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cuddExport.c File Reference
#include "misc/util/util_hack.h"
#include "cuddInt.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


static int ddDoDumpBlif (DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, int mv)
static int ddDoDumpDaVinci (DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, ptruint mask)
static int ddDoDumpDDcal (DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, ptruint mask)
static int ddDoDumpFactoredForm (DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, char **names)
int Cudd_DumpBlif (DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode **f, char **inames, char **onames, char *mname, FILE *fp, int mv)
int Cudd_DumpBlifBody (DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode **f, char **inames, char **onames, FILE *fp, int mv)
int Cudd_DumpDot (DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode **f, char **inames, char **onames, FILE *fp)
int Cudd_DumpDaVinci (DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode **f, char **inames, char **onames, FILE *fp)
int Cudd_DumpDDcal (DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode **f, char **inames, char **onames, FILE *fp)
int Cudd_DumpFactoredForm (DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode **f, char **inames, char **onames, FILE *fp)


DD_UNUSED = "$Id: cuddExport.c,v 1.22 2009/03/08 02:49:02 fabio Exp $"

Function Documentation

int Cudd_DumpBlif ( DdManager dd,
int  n,
DdNode **  f,
char **  inames,
char **  onames,
char *  mname,
FILE *  fp,
int  mv 

AutomaticEnd Function********************************************************************

Synopsis [Writes a blif file representing the argument BDDs.]

Description [Writes a blif file representing the argument BDDs as a network of multiplexers. One multiplexer is written for each BDD node. It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., out-of-memory, file system full, or an ADD with constants different from 0 and 1). Cudd_DumpBlif does not close the file: This is the caller responsibility. Cudd_DumpBlif uses a minimal unique subset of the hexadecimal address of a node as name for it. If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpBlifBody Cudd_DumpDot Cudd_PrintDebug Cudd_DumpDDcal Cudd_DumpDaVinci Cudd_DumpFactoredForm]

Definition at line 136 of file cuddExport.c.

145 {
146  DdNode *support = NULL;
147  DdNode *scan;
148  int *sorted = NULL;
149  int nvars = dd->size;
150  int retval;
151  int i;
153  /* Build a bit array with the support of f. */
154  sorted = ABC_ALLOC(int,nvars);
155  if (sorted == NULL) {
157  goto failure;
158  }
159  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) sorted[i] = 0;
161  /* Take the union of the supports of each output function. */
162  support = Cudd_VectorSupport(dd,f,n);
163  if (support == NULL) goto failure;
164  cuddRef(support);
165  scan = support;
166  while (!cuddIsConstant(scan)) {
167  sorted[scan->index] = 1;
168  scan = cuddT(scan);
169  }
170  Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
171  support = NULL; /* so that we do not try to free it in case of failure */
173  /* Write the header (.model .inputs .outputs). */
174  if (mname == NULL) {
175  retval = fprintf(fp,".model DD\n.inputs");
176  } else {
177  retval = fprintf(fp,".model %s\n.inputs",mname);
178  }
179  if (retval == EOF) {
180  ABC_FREE(sorted);
181  return(0);
182  }
184  /* Write the input list by scanning the support array. */
185  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
186  if (sorted[i]) {
187  if (inames == NULL) {
188  retval = fprintf(fp," %d", i);
189  } else {
190  retval = fprintf(fp," %s", inames[i]);
191  }
192  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
193  }
194  }
195  ABC_FREE(sorted);
196  sorted = NULL;
198  /* Write the .output line. */
199  retval = fprintf(fp,"\n.outputs");
200  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
201  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
202  if (onames == NULL) {
203  retval = fprintf(fp," f%d", i);
204  } else {
205  retval = fprintf(fp," %s", onames[i]);
206  }
207  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
208  }
209  retval = fprintf(fp,"\n");
210  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
212  retval = Cudd_DumpBlifBody(dd, n, f, inames, onames, fp, mv);
213  if (retval == 0) goto failure;
215  /* Write trailer and return. */
216  retval = fprintf(fp,".end\n");
217  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
219  return(1);
221 failure:
222  if (sorted != NULL) ABC_FREE(sorted);
223  if (support != NULL) Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
224  return(0);
226 } /* end of Cudd_DumpBlif */
#define cuddRef(n)
Definition: cuddInt.h:584
void Cudd_RecursiveDeref(DdManager *table, DdNode *n)
Definition: cuddRef.c:154
Definition: cudd.h:278
int size
Definition: cuddInt.h:361
int Cudd_DumpBlifBody(DdManager *dd, int n, DdNode **f, char **inames, char **onames, FILE *fp, int mv)
Definition: cuddExport.c:252
#define ABC_ALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:229
static const char * onames[]
Definition: testcudd.c:71
#define cuddIsConstant(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:620
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
int support
Definition: abcSaucy.c:64
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
Cudd_ErrorType errorCode
Definition: cuddInt.h:447
DdNode * Cudd_VectorSupport(DdManager *dd, DdNode **F, int n)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:908
int Cudd_DumpBlifBody ( DdManager dd,
int  n,
DdNode **  f,
char **  inames,
char **  onames,
FILE *  fp,
int  mv 


Synopsis [Writes a blif body representing the argument BDDs.]

