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1 /*
2  * Revision Control Information
3  *
4  * $Source$
5  * $Author$
6  * $Revision$
7  * $Date$
8  *
9  */
10 /*
11  module: cvrin.c
12  purpose: cube and cover input routines
13 */
15 #include <ctype.h>
16 #include "espresso.h"
21 static bool line_length_error;
22 static int lineno;
24 void skip_line(fpin, fpout, echo)
25 register FILE *fpin, *fpout;
26 register bool echo;
27 {
28  register int ch;
29  while ((ch=getc(fpin)) != EOF && ch != '\n')
30  if (echo)
31  putc(ch, fpout);
32  if (echo)
33  putc('\n', fpout);
34  lineno++;
35 }
37 char *get_word(fp, word)
38 register FILE *fp;
39 register char *word;
40 {
41  register int ch, i = 0;
42  while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && isspace(ch))
43  ;
44  word[i++] = ch;
45  while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && ! isspace(ch))
46  word[i++] = ch;
47  word[i++] = '\0';
48  return word;
49 }
51 /*
52  * Yes, I know this routine is a mess
53  */
54 void read_cube(fp, PLA)
55 register FILE *fp;
56 pPLA PLA;
57 {
58  register int var, i;
59  pcube cf = cube.temp[0], cr = cube.temp[1], cd = cube.temp[2];
60  bool savef = FALSE, saved = FALSE, saver = FALSE;
61  char token[256]; /* for kiss read hack */
62  int varx, first, last, offset; /* for kiss read hack */
64  set_clear(cf, cube.size);
66  /* Loop and read binary variables */
67  for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++)
68  switch(getc(fp)) {
69  case EOF:
70  goto bad_char;
71  case '\n':
72  if (! line_length_error)
73  (void) fprintf(stderr, "product term(s) %s\n",
74  "span more than one line (warning only)");
76  lineno++;
77  var--;
78  break;
79  case ' ': case '|': case '\t':
80  var--;
81  break;
82  case '2': case '-':
83  set_insert(cf, var*2+1);
84  case '0':
85  set_insert(cf, var*2);
86  break;
87  case '1':
88  set_insert(cf, var*2+1);
89  break;
90  case '?':
91  break;
92  default:
93  goto bad_char;
94  }
97  /* Loop for the all but one of the multiple-valued variables */
98  for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars-1; var++)
100  /* Read a symbolic multiple-valued variable */
101  if (cube.part_size[var] < 0) {
102  (void) fscanf(fp, "%s", token);
103  if (equal(token, "-") || equal(token, "ANY")) {
104  if (kiss && var == cube.num_vars - 2) {
105  /* leave it empty */
106  } else {
107  /* make it full */
108  set_or(cf, cf, cube.var_mask[var]);
109  }
110  } else if (equal(token, "~")) {
111  ;
112  /* leave it empty ... (?) */
113  } else {
114  if (kiss && var == cube.num_vars - 2)
115  varx = var - 1, offset = ABS(cube.part_size[var-1]);
116  else
117  varx = var, offset = 0;
118  /* Find the symbolic label in the label table */
119  first = cube.first_part[varx];
120  last = cube.last_part[varx];
121  for(i = first; i <= last; i++)
122  if (PLA->label[i] == (char *) NULL) {
123  PLA->label[i] = util_strsav(token); /* add new label */
124  set_insert(cf, i+offset);
125  break;
126  } else if (equal(PLA->label[i], token)) {
127  set_insert(cf, i+offset); /* use column i */
128  break;
129  }
130  if (i > last) {
131  (void) fprintf(stderr,
132 "declared size of variable %d (counting from variable 0) is too small\n", var);
133  exit(-1);
134  }
135  }
137  } else for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++)
138  switch (getc(fp)) {
139  case EOF:
140  goto bad_char;
141  case '\n':
142  if (! line_length_error)
143  (void) fprintf(stderr, "product term(s) %s\n",
144  "span more than one line (warning only)");
