#include <ObjectFactory.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
ObjectFactory () | |
virtual | ~ObjectFactory () throw () |
virtual CellSharedPtr | newCellPtr (const std::string &inName, const LibrarySharedPtr &inLibraryPtr, const Cell::Type &inCellType=Cell::eTypeGeneric, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual DesignSharedPtr | newDesignPtr (const std::string &inName, const RootSharedPtr &inRootPtr, const std::string &inCellRefName, const std::string &inLibraryRefName, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual LibrarySharedPtr | newLibraryPtr (const std::string &inName, const RootSharedPtr &inRootPtr, const EdifLevel &inEdifLevel=eEdifLevel0, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual InstanceArraySharedPtr | newInstanceArrayPtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const ViewSharedPtr &inMaster, const size_t &inSize, const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual InstanceArraySharedPtr | newInstanceArrayPtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const ViewSharedPtr &inMaster, const std::vector< size_t > &inLimits, const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual NetBundleSharedPtr | newNetBundlePtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const NetBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=NetBundleSharedPtr(), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual ParameterArraySharedPtr | newParameterArrayPtr (const std::string &inName, const size_t &inSize, const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual ParameterArraySharedPtr | newParameterArrayPtr (const std::string &inName, const std::vector< size_t > &inLimits, const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual PortBundleSharedPtr | newPortBundlePtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const PortBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleSharedPtr(), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr | newPortBundleReferencePtr (const InstanceSharedPtr &inInstancePtr, const PortSharedPtr &inPortPtr, const ObjectFactorySharedPtr &inFactory, const PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual PropertySharedPtr | newPropertyPtr (const std::string &inName, const PropertyContainerSharedPtr &inContainer, const Value &inValue, const Unit &inUnit=eUnitUndefined, const PropertySharedPtr &inParentProperty=PropertySharedPtr(), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual PortListSharedPtr | newPortListPtr (const std::list< PortSharedPtr > &inPorts, const std::list< PortReferenceSharedPtr > &inPortReferences) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual PortListAliasSharedPtr | newPortListAliasPtr (const std::string &inName, const PortListSharedPtr &inPortList, const SimulateSharedPtr &inSimulate=SimulateSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual RootSharedPtr | newRootPtr (const std::string &inName, const EdifLevel &inEdifLevel=eEdifLevel0, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual ScalarNetSharedPtr | newScalarNetPtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const NetBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=NetBundleSharedPtr(), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual ScalarPortSharedPtr | newScalarPortPtr (const std::string &inName, const EPortDirection &inDirection, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const PortBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleSharedPtr(), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual ScalarPortReferenceSharedPtr | newScalarPortReferencePtr (const InstanceSharedPtr &inInstancePtr, const PortSharedPtr &inPortPtr, const PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual SingleInstanceSharedPtr | newSingleInstancePtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const ViewSharedPtr &inMasterPtr, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual SingleParameterSharedPtr | newSingleParameterPtr (const std::string &inName, const Value &inValue, const Unit &inUnit=eUnitUndefined, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual StatusSharedPtr | newStatusPtr (const StatusContainerSharedPtr &inContainer) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual VectorNetSharedPtr | newVectorNetPtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const size_t &inSize, const NetBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=NetBundleSharedPtr(), const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual VectorNetSharedPtr | newVectorNetPtr (const std::string &inName, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const std::vector< size_t > &inLimits, const NetBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=NetBundleSharedPtr(), const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual VectorPortSharedPtr | newVectorPortPtr (const std::string &inName, const EPortDirection &inDirection, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const size_t &inSize, const PortBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleSharedPtr(), const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual VectorPortSharedPtr | newVectorPortPtr (const std::string &inName, const EPortDirection &inDirection, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const std::vector< size_t > &inLimits, const PortBundleSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleSharedPtr(), const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseVectorType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseVectorType::ChildFactory()), const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual VectorPortReferenceSharedPtr | newVectorPortReferencePtr (const InstanceSharedPtr &inInstancePtr, const PortSharedPtr &inPortPtr, const size_t &inSize, const PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr(), const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseType::ChildFactory())) throw (Error) |
