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1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3  FileName [superGate.c]
5  PackageName [MVSIS 1.3: Multi-valued logic synthesis system.]
7  Synopsis [Pre-computation of supergates.]
9  Author [MVSIS Group]
11  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
13  Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - September 8, 2003.]
15  Revision [$Id: superGate.c,v 1.7 2004/08/03 00:11:40 satrajit Exp $]
17 ***********************************************************************/
19 #include <math.h>
20 #include "superInt.h"
25 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 // the bit masks
30 #define SUPER_MASK(n) ((~((unsigned)0)) >> (32-(n)))
31 #define SUPER_FULL (~((unsigned)0))
32 #define SUPER_NO_VAR (-9999.0)
33 #define SUPER_EPSILON (0.001)
35 // data structure for supergate precomputation
36 typedef struct Super_ManStruct_t_ Super_Man_t; // manager
37 typedef struct Super_GateStruct_t_ Super_Gate_t; // supergate
40 {
41  // parameters
42  char * pName; // the original genlib file name
43  int nVarsMax; // the number of inputs
44  int nMints; // the number of minterms
45  int nLevels; // the number of logic levels
46  int nGatesMax; // the number of gates computed
47  float tDelayMax; // the max delay of the supergates in the library
48  float tAreaMax; // the max area of the supergates in the library
49  int fSkipInv; // the flag says about skipping inverters
50  int fWriteOldFormat; // in addition, writes the file in the old format
51  int fVerbose;
53  // supergates
54  Super_Gate_t * pInputs[10]; // the input supergates
55  int nGates; // the number of gates in the library
56  Super_Gate_t ** pGates; // the gates themselves
57  stmm_table * tTable; // mapping of truth tables into gates
59  // memory managers
60  Extra_MmFixed_t * pMem; // memory manager for the supergates
61  Extra_MmFlex_t * pMemFlex; // memory manager for the fanin arrays
63  // statistics
64  int nTried; // the total number of tried
65  int nAdded; // the number of entries added
66  int nRemoved; // the number of entries removed
67  int nClasses; // the number of gate classes
68  int nUnique; // the number of unique gates
69  int nLookups; // the number of hash table lookups
70  int nAliases; // the number of hash table lookups thrown away due to aliasing
72  // runtime
73  abctime Time; // the runtime of the generation procedure
74  int TimeLimit; // the runtime limit (in seconds)
75  int TimeSec; // the time passed (in seconds)
76  abctime TimeStop; // the time to stop computation (in miliseconds)
77  abctime TimePrint; // the time to print message
78 };
81 {
82  Mio_Gate_t * pRoot; // the root gate for this supergate
83  unsigned fVar : 1; // the flag signaling the elementary variable
84  unsigned fSuper : 1; // the flag signaling the elementary variable
85  unsigned nFanins : 6; // the number of fanin gates
86  unsigned Number : 24; // the number assigned in the process
87  unsigned uTruth[2]; // the truth table of this supergate
88  Super_Gate_t * pFanins[6]; // the fanins of the gate
89  float Area; // the area of this gate
90  float ptDelays[6]; // the pin-to-pin delays for all inputs
91  float tDelayMax; // the maximum delay
92  Super_Gate_t * pNext; // the next gate in the table
93 };
96 // iterating through the gates in the library
97 #define Super_ManForEachGate( GateArray, Limit, Index, Gate ) \
98  for ( Index = 0; \
99  Index < Limit && (Gate = GateArray[Index]); \
100  Index++ )
102 // static functions
103 static Super_Man_t * Super_ManStart();
104 static void Super_ManStop( Super_Man_t * pMan );
106 static void Super_AddGateToTable( Super_Man_t * pMan, Super_Gate_t * pGate );
107 static void Super_First( Super_Man_t * pMan, int nVarsMax );
108 static Super_Man_t * Super_Compute( Super_Man_t * pMan, Mio_Gate_t ** ppGates, int nGates, int nGatesMax, int fSkipInv );
109 static Super_Gate_t * Super_CreateGateNew( Super_Man_t * pMan, Mio_Gate_t * pRoot, Super_Gate_t ** pSupers, int nSupers, unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], float tDelayMax, int nPins );
110 static int Super_CompareGates( Super_Man_t * pMan, unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], int nPins );
111 static int Super_DelayCompare( Super_Gate_t ** ppG1, Super_Gate_t ** ppG2 );
112 static int Super_AreaCompare( Super_Gate_t ** ppG1, Super_Gate_t ** ppG2 );
113 static void Super_TranferGatesToArray( Super_Man_t * pMan );
114 static int Super_CheckTimeout( ProgressBar * pPro, Super_Man_t * pMan );
116 static Vec_Str_t * Super_Write( Super_Man_t * pMan );
117 static int Super_WriteCompare( Super_Gate_t ** ppG1, Super_Gate_t ** ppG2 );
118 static void Super_WriteFileHeader( Super_Man_t * pMan, FILE * pFile );
120 static void Super_WriteLibrary( Super_Man_t * pMan );
122 static void Super_WriteLibraryTreeFile( Super_Man_t * pMan );
125 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
127 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 /**Function*************************************************************
131  Synopsis [Precomputes the library of supergates.]
133  Description []
135  SideEffects []
137  SeeAlso []
139 ***********************************************************************/
140 void Super_Precompute( Mio_Library_t * pLibGen, int nVarsMax, int nLevels, int nGatesMax, float tDelayMax, float tAreaMax, int TimeLimit, int fSkipInv, int fVerbose, char * pFileName )
141 {
142  Vec_Str_t * vStr;
143  FILE * pFile = fopen( pFileName, "wb" );
144  if ( pFile == NULL )
145  {
146  printf( "Cannot open output file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
147  return;
148  }
149  vStr = Super_PrecomputeStr( pLibGen, nVarsMax, nLevels, nGatesMax, tDelayMax, tAreaMax, TimeLimit, fSkipInv, fVerbose );
150  fwrite( Vec_StrArray(vStr), 1, Vec_StrSize(vStr), pFile );
151  fclose( pFile );
152  Vec_StrFree( vStr );
153  // report the result of writing
154  if ( fVerbose )
155  {
156  printf( "The supergates are written using new format \"%s\" ", pFileName );
157  printf( "(%0.3f MB).\n", ((double)Extra_FileSize(pFileName))/(1<<20) );