146  lineno++;
147  i--;
148  break;
149  case ' ': case '|': case '\t':
150  i--;
151  break;
152  case '1':
153  set_insert(cf, i);
154  case '0':
155  break;
156  default:
157  goto bad_char;
158  }
160  /* Loop for last multiple-valued variable */
161  if (kiss) {
162  saver = savef = TRUE;
163  (void) set_xor(cr, cf, cube.var_mask[cube.num_vars - 2]);
164  } else
165  set_copy(cr, cf);
166  set_copy(cd, cf);
167  for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++)
168  switch (getc(fp)) {
169  case EOF:
170  goto bad_char;
171  case '\n':
172  if (! line_length_error)
173  (void) fprintf(stderr, "product term(s) %s\n",
174  "span more than one line (warning only)");
176  lineno++;
177  i--;
178  break;
179  case ' ': case '|': case '\t':
180  i--;
181  break;
182  case '4': case '1':
183  if (PLA->pla_type & F_type)
184  set_insert(cf, i), savef = TRUE;
185  break;
186  case '3': case '0':
187  if (PLA->pla_type & R_type)
188  set_insert(cr, i), saver = TRUE;
189  break;
190  case '2': case '-':
191  if (PLA->pla_type & D_type)
192  set_insert(cd, i), saved = TRUE;
193  case '~':
194  break;
195  default:
196  goto bad_char;
197  }
198  if (savef) PLA->F = sf_addset(PLA->F, cf);
199  if (saved) PLA->D = sf_addset(PLA->D, cd);
200  if (saver) PLA->R = sf_addset(PLA->R, cr);
201  return;
203 bad_char:
204  (void) fprintf(stderr, "(warning): input line #%d ignored\n", lineno);
205  skip_line(fp, stdout, TRUE);
206  return;
207 }
208 void parse_pla(fp, PLA)
209 IN FILE *fp;
211 {
212  int i, var, ch, np, last;
213  char word[256];
215  lineno = 1;
218 loop:
219  switch(ch = getc(fp)) {
220  case EOF:
221  return;
223  case '\n':
224  lineno++;
226  case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r':
227  break;
229  case '#':
230  (void) ungetc(ch, fp);
231  skip_line(fp, stdout, echo_comments);
232  break;
234  case '.':
235  /* .i gives the cube input size (binary-functions only) */
236  if (equal(get_word(fp, word), "i")) {
237  if (cube.fullset != NULL) {
238  (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .i ignored\n");
239  skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
240  } else {
241  if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &cube.num_binary_vars) != 1)
242  fatal("error reading .i");
243  cube.num_vars = cube.num_binary_vars + 1;
244  cube.part_size = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
245  }
247  /* .o gives the cube output size (binary-functions only) */
248  } else if (equal(word, "o")) {
249  if (cube.fullset != NULL) {
250  (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .o ignored\n");
251  skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
252  } else {
253  if (cube.part_size == NULL)
254  fatal(".o cannot appear before .i");
255  if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &(cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1]))!=1)
256  fatal("error reading .o");
257  cube_setup();
258  PLA_labels(PLA);
259  }
261  /* .mv gives the cube size for a multiple-valued function */
262  } else if (equal(word, "mv")) {
263  if (cube.fullset != NULL) {
264  (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .mv ignored\n");
265  skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
266  } else {
267  if (cube.part_size != NULL)
268  fatal("cannot mix .i and .mv");
269  if (fscanf(fp,"%d %d",
270  &cube.num_vars,&cube.num_binary_vars) != 2)
271  fatal("error reading .mv");
272  if (cube.num_binary_vars < 0)