virtual VectorPortReferenceSharedPtr | newVectorPortReferencePtr (const InstanceSharedPtr &inInstancePtr, const PortSharedPtr &inPortPtr, const std::vector< size_t > &inLimits, const PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr &inParentCollection=PortBundleReferenceSharedPtr(), const ChildFactorySharedPtr &inFactory=BaseType::ChildFactorySharedPtr(new BaseType::ChildFactory())) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual ViewSharedPtr | newViewPtr (const std::string &inName, const CellSharedPtr &inCellPtr, const View::Type &inViewType=View::eTypeNetlist, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual WrittenSharedPtr | newWrittenPtr (const TimeStamp &inTimeStamp, const StatusSharedPtr &inStatusPtr, const std::string &inAuthorName=std::string(), const std::string &inProgramName=std::string(), const std::string &inProgramVersion=std::string(), const std::string &inDataOriginLocName=std::string(), const std::string &inDataOriginVersion=std::string()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual PermutableSharedPtr | newPermutablePtr (const std::vector< PortSharedPtr > &inPorts, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const PermutableSharedPtr &inParentPermutable=PermutableSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual InterfaceJoinedInfoSharedPtr | newInterfaceJoinedInfoPtr (const std::list< PortSharedPtr > &inPorts, const std::list< PortListSharedPtr > &inPortLists, const ViewSharedPtr &inViewPtr, const InterfaceJoinedInfoSharedPtr &inParentJoinedInfo=InterfaceJoinedInfoSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual LogicValueSharedPtr | newLogicValuePtr (const std::string &inName, const LogicValueAttributesSharedPtr &inAttributes, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string(), const SimulationInfoSharedPtr &inSimulationInfo=SimulationInfoSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual SimulationInfoSharedPtr | newSimulationInfoPtr (const std::vector< LogicValueSharedPtr > &inLogicValues, const LibrarySharedPtr &inLibraryPtr) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual SimulateSharedPtr | newSimulatePtr (const std::string &inName, const std::vector< PortListAliasSharedPtr > &inPortListAliases, const std::vector< ApplySharedPtr > &inAllApply, const std::vector< WaveValueSharedPtr > &inWaveValues, const ViewSharedPtr &inView, const std::string &inOriginalName=std::string(), const InterfaceAttributesSharedPtr &inInterfaceAttributes=InterfaceAttributesSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual ApplySharedPtr | newApplyPtr (const int32_t &inNoOfCycle, const Value &inCycleDuration, const std::list< LogicalResponseSharedPtr > &inLogicResponces, const SimulateSharedPtr &inSimulate=SimulateSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual LogicalResponseSharedPtr | newLogicalResponsePtr (const ResponseType &inResponseType, const PortSharedPtr &inPort, const LogicElementSharedPtr &inLogicWaveForm, const PortListAliasSharedPtr &inPortListAlias=PortListAliasSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual LogicElementSharedPtr | newLogicElementPtr (const LogicElement::Type &inType, const LogicValueSharedPtr &inLogicValue=LogicValueSharedPtr(), const LogicElementSharedPtr &inParentLogicElement=LogicElementSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual WaveValueSharedPtr | newWaveValuePtr (const std::string &inName, const Value &inDeltaTimeDuration, const LogicElementSharedPtr inLogicWaveForm, const SimulateSharedPtr &inSimulate=SimulateSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual TimingSharedPtr | newTimingPtr (const Derivation &inDerivation, const std::list< PathDelaySharedPtr > &inPathDelays, const std::list< ForbiddenEventSharedPtr > &inForbiddentEvents, const ViewSharedPtr &inView, const InterfaceAttributesSharedPtr &inInterfaceAttributes=InterfaceAttributesSharedPtr(), const InstanceSharedPtr &inInstance=InstanceSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual PathDelaySharedPtr | newPathDelayPtr (const Value::MiNoMax &inDelay, const std::list< EventSharedPtr > &inEvents, const TimingSharedPtr &inTiming=TimingSharedPtr()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual EventSharedPtr | newEventPtr (const Event::Type &inEventType, const std::list< PortSharedPtr > &inPorts, const std::list< PortReferenceSharedPtr > &inPortReferences, const std::list< NetSharedPtr > &inNets, const LogicElementSharedPtr &inTransition=LogicElementSharedPtr(), const PortListSharedPtr &inPortList=PortListSharedPtr(), const Value &inOffsetTime=Value()) throw (Error) |
virtual void | create (Pointer &outPointer) throw (Error) |
virtual ForbiddenEventSharedPtr | newForbiddenEventPtr (const EventSharedPtr &inStartTimeInterval, const EventSharedPtr &inEndTimeInterval, const std::list< EventSharedPtr > &inEvents, const TimingSharedPtr &inTiming=TimingSharedPtr(), const Value &inDuration=Value()) throw (Error) |
Creates objects of different leaf types. Provides a series of create functions for creating leaf type objects. This factory is used by the parser to generate the object model. This can also be used by the clients to create inherited objects by overriding specific create methods.