158  }
159 }
161 /**Function*************************************************************
163  Synopsis [Precomputes the library of supergates.]
165  Description []
167  SideEffects []
169  SeeAlso []
171 ***********************************************************************/
172 Vec_Str_t * Super_PrecomputeStr( Mio_Library_t * pLibGen, int nVarsMax, int nLevels, int nGatesMax, float tDelayMax, float tAreaMax, int TimeLimit, int fSkipInv, int fVerbose )
173 {
174  Vec_Str_t * vStr;
175  Super_Man_t * pMan;
176  Mio_Gate_t ** ppGates;
177  int nGates, Level;
178  abctime clk, clockStart;
180  assert( nVarsMax < 7 );
181  if ( nGatesMax && nGatesMax < nVarsMax )
182  {
183  fprintf( stderr, "Erro! The number of supergates requested (%d) in less than the number of variables (%d).\n", nGatesMax, nVarsMax );
184  fprintf( stderr, "The library cannot be computed.\n" );
185  return NULL;
186  }
188  // get the root gates
189  ppGates = Mio_CollectRoots( pLibGen, nVarsMax, tDelayMax, 0, &nGates, fVerbose );
190  if ( nGatesMax && nGates >= nGatesMax )
191  {
192  fprintf( stdout, "Warning! Genlib library contains more gates than can be computed.\n");
193  fprintf( stdout, "Only one-gate supergates are included in the supergate library.\n" );
194  }
196  // start the manager
197  pMan = Super_ManStart();
198  pMan->pName = Mio_LibraryReadName(pLibGen);
199  pMan->nGatesMax = nGatesMax;
200  pMan->fSkipInv = fSkipInv;
201  pMan->tDelayMax = tDelayMax;
202  pMan->tAreaMax = tAreaMax;
203  pMan->TimeLimit = TimeLimit; // in seconds
204  pMan->TimeStop = TimeLimit ? TimeLimit * CLOCKS_PER_SEC + Abc_Clock() : 0; // in CPU ticks
205  pMan->fVerbose = fVerbose;
207  if ( nGates == 0 )
208  {
209  fprintf( stderr, "Error: No genlib gates satisfy the limits criteria. Stop.\n");
210  fprintf( stderr, "Limits: max delay = %.2f, max area = %.2f, time limit = %d sec.\n",
211  pMan->tDelayMax, pMan->tAreaMax, pMan->TimeLimit );
213  // stop the manager
214  Super_ManStop( pMan );
215  ABC_FREE( ppGates );
217  return NULL;
218  }
220  // get the starting supergates
221  Super_First( pMan, nVarsMax );
223  // perform the computation of supergates
224  clockStart = Abc_Clock();
225 if ( fVerbose )
226 {
227  printf( "Computing supergates with %d inputs, %d levels, and %d max gates.\n",
228  pMan->nVarsMax, nLevels, nGatesMax );
229  printf( "Limits: max delay = %.2f, max area = %.2f, time limit = %d sec.\n",
230  pMan->tDelayMax, pMan->tAreaMax, pMan->TimeLimit );
231 }
233  for ( Level = 1; Level <= nLevels; Level++ )
234  {
235  if ( pMan->TimeStop && Abc_Clock() > pMan->TimeStop )
236  break;
237 clk = Abc_Clock();
238  Super_Compute( pMan, ppGates, nGates, nGatesMax, fSkipInv );
239  pMan->nLevels = Level;
240 if ( fVerbose )
241 {
242  printf( "Lev %d: Try =%12d. Add =%6d. Rem =%5d. Save =%6d. Lookups =%12d. Aliases =%12d. ",
243  Level, pMan->nTried, pMan->nAdded, pMan->nRemoved, pMan->nAdded - pMan->nRemoved, pMan->nLookups, pMan->nAliases );
244 ABC_PRT( "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
245 fflush( stdout );
246 }
247  }
248  pMan->Time = Abc_Clock() - clockStart;
250 if ( fVerbose )
251 {
252 printf( "Writing the output file...\n" );
253 fflush( stdout );
254 }
255  // write them into a file
256  vStr = Super_Write( pMan );
258  // stop the manager
259  Super_ManStop( pMan );
260  ABC_FREE( ppGates );
261  return vStr;
262 }
265 /**Function*************************************************************
267  Synopsis [Derives the starting supergates.]
269  Description []
271  SideEffects []
273  SeeAlso []
275 ***********************************************************************/
276 void Super_First( Super_Man_t * pMan, int nVarsMax )
277 {
278  Super_Gate_t * pSuper;
279  int nMintLimit, nVarLimit;
280  int v, m;
281  // set the parameters
282  pMan->nVarsMax = nVarsMax;
283  pMan->nMints = (1 << nVarsMax);
284  pMan->nLevels = 0;
285  // allocate room for the gates
286  pMan->nGates = nVarsMax;
287  pMan->pGates = ABC_ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, nVarsMax + 2 );
288  // create the gates corresponding to the elementary variables
289  for ( v = 0; v < nVarsMax; v++ )
290  {
291  // get a new gate
292  pSuper = (Super_Gate_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( pMan->pMem );
293  memset( pSuper, 0, sizeof(Super_Gate_t) );
294  // assign the elementary variable, the truth table, and the delays
295  pSuper->fVar = 1;
296  pSuper->Number = v;
297  for ( m = 0; m < nVarsMax; m++ )
298  pSuper->ptDelays[m] = SUPER_NO_VAR;
299  pSuper->ptDelays[v] = 0.0;
300  // set the gate
301  pMan->pGates[v] = pSuper;
302  Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pSuper );
303  pMan->pInputs[v] = pSuper;
304  }
305  // set up their truth tables
306  nVarLimit = (nVarsMax >= 5)? 5 : nVarsMax;
307  nMintLimit = (1 << nVarLimit);
308  for ( m = 0; m < nMintLimit; m++ )
309  for ( v = 0; v < nVarLimit; v++ )
310  if ( m & (1 << v) )
311  pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[0] |= (1 << m);
312  // make adjustments for the case of 6 variables
313  if ( nVarsMax == 6 )
314  {
315  for ( v = 0; v < 5; v++ )
316  pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[1] = pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[0];
317  pMan->pGates[5]->uTruth[0] = 0;
318  pMan->pGates[5]->uTruth[1] = ~((unsigned)0);
319  }
320  else
321  {
322  for ( v = 0; v < nVarsMax; v++ )
323  pMan->pGates[v]->uTruth[1] = 0;
324  }
325 }
327 /**Function*************************************************************
329  Synopsis [Precomputes one level of supergates.]
331  Description [This procedure computes the set of supergates that can be
332  derived from the given set of root gates (from genlib library) by composing
333  the root gates with the currently available supergates. This procedure is
334  smart in the sense that it tries to avoid useless emuration by imposing
335  tight bounds by area and delay. Only the supergates and are guaranteed to
336  have smaller area and delay are enumereated. See comments below for details.]
338  SideEffects []
340  SeeAlso []
342 ***********************************************************************/
343 Super_Man_t * Super_Compute( Super_Man_t * pMan, Mio_Gate_t ** ppGates, int nGates, int nGatesMax, int fSkipInv )
344 {
345  Super_Gate_t * pSupers[6], * pGate0, * pGate1, * pGate2, * pGate3, * pGate4, * pGate5, * pGateNew;
346  float tPinDelaysRes[6], * ptPinDelays[6], tPinDelayMax, tDelayMio;
347  float Area = 0.0; // Suppress "might be used uninitialized"
348  float Area0, Area1, Area2, Area3, Area4, AreaMio;
349  unsigned uTruth[2], uTruths[6][2];
350  int i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
351  Super_Gate_t ** ppGatesLimit;
352  int nFanins, nGatesLimit, k, s, t;
353  ProgressBar * pProgress;
354  int fTimeOut;
355  int fPrune = 1; // Shall we prune?