273 fatal("num_binary_vars (second field of .mv) cannot be negative");
274  if (cube.num_vars < cube.num_binary_vars)
275  fatal(
276 "num_vars (1st field of .mv) must exceed num_binary_vars (2nd field of .mv)");
277  cube.part_size = ALLOC(int, cube.num_vars);
278  for(var=cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
279  if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &(cube.part_size[var])) != 1)
280  fatal("error reading .mv");
281  cube_setup();
282  PLA_labels(PLA);
283  }
285  /* .p gives the number of product terms -- we ignore it */
286  } else if (equal(word, "p"))
287  (void) fscanf(fp, "%d", &np);
288  /* .e and .end specify the end of the file */
289  else if (equal(word, "e") || equal(word,"end")) {
290  if (cube.fullset == NULL) {
291  /* fatal("unknown PLA size, need .i/.o or .mv");*/
292  } else if (PLA->F == NULL) {
293  PLA->F = new_cover(10);
294  PLA->D = new_cover(10);
295  PLA->R = new_cover(10);
296  }
297  return;
298  }
299  /* .kiss turns on the kiss-hack option */
300  else if (equal(word, "kiss"))
301  kiss = TRUE;
303  /* .type specifies a logical type for the PLA */
304  else if (equal(word, "type")) {
305  (void) get_word(fp, word);
306  for(i = 0; pla_types[i].key != 0; i++)
307  if (equal(pla_types[i].key + 1, word)) {
308  PLA->pla_type = pla_types[i].value;
309  break;
310  }
311  if (pla_types[i].key == 0)
312  fatal("unknown type in .type command");
314  /* parse the labels */
315  } else if (equal(word, "ilb")) {
316  if (cube.fullset == NULL)
317  fatal("PLA size must be declared before .ilb or .ob");
318  if (PLA->label == NULL)
319  PLA_labels(PLA);
320  for(var = 0; var < cube.num_binary_vars; var++) {
321  (void) get_word(fp, word);
322  i = cube.first_part[var];
323  PLA->label[i+1] = util_strsav(word);
324  PLA->label[i] = ALLOC(char, strlen(word) + 6);
325  (void) sprintf(PLA->label[i], "", word);
326  }
327  } else if (equal(word, "ob")) {
328  if (cube.fullset == NULL)
329  fatal("PLA size must be declared before .ilb or .ob");
330  if (PLA->label == NULL)
331  PLA_labels(PLA);
332  var = cube.num_vars - 1;
333  for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
334  (void) get_word(fp, word);
335  PLA->label[i] = util_strsav(word);
336  }
337  /* .label assigns labels to multiple-valued variables */
338  } else if (equal(word, "label")) {
339  if (cube.fullset == NULL)
340  fatal("PLA size must be declared before .label");
341  if (PLA->label == NULL)
342  PLA_labels(PLA);
343  if (fscanf(fp, "var=%d", &var) != 1)
344  fatal("Error reading labels");
345  for(i = cube.first_part[var]; i <= cube.last_part[var]; i++) {
346  (void) get_word(fp, word);
347  PLA->label[i] = util_strsav(word);
348  }
350  } else if (equal(word, "symbolic")) {
351  symbolic_t *newlist, *p1;
352  if (read_symbolic(fp, PLA, word, &newlist)) {
353  if (PLA->symbolic == NIL(symbolic_t)) {
354  PLA->symbolic = newlist;
355  } else {
356  for(p1=PLA->symbolic;p1->next!=NIL(symbolic_t);
357  p1=p1->next){
358  }
359  p1->next = newlist;
360  }
361  } else {
362  fatal("error reading .symbolic");
363  }
365  } else if (equal(word, "symbolic-output")) {
366  symbolic_t *newlist, *p1;
367  if (read_symbolic(fp, PLA, word, &newlist)) {
368  if (PLA->symbolic_output == NIL(symbolic_t)) {
369  PLA->symbolic_output = newlist;
370  } else {
371  for(p1=PLA->symbolic_output;p1->next!=NIL(symbolic_t);
372  p1=p1->next){
373  }
374  p1->next = newlist;
375  }
376  } else {
377  fatal("error reading .symbolic-output");
378  }
380  /* .phase allows a choice of output phases */