Definition at line 71 of file ObjectFactory.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 45 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A rename of the parameter type
Definition at line 40 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inherited |
A weak pointer to an object of type Type
Definition at line 50 of file FactoryType.hpp.
torc::generic::ObjectFactory::ObjectFactory | ( | ) |
Definition at line 25 of file ObjectFactory.cpp.
virtual |
Definition at line 68 of file ObjectFactory.cpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create an object of the Type specification of Factory. If the object has a boost::weak_ptr to itself, it is the task of this method to set this after the object is created.
Definition at line 58 of file FactoryType.hpp.
virtualinherited |
Create an apply.
[in] | inNoOfCycle | int32_t No of cycles for this apply. |
[in] | inCycleDuration | Value Duration of each cycle. |
[in] | inLogicResponces | List of LogicResponces. |
[in] | inSimulate | Pointer to parented (Simulate) object [optional]. If not mentioned apply will not be added to simulate. |
Definition at line 34 of file Apply.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a cell
[in] | inName | Name of the cell to be created. |
[in] | inLibraryPtr | Pointer to parented(Library) object. |
[in] | inCellType | Cell Type. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the cell [optional]. |
Create a cell
[in] | inName | Name of the cell to be created. |
[in] | inLibraryPtr | Pointer to parented(Library) object. |
[in] | inCellType | Cell Type |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the cell [optional] |
Definition at line 63 of file Cell.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a design
[in] | inName | Name of the design to be created. |
[in] | inRootPtr | Pointer to parented(Root) object. |
[in] | inCellRefName | The top level cell ref name for this design. |
[in] | inLibraryRefName | The top level Library ref name for this design. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the design [optional]. |
Definition at line 25 of file generic/Design.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create an event.
[in] | inEventType | Event type. |
[in] | inPorts | List of ports to this composition. |
[in] | inPortReferences | List of port references to this composition. |
[in] | inNets | List of nets to this composition. |
[in] | inTransition | Pointer to logic state value(transition/becomes) [optional]. If no transition are specified, then the default meaning is any logic state change. |
[in] | inPortList | Connected Port list to this event [optional]. |
[in] | inOffsetTime | Offset time retative to an event [optional]. This is must for OffsetEvent, but optional for normal Event. |
Definition at line 38 of file Event.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a ForbiddenEvent.
[in] | inStartTimeInterval | Pointer to start event/offsetEvent of timeInterval. |
[in] | inEndTimeInterval | Pointer to end event/offsetEvent of timeInterval. |
[in] | inEvents | List of events which are forbidden during a period of time specified by TimeInterval(StartTimeInterval and EndTimeInterval). |
[in] | inTiming | Pointer to parented object (Timing) [optional]. If not mentioned PathDelay will not be added to timing. |
[in] | inDuration | Duration of timeInterval, if end event is absent [optional]. |
Definition at line 36 of file ForbiddenEvent.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create an instance array
[in] | inName | Name of the instance array to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(view) object. |
[in] | inMaster | Pointer to master object. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the instance array. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the instance array [optional]. |
Definition at line 51 of file InstanceArray.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create an instance array
[in] | inName | Name of the instance array to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(view) object. |
[in] | inMaster | Pointer to master object. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the instance array [optional]. |
Definition at line 77 of file InstanceArray.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create an interface joining information .
[in] | inPorts | List of ports to this joining information. |
[in] | inPortLists | List of portLists to this joining information. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inParentJoinedInfo | Pointer to parent joining information. |
Definition at line 33 of file InterfaceJoinedInfo.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a library
[in] | inName | Name of the library to be created. |
[in] | inRootPtr | Pointer to parented(Root) object. |
[in] | inEdifLevel | Edif level. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the library [optional] |
Definition at line 71 of file Library.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a logical response.
[in] | inResponseType | Response type. |
[in] | inPort | Connected Port to this logical response. |
[in] | inLogicWaveForm | Logic wave form for this logical response. |
[in] | inPortListAlias | Connected Port list alias to this logical response [optional]. |
Definition at line 34 of file LogicalResponse.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a logic element.
[in] | inType | Type of the logic value. |
[in] | inLogicValue | Pointer to the logic value [optional], needed for single logic element creation. |
[in] | inParentLogicElement | Pointer to parent logic element [optional]. |
Definition at line 32 of file LogicElement.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a LogicValue.