356  int iPruneLimit = 3; // Each of the gates plugged into the root gate will have
357  // less than these many fanins
358  int iPruneLimitRoot = 4; // The root gate may have only less than these many fanins
360  // put the gates from the unique table into the array
361  // the gates from the array will be used to compose other gates
362  // the gates in tbe table are used to check uniqueness of collected gates
365  // sort the gates in the increasing order of maximum delay
366  if ( pMan->nGates > 10000 )
367  {
368  printf( "Sorting array of %d supergates...\r", pMan->nGates );
369  fflush( stdout );
370  }
371  qsort( (void *)pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *),
372  (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Super_DelayCompare );
373  assert( Super_DelayCompare( pMan->pGates, pMan->pGates + pMan->nGates - 1 ) <= 0 );
374  if ( pMan->nGates > 10000 )
375  {
376  printf( " \r" );
377  }
379  pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, pMan->TimeLimit );
380  pMan->TimePrint = Abc_Clock() + CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
381  ppGatesLimit = ABC_ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, pMan->nGates );
382  // go through the root gates
383  // the root gates are sorted in the increasing gelay
384  fTimeOut = 0;
385  for ( k = 0; k < nGates; k++ )
386  {
387  if ( fTimeOut ) break;
389  if ( fPrune )
390  {
391  if ( pMan->nLevels >= 1 ) // First level gates have been computed
392  {
393  if ( Mio_GateReadPinNum(ppGates[k]) >= iPruneLimitRoot )
394  continue;
395  }
396  }
397 /*
398  if ( strcmp(Mio_GateReadName(ppGates[k]), "MUX2IX0") == 0 )
399  {
400  int s = 0;
401  }
402 */
403  // select the subset of gates to be considered with this root gate
404  // all the gates past this point will lead to delay larger than the limit
405  tDelayMio = (float)Mio_GateReadDelayMax(ppGates[k]);
406  for ( s = 0, t = 0; s < pMan->nGates; s++ )
407  {
408  if ( fPrune && ( pMan->nLevels >= 1 ) && ( ((int)pMan->pGates[s]->nFanins) >= iPruneLimit ))
409  continue;
411  ppGatesLimit[t] = pMan->pGates[s];
412  if ( ppGatesLimit[t++]->tDelayMax + tDelayMio > pMan->tDelayMax && pMan->tDelayMax > 0.0 )
413  break;
414  }
415  nGatesLimit = t;
417  if ( pMan->fVerbose )
418  {
419  printf ("Trying %d choices for %d inputs\r", t, Mio_GateReadPinNum(ppGates[k]) );
420  }
422  // resort part of this range by area
423  // now we can prune the search by going up in the list until we reach the limit on area
424  // all the gates beyond this point can be skipped because their area can be only larger
425  if ( nGatesLimit > 10000 )
426  printf( "Sorting array of %d supergates...\r", nGatesLimit );
427  qsort( (void *)ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *),
428  (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Super_AreaCompare );
429  assert( Super_AreaCompare( ppGatesLimit, ppGatesLimit + nGatesLimit - 1 ) <= 0 );
430  if ( nGatesLimit > 10000 )
431  printf( " \r" );
433  // consider the combinations of gates with the root gate on top
434  AreaMio = (float)Mio_GateReadArea(ppGates[k]);
435  nFanins = Mio_GateReadPinNum(ppGates[k]);
436  switch ( nFanins )
437  {
438  case 0: // should not happen
439  assert( 0 );
440  break;
441  case 1: // interter root
442  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
443  {
444  if ( fTimeOut ) break;
445  fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
446  // skip the inverter as the root gate before the elementary variable
447  // as a result, the supergates will not have inverters on the input side
448  // but inverters still may occur at the output of or inside complex supergates
449  if ( fSkipInv && pGate0->tDelayMax == 0 )
450  continue;
451  // compute area
452  Area = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
453  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
454  break;
456  pSupers[0] = pGate0; uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0]; uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays;
457  Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
458  Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
459  if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
460  continue;
461  // create a new gate
462  pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
463  Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
464  if ( nGatesMax && pMan->nClasses > nGatesMax )
465  goto done;
466  }
467  break;
468  case 2: // two-input root gate
469  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
470  {
471  Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
472  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
473  break;
474  pSupers[0] = pGate0; uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0]; uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays;
475  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
476  if ( i1 != i0 )
477  {
478  if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
479  fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
480  // compute area
481  Area = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
482  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
483  break;
485  pSupers[1] = pGate1; uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0]; uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
486  Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
487  Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
488  if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
489  continue;
490  // create a new gate
491  pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
492  Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
493  if ( nGatesMax && pMan->nClasses > nGatesMax )
494  goto done;
495  }
496  }
497  break;
498  case 3: // three-input root gate
499  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
500  {
501  Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
502  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
503  break;
504  pSupers[0] = pGate0; uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0]; uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays;
506  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
507  if ( i1 != i0 )
508  {
509  Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
510  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
511  break;
512  pSupers[1] = pGate1; uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0]; uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
514  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
515  if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
516  {
517  if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
518  fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
519  // compute area
520  Area = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
521  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
522  break;
523  pSupers[2] = pGate2; uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0]; uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
525  Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
526  Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
527  if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
528  continue;
529  // create a new gate
530  pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
531  Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
532  if ( nGatesMax && pMan->nClasses > nGatesMax )
533  goto done;
534  }
535  }
536  }
537  break;
538  case 4: // four-input root gate
539  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
540  {
541  Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
542  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
543  break;
544  pSupers[0] = pGate0; uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0]; uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays;
546  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
547  if ( i1 != i0 )
548  {
549  Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
550  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
551  break;
552  pSupers[1] = pGate1; uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0]; uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
554  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
555  if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
556  {
557  Area2 = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
558  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area2 > pMan->tAreaMax )
559  break;
560  pSupers[2] = pGate2; uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0]; uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
562  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i3, pGate3 )
563  if ( i3 != i0 && i3 != i1 && i3 != i2 )
564  {
565  if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
566  fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
567  // compute area
568  Area = Area2 + pGate3->Area;
569  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
570  break;
571  pSupers[3] = pGate3; uTruths[3][0] = pGate3->uTruth[0]; uTruths[3][1] = pGate3->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[3] = pGate3->ptDelays;
573  Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
574  Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
575  if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
576  continue;
577  // create a new gate
578  pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
579  Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
580  if ( nGatesMax && pMan->nClasses > nGatesMax )
581  goto done;
582  }
583  }
584  }
585  }
586  break;
587  case 5: // five-input root gate
588  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
589  {
590  Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
591  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
592  break;
593  pSupers[0] = pGate0; uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0]; uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays;
595  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
596  if ( i1 != i0 )
597  {
598  Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
599  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
600  break;