381  } else if (equal(word, "phase")) {
382  if (cube.fullset == NULL)
383  fatal("PLA size must be declared before .phase");
384  if (PLA->phase != NULL) {
385  (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .phase ignored\n");
386  skip_line(fp, stdout, /* echo */ FALSE);
387  } else {
388  do ch = getc(fp); while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t');
389  (void) ungetc(ch, fp);
390  PLA->phase = set_save(cube.fullset);
391  last = cube.last_part[cube.num_vars - 1];
392  for(i=cube.first_part[cube.num_vars - 1]; i <= last; i++)
393  if ((ch = getc(fp)) == '0')
394  set_remove(PLA->phase, i);
395  else if (ch != '1')
396  fatal("only 0 or 1 allowed in phase description");
397  }
399  /* .pair allows for bit-pairing input variables */
400  } else if (equal(word, "pair")) {
401  int j;
402  if (PLA->pair != NULL) {
403  (void) fprintf(stderr, "extra .pair ignored\n");
404  } else {
405  ppair pair;
406  PLA->pair = pair = ALLOC(pair_t, 1);
407  if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &(pair->cnt)) != 1)
408  fatal("syntax error in .pair");
409  pair->var1 = ALLOC(int, pair->cnt);
410  pair->var2 = ALLOC(int, pair->cnt);
411  for(i = 0; i < pair->cnt; i++) {
412  (void) get_word(fp, word);
413  if (word[0] == '(') (void) strcpy(word, word+1);
414  if (label_index(PLA, word, &var, &j)) {
415  pair->var1[i] = var+1;
416  } else {
417  fatal("syntax error in .pair");
418  }
420  (void) get_word(fp, word);
421  if (word[strlen(word)-1] == ')') {
422  word[strlen(word)-1]='\0';
423  }
424  if (label_index(PLA, word, &var, &j)) {
425  pair->var2[i] = var+1;
426  } else {
427  fatal("syntax error in .pair");
428  }
429  }
430  }
432  } else {
434  printf("%c%s ", ch, word);
435  skip_line(fp, stdout, echo_unknown_commands);
436  }
437  break;
438  default:
439  (void) ungetc(ch, fp);
440  if (cube.fullset == NULL) {
441 /* fatal("unknown PLA size, need .i/.o or .mv");*/
442  if (echo_comments)
443  putchar('#');
444  skip_line(fp, stdout, echo_comments);
445  break;
446  }
447  if (PLA->F == NULL) {
448  PLA->F = new_cover(10);
449  PLA->D = new_cover(10);
450  PLA->R = new_cover(10);
451  }
452  read_cube(fp, PLA);
453  }
454  goto loop;
455 }
456 /*
457  read_pla -- read a PLA from a file
459  Input stops when ".e" is encountered in the input file, or upon reaching
460  end of file.
462  Returns the PLA in the variable PLA after massaging the "symbolic"
463  representation into a positional cube notation of the ON-set, OFF-set,
464  and the DC-set.
466  needs_dcset and needs_offset control the computation of the OFF-set
467  and DC-set (i.e., if either needs to be computed, then it will be
468  computed via complement only if the corresponding option is TRUE.)
469  pla_type specifies the interpretation to be used when reading the
470  PLA.
472  The phase of the output functions is adjusted according to the
473  global option "pos" or according to an imbedded .phase option in
474  the input file. Note that either phase option implies that the
475  OFF-set be computed regardless of whether the caller needs it
476  explicitly or not.
478  Bit pairing of the binary variables is performed according to an
479  imbedded .pair option in the input file.
481  The global cube structure also reflects the sizes of the PLA which
482  was just read. If these fields have already been set, then any
483  subsequent PLA must conform to these sizes.
485  The global flags trace and summary control the output produced
486  during the read.