[in] | inName | Name of the LogicValue to be created. |
[in] | inAttributes | Pointer to LogicValueAttributes object. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the LogicValue [optional]. |
[in] | inSimulationInfo | Pointer to parented(SimulationInfo) object. If not mentioned LogicValue will not be added to SimulationInfo. |
Definition at line 34 of file LogicValue.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a net bundle.
[in] | inName | Name of the net bundle to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the net bundle [optional]. |
Create a net bundle.
[in] | inName | Name of the net bundle to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector net [optional]. |
Definition at line 47 of file NetBundle.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a parameter array.
[in] | inName | Name of the parameter array to be created. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the instance array. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the parameter array [optional]. |
Create a parameter array.
[in] | inName | Name of the parameter array to be created. |
[in] | inUnit | Unit of the parameter array. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the parameter array [optional]. |
Definition at line 55 of file ParameterArray.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a parameter array.
[in] | inName | Name of the parameter array to be created. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the parameter array [optional]. |
Create a parameter array.
[in] | inName | Name of the parameter array to be created. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inValue | Value of the parameter array. |
[in] | inUnit | Unit of the parameter array. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the parameter array [optional]. |
Definition at line 80 of file ParameterArray.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a PathDelay.
[in] | inDelay | Value::MiNoMax Delay value. |
[in] | inEvents | List of events to be appended to |
[in] | inTiming | Pointer to parented object (Timing) [optional]. If not mentioned PathDelay will not be added to timing. |
Definition at line 33 of file PathDelay.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a permutable.
[in] | inPorts | Vector of ports to this permutable. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inParentPermutable | Pointer to parent permutable. |
Definition at line 31 of file Permutable.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a port bundle.
[in] | inName | Name of the port bundle to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the port bundle [optional]. |
Create a port bundle.
[in] | inName | Name of the port bundle to be created. |
[in] | inDirection | Direction of port. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the port bundle [optional]. |
Definition at line 156 of file PortBundle.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a portbundle ref.
[in] | inInstancePtr | Pointer to parented(Instance) object. |
[in] | inPortPtr | Pointer to master(Port) object. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
Definition at line 43 of file PortBundleReference.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a port list alias
[in] | inName | Name of the port list alias to be created. |
[in] | inPortList | Pointer to port list object. |
[in] | inSimulate | Pointer to parented (Simulate) object [optional]. If not mentioned PortListAlias will not be added to simulate. |
Definition at line 32 of file PortListAlias.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a port list.
[in] | inPorts | List of ports to this composition. |
[in] | inPortReferences | List of port references to this composition. |
Definition at line 45 of file PortList.cpp.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Create a property.
[in] | inName | Name of the property to be created. |
[in] | inContainer | Pointer of the property container. |
[in] | inValue | Value of the property. |
[in] | inUnit | Unit of the property. |
Definition at line 228 of file Property.hpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a root
[in] | inName | Name of the root to be created. |
[in] | inEdifLevel | Edif level. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the root [optional]. |
Create a root
[in] | inName | Name of the root to be created. |
[in] | inEdifLevel | Edif level. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the root [optional] |
Definition at line 211 of file Root.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a scalar net.
[in] | inName | Name of the scalar net to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the scalar net [optional]. |
Create a scalar net.
[in] | inName | Name of the scalar net to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the scalar net [optional]. |
Definition at line 45 of file ScalarNet.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a scalar port.
[in] | inName | Name of the scalar port to be created. |
[in] | inDirection | Direction of port. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the scalar port [optional]. |
Create a scalar port.
[in] | inName | Name of the scalar port to be created. |
[in] | inDirection | Direction of port. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the scalar port [optional]. |
Definition at line 50 of file ScalarPort.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a scalar port ref.
[in] | inInstancePtr | Pointer to parented(Instance) object. |
[in] | inPortPtr | Pointer to master(Port) object. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
Create a scalar port ref.
[in] | inInstancePtr | Pointer to parented(Instance) object. |
[in] | inPortPtr | Pointer to master(Port) object. |
Definition at line 46 of file ScalarPortReference.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a simulate.
[in] | inName | Name of the simulate to be created. |
[in] | inPortListAliases | Vector of port list aliases to this simulate. |
[in] | inAllApply | Vector of apply to this simulate. |
[in] | inWaveValues | Vector of WaveValues to this simulate. |
[in] | inView | Pointer to parented (view) object. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the simulate [optional]. |
[in] | inInterfaceAttributes | Pointer to parented (InterfaceAttributes) object [optional]. If mentioned then this will decompile within (contents ...) construct. |
Definition at line 40 of file Simulate.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a simulation info.