601  pSupers[1] = pGate1; uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0]; uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
603  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
604  if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
605  {
606  Area2 = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
607  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area2 > pMan->tAreaMax )
608  break;
609  pSupers[2] = pGate2; uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0]; uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
611  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i3, pGate3 )
612  if ( i3 != i0 && i3 != i1 && i3 != i2 )
613  {
614  Area3 = Area2 + pGate3->Area;
615  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area3 > pMan->tAreaMax )
616  break;
617  pSupers[3] = pGate3; uTruths[3][0] = pGate3->uTruth[0]; uTruths[3][1] = pGate3->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[3] = pGate3->ptDelays;
619  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i4, pGate4 )
620  if ( i4 != i0 && i4 != i1 && i4 != i2 && i4 != i3 )
621  {
622  if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
623  fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
624  // compute area
625  Area = Area3 + pGate4->Area;
626  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
627  break;
628  pSupers[4] = pGate4; uTruths[4][0] = pGate4->uTruth[0]; uTruths[4][1] = pGate4->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[4] = pGate4->ptDelays;
630  Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
631  Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
632  if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
633  continue;
634  // create a new gate
635  pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
636  Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
637  if ( nGatesMax && pMan->nClasses > nGatesMax )
638  goto done;
639  }
640  }
641  }
642  }
643  }
644  break;
645  case 6: // six-input root gate
646  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i0, pGate0 )
647  {
648  Area0 = AreaMio + pGate0->Area;
649  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area0 > pMan->tAreaMax )
650  break;
651  pSupers[0] = pGate0; uTruths[0][0] = pGate0->uTruth[0]; uTruths[0][1] = pGate0->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[0] = pGate0->ptDelays;
653  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i1, pGate1 )
654  if ( i1 != i0 )
655  {
656  Area1 = Area0 + pGate1->Area;
657  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area1 > pMan->tAreaMax )
658  break;
659  pSupers[1] = pGate1; uTruths[1][0] = pGate1->uTruth[0]; uTruths[1][1] = pGate1->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[1] = pGate1->ptDelays;
661  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i2, pGate2 )
662  if ( i2 != i0 && i2 != i1 )
663  {
664  Area2 = Area1 + pGate2->Area;
665  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area2 > pMan->tAreaMax )
666  break;
667  pSupers[2] = pGate2; uTruths[2][0] = pGate2->uTruth[0]; uTruths[2][1] = pGate2->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[2] = pGate2->ptDelays;
669  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i3, pGate3 )
670  if ( i3 != i0 && i3 != i1 && i3 != i2 )
671  {
672  Area3 = Area2 + pGate3->Area;
673  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area3 > pMan->tAreaMax )
674  break;
675  pSupers[3] = pGate3; uTruths[3][0] = pGate3->uTruth[0]; uTruths[3][1] = pGate3->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[3] = pGate3->ptDelays;
677  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i4, pGate4 )
678  if ( i4 != i0 && i4 != i1 && i4 != i2 && i4 != i3 )
679  {
680  if ( fTimeOut ) break;
681  fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
682  // compute area
683  Area4 = Area3 + pGate4->Area;
684  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
685  break;
686  pSupers[4] = pGate4; uTruths[4][0] = pGate4->uTruth[0]; uTruths[4][1] = pGate4->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[4] = pGate4->ptDelays;
688  Super_ManForEachGate( ppGatesLimit, nGatesLimit, i5, pGate5 )
689  if ( i5 != i0 && i5 != i1 && i5 != i2 && i5 != i3 && i5 != i4 )
690  {
691  if ( fTimeOut ) goto done;
692  fTimeOut = Super_CheckTimeout( pProgress, pMan );
693  // compute area
694  Area = Area4 + pGate5->Area;
695  if ( pMan->tAreaMax > 0.0 && Area > pMan->tAreaMax )
696  break;
697  pSupers[5] = pGate5; uTruths[5][0] = pGate5->uTruth[0]; uTruths[5][1] = pGate5->uTruth[1]; ptPinDelays[5] = pGate5->ptDelays;
699  Mio_DeriveGateDelays( ppGates[k], ptPinDelays, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, SUPER_NO_VAR, tPinDelaysRes, &tPinDelayMax );
700  Mio_DeriveTruthTable( ppGates[k], uTruths, nFanins, pMan->nVarsMax, uTruth );
701  if ( !Super_CompareGates( pMan, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, pMan->nVarsMax ) )
702  continue;
703  // create a new gate
704  pGateNew = Super_CreateGateNew( pMan, ppGates[k], pSupers, nFanins, uTruth, Area, tPinDelaysRes, tPinDelayMax, pMan->nVarsMax );
705  Super_AddGateToTable( pMan, pGateNew );
706  if ( nGatesMax && pMan->nClasses > nGatesMax )
707  goto done;
708  }
709  }
710  }
711  }
712  }
713  }
714  break;
715  default :
716  assert( 0 );
717  break;
718  }
719  }
720 done:
721  Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
722  ABC_FREE( ppGatesLimit );
723  return pMan;
724 }
726 /**Function*************************************************************
728  Synopsis [Transfers gates from table into the array.]
730  Description []
732  SideEffects []
734  SeeAlso []
736 ***********************************************************************/
738 {
739  abctime TimeNow = Abc_Clock();
740  if ( TimeNow > pMan->TimePrint )
741  {
742  Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pPro, ++pMan->TimeSec, NULL );
743  pMan->TimePrint = Abc_Clock() + CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
744  }
745  if ( pMan->TimeStop && TimeNow > pMan->TimeStop )
746  {
747  printf ("Timeout!\n");
748  return 1;
749  }
750  pMan->nTried++;
751  return 0;
752 }
755 /**Function*************************************************************
757  Synopsis [Transfers gates from table into the array.]
759  Description []
761  SideEffects []
763  SeeAlso []
765 ***********************************************************************/
767 {
768  stmm_generator * gen;
769  Super_Gate_t * pGate, * pList;
772  // put the gates fron the table into the array
773  ABC_FREE( pMan->pGates );
774  pMan->pGates = ABC_ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, pMan->nAdded );
775  pMan->nGates = 0;
776  stmm_foreach_item( pMan->tTable, gen, (char **)&Key, (char **)&pList )
777  {
778  for ( pGate = pList; pGate; pGate = pGate->pNext )
779  pMan->pGates[ pMan->nGates++ ] = pGate;
780  }
781 // assert( pMan->nGates == pMan->nAdded - pMan->nRemoved );
782 }
784 /**Function*************************************************************
786  Synopsis [Adds one supergate into the unique table.]
788  Description []
790  SideEffects []
792  SeeAlso []
794 ***********************************************************************/
796 {
797  Super_Gate_t ** ppList;
799 // Key = pGate->uTruth[0] + 2003 * pGate->uTruth[1];
800  Key = pGate->uTruth[0] ^ pGate->uTruth[1];
801  if ( !stmm_find_or_add( pMan->tTable, (char *)Key, (char ***)&ppList ) )
802  {
803  *ppList = NULL;
804  pMan->nClasses++;
805  }
806  pGate->pNext = *ppList;
807  *ppList = pGate;
808  pMan->nAdded++;
809 }
811 /**Function*************************************************************
813  Synopsis [Check the manager's unique table for comparable gates.]
815  Description [Returns 0 if the gate is dominated by others. Returns 1
816  if the gate is new or is better than the available ones. In this case,
817  cleans the table by removing the gates that are worse than the given one.]
819  SideEffects []
821  SeeAlso []
823 ***********************************************************************/
824 int Super_CompareGates( Super_Man_t * pMan, unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], int nPins )
825 {
826  Super_Gate_t ** ppList, * pPrev, * pGate, * pGate2;
827  int i, fNewIsBetter, fGateIsBetter;
830  // skip constant functions
831  if ( pMan->nVarsMax < 6 )
832  {
833  if ( uTruth[0] == 0 || ~uTruth[0] == 0 )
834  return 0;
835  }
836  else
837  {
838  if ( ( uTruth[0] == 0 && uTruth[1] == 0 ) || ( ~uTruth[0] == 0 && ~uTruth[1] == 0 ) )
839  return 0;
840  }
842  // get hold of the place where the entry is stored
843 // Key = uTruth[0] + 2003 * uTruth[1];
844  Key = uTruth[0] ^ uTruth[1];
845  if ( !stmm_find( pMan->tTable, (char *)Key, (char ***)&ppList ) )
846  return 1;
847  // the entry with this truth table is found
848  pPrev = NULL;
849  for ( pGate = *ppList, pGate2 = pGate? pGate->pNext: NULL; pGate;
850  pGate = pGate2, pGate2 = pGate? pGate->pNext: NULL )
851  {
852  pMan->nLookups++;
853  if ( pGate->uTruth[0] != uTruth[0] || pGate->uTruth[1] != uTruth[1] )
854  {
855  pMan->nAliases++;
856  continue;
857  }
858  fGateIsBetter = 0;
859  fNewIsBetter = 0;
860  if ( pGate->Area + SUPER_EPSILON < Area )
861  fGateIsBetter = 1;
862  else if ( pGate->Area > Area + SUPER_EPSILON )
863  fNewIsBetter = 1;
864  for ( i = 0; i < nPins; i++ )
865  {
866  if ( pGate->ptDelays[i] == SUPER_NO_VAR || tPinDelaysRes[i] == SUPER_NO_VAR )
867  continue;
868  if ( pGate->ptDelays[i] + SUPER_EPSILON < tPinDelaysRes[i] )
869  fGateIsBetter = 1;
870  else if ( pGate->ptDelays[i] > tPinDelaysRes[i] + SUPER_EPSILON )
871  fNewIsBetter = 1;
872  if ( fGateIsBetter && fNewIsBetter )
873  break;
874  }
875  // consider 4 cases
876  if ( fGateIsBetter && fNewIsBetter ) // Pareto points; save both
877  pPrev = pGate;
878  else if ( fNewIsBetter ) // gate is worse; remove the gate
879  {
880  if ( pPrev == NULL )
881  *ppList = pGate->pNext;
882  else
883  pPrev->pNext = pGate->pNext;
884  Extra_MmFixedEntryRecycle( pMan->pMem, (char *)pGate );
885  pMan->nRemoved++;
886  }
887  else if ( fGateIsBetter ) // new is worse, already dominated no need to see others
888  return 0;
889  else // if ( !fGateIsBetter && !fNewIsBetter ) // they are identical, no need to see others
890  return 0;
891  }
892  return 1;