488  Returns a status code as a result:
489  EOF (-1) : End of file reached before any data was read
490  > 0 : Operation successful
491 */
493 int read_pla(fp, needs_dcset, needs_offset, pla_type, PLA_return)
494 IN FILE *fp;
496 IN int pla_type;
497 OUT pPLA *PLA_return;
498 {
499  pPLA PLA;
500  int i, second, third;
501  long time;
502  cost_t cost;
504  /* Allocate and initialize the PLA structure */
505  PLA = *PLA_return = new_PLA();
506  PLA->pla_type = pla_type;
508  /* Read the pla */
509  time = ptime();
510  parse_pla(fp, PLA);
512  /* Check for nothing on the file -- implies reached EOF */
513  if (PLA->F == NULL) {
514  return EOF;
515  }
517  /* This hack merges the next-state field with the outputs */
518  for(i = 0; i < cube.num_vars; i++) {
519  cube.part_size[i] = ABS(cube.part_size[i]);
520  }
521  if (kiss) {
522  third = cube.num_vars - 3;
523  second = cube.num_vars - 2;
524  if (cube.part_size[third] != cube.part_size[second]) {
525  (void) fprintf(stderr," with .kiss option, third to last and second\n");
526  (void) fprintf(stderr, "to last variables must be the same size.\n");
527  return EOF;
528  }
529  for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[second]; i++) {
530  PLA->label[i + cube.first_part[second]] =
531  util_strsav(PLA->label[i + cube.first_part[third]]);
532  }
533  cube.part_size[second] += cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1];
534  cube.num_vars--;
535  setdown_cube();
536  cube_setup();
537  }
539  if (trace) {
540  totals(time, READ_TIME, PLA->F, &cost);
541  }
543  /* Decide how to break PLA into ON-set, OFF-set and DC-set */
544  time = ptime();
545  if (pos || PLA->phase != NULL || PLA->symbolic_output != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
546  needs_offset = TRUE;
547  }
548  if (needs_offset && (PLA->pla_type==F_type || PLA->pla_type==FD_type)) {
549  free_cover(PLA->R);
550  PLA->R = complement(cube2list(PLA->F, PLA->D));
551  } else if (needs_dcset && PLA->pla_type == FR_type) {
552  pcover X;
553  free_cover(PLA->D);
554  /* hack, why not? */
555  X = d1merge(sf_join(PLA->F, PLA->R), cube.num_vars - 1);
556  PLA->D = complement(cube1list(X));
557  free_cover(X);
558  } else if (PLA->pla_type == R_type || PLA->pla_type == DR_type) {
559  free_cover(PLA->F);
560  PLA->F = complement(cube2list(PLA->D, PLA->R));
561  }
563  if (trace) {
564  totals(time, COMPL_TIME, PLA->R, &cost);
565  }
567  /* Check for phase rearrangement of the functions */
568  if (pos) {
569  pcover onset = PLA->F;
570  PLA->F = PLA->R;
571  PLA->R = onset;
572  PLA->phase = new_cube();
573  set_diff(PLA->phase, cube.fullset, cube.var_mask[cube.num_vars-1]);
574  } else if (PLA->phase != NULL) {
575  (void) set_phase(PLA);
576  }
578  /* Setup minimization for two-bit decoders */
579  if (PLA->pair != (ppair) NULL) {
580  set_pair(PLA);
581  }
583  if (PLA->symbolic != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
584  EXEC(map_symbolic(PLA), "MAP-INPUT ", PLA->F);
585  }
586  if (PLA->symbolic_output != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
587  EXEC(map_output_symbolic(PLA), "MAP-OUTPUT ", PLA->F);
588  if (needs_offset) {
589  free_cover(PLA->R);
590 EXECUTE(PLA->R=complement(cube2list(PLA->F,PLA->D)), COMPL_TIME, PLA->R, cost);
591  }
592  }
594  return 1;
595 }
597 void PLA_summary(PLA)
598 pPLA PLA;
599 {
600  int var, i;