Description [Writes a blif body representing the argument BDDs as a network of multiplexers. No header (.model, .inputs, and .outputs) and footer (.end) are produced by this function. One multiplexer is written for each BDD node. It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., out-of-memory, file system full, or an ADD with constants different from 0 and 1). Cudd_DumpBlifBody does not close the file: This is the caller responsibility. Cudd_DumpBlifBody uses a minimal unique subset of the hexadecimal address of a node as name for it. If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames. This function prints out only .names part.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpBlif Cudd_DumpDot Cudd_PrintDebug Cudd_DumpDDcal Cudd_DumpDaVinci Cudd_DumpFactoredForm]

Definition at line 252 of file cuddExport.c.

260 {
261  st__table *visited = NULL;
262  int retval;
263  int i;
265  /* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
267  if (visited == NULL) goto failure;
269  /* Call the function that really gets the job done. */
270  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
271  retval = ddDoDumpBlif(dd,Cudd_Regular(f[i]),fp,visited,inames,mv);
272  if (retval == 0) goto failure;
273  }
275  /* To account for the possible complement on the root,
276  ** we put either a buffer or an inverter at the output of
277  ** the multiplexer representing the top node.
278  */
279  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
280  if (onames == NULL) {
281  retval = fprintf(fp,
282 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
283  ".names %lx f%d\n", (ptruint) f[i] / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode), i);
284 #else
285  ".names %x f%d\n", (ptruint) f[i] / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode), i);
286 #endif
287  } else {
288  retval = fprintf(fp,
289 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
290  ".names %lx %s\n", (ptruint) f[i] / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode), onames[i]);
291 #else
292  ".names %x %s\n", (ptruint) f[i] / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode), onames[i]);
293 #endif
294  }
295  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
296  if (Cudd_IsComplement(f[i])) {
297  retval = fprintf(fp,"%s0 1\n", mv ? ".def 0\n" : "");
298  } else {
299  retval = fprintf(fp,"%s1 1\n", mv ? ".def 0\n" : "");
300  }
301  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
302  }
304  st__free_table(visited);
305  return(1);
307 failure:
308  if (visited != NULL) st__free_table(visited);
309  return(0);
311 } /* end of Cudd_DumpBlifBody */
void st__free_table(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:81
Definition: cudd.h:278
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
int st__ptrcmp(const char *, const char *)
Definition: st.c:480
static int ddDoDumpBlif(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, int mv)
Definition: cuddExport.c:956
struct DdNode DdNode
Definition: cudd.h:270
Definition: cuddInt.h:261
static const char * onames[]
Definition: testcudd.c:71
st__table * st__init_table(st__compare_func_type compare, st__hash_func_type hash)
Definition: st.c:72
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
Definition: cudd.h:78
Definition: st.h:52
int st__ptrhash(const char *, int)
Definition: st.c:468
int Cudd_DumpDaVinci ( DdManager dd,
int  n,
DdNode **  f,
char **  inames,
char **  onames,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Writes a daVinci file representing the argument BDDs.]

Description [Writes a daVinci file representing the argument BDDs. It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., out-of-memory or file system full). Cudd_DumpDaVinci does not close the file: This is the caller responsibility. Cudd_DumpDaVinci uses a minimal unique subset of the hexadecimal address of a node as name for it. If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpDot Cudd_PrintDebug Cudd_DumpBlif Cudd_DumpDDcal Cudd_DumpFactoredForm]

Definition at line 615 of file cuddExport.c.