893 }
896 /**Function*************************************************************
898  Synopsis [Create a new supergate.]
900  Description []
902  SideEffects []
904  SeeAlso []
906 ***********************************************************************/
907 Super_Gate_t * Super_CreateGateNew( Super_Man_t * pMan, Mio_Gate_t * pRoot, Super_Gate_t ** pSupers, int nSupers,
908  unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], float tDelayMax, int nPins )
909 {
910  Super_Gate_t * pSuper;
911  pSuper = (Super_Gate_t *)Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch( pMan->pMem );
912  memset( pSuper, 0, sizeof(Super_Gate_t) );
913  pSuper->pRoot = pRoot;
914  pSuper->uTruth[0] = uTruth[0];
915  pSuper->uTruth[1] = uTruth[1];
916  memcpy( pSuper->ptDelays, tPinDelaysRes, sizeof(float) * nPins );
917  pSuper->Area = Area;
918  pSuper->nFanins = nSupers;
919  memcpy( pSuper->pFanins, pSupers, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *) * nSupers );
920  pSuper->pNext = NULL;
921  pSuper->tDelayMax = tDelayMax;
922  return pSuper;
923 }
925 /**Function*************************************************************
927  Synopsis [Starts the manager.]
929  Description []
931  SideEffects []
933  SeeAlso []
935 ***********************************************************************/
937 {
938  Super_Man_t * pMan;
939  pMan = ABC_CALLOC( Super_Man_t, 1 );
940  pMan->pMem = Extra_MmFixedStart( sizeof(Super_Gate_t) );
942  return pMan;
943 }
945 /**Function*************************************************************
947  Synopsis [Stops the manager.]
949  Description []
951  SideEffects []
953  SeeAlso []
955 ***********************************************************************/
957 {
958  Extra_MmFixedStop( pMan->pMem );
959  if ( pMan->tTable ) stmm_free_table( pMan->tTable );
960  ABC_FREE( pMan->pGates );
961  ABC_FREE( pMan );
962 }
968 /**Function*************************************************************
970  Synopsis [Writes the supergate library into the file.]
972  Description []
974  SideEffects []
976  SeeAlso []
978 ***********************************************************************/
980 {
981  Vec_Str_t * vStr;
982  Super_Gate_t * pGateRoot, * pGate;
983  stmm_generator * gen;
984  int fZeroFound, v;
985  abctime clk;
988  if ( pMan->nGates < 1 )
989  {
990  printf( "The generated library is empty. No output file written.\n" );
991  return NULL;
992  }
994  // Filters the supergates by removing those that have fewer inputs than
995  // the given limit, provided that the inputs are not consequtive.
996  // For example, NAND2(a,c) is removed, but NAND2(a,b) is left,
997  // because a and b are consequtive.
998  ABC_FREE( pMan->pGates );
999  pMan->pGates = ABC_ALLOC( Super_Gate_t *, pMan->nAdded );
1000  pMan->nGates = 0;
1001  stmm_foreach_item( pMan->tTable, gen, (char **)&Key, (char **)&pGateRoot )
1002  {
1003  for ( pGate = pGateRoot; pGate; pGate = pGate->pNext )
1004  {
1005  // skip the elementary variables
1006  if ( pGate->pRoot == NULL )
1007  continue;
1008  // skip the non-consequtive gates
1009  fZeroFound = 0;
1010  for ( v = 0; v < pMan->nVarsMax; v++ )
1011  if ( pGate->ptDelays[v] < SUPER_NO_VAR + SUPER_EPSILON )
1012  fZeroFound = 1;
1013  else if ( fZeroFound )
1014  break;
1015  if ( v < pMan->nVarsMax )
1016  continue;
1017  // save the unique gate
1018  pMan->pGates[ pMan->nGates++ ] = pGate;
1019  }
1020  }
1022 clk = Abc_Clock();
1023  // sort the supergates by truth table
1024  qsort( (void *)pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, sizeof(Super_Gate_t *),
1025  (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) Super_WriteCompare );
1026  assert( Super_WriteCompare( pMan->pGates, pMan->pGates + pMan->nGates - 1 ) <= 0 );
1027 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
1028 {
1029 ABC_PRT( "Sorting", Abc_Clock() - clk );
1030 }
1033  // write library in the old format
1034 clk = Abc_Clock();
1035  if ( pMan->fWriteOldFormat )
1036  Super_WriteLibrary( pMan );
1037 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
1038 {
1039 ABC_PRT( "Writing old format", Abc_Clock() - clk );
1040 }
1042  // write the tree-like structure of supergates
1043 clk = Abc_Clock();
1044  vStr = Super_WriteLibraryTreeStr( pMan );
1045 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
1046 {
1047 ABC_PRT( "Writing new format", Abc_Clock() - clk );
1048 }
1049  return vStr;