601  symbolic_list_t *p2;
602  symbolic_t *p1;
604  printf("# PLA is %s", PLA->filename);
605  if (cube.num_binary_vars == cube.num_vars - 1)
606  printf(" with %d inputs and %d outputs\n",
607  cube.num_binary_vars, cube.part_size[cube.num_vars - 1]);
608  else {
609  printf(" with %d variables (%d binary, mv sizes",
610  cube.num_vars, cube.num_binary_vars);
611  for(var = cube.num_binary_vars; var < cube.num_vars; var++)
612  printf(" %d", cube.part_size[var]);
613  printf(")\n");
614  }
615  printf("# ON-set cost is %s\n", print_cost(PLA->F));
616  printf("# OFF-set cost is %s\n", print_cost(PLA->R));
617  printf("# DC-set cost is %s\n", print_cost(PLA->D));
618  if (PLA->phase != NULL)
619  printf("# phase is %s\n", pc1(PLA->phase));
620  if (PLA->pair != NULL) {
621  printf("# two-bit decoders:");
622  for(i = 0; i < PLA->pair->cnt; i++)
623  printf(" (%d %d)", PLA->pair->var1[i], PLA->pair->var2[i]);
624  printf("\n");
625  }
626  if (PLA->symbolic != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
627  for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
628  printf("# symbolic: ");
629  for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
630  printf(" %d", p2->variable);
631  }
632  printf("\n");
633  }
634  }
635  if (PLA->symbolic_output != NIL(symbolic_t)) {
636  for(p1 = PLA->symbolic_output; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1->next) {
637  printf("# output symbolic: ");
638  for(p2=p1->symbolic_list; p2!=NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2=p2->next) {
639  printf(" %d", p2->pos);
640  }
641  printf("\n");
642  }
643  }
644  (void) fflush(stdout);
645 }
649 {
650  pPLA PLA;
652  PLA = ALLOC(PLA_t, 1);
653  PLA->F = PLA->D = PLA->R = (pcover) NULL;
654  PLA->phase = (pcube) NULL;
655  PLA->pair = (ppair) NULL;
656  PLA->label = (char **) NULL;
657  PLA->filename = (char *) NULL;
658  PLA->pla_type = 0;
659  PLA->symbolic = NIL(symbolic_t);
661  return PLA;
662 }
665 void PLA_labels(PLA)
666 pPLA PLA;
667 {
668  int i;
670  PLA->label = ALLOC(char *, cube.size);
671  for(i = 0; i < cube.size; i++)
672  PLA->label[i] = (char *) NULL;
673 }
676 void free_PLA(PLA)
677 pPLA PLA;
678 {
679  symbolic_list_t *p2, *p2next;
680  symbolic_t *p1, *p1next;
681  int i;
683  if (PLA->F != (pcover) NULL)
684  free_cover(PLA->F);
685  if (PLA->R != (pcover) NULL)
686  free_cover(PLA->R);
687  if (PLA->D != (pcover) NULL)
688  free_cover(PLA->D);
689  if (PLA->phase != (pcube) NULL)
690  free_cube(PLA->phase);
691  if (PLA->pair != (ppair) NULL) {
692  FREE(PLA->pair->var1);
693  FREE(PLA->pair->var2);
694  FREE(PLA->pair);
695  }
696  if (PLA->label != NULL) {
697  for(i = 0; i < cube.size; i++)
698  if (PLA->label[i] != NULL)
699  FREE(PLA->label[i]);
700  FREE(PLA->label);
701  }
702  if (PLA->filename != NULL) {
703  FREE(PLA->filename);
704  }
705  for(p1 = PLA->symbolic; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1next) {
706  for(p2 = p1->symbolic_list; p2 != NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2 = p2next) {
707  p2next = p2->next;
708  FREE(p2);
709  }
710  p1next = p1->next;
711  FREE(p1);
712  }
713  PLA->symbolic = NIL(symbolic_t);
714  for(p1 = PLA->symbolic_output; p1 != NIL(symbolic_t); p1 = p1next) {
715  for(p2 = p1->symbolic_list; p2 != NIL(symbolic_list_t); p2 = p2next) {
716  p2next = p2->next;
717  FREE(p2);
718  }
719  p1next = p1->next;