622 {
623  DdNode *support = NULL;
624  DdNode *scan;
625  st__table *visited = NULL;
626  int retval;
627  int i;
628  st__generator *gen;
629  ptruint refAddr, diff, mask;
631  /* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
633  if (visited == NULL) goto failure;
635  /* Collect all the nodes of this DD in the symbol table. */
636  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
637  retval = cuddCollectNodes(Cudd_Regular(f[i]),visited);
638  if (retval == 0) goto failure;
639  }
641  /* Find how many most significant hex digits are identical
642  ** in the addresses of all the nodes. Build a mask based
643  ** on this knowledge, so that digits that carry no information
644  ** will not be printed. This is done in two steps.
645  ** 1. We scan the symbol table to find the bits that differ
646  ** in at least 2 addresses.
647  ** 2. We choose one of the possible masks. There are 8 possible
648  ** masks for 32-bit integer, and 16 possible masks for 64-bit
649  ** integers.
650  */
652  /* Find the bits that are different. */
653  refAddr = (ptruint) Cudd_Regular(f[0]);
654  diff = 0;
655  gen = st__init_gen(visited);
656  while ( st__gen(gen, (const char **)&scan, NULL)) {
657  diff |= refAddr ^ (ptruint) scan;
658  }
659  st__free_gen(gen);
661  /* Choose the mask. */
662  for (i = 0; (unsigned) i < 8 * sizeof(ptruint); i += 4) {
663  mask = (1 << i) - 1;
664  if (diff <= mask) break;
665  }
666  st__free_table(visited);
668  /* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
670  if (visited == NULL) goto failure;
672  retval = fprintf(fp, "[");
673  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
674  /* Call the function that really gets the job done. */
675  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
676  if (onames == NULL) {
677  retval = fprintf(fp,
678  "l(\"f%d\",n(\"root\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"f%d\")],",
679  i,i);
680  } else {
681  retval = fprintf(fp,
682  "l(\"%s\",n(\"root\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\")],",
683  onames[i], onames[i]);
684  }
685  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
686  retval = fprintf(fp, "[e(\"edge\",[a(\"EDGECOLOR\",\"%s\"),a(\"_DIR\",\"none\")],",
687  Cudd_IsComplement(f[i]) ? "red" : "blue");
688  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
689  retval = ddDoDumpDaVinci(dd,Cudd_Regular(f[i]),fp,visited,inames,mask);
690  if (retval == 0) goto failure;
691  retval = fprintf(fp, ")]))%s", i == n-1 ? "" : ",");
692  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
693  }
695  /* Write trailer and return. */
696  retval = fprintf(fp, "]\n");
697  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
699  st__free_table(visited);
700  return(1);
702 failure:
703  if (support != NULL) Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
704  if (visited != NULL) st__free_table(visited);
705  return(0);
707 } /* end of Cudd_DumpDaVinci */
static int ddDoDumpDaVinci(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, ptruint mask)
Definition: cuddExport.c:1117
void st__free_table(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:81
void Cudd_RecursiveDeref(DdManager *table, DdNode *n)
Definition: cuddRef.c:154
Definition: cudd.h:278
void st__free_gen(st__generator *gen)
Definition: st.c:556
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
int st__ptrcmp(const char *, const char *)
Definition: st.c:480
Definition: cuddInt.h:261
static const char * onames[]
Definition: testcudd.c:71
st__table * st__init_table(st__compare_func_type compare, st__hash_func_type hash)
Definition: st.c:72
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
Definition: st.h:52
st__generator * st__init_gen(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:486
int support
Definition: abcSaucy.c:64
int cuddCollectNodes(DdNode *f, st__table *visited)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:2925
int st__ptrhash(const char *, int)
Definition: st.c:468
int st__gen(st__generator *gen, const char **key_p, char **value_p)
Definition: st.c:502
int Cudd_DumpDDcal ( DdManager dd,
int  n,
DdNode **  f,
char **  inames,
char **  onames,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Writes a DDcal file representing the argument BDDs.]

Description [Writes a DDcal file representing the argument BDDs. It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., out-of-memory or file system full). Cudd_DumpDDcal does not close the file: This is the caller responsibility. Cudd_DumpDDcal uses a minimal unique subset of the hexadecimal address of a node as name for it. If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpDot Cudd_PrintDebug Cudd_DumpBlif Cudd_DumpDaVinci Cudd_DumpFactoredForm]

Definition at line 729 of file cuddExport.c.