1050 }
1053 /**Function*************************************************************
1055  Synopsis [Writes the file header.]
1057  Description []
1059  SideEffects []
1061  SeeAlso []
1063 ***********************************************************************/
1064 void Super_WriteFileHeader( Super_Man_t * pMan, FILE * pFile )
1065 {
1066  fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
1067  fprintf( pFile, "# Supergate library derived for \"%s\" on %s.\n", pMan->pName, Extra_TimeStamp() );
1068  fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
1069  fprintf( pFile, "# Command line: \"super -I %d -L %d -N %d -T %d -D %.2f -A %.2f %s %s\".\n",
1070  pMan->nVarsMax, pMan->nLevels, pMan->nGatesMax, pMan->TimeLimit, pMan->tDelayMax, pMan->tAreaMax, (pMan->fSkipInv? "" : "-s"), pMan->pName );
1071  fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
1072  fprintf( pFile, "# The number of inputs = %10d.\n", pMan->nVarsMax );
1073  fprintf( pFile, "# The number of levels = %10d.\n", pMan->nLevels );
1074  fprintf( pFile, "# The maximum delay = %10.2f.\n", pMan->tDelayMax );
1075  fprintf( pFile, "# The maximum area = %10.2f.\n", pMan->tAreaMax );
1076  fprintf( pFile, "# The maximum runtime (sec) = %10d.\n", pMan->TimeLimit );
1077  fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
1078  fprintf( pFile, "# The number of attempts = %10d.\n", pMan->nTried );
1079  fprintf( pFile, "# The number of supergates = %10d.\n", pMan->nGates );
1080  fprintf( pFile, "# The number of functions = %10d.\n", pMan->nUnique );
1081  fprintf( pFile, "# The total functions = %.0f (2^%d).\n", pow((double)2,pMan->nMints), pMan->nMints );
1082  fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
1083  fprintf( pFile, "# Generation time = %10.2f sec.\n", (float)(pMan->Time)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) );
1084  fprintf( pFile, "#\n" );
1085  fprintf( pFile, "%s\n", pMan->pName );
1086  fprintf( pFile, "%d\n", pMan->nVarsMax );
1087  fprintf( pFile, "%d\n", pMan->nGates );
1088 }
1090 {
1091  char pBuffer[1000];
1092  sprintf( pBuffer, "#\n" );
1093  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1094  sprintf( pBuffer, "# Supergate library derived for \"%s\" on %s.\n", pMan->pName, Extra_TimeStamp() );
1095  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1096  sprintf( pBuffer, "#\n" );
1097  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1098  sprintf( pBuffer, "# Command line: \"super -I %d -L %d -N %d -T %d -D %.2f -A %.2f %s %s\".\n",
1099  pMan->nVarsMax, pMan->nLevels, pMan->nGatesMax, pMan->TimeLimit, pMan->tDelayMax, pMan->tAreaMax, (pMan->fSkipInv? "" : "-s"), pMan->pName );
1100  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1101  sprintf( pBuffer, "#\n" );
1102  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1103  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The number of inputs = %10d.\n", pMan->nVarsMax );
1104  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1105  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The number of levels = %10d.\n", pMan->nLevels );
1106  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1107  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The maximum delay = %10.2f.\n", pMan->tDelayMax );
1108  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1109  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The maximum area = %10.2f.\n", pMan->tAreaMax );
1110  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1111  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The maximum runtime (sec) = %10d.\n", pMan->TimeLimit );
1112  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1113  sprintf( pBuffer, "#\n" );
1114  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1115  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The number of attempts = %10d.\n", pMan->nTried );
1116  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1117  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The number of supergates = %10d.\n", pMan->nGates );
1118  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1119  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The number of functions = %10d.\n", pMan->nUnique );
1120  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1121  sprintf( pBuffer, "# The total functions = %.0f (2^%d).\n", pow((double)2,pMan->nMints), pMan->nMints );
1122  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1123  sprintf( pBuffer, "#\n" );
1124  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1125  sprintf( pBuffer, "# Generation time = %10.2f sec.\n", (float)(pMan->Time)/(float)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) );
1126  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1127  sprintf( pBuffer, "#\n" );
1128  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1129  sprintf( pBuffer, "%s\n", pMan->pName );
1130  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1131  sprintf( pBuffer, "%d\n", pMan->nVarsMax );
1132  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1133  sprintf( pBuffer, "%d\n", pMan->nGates );
1134  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pBuffer );
1135 }
1137 /**Function*************************************************************
1139  Synopsis [Compares two gates.]
1141  Description []
1143  SideEffects []
1145  SeeAlso []
1147 ***********************************************************************/
1149 {
1150  unsigned * pTruth1 = (*ppG1)->uTruth;
1151  unsigned * pTruth2 = (*ppG2)->uTruth;
1152  if ( pTruth1[1] < pTruth2[1] )
1153  return -1;
1154  if ( pTruth1[1] > pTruth2[1] )
1155  return 1;
1156  if ( pTruth1[0] < pTruth2[0] )
1157  return -1;
1158  if ( pTruth1[0] > pTruth2[0] )
1159  return 1;
1160  return 0;
1161 }
1163 {
1164  if ( (*ppG1)->tDelayMax < (*ppG2)->tDelayMax )
1165  return -1;
1166  if ( (*ppG1)->tDelayMax > (*ppG2)->tDelayMax )
1167  return 1;
1168  return 0;
1169 }
1171 {
1172  if ( (*ppG1)->Area < (*ppG2)->Area )
1173  return -1;
1174  if ( (*ppG1)->Area > (*ppG2)->Area )
1175  return 1;
1176  return 0;
1177 }
1184 /**Function*************************************************************
1186  Synopsis [Writes the gates into the file.]
1188  Description []
1190  SideEffects []
1192  SeeAlso []
1194 ***********************************************************************/
1195 void Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec( Super_Gate_t * pGate, char * pBuffer )
1196 {
1197  char Buffer[10];
1198  int i;
1200  if ( pGate->pRoot == NULL )
1201  {
1202  sprintf( Buffer, "%c", 'a' + pGate->Number );
1203  strcat( pBuffer, Buffer );
1204  return;
1205  }
1206  strcat( pBuffer, Mio_GateReadName(pGate->pRoot) );
1207  strcat( pBuffer, "(" );
1208  for ( i = 0; i < (int)pGate->nFanins; i++ )
1209  {
1210  if ( i )
1211  strcat( pBuffer, "," );
1212  Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec( pGate->pFanins[i], pBuffer );
1213  }
1214  strcat( pBuffer, ")" );
1215 }
1217 {
1218  static char Buffer[2000];
1219  Buffer[0] = 0;
1220  Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec( pGate, Buffer );
1221  return Buffer;
1222 }
1223 void Super_WriteLibraryGate( FILE * pFile, Super_Man_t * pMan, Super_Gate_t * pGate, int Num )
1224 {
1225  int i;
1226  fprintf( pFile, "%04d ", Num ); // the number
1227  Extra_PrintBinary( pFile, pGate->uTruth, pMan->nMints ); // the truth table
1228  fprintf( pFile, " %5.2f", pGate->tDelayMax ); // the max delay
1229  fprintf( pFile, " " );
1230  for ( i = 0; i < pMan->nVarsMax; i++ ) // the pin-to-pin delays
1231  fprintf( pFile, " %5.2f", pGate->ptDelays[i]==SUPER_NO_VAR? 0.0 : pGate->ptDelays[i] );
1232  fprintf( pFile, " %5.2f", pGate->Area ); // the area
1233  fprintf( pFile, " " );
1234  fprintf( pFile, "%s", Super_WriteLibraryGateName(pGate) ); // the symbolic expression
1235  fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
1236 }
1238 {
1239  Super_Gate_t * pGate, * pGateNext;
1240  FILE * pFile;
1241  char * FileName;
1242  char * pNameGeneric;
1243  int i, Counter;
1245  FileName = ABC_ALLOC( char, 10000 );
1247  // get the file name
1248  pNameGeneric = Extra_FileNameGeneric( pMan->pName );
1249  sprintf( FileName, "%s.super_old", pNameGeneric );
1250  ABC_FREE( pNameGeneric );
1252  // count the number of unique functions
1253  pMan->nUnique = 1;
1254  Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pGate )
1255  {
1256  if ( i == pMan->nGates - 1 )
1257  break;
1258  // print the newline if this gate is different from the following one
1259  pGateNext = pMan->pGates[i+1];
1260  if ( pGateNext->uTruth[0] != pGate->uTruth[0] || pGateNext->uTruth[1] != pGate->uTruth[1] )
1261  pMan->nUnique++;
1262  }
1264  // start the file
1265  pFile = fopen( FileName, "w" );
1266  Super_WriteFileHeader( pMan, pFile );
1268  // print the gates
1269  Counter = 0;
1270  Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pGate )
1271  {
1272  Super_WriteLibraryGate( pFile, pMan, pGate, ++Counter );
1273  if ( i == pMan->nGates - 1 )
1274  break;
1275  // print the newline if this gate is different from the following one
1276  pGateNext = pMan->pGates[i+1];
1277  if ( pGateNext->uTruth[0] != pGate->uTruth[0] || pGateNext->uTruth[1] != pGate->uTruth[1] )
1278  fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
1279  }
1280  assert( Counter == pMan->nGates );
1281  fclose( pFile );
1283  if ( pMan->fVerbose )
1284  {
1285  printf( "The supergates are written using old format \"%s\" ", FileName );
1286  printf( "(%0.3f MB).\n", ((double)Extra_FileSize(FileName))/(1<<20) );
