23 namespace architecture {
52 std::cerr <<
"WARNING: Arc " << iae.
mArc <<
" is invalid." << std::endl;
60 std::cerr <<
"WARNING: Arc " << iae.
mArc <<
" is invalid." << std::endl;
string mDesignPackage
Package specified for the design.
Encapsulation of a wire name.
Encapsulation of a device designator and its constituent elements.
Device database, including complete wiring and logic support.
string mDesignDevice
Device specified for the design.
virtual void initializeDatabase(void)
Initialize the device database.
Arc tilePipToArc(const std::string &inTileName, const std::string &inSourceWireName, const std::string &inSinkWireName)
Returns the arc for the specified pip tile and wires.
string mDesignSpeedGrade
Speed grade specified for the design.
Header for the DeviceDesignator class.
Encapsulation of a tile name.
void useArc(const Arc &inArc)
Marks the arc and all of its source and sink segment wires as used.
boost::shared_ptr< class InstancePin > InstancePinSharedPtr
Shared pointer encapsulation of an InstancePin.
The pip type, either regular or routethrough.
const WireName & getSinkWireName(void) const
Returns the pip sink wire.
const TileName & getTileName(void) const
Returns the pip tile.
EPipDirection getDirection(void) const
Returns the pip directionality.
Physical design programmable interconnect point.
const WireName & getSourceWireName(void) const
Returns the pip source wire.
Reinterpret the given torc::physical::InstancePinSharedPtr as a torc::architecture::InstancePinShared...
virtual void bind(torc::physical::InstancePinSharedPtr &inInstancePin)
Bind the given instance pin to its database Tilewire if applicable.
The device database pointer.
Header for the XdlImporter class.