736 {
737  DdNode *support = NULL;
738  DdNode *scan;
739  int *sorted = NULL;
740  int nvars = dd->size;
741  st__table *visited = NULL;
742  int retval;
743  int i;
744  st__generator *gen;
745  ptruint refAddr, diff, mask;
747  /* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
749  if (visited == NULL) goto failure;
751  /* Collect all the nodes of this DD in the symbol table. */
752  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
753  retval = cuddCollectNodes(Cudd_Regular(f[i]),visited);
754  if (retval == 0) goto failure;
755  }
757  /* Find how many most significant hex digits are identical
758  ** in the addresses of all the nodes. Build a mask based
759  ** on this knowledge, so that digits that carry no information
760  ** will not be printed. This is done in two steps.
761  ** 1. We scan the symbol table to find the bits that differ
762  ** in at least 2 addresses.
763  ** 2. We choose one of the possible masks. There are 8 possible
764  ** masks for 32-bit integer, and 16 possible masks for 64-bit
765  ** integers.
766  */
768  /* Find the bits that are different. */
769  refAddr = (ptruint) Cudd_Regular(f[0]);
770  diff = 0;
771  gen = st__init_gen(visited);
772  while ( st__gen(gen, (const char **)&scan, NULL)) {
773  diff |= refAddr ^ (ptruint) scan;
774  }
775  st__free_gen(gen);
777  /* Choose the mask. */
778  for (i = 0; (unsigned) i < 8 * sizeof(ptruint); i += 4) {
779  mask = (1 << i) - 1;
780  if (diff <= mask) break;
781  }
782  st__free_table(visited);
783  visited = NULL;
785  /* Build a bit array with the support of f. */
786  sorted = ABC_ALLOC(int,nvars);
787  if (sorted == NULL) {
789  goto failure;
790  }
791  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) sorted[i] = 0;
793  /* Take the union of the supports of each output function. */
794  support = Cudd_VectorSupport(dd,f,n);
795  if (support == NULL) goto failure;
796  cuddRef(support);
797  scan = support;
798  while (!cuddIsConstant(scan)) {
799  sorted[scan->index] = 1;
800  scan = cuddT(scan);
801  }
802  Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
803  support = NULL; /* so that we do not try to free it in case of failure */
804  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
805  if (sorted[dd->invperm[i]]) {
806  if (inames == NULL || inames[dd->invperm[i]] == NULL) {
807  retval = fprintf(fp,"v%d", dd->invperm[i]);
808  } else {
809  retval = fprintf(fp,"%s", inames[dd->invperm[i]]);
810  }
811  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
812  }
813  retval = fprintf(fp,"%s", i == nvars - 1 ? "\n" : " * ");
814  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
815  }
816  ABC_FREE(sorted);
817  sorted = NULL;
819  /* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
821  if (visited == NULL) goto failure;
823  /* Call the function that really gets the job done. */
824  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
825  retval = ddDoDumpDDcal(dd,Cudd_Regular(f[i]),fp,visited,inames,mask);
826  if (retval == 0) goto failure;
827  if (onames == NULL) {
828  retval = fprintf(fp, "f%d = ", i);
829  } else {
830  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s = ", onames[i]);
831  }
832  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
833  retval = fprintf(fp, "n%p%s\n",
834  (void *) (((ptruint) f[i] & mask) /
835  (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode)),
836  Cudd_IsComplement(f[i]) ? "'" : "");
837  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
838  }
840  /* Write trailer and return. */
841  retval = fprintf(fp, "[");
842  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
843  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
844  if (onames == NULL) {
845  retval = fprintf(fp, "f%d", i);
846  } else {
847  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s", onames[i]);
848  }
849  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s", i == n-1 ? "" : " ");
850  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
851  }
852  retval = fprintf(fp, "]\n");
853  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
855  if ( visited )
856  st__free_table(visited);
857  return(1);
859 failure:
860  if (sorted != NULL) ABC_FREE(sorted);
861  if (support != NULL) Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
862  if (visited != NULL) st__free_table(visited);
863  return(0);
865 } /* end of Cudd_DumpDDcal */
void st__free_table(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:81
#define cuddRef(n)
Definition: cuddInt.h:584
void Cudd_RecursiveDeref(DdManager *table, DdNode *n)
Definition: cuddRef.c:154
Definition: cudd.h:278
void st__free_gen(st__generator *gen)
Definition: st.c:556
int size
Definition: cuddInt.h:361
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
int st__ptrcmp(const char *, const char *)
Definition: st.c:480
#define ABC_ALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:229
Definition: cuddInt.h:261
static const char * onames[]
Definition: testcudd.c:71
st__table * st__init_table(st__compare_func_type compare, st__hash_func_type hash)
Definition: st.c:72
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
Definition: st.h:52
#define cuddIsConstant(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:620
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
st__generator * st__init_gen(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:486
int support
Definition: abcSaucy.c:64
static int ddDoDumpDDcal(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, ptruint mask)
Definition: cuddExport.c:1216
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
int cuddCollectNodes(DdNode *f, st__table *visited)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:2925
int * invperm
Definition: cuddInt.h:388
Cudd_ErrorType errorCode
Definition: cuddInt.h:447
int st__ptrhash(const char *, int)
Definition: st.c:468
int st__gen(st__generator *gen, const char **key_p, char **value_p)
Definition: st.c:502
DdNode * Cudd_VectorSupport(DdManager *dd, DdNode **F, int n)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:908
int Cudd_DumpDot ( DdManager dd,
int  n,
DdNode **  f,
char **  inames,
char **  onames,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Writes a dot file representing the argument DDs.]