1287  }
1289  ABC_FREE( FileName );
1290 }
1295 /**Function*************************************************************
1297  Synopsis [Recursively writes the gates.]
1299  Description []
1301  SideEffects []
1303  SeeAlso []
1305 ***********************************************************************/
1306 void Super_WriteLibraryTreeFile_rec( FILE * pFile, Super_Man_t * pMan, Super_Gate_t * pSuper, int * pCounter )
1307 {
1308  int nFanins, i;
1309  // skip an elementary variable and a gate that was already written
1310  if ( pSuper->fVar || pSuper->Number > 0 )
1311  return;
1312  // write the fanins
1313  nFanins = Mio_GateReadPinNum(pSuper->pRoot);
1314  for ( i = 0; i < nFanins; i++ )
1315  Super_WriteLibraryTreeFile_rec( pFile, pMan, pSuper->pFanins[i], pCounter );
1316  // finally write the gate
1317  pSuper->Number = (*pCounter)++;
1318  fprintf( pFile, "%s", pSuper->fSuper? "* " : "" );
1319  fprintf( pFile, "%s", Mio_GateReadName(pSuper->pRoot) );
1320  for ( i = 0; i < nFanins; i++ )
1321  fprintf( pFile, " %d", pSuper->pFanins[i]->Number );
1322  // write the formula
1323  // this step is optional, the resulting library will work in any case
1324  // however, it may be helpful to for debugging to compare the same library
1325  // written in the old format and written in the new format with formulas
1326 // fprintf( pFile, " # %s", Super_WriteLibraryGateName( pSuper ) );
1327  fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
1328 }
1330 {
1331  Super_Gate_t * pSuper;
1332  FILE * pFile;
1333  char * FileName;
1334  char * pNameGeneric;
1335  int i, Counter;
1336  int posStart;
1338  FileName = ABC_ALLOC( char, 10000 );
1340  // get the file name
1341  pNameGeneric = Extra_FileNameGeneric( pMan->pName );
1342  sprintf( FileName, "%s.super", pNameGeneric );
1343  ABC_FREE( pNameGeneric );
1345  // write the elementary variables
1346  pFile = fopen( FileName, "wb" );
1347  Super_WriteFileHeader( pMan, pFile );
1348  // write the place holder for the number of lines
1349  posStart = ftell( pFile );
1350  fprintf( pFile, " \n" );
1351  // mark the real supergates
1352  Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pSuper )
1353  pSuper->fSuper = 1;
1354  // write the supergates
1355  Counter = pMan->nVarsMax;
1356  Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pSuper )
1357  Super_WriteLibraryTreeFile_rec( pFile, pMan, pSuper, &Counter );
1358  fclose( pFile );
1359  // write the number of lines
1360  pFile = fopen( FileName, "rb+" );
1361  fseek( pFile, posStart, SEEK_SET );
1362  fprintf( pFile, "%d", Counter );
1363  fclose( pFile );
1365 if ( pMan->fVerbose )
1366 {
1367  printf( "The supergates are written using new format \"%s\" ", FileName );
1368  printf( "(%0.3f MB).\n", ((double)Extra_FileSize(FileName))/(1<<20) );
1369 }
1371  ABC_FREE( FileName );
1372 }
1375 /**Function*************************************************************
1377  Synopsis [Recursively writes the gates.]
1379  Description []
1381  SideEffects []
1383  SeeAlso []
1385 ***********************************************************************/
1386 void Super_WriteLibraryTreeStr_rec( Vec_Str_t * vStr, Super_Man_t * pMan, Super_Gate_t * pSuper, int * pCounter )
1387 {
1388  int nFanins, i;
1389  // skip an elementary variable and a gate that was already written
1390  if ( pSuper->fVar || pSuper->Number > 0 )
1391  return;
1392  // write the fanins
1393  nFanins = Mio_GateReadPinNum(pSuper->pRoot);
1394  for ( i = 0; i < nFanins; i++ )
1395  Super_WriteLibraryTreeStr_rec( vStr, pMan, pSuper->pFanins[i], pCounter );
1396  // finally write the gate
1397  pSuper->Number = (*pCounter)++;
1398 // fprintf( pFile, "%s", pSuper->fSuper? "* " : "" );
1399 // fprintf( pFile, "%s", Mio_GateReadName(pSuper->pRoot) );
1400 // for ( i = 0; i < nFanins; i++ )
1401 // fprintf( pFile, " %d", pSuper->pFanins[i]->Number );
1402  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, pSuper->fSuper? "* " : "" );
1403  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, Mio_GateReadName(pSuper->pRoot) );
1404  for ( i = 0; i < nFanins; i++ )
1405  {
1406  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, " " );
1407  Vec_StrPrintNum( vStr, pSuper->pFanins[i]->Number );
1408  }
1409  // write the formula
1410  // this step is optional, the resulting library will work in any case
1411  // however, it may be helpful to for debugging to compare the same library
1412  // written in the old format and written in the new format with formulas
1413 // fprintf( pFile, " # %s", Super_WriteLibraryGateName( pSuper ) );
1414 // fprintf( pFile, "\n" );
1415  Vec_StrPrintStr( vStr, "\n" );
1416 }
1418 {
1419  char pInsert[16];
1420  Vec_Str_t * vStr;
1421  Super_Gate_t * pSuper;
1422  int i, Counter;
1423  int posStart;
1424  // write the elementary variables
1425  vStr = Vec_StrAlloc( 1000 );
1426  Super_WriteFileHeaderStr( pMan, vStr );
1427  // write the place holder for the number of lines
1428  posStart = Vec_StrSize( vStr );
1429  for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
1430  Vec_StrPush( vStr, ' ' );
1431  Vec_StrPush( vStr, '\n' );
1432  // mark the real supergates
1433  Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pSuper )
1434  pSuper->fSuper = 1;
1435  // write the supergates
1436  Counter = pMan->nVarsMax;
1437  Super_ManForEachGate( pMan->pGates, pMan->nGates, i, pSuper )
1438  Super_WriteLibraryTreeStr_rec( vStr, pMan, pSuper, &Counter );
1439  Vec_StrPush( vStr, 0 );
1440  // write the number of lines
1441  sprintf( pInsert, "%d", Counter );
1442  for ( i = 0; i < (int)strlen(pInsert); i++ )
1443  Vec_StrWriteEntry( vStr, posStart + i, pInsert[i] );
1444  return vStr;
1445 }
1447 {
1448  Vec_Str_t * vStr;
1449  char * pFileName = Extra_FileNameGenericAppend( pMan->pName, ".super" );
1450  FILE * pFile = fopen( pFileName, "wb" );
1451  if ( pFile == NULL )
1452  {
1453  printf( "Cannot open output file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
1454  return;
1455  }
1456  vStr = Super_WriteLibraryTreeStr( pMan );
1457  fwrite( Vec_StrArray(vStr), 1, Vec_StrSize(vStr), pFile );
1458  fclose( pFile );
1459  Vec_StrFree( vStr );
1460  // report the result of writing
1461  if ( pMan->fVerbose )
1462  {
1463  printf( "The supergates are written using new format \"%s\" ", pFileName );
1464  printf( "(%0.3f MB).\n", ((double)Extra_FileSize(pFileName))/(1<<20) );
1465  }
1466 }
1468 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1469 /// END OF FILE ///
1470 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
char * memset()
#define SUPER_NO_VAR
Definition: superGate.c:32
static void Super_WriteFileHeader(Super_Man_t *pMan, FILE *pFile)
Definition: superGate.c:1064
Extra_MmFixed_t * pMem
Definition: superGate.c:60
static void Super_ManStop(Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:956