[in] | inLogicValues | Vector of logic values to be appended to |
[in] | inLibraryPtr | Pointer to parented(Library) object. |
Definition at line 31 of file SimulationInfo.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a single instance.
[in] | inName | Name of the single instance to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inMasterPtr | Pointer to master(View) object. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the single instance [optional]. |
Definition at line 43 of file SingleInstance.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a single parameter.
[in] | inName | Name of the single parameter to be created. |
[in] | inValue | Value of the parameter. |
[in] | inUnit | Unit of the parameter. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the single parameter [optional]. |
Create a single parameter.
[in] | inName | Name of the single parameter to be created. |
[in] | inValue | Value of the parameter. |
[in] | inUnit | Unit of the parameter. |
Definition at line 41 of file SingleParameter.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a status.
[in] | inContainer | Pointer of the status container. |
Definition at line 28 of file Status.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a Timing.
[in] | inDerivation | Derivation value |
[in] | inPathDelays | List of path delays of this timing to be appended to. |
[in] | inForbiddentEvents | List of forbidden events to be appended to |
[in] | inView | Pointer to parented (view) object. |
[in] | inInterfaceAttributes | Pointer to parented (InterfaceAttributes) object [optional]. If mentioned then this will decompile within (contents ...) construct. |
[in] | inInstance | Pointer to parented object(Instance) [optional]. If mentioned then this will decompile within (instance ...) construct. |
Definition at line 41 of file Timing.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a vector net.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector net to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the net array. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector net [optional]. |
Create a vector net.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector net to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the net array. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector net [optional]. |
Definition at line 49 of file VectorNet.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a vector net.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector net to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector net [optional]. |
Create a vector net.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector net to be created. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector net [optional]. |
Definition at line 75 of file VectorNet.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a vector port.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector port to be created. |
[in] | inDirection | Direction of port. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the port array. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector port [optional]. |
Create a vector port.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector port to be created. |
[in] | inDirection | Direction of port. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the port array. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector port [optional]. |
Definition at line 54 of file VectorPort.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a vector port.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector port to be created. |
[in] | inDirection | Direction of port. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector port [optional]. |
Create a vector port.
[in] | inName | Name of the vector port to be created. |
[in] | inDirection | Direction of port. |
[in] | inViewPtr | Pointer to parented(View) object. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the vector port [optional]. |
Definition at line 81 of file VectorPort.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a vector port ref.
[in] | inInstancePtr | Pointer to parented(Instance) object. |
[in] | inPortPtr | Pointer to master(Port) object. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the net array. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
Create a vector port ref.
[in] | inInstancePtr | Pointer to parented(Instance) object. |
[in] | inPortPtr | Pointer to master(Port) object. |
[in] | inSize | Size of the net array. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
Definition at line 78 of file VectorPortReference.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a vector port ref.
[in] | inInstancePtr | Pointer to parented(Instance) object. |
[in] | inPortPtr | Pointer to master(Port) object. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inParentCollection | Pointer to parent bundle. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
Create a vector port ref.
[in] | inInstancePtr | Pointer to parented(Instance) object. |
[in] | inPortPtr | Pointer to master(Port) object. |
[in] | inLimits | Dimensions of the vector. |
[in] | inFactory | Factory for the child. |
Definition at line 103 of file VectorPortReference.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a view
[in] | inName | Name of the view to be created. |
[in] | inCellPtr | Pointer to parented(Cell) object. |
[in] | inViewType | View Type. |
[in] | inOriginalName | Original name of the view [optional]. |
Definition at line 72 of file View.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a WaveValue.
[in] | inName | Name of the WaveValue to be created. |
[in] | inDeltaTimeDuration | Value Delta time duration between the values contained in the logic waveform. |
[in] | inLogicWaveForm | Logic wave form for this WaveValue. |
[in] | inSimulate | Pointer to parented (Simulate) object [optional]. If not mentioned WaveValue will not be added to simulate. |
Definition at line 35 of file WaveValue.cpp.
virtualinherited |
Create a written.
[in] | inTimeStamp | TimeStamp in Universal Time Coordinate. |
[in] | inStatusPtr | Pointer to parented(Status) object. |
[in] | inAuthorName | Name of the author |
[in] | inProgramName | Name of the program |
[in] | inProgramVersion | Version of the program |
[in] | inDataOriginLocName | Data Origin Location Name |
[in] | inDataOriginVersion | Version of the DataOrigin |
Definition at line 35 of file Written.cpp.