Description [Writes a file representing the argument DDs in a format suitable for the graph drawing program dot. It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., out-of-memory, file system full). Cudd_DumpDot does not close the file: This is the caller responsibility. Cudd_DumpDot uses a minimal unique subset of the hexadecimal address of a node as name for it. If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames. Cudd_DumpDot uses the following convention to draw arcs:

  • solid line: THEN arcs;
  • dotted line: complement arcs;
  • dashed line: regular ELSE arcs.

The dot options are chosen so that the drawing fits on a letter-size sheet. ]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpBlif Cudd_PrintDebug Cudd_DumpDDcal Cudd_DumpDaVinci Cudd_DumpFactoredForm]

Definition at line 344 of file cuddExport.c.

351 {
352  DdNode *support = NULL;
353  DdNode *scan;
354  int *sorted = NULL;
355  int nvars = dd->size;
356  st__table *visited = NULL;
357  st__generator *gen = NULL;
358  int retval;
359  int i, j;
360  int slots;
361  DdNodePtr *nodelist;
362  long refAddr, diff, mask;
364  /* Build a bit array with the support of f. */
365  sorted = ABC_ALLOC(int,nvars);
366  if (sorted == NULL) {
368  goto failure;
369  }
370  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) sorted[i] = 0;
372  /* Take the union of the supports of each output function. */
373  support = Cudd_VectorSupport(dd,f,n);
374  if (support == NULL) goto failure;
375  cuddRef(support);
376  scan = support;
377  while (!cuddIsConstant(scan)) {
378  sorted[scan->index] = 1;
379  scan = cuddT(scan);
380  }
381  Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
382  support = NULL; /* so that we do not try to free it in case of failure */
384  /* Initialize symbol table for visited nodes. */
386  if (visited == NULL) goto failure;
388  /* Collect all the nodes of this DD in the symbol table. */
389  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
390  retval = cuddCollectNodes(Cudd_Regular(f[i]),visited);
391  if (retval == 0) goto failure;
392  }
394  /* Find how many most significant hex digits are identical
395  ** in the addresses of all the nodes. Build a mask based
396  ** on this knowledge, so that digits that carry no information
397  ** will not be printed. This is done in two steps.
398  ** 1. We scan the symbol table to find the bits that differ
399  ** in at least 2 addresses.
400  ** 2. We choose one of the possible masks. There are 8 possible
401  ** masks for 32-bit integer, and 16 possible masks for 64-bit
402  ** integers.
403  */
405  /* Find the bits that are different. */
406  refAddr = (long) Cudd_Regular(f[0]);
407  diff = 0;
408  gen = st__init_gen(visited);
409  if (gen == NULL) goto failure;
410  while ( st__gen(gen, (const char **)&scan, NULL)) {
411  diff |= refAddr ^ (long) scan;
412  }
413  st__free_gen(gen); gen = NULL;
415  /* Choose the mask. */
416  for (i = 0; (unsigned) i < 8 * sizeof(long); i += 4) {
417  mask = (1 << i) - 1;
418  if (diff <= mask) break;
419  }
421  /* Write the header and the global attributes. */
422  retval = fprintf(fp,"digraph \"DD\" {\n");
423  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
424  retval = fprintf(fp,
425  "size = \"7.5,10\"\ncenter = true;\nedge [dir = none];\n");
426  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
428  /* Write the input name subgraph by scanning the support array. */
429  retval = fprintf(fp,"{ node [shape = plaintext];\n");
430  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
431  retval = fprintf(fp," edge [style = invis];\n");
432  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
433  /* We use a name ("CONST NODES") with an embedded blank, because
434  ** it is unlikely to appear as an input name.
435  */
436  retval = fprintf(fp," \"CONST NODES\" [style = invis];\n");
437  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
438  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
439  if (sorted[dd->invperm[i]]) {
440  if (inames == NULL || inames[dd->invperm[i]] == NULL) {
441  retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %d \" -> ", dd->invperm[i]);
442  } else {
443  retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \" -> ", inames[dd->invperm[i]]);
444  }
445  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
446  }
447  }
448  retval = fprintf(fp,"\"CONST NODES\"; \n}\n");
449  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
451  /* Write the output node subgraph. */
452  retval = fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; node [shape = box]; edge [style = invis];\n");
453  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
454  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
455  if (onames == NULL) {
456  retval = fprintf(fp,"\"F%d\"", i);
457  } else {
458  retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \"", onames[i]);
459  }
460  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
461  if (i == n - 1) {
462  retval = fprintf(fp,"; }\n");
463  } else {
464  retval = fprintf(fp," -> ");
465  }
466  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
467  }
469  /* Write rank info: All nodes with the same index have the same rank. */
470  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
471  if (sorted[dd->invperm[i]]) {
472  retval = fprintf(fp,"{ rank = same; ");
473  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
474  if (inames == NULL || inames[dd->invperm[i]] == NULL) {
475  retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %d \";\n", dd->invperm[i]);
476  } else {
477  retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \";\n", inames[dd->invperm[i]]);
478  }
479  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
480  nodelist = dd->subtables[i].nodelist;
481  slots = dd->subtables[i].slots;
482  for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
483  scan = nodelist[j];
484  while (scan != NULL) {
485  if ( st__is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
