Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 std | |
 torc | Implementation of class to encapsulate micro-bitstream library generation code |
  architecture | Namespace for the Torc architecture support, providing device logic and wiring information, and design usage tracking |
   architecture | |
   xilinx | Namespace for Xilinx architecture support |
  bitstream | Namespace for the Torc bitstream frame-level support, including packet parsing and writing |
   bitstream | |
  common | |
  generic | Namespace for the Torc generic netlist, including EDIF and BLIF importers and exporters |
   _impl | |
   generic | |
  packer | |
   architecture | |
   packer | |
  physical | Namespace for the Torc physical netlist, including the XDL importer, exporter, placer, router, unpacker, and packer |
   physical | |
  placer | |
  router | |
  utils | |