720  FREE(p1);
721  }
722  PLA->symbolic_output = NIL(symbolic_t);
723  FREE(PLA);
724 }
727 int read_symbolic(fp, PLA, word, retval)
728 FILE *fp;
729 pPLA PLA;
730 char *word; /* scratch string for words */
731 symbolic_t **retval;
732 {
733  symbolic_list_t *listp, *prev_listp;
734  symbolic_label_t *labelp, *prev_labelp;
735  symbolic_t *newlist;
736  int i, var;
738  newlist = ALLOC(symbolic_t, 1);
739  newlist->next = NIL(symbolic_t);
740  newlist->symbolic_list = NIL(symbolic_list_t);
741  newlist->symbolic_list_length = 0;
742  newlist->symbolic_label = NIL(symbolic_label_t);
743  newlist->symbolic_label_length = 0;
744  prev_listp = NIL(symbolic_list_t);
745  prev_labelp = NIL(symbolic_label_t);
747  for(;;) {
748  (void) get_word(fp, word);
749  if (equal(word, ";"))
750  break;
751  if (label_index(PLA, word, &var, &i)) {
752  listp = ALLOC(symbolic_list_t, 1);
753  listp->variable = var;
754  listp->pos = i;
755  listp->next = NIL(symbolic_list_t);
756  if (prev_listp == NIL(symbolic_list_t)) {
757  newlist->symbolic_list = listp;
758  } else {
759  prev_listp->next = listp;
760  }
761  prev_listp = listp;
762  newlist->symbolic_list_length++;
763  } else {
764  return FALSE;
765  }
766  }
768  for(;;) {
769  (void) get_word(fp, word);
770  if (equal(word, ";"))
771  break;
772  labelp = ALLOC(symbolic_label_t, 1);
773  labelp->label = util_strsav(word);
774  labelp->next = NIL(symbolic_label_t);
775  if (prev_labelp == NIL(symbolic_label_t)) {
776  newlist->symbolic_label = labelp;
777  } else {
778  prev_labelp->next = labelp;
779  }
780  prev_labelp = labelp;
781  newlist->symbolic_label_length++;
782  }
784  *retval = newlist;
785  return TRUE;
786 }
789 int label_index(PLA, word, varp, ip)
790 pPLA PLA;
791 char *word;
792 int *varp;
793 int *ip;
794 {
795  int var, i;
797  if (PLA->label == NIL(char *) || PLA->label[0] == NIL(char)) {
798  if (sscanf(word, "%d", varp) == 1) {
799  *ip = *varp;
800  return TRUE;
801  }
802  } else {
803  for(var = 0; var < cube.num_vars; var++) {
804  for(i = 0; i < cube.part_size[var]; i++) {
805  if (equal(PLA->label[cube.first_part[var]+i], word)) {
806  *varp = var;
807  *ip = i;
808  return TRUE;
809  }
810  }
811  }
812  }
813  return FALSE;
814 }
pset set_or()
VOID_HACK exit()
ppair pair
Definition: espresso.h:320
void skip_line(FILE *fpin, FILE *fpout, bool echo)
Definition: cvrin.c:24
void PLA_labels(pPLA PLA)
Definition: cvrin.c:665
void fatal(char *s)
Definition: cvrmisc.c:140
struct symbolic_label_struct * next
Definition: espresso.h:300
#define FD_type
Definition: espresso.h:345
#define FALSE
Definition: cudd.h:91
pset set_clear()
#define new_cube()
Definition: espresso.h:262
char * pc1(pcube c)
Definition: cvrout.c:379
void PLA_summary(pPLA PLA)
Definition: cvrin.c:597
symbolic_label_t * symbolic_label
Definition: espresso.h:308
#define free_cover(r)
Definition: espresso.h:266
#define pcover
Definition: espresso.h:264
pset set_copy()
#define set_save(r)
Definition: espresso.h:166
void map_output_symbolic()
void map_symbolic()
int var(Lit p)
Definition: SolverTypes.h:62
pPLA set_phase()
bool pos
Definition: globals.c:30
#define OUT
Definition: espresso.h:333
symbolic_list_t * symbolic_list
Definition: espresso.h:306
bool trace
Definition: globals.c:36
void parse_pla(IN FILE *fp, INOUT pPLA PLA)
Definition: cvrin.c:208
pset_family d1merge(INOUT pset_family A, IN int var)