486  retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%lx\";\n", ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)));
487  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
488  }
489  scan = scan->next;
490  }
491  }
492  retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n");
493  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
494  }
495  }
497  /* All constants have the same rank. */
498  retval = fprintf(fp,
499  "{ rank = same; \"CONST NODES\";\n{ node [shape = box]; ");
500  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
501  nodelist = dd->constants.nodelist;
502  slots = dd->constants.slots;
503  for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
504  scan = nodelist[j];
505  while (scan != NULL) {
506  if ( st__is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
507  retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%lx\";\n", ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)));
508  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
509  }
510  scan = scan->next;
511  }
512  }
513  retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n}\n");
514  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
516  /* Write edge info. */
517  /* Edges from the output nodes. */
518  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
519  if (onames == NULL) {
520  retval = fprintf(fp,"\"F%d\"", i);
521  } else {
522  retval = fprintf(fp,"\" %s \"", onames[i]);
523  }
524  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
525  /* Account for the possible complement on the root. */
526  if (Cudd_IsComplement(f[i])) {
527  retval = fprintf(fp," -> \"%lx\" [style = dotted];\n", ((mask & (ptrint) f[i]) / sizeof(DdNode)));
528  } else {
529  retval = fprintf(fp," -> \"%lx\" [style = solid];\n", ((mask & (ptrint) f[i]) / sizeof(DdNode)));
530  }
531  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
532  }
534  /* Edges from internal nodes. */
535  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) {
536  if (sorted[dd->invperm[i]]) {
537  nodelist = dd->subtables[i].nodelist;
538  slots = dd->subtables[i].slots;
539  for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
540  scan = nodelist[j];
541  while (scan != NULL) {
542  if ( st__is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
543  retval = fprintf(fp, "\"%lx\" -> \"%lx\";\n",
544  ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)),
545  ((mask & (ptrint) cuddT(scan)) / sizeof(DdNode)));
546  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
547  if (Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(scan))) {
548  retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%lx\" -> \"%lx\" [style = dotted];\n",
549  ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)),
550  ((mask & (ptrint) cuddE(scan)) / sizeof(DdNode)));
551  } else {
552  retval = fprintf(fp, "\"%lx\" -> \"%lx\" [style = dashed];\n",
553  ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)),
554  ((mask & (ptrint) cuddE(scan)) / sizeof(DdNode)));
555  }
556  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
557  }
558  scan = scan->next;
559  }
560  }
561  }
562  }
564  /* Write constant labels. */
565  nodelist = dd->constants.nodelist;
566  slots = dd->constants.slots;
567  for (j = 0; j < slots; j++) {
568  scan = nodelist[j];
569  while (scan != NULL) {
570  if ( st__is_member(visited,(char *) scan)) {
571  retval = fprintf(fp,"\"%lx\" [label = \"%g\"];\n",
572  ((mask & (ptrint) scan) / sizeof(DdNode)), cuddV(scan));
573  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
574  }
575  scan = scan->next;
576  }
577  }
579  /* Write trailer and return. */
580  retval = fprintf(fp,"}\n");
581  if (retval == EOF) goto failure;
583  st__free_table(visited);
584  ABC_FREE(sorted);
585  return(1);
587 failure:
588  if (sorted != NULL) ABC_FREE(sorted);
589  if (support != NULL) Cudd_RecursiveDeref(dd,support);
590  if (visited != NULL) st__free_table(visited);
591  return(0);
593 } /* end of Cudd_DumpDot */
void st__free_table(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:81
#define cuddRef(n)
Definition: cuddInt.h:584
void Cudd_RecursiveDeref(DdManager *table, DdNode *n)
Definition: cuddRef.c:154
Definition: cudd.h:278
void st__free_gen(st__generator *gen)
Definition: st.c:556
int size
Definition: cuddInt.h:361
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
int st__ptrcmp(const char *, const char *)
Definition: st.c:480
#define ABC_ALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:229
DdSubtable * subtables
Definition: cuddInt.h:365
#define st__is_member(table, key)
Definition: st.h:70
#define cuddV(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:668
static const char * onames[]
Definition: testcudd.c:71
st__table * st__init_table(st__compare_func_type compare, st__hash_func_type hash)
Definition: st.c:72
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
Definition: cuddInt.h:260
Definition: st.h:52
#define cuddIsConstant(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:620
DdNode ** nodelist
Definition: cuddInt.h:327
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
st__generator * st__init_gen(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:486
int support
Definition: abcSaucy.c:64
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
unsigned int slots
Definition: cuddInt.h:329
#define cuddE(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:652
int cuddCollectNodes(DdNode *f, st__table *visited)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:2925
int * invperm
Definition: cuddInt.h:388
DdSubtable constants
Definition: cuddInt.h:367
Cudd_ErrorType errorCode
Definition: cuddInt.h:447
int st__ptrhash(const char *, int)
Definition: st.c:468
int st__gen(st__generator *gen, const char **key_p, char **value_p)
Definition: st.c:502
DdNode * Cudd_VectorSupport(DdManager *dd, DdNode **F, int n)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:908
int Cudd_DumpFactoredForm ( DdManager dd,
int  n,
DdNode **  f,
char **  inames,
char **  onames,
FILE *  fp 


