unpacker.cpp:281
Header for the DeviceDesignator class.
std::vector< InstancePinSharedPtr > InstancePinSharedPtrVector
Vector of InstancePin shared pointers.
NameToElementPtrMap mElements
Map of all elements.
Header for the PrimitiveStructure class.
NameToElementPtrMap mPower
Map of all power sources.
std::map< const torc::architecture::PrimitiveElement *, torc::physical::InstanceSharedPtr > ElementPtrToInstancePtrMap
Map of Primitive Element Pointer to Instance Shared Pointer.
Definition: Unpacker.hpp:64
bool isInput(void) const
Returns true if this pin is a primitive input.
Encapsulation of a pin index in an unsigned 32-bit integer.
boost::shared_ptr< class InstancePin > InstancePinSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of an InstancePin.
PinIndex findPinIndexByName(const std::string &inName) const
Returns the pin index corresponding to the given pin name, or PinIndex::undefined() if the pin name d...
const string & getName(void) const
Returns the pin name.
std::string string
const string & getName(void) const
Returns the name of the element.
PrimitiveElementPinArray & getPins(void)
Returns a non-constant array of element pins. This function should only be used by the Sites class d...
NameToElementPtrMap mMuxes
Map of all configurable muxes (including switches and inverters).
const Array< const PrimitiveDef > & getSiteTypes(void) const
Returns the site types for this family.
Definition: Sites.hpp:125
std::map< const torc::architecture::PrimitiveElementPin *, PrimitiveElementPinPtrVector > CandidateNet
Map of Candidate Nets.
Definition: Unpacker.hpp:58
bool isInput(void) const
Returns true if this pin is a primitive input.
std::vector< InstancePinSharedPtr > InstancePinSharedPtrVector
Vector of InstancePin shared pointers.
Physical design instance.
boost::shared_ptr< Net > NetSharedPtr
Site type and population data for the family and the device.
Definition: Sites.hpp:45
Header for the Design class.
const PrimitiveElement * getElementPtr(void) const
Returns a pointer to the primitive element that owns this pin.
Physical design net.
const Array< const Site > & getSites(void) const
Returns the sites for this family.
Definition: Sites.hpp:127
std::map< std::string, const PrimitiveStructure::PrimitiveElement * > NameToElementPtrMap
Map of Primitive Element Name to Primitive Element.
Definition: Unpacker.hpp:61
const string & getName(void) const
Returns the object name.
Definition: Named.hpp:51
boost::shared_ptr< Net > NetSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of a Net.
PrimitivePinArray & getPins(void)
Returns a non-constant array of element pins. This function should only be used by the Sites class d...
virtual void initialize(void)
Initialize this object based on the PrimitiveDef information.
Definition: Unpacker.cpp:41
static InstanceSharedPtr newInstancePtr(const string &inName, const string &inType, const string &inTile, const string &inSite, EInstanceBonding inBonding=eInstanceBondingUnknown, InstanceReferenceSharedPtr inInstanceReferencePtr=InstanceReferenceSharedPtr())
Construct and return a new Instance shared pointer.
boost::shared_ptr< Instance > InstanceSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of an Instance.
Encapsulation of a primitive pin's name and flags. Primitive pins are logic site inputs or outputs...
std::vector< const torc::architecture::PrimitiveElementPin * > PrimitiveElementPinPtrVector
Vector of Primitive Element Pin Pointers.
Definition: Unpacker.hpp:55
PrincipalToOrphanPtrMap mPrincipalsToOrphans
Map of principals to orphans.
NameToElementPtrMap mFlops
Map of all flops.
NameToElementPtrMap mLUTs
Map of all LUTs.
Encapsulation of a primitive site element. Primitive elements are subcomponents of logic primitive s...
Encapsulation of a primitive element pin's name, flags, and element pointer. Primitive element pins ...
const PrimitiveDef * mPrimitiveDefPtr
Pointer to the associated primitive definition.
NameToElementPtrMap mTerminals
Map of all terminals.
T * begin(void)
Returns the non-constant begin iterator.
Definition: Array.hpp:95
boost::shared_ptr< PrimitiveStructure > PrimitiveStructureSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of a PrimitiveStructure.
Header for the DDB class.
Encapsulation of the site index, pin name, and pin flags for a package.
static InstancePinSharedPtr newInstancePinPtr(InstanceSharedPtr inInstancePtr, const string &inPinName)
Construct and return a new InstancePin shared pointer.
Header for the Circuit class.
Header for the Factory class.
Header for the XdlImporter class.
Subclass of PrimitiveStructure for Virtex5.
Encapsulation of a static array.
Definition: Array.hpp:39
boost::shared_ptr< InstancePin > InstancePinSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of an InstancePin.
const string & getName(void) const
Returns the name of the primitive.