Definition: contain.c:161
ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START void cube_setup()
Definition: cubestr.c:27
bool needs_offset
int read_pla(IN FILE *fp, IN bool needs_dcset, IN bool needs_offset, IN int pla_type, OUT pPLA *PLA_return)
Definition: cvrin.c:493
char * get_word(FILE *fp, char *word)
Definition: cvrin.c:37
#define free_cube(r)
Definition: espresso.h:263
pcover complement(pcube *T)
Definition: compl.c:49
#define ABS(a)
Definition: util_old.h:250
void read_cube(FILE *fp, pPLA PLA)
Definition: cvrin.c:54
int * var2
Definition: espresso.h:285
#define INOUT
Definition: espresso.h:334
#define IN
Definition: espresso.h:332
struct pla_types_struct pla_types[]
Definition: globals.c:42
#define NIL(type)
Definition: avl.h:25
static int lineno
Definition: cvrin.c:22
char * print_cost(IN pcover F)
Definition: cvrmisc.c:76
static ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START bool line_length_error
Definition: cvrin.c:21
symbolic_t * symbolic
Definition: espresso.h:322
pset_family sf_addset()
pset_family sf_join()
char * filename
Definition: espresso.h:317
pset set_diff()
#define ALLOC(type, num)
Definition: avl.h:27
struct symbolic_list_struct * next
Definition: espresso.h:293
int symbolic_label_length
Definition: espresso.h:309
void setdown_cube()
Definition: cubestr.c:95
unsigned __int64 word
Definition: kitPerm.c:36
pcube * cube2list(pcover A, pcover B)
Definition: cofactor.c:306
Definition: abc_global.h:108
pset set_xor()
#define FREE(obj)
Definition: avl.h:31
#define new_cover(i)
Definition: espresso.h:265
char * sprintf()
int symbolic_list_length
Definition: espresso.h:307
int read_symbolic(FILE *fp, pPLA PLA, char *word, symbolic_t **retval)
Definition: cvrin.c:727
bool echo_unknown_commands
Definition: globals.c:26
pcover F
Definition: espresso.h:316
bool echo_comments
Definition: globals.c:25
void set_pair()
#define ptime()
Definition: util_old.h:283
char * strcpy()
int * var1
Definition: espresso.h:284
#define READ_TIME
Definition: espresso.h:372
Definition: abc_global.h:107
#define FR_type
Definition: espresso.h:346
#define set_remove(set, e)
Definition: espresso.h:171
#define TRUE
Definition: cudd.h:88
int pla_type
Definition: espresso.h:318
pcube phase
Definition: espresso.h:319
bool kiss
Definition: globals.c:29
#define set_insert(set, e)
Definition: espresso.h:172
pcover D
Definition: espresso.h:316
pcover R
Definition: espresso.h:316
enum keys key
int label_index(pPLA PLA, char *word, int *varp, int *ip)
Definition: cvrin.c:789
void free_PLA(pPLA PLA)
Definition: cvrin.c:676
struct pair_struct * ppair
pPLA new_PLA()
Definition: cvrin.c:648
symbolic_t * symbolic_output
Definition: espresso.h:323
#define D_type
Definition: espresso.h:338
char ** label
Definition: espresso.h:321
#define F_type
Definition: espresso.h:337
int strlen()
#define EXEC(fct, name, S)
Definition: espresso.h:418
void totals(long time, int i, pcover T, pcost cost)
Definition: cvrmisc.c:121
#define R_type
Definition: espresso.h:339
#define COMPL_TIME
Definition: espresso.h:373
bool needs_dcset
#define EXECUTE(fct, i, S, cost)
Definition: espresso.h:422
#define equal(a, b)
Definition: espresso.h:326
#define pcube
Definition: espresso.h:261
pcube * cube1list(pcover A)
Definition: cofactor.c:289
struct symbolic_struct * next
Definition: espresso.h:310
#define DR_type
Definition: espresso.h:347