Synopsis [Writes factored forms representing the argument BDDs.]

Description [Writes factored forms representing the argument BDDs. The format of the factored form is the one used in the genlib files for technology mapping in sis. It returns 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise (e.g., file system full). Cudd_DumpFactoredForm does not close the file: This is the caller responsibility. Caution must be exercised because a factored form may be exponentially larger than the argument BDD. If the argument inames is non-null, it is assumed to hold the pointers to the names of the inputs. Similarly for onames.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpDot Cudd_PrintDebug Cudd_DumpBlif Cudd_DumpDaVinci Cudd_DumpDDcal]

Definition at line 889 of file cuddExport.c.

896 {
897  int retval;
898  int i;
900  /* Call the function that really gets the job done. */
901  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
902  if (onames == NULL) {
903  retval = fprintf(fp, "f%d = ", i);
904  } else {
905  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s = ", onames[i]);
906  }
907  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
908  if (f[i] == DD_ONE(dd)) {
909  retval = fprintf(fp, "CONST1");
910  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
911  } else if (f[i] == Cudd_Not(DD_ONE(dd)) || f[i] == DD_ZERO(dd)) {
912  retval = fprintf(fp, "CONST0");
913  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
914  } else {
915  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s", Cudd_IsComplement(f[i]) ? "!(" : "");
916  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
917  retval = ddDoDumpFactoredForm(dd,Cudd_Regular(f[i]),fp,inames);
918  if (retval == 0) return(0);
919  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s", Cudd_IsComplement(f[i]) ? ")" : "");
920  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
921  }
922  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s", i == n-1 ? "" : "\n");
923  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
924  }
926  return(1);
928 } /* end of Cudd_DumpFactoredForm */
static int ddDoDumpFactoredForm(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, char **names)
Definition: cuddExport.c:1310
#define Cudd_Not(node)
Definition: cudd.h:367
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
static const char * onames[]
Definition: testcudd.c:71
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
#define DD_ONE(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:911
#define DD_ZERO(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:927
static int ddDoDumpBlif ( DdManager dd,
DdNode f,
FILE *  fp,
st__table visited,
char **  names,
int  mv 



Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpBlif.]

Description [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpBlif. Traverses the BDD f and writes a multiplexer-network description to the file pointed by fp in blif format. f is assumed to be a regular pointer and ddDoDumpBlif guarantees this assumption in the recursive calls.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 956 of file cuddExport.c.

