52 if(result != e)
return false;
61 if(result == e)
return false;
std::vector< ComponentSharedPtr > ComponentSharedPtrVector
Vector of componenet shared pointers.
bool operator==(const Component &rhs) const
bool removePrimitivePin(PrimitivePinSharedPtr &inPrimitivePinPtr)
bool addPrimitivePin(PrimitivePinSharedPtr &inPrimitivePinPtr)
string mName
The name of the object.
boost::weak_ptr< Component > ComponentWeakPtr
Weak pointer encapsulation of a componenet.
PrimitivePinSharedPtrIterator PrimitivePinsEnd(void)
PrimitivePinSharedPtrIterator findPrimitivePin(const string &inName)
Concept for any object that can be named.
size_t getPrimitivePinCount(void) const
Header for the Progenitor class.
Comparator class to serve as a predicate when searching for names.
PrimitivePinSharedPtrVector::iterator PrimitivePinSharedPtrIterator
Header for the Named class.
boost::shared_ptr< Component > ComponentSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of a componenet.
PrimitivePinSharedPtrIterator PrimitivePinsBegin(void)
PrimitivePinSharedPtrVector mPrimitivePins
Concept for any object that may have children.
Concept for any object that may have a parent.
Header for the Progeny class.
Component(const string &inName)
Protected constructor.
PrimitivePinSharedPtrVector::const_iterator PrimitivePinSharedPtrConstIterator
boost::shared_ptr< PrimitivePin > PrimitivePinSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of a componenet.
std::vector< PrimitivePinSharedPtr > PrimitivePinSharedPtrVector
Vector of componenet shared pointers.
PrimitivePinSharedPtrConstIterator PrimitivePinsEnd(void) const
PrimitivePinSharedPtrConstIterator PrimitivePinsBegin(void) const