55 const path inTargetBitstreamPath,
77 uint32_t inBitIndexBegin, uint32_t inBitIndexEnd) = 0;
virtual void updateFullFrameBlocks()=0
Update frame blocks after modifying bitstream and just beore saving it.
virtual bool isSiteTypeSupported(const std::string &siteType)=0
Interface to check if site type is supported. To be implemented by every derived architecture.
Encapsulation of a tile index in an unsigned 32-bit integer.
Encapsulation of a tile row in an unsigned 16-bit integer.
Encapsulation of a tile column in an unsigned 16-bit integer.
torc::physical::DesignSharedPtr DesignSharedPtr
Imported type name.
Device database, including complete wiring and logic support.
virtual uint32_t getPrimaryXdlColumn(TileCol inTileColumn)=0
Get primary Xdl column for given tile column.
Header for the DirectoryTree class.
virtual bool isCompoundSetting(string inElementName)=0
Interface to check if given setting is part of compound setting.
Main torc::bitstream namespace header.
Base Virtex class to implement functions common across all/some Virtex architectures.
virtual void mergeWithBaseBitstream(const std::vector< uint32_t > &bitAddresses, uint32_t blockIndex)
Merge compressed micro-bitstream with base bitstream.
Base class for Xdl to bitstream conversion. This class is abstract but still contains lot of architec...
Main torc::physical namespace header.
boost::filesystem::path path
Imported type name.
virtual void initializeFrameDataForTile(TileIndex tileIndex)=0
Store frame blocks and bit offset for given tile index.
boost::filesystem::path path
torc::bitstream::VirtexFrameBlocks VirtexFrameBlocks
Imported type.
virtual ~VirtexAssembler()
Constructor taking in both design pointer and database object.
torc::bitstream::VirtexFrameBlocks mCurrFrameBlocks
Frame blocks for current site/tile.
virtual void initializeFrameDataForSite(const std::string &siteName)
Store frame blocks and bit offset for given site.
virtual int generateBitstream(DesignSharedPtr inDesignPtr, const path inTargetBitstreamPath, EMergeMode inMergeMode=eSet, path baseBitstreamPath=path())
Function to generate bitstream to be called by user.
virtual void initializeFullFrameBlocks()=0
Initialize frame blocks after reading a bitstream.
Header for the DDB class.
virtual vector< string > getDependantConfigs(string inElement1Name)=0
Interface to get vector of related configurations.
virtual VirtexFrameBlocks getXdlFrames(TileRow inTileRow, uint32_t inPrimaryXdlCol, uint32_t inBitIndexBegin, uint32_t inBitIndexEnd)=0
Get Xdl frames for given tile row.
Base class for bitstream assembly.
boost::uint32_t mCurrWordOffset
Word offset withing frame for current site/tile.
VirtexAssembler(torc::architecture::DDB &inDB)
Constructor taking in both design pointer and database object.