void Super_Precompute(Mio_Library_t *pLibGen, int nVarsMax, int nLevels, int nGatesMax, float tDelayMax, float tAreaMax, int TimeLimit, int fSkipInv, int fVerbose, char *pFileName)
Definition: superGate.c:140
void Super_WriteLibraryTreeStr_rec(Vec_Str_t *vStr, Super_Man_t *pMan, Super_Gate_t *pSuper, int *pCounter)
Definition: superGate.c:1386
stmm_table * stmm_init_table(stmm_compare_func_type compare, stmm_hash_func_type hash)
Definition: stmm.c:69
unsigned uTruth[2]
Definition: superGate.c:87
Super_Gate_t * pNext
Definition: superGate.c:92
abctime TimePrint
Definition: superGate.c:77
static char * Vec_StrArray(Vec_Str_t *p)
Definition: vecStr.h:272
static void Vec_StrPrintNum(Vec_Str_t *p, int Num)
Definition: vecStr.h:575
void Extra_MmFixedStop(Extra_MmFixed_t *p)
int st__ptrcmp(const char *, const char *)
Definition: st.c:480
char * Super_WriteLibraryGateName(Super_Gate_t *pGate)
Definition: superGate.c:1216
char * memcpy()
#define ABC_ALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:229
static Vec_Str_t * Super_Write(Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:979
abctime TimeStop
Definition: superGate.c:76
static Vec_Str_t * Vec_StrAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: bblif.c:495
static void Super_WriteLibrary(Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:1237
static abctime Abc_Clock()
Definition: abc_global.h:279
static void Vec_StrPush(Vec_Str_t *p, char Entry)
Definition: vecStr.h:535
float ptDelays[6]
Definition: superGate.c:90
char * Extra_MmFixedEntryFetch(Extra_MmFixed_t *p)
char * Mio_LibraryReadName(Mio_Library_t *pLib)
Definition: mioApi.c:43
Definition: superGate.c:33
int Mio_GateReadPinNum(Mio_Gate_t *pGate)
Definition: mioApi.c:151
static void Vec_StrWriteEntry(Vec_Str_t *p, int i, char Entry)
Definition: vecStr.h:370
static void Super_First(Super_Man_t *pMan, int nVarsMax)
Definition: superGate.c:276
static int Super_AreaCompare(Super_Gate_t **ppG1, Super_Gate_t **ppG2)
Definition: superGate.c:1170
void Super_WriteLibraryGateName_rec(Super_Gate_t *pGate, char *pBuffer)
Definition: superGate.c:1195
int Extra_FileSize(char *pFileName)
static void Vec_StrFree(Vec_Str_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:616
static void Super_TranferGatesToArray(Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:766
char * Extra_FileNameGeneric(char *FileName)
Extra_MmFixed_t * Extra_MmFixedStart(int nEntrySize)
static int Super_DelayCompare(Super_Gate_t **ppG1, Super_Gate_t **ppG2)
Definition: superGate.c:1162
Definition: abc_global.h:108
#define Super_ManForEachGate(GateArray, Limit, Index, Gate)
Definition: superGate.c:97
Definition: mioInt.h:61
char * sprintf()
static int Counter
void Extra_ProgressBarStop(ProgressBar *p)
static Super_Man_t * Super_Compute(Super_Man_t *pMan, Mio_Gate_t **ppGates, int nGates, int nGatesMax, int fSkipInv)
Definition: superGate.c:343
int stmm_find_or_add(stmm_table *table, char *key, char ***slot)
Definition: stmm.c:266
static void Super_AddGateToTable(Super_Man_t *pMan, Super_Gate_t *pGate)
Definition: superGate.c:795
void Mio_DeriveTruthTable(Mio_Gate_t *pGate, unsigned uTruthsIn[][2], int nSigns, int nInputs, unsigned uTruthRes[])
Definition: mioUtils.c:608
static Vec_Str_t * Super_WriteLibraryTreeStr(Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:1417
static int Super_CompareGates(Super_Man_t *pMan, unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], int nPins)
Definition: superGate.c:824
static Super_Gate_t * Super_CreateGateNew(Super_Man_t *pMan, Mio_Gate_t *pRoot, Super_Gate_t **pSupers, int nSupers, unsigned uTruth[], float Area, float tPinDelaysRes[], float tDelayMax, int nPins)
Definition: superGate.c:907
static int Super_WriteCompare(Super_Gate_t **ppG1, Super_Gate_t **ppG2)
Definition: superGate.c:1148
Definition: abc_global.h:107
void Super_WriteLibraryTreeFile_rec(FILE *pFile, Super_Man_t *pMan, Super_Gate_t *pSuper, int *pCounter)
Definition: superGate.c:1306
#define SEEK_SET
Definition: zconf.h:390
void Super_WriteLibraryGate(FILE *pFile, Super_Man_t *pMan, Super_Gate_t *pGate, int Num)
Definition: superGate.c:1223
double Mio_GateReadArea(Mio_Gate_t *pGate)
Definition: mioApi.c:145
static int Vec_StrSize(Vec_Str_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:600
void stmm_free_table(stmm_table *table)
Definition: stmm.c:79
void Super_WriteLibraryTree(Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:1446
double Mio_GateReadDelayMax(Mio_Gate_t *pGate)
Definition: mioApi.c:152
unsigned nFanins
Definition: superGate.c:85
void Extra_PrintBinary(FILE *pFile, unsigned Sign[], int nBits)
Super_Gate_t ** pGates
Definition: superGate.c:56
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
#define ABC_PRT(a, t)
Definition: abc_global.h:220
Mio_Gate_t ** Mio_CollectRoots(Mio_Library_t *pLib, int nInputs, float tDelay, int fSkipInv, int *pnGates, int fVerbose)
Definition: mioUtils.c:302
char * Extra_TimeStamp()
Super_Gate_t * pInputs[10]
Definition: superGate.c:54
ProgressBar * Extra_ProgressBarStart(FILE *pFile, int nItemsTotal)
#define ABC_CALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:230
static Super_Man_t * Super_ManStart()
Definition: superGate.c:936
char * strcat()
Extra_MmFlex_t * pMemFlex
Definition: superGate.c:61
Mio_Gate_t * pRoot
Definition: superGate.c:82
void Mio_DeriveGateDelays(Mio_Gate_t *pGate, float **ptPinDelays, int nPins, int nInputs, float tDelayZero, float *ptDelaysRes, float *ptPinDelayMax)
Definition: mioUtils.c:725
static void Super_WriteLibraryTreeFile(Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:1329
Vec_Str_t * Super_PrecomputeStr(Mio_Library_t *pLibGen, int nVarsMax, int nLevels, int nGatesMax, float tDelayMax, float tAreaMax, int TimeLimit, int fSkipInv, int fVerbose)
Definition: superGate.c:172
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static void Extra_ProgressBarUpdate(ProgressBar *p, int nItemsCur, char *pString)
Definition: extra.h:243
char * Extra_FileNameGenericAppend(char *pBase, char *pSuffix)
int strlen()
void Extra_MmFixedEntryRecycle(Extra_MmFixed_t *p, char *pEntry)
static void Vec_StrPrintStr(Vec_Str_t *p, const char *pStr)
Definition: vecStr.h:627
int stmm_find(stmm_table *table, char *key, char ***slot)
Definition: stmm.c:306
#define stmm_foreach_item(table, gen, key, value)
Definition: stmm.h:121
void Super_WriteFileHeaderStr(Super_Man_t *pMan, Vec_Str_t *vStr)
Definition: superGate.c:1089
static int Super_CheckTimeout(ProgressBar *pPro, Super_Man_t *pMan)
Definition: superGate.c:737
ABC_INT64_T abctime
Definition: abc_global.h:278
char * Mio_GateReadName(Mio_Gate_t *pGate)
Definition: mioApi.c:143
int st__ptrhash(const char *, int)
Definition: st.c:468
stmm_table * tTable
Definition: superGate.c:57
Super_Gate_t * pFanins[6]
Definition: superGate.c:88