963 {
964  DdNode *T, *E;
965  int retval;
967 #ifdef DD_DEBUG
969 #endif
971  /* If already visited, nothing to do. */
972  if ( st__is_member(visited, (char *) f) == 1)
973  return(1);
975  /* Check for abnormal condition that should never happen. */
976  if (f == NULL)
977  return(0);
979  /* Mark node as visited. */
980  if ( st__insert(visited, (char *) f, NULL) == st__OUT_OF_MEM)
981  return(0);
983  /* Check for special case: If constant node, generate constant 1. */
984  if (f == DD_ONE(dd)) {
985 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
986  retval = fprintf(fp, ".names %lx\n1\n",(ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
987 #else
988  retval = fprintf(fp, ".names %x\n1\n",(ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
989 #endif
990  if (retval == EOF) {
991  return(0);
992  } else {
993  return(1);
994  }
995  }
997  /* Check whether this is an ADD. We deal with 0-1 ADDs, but not
998  ** with the general case.
999  */
1000  if (f == DD_ZERO(dd)) {
1001 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
1002  retval = fprintf(fp, ".names %lx\n%s",
1003  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1004  mv ? "0\n" : "");
1005 #else
1006  retval = fprintf(fp, ".names %x\n%s",
1007  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1008  mv ? "0\n" : "");
1009 #endif
1010  if (retval == EOF) {
1011  return(0);
1012  } else {
1013  return(1);
1014  }
1015  }
1016  if (cuddIsConstant(f))
1017  return(0);
1019  /* Recursive calls. */
1020  T = cuddT(f);
1021  retval = ddDoDumpBlif(dd,T,fp,visited,names,mv);
1022  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1023  E = Cudd_Regular(cuddE(f));
1024  retval = ddDoDumpBlif(dd,E,fp,visited,names,mv);
1025  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1027  /* Write multiplexer taking complement arc into account. */
1028  if (names != NULL) {
1029  retval = fprintf(fp,".names %s", names[f->index]);
1030  } else {
1031 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
1032  retval = fprintf(fp,".names %u", f->index);
1033 #else
1034  retval = fprintf(fp,".names %hu", f->index);
1035 #endif
1036  }
1037  if (retval == EOF)
1038  return(0);
1040 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
1041  if (mv) {
1042  if (Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(f))) {
1043  retval = fprintf(fp," %lx %lx %lx\n.def 0\n1 1 - 1\n0 - 0 1\n",
1044  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1045  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1046  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1047  } else {
1048  retval = fprintf(fp," %lx %lx %lx\n.def 0\n1 1 - 1\n0 - 1 1\n",
1049  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1050  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1051  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1052  }
1053  } else {
1054  if (Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(f))) {
1055  retval = fprintf(fp," %lx %lx %lx\n11- 1\n0-0 1\n",
1056  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1057  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1058  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1059  } else {
1060  retval = fprintf(fp," %lx %lx %lx\n11- 1\n0-1 1\n",
1061  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1062  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1063  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1064  }
1065  }
1066 #else
1067  if (mv) {
1068  if (Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(f))) {
1069  retval = fprintf(fp," %x %x %x\n.def 0\n1 1 - 1\n0 - 0 1\n",
1070  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1071  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1072  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1073  } else {
1074  retval = fprintf(fp," %x %x %x\n.def 0\n1 1 - 1\n0 - 1 1\n",
1075  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1076  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1077  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1078  }
1079  } else {
1080  if (Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(f))) {
1081  retval = fprintf(fp," %x %x %x\n11- 1\n0-0 1\n",
1082  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1083  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1084  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1085  } else {
1086  retval = fprintf(fp," %x %x %x\n11- 1\n0-1 1\n",
1087  (ptruint) T / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1088  (ptruint) E / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode),
1089  (ptruint) f / (ptruint) sizeof(DdNode));
1090  }
1091  }
1092 #endif
1093  if (retval == EOF) {
1094  return(0);
1095  } else {
1096  return(1);
1097  }
1099 } /* end of ddDoDumpBlif */
Definition: cudd.h:278
int st__insert(st__table *table, const char *key, char *value)
Definition: st.c:171
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
#define st__is_member(table, key)
Definition: st.h:70
static int ddDoDumpBlif(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, int mv)
Definition: cuddExport.c:956
Definition: cuddInt.h:261
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
#define cuddIsConstant(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:620
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
#define st__OUT_OF_MEM
Definition: st.h:113
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
#define cuddE(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:652
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
#define DD_ONE(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:911
#define DD_ZERO(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:927
static int ddDoDumpDaVinci ( DdManager dd,
DdNode f,
FILE *  fp,
st__table visited,
char **  names,
ptruint  mask 


Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpDaVinci.]

Description [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpDaVinci. Traverses the BDD f and writes a term expression to the file pointed by fp in daVinci format. f is assumed to be a regular pointer and ddDoDumpDaVinci guarantees this assumption in the recursive calls.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1117 of file cuddExport.c.

1124 {
1125  DdNode *T, *E;
1126  int retval;
1127  ptruint id;
1129 #ifdef DD_DEBUG
1131 #endif
1133  id = ((ptruint) f & mask) / sizeof(DdNode);
1135  /* If already visited, insert a reference. */
1136  if ( st__is_member(visited, (char *) f) == 1) {
1137  retval = fprintf(fp,"r(\"%p\")", (void *) id);
1138  if (retval == EOF) {
1139  return(0);
1140  } else {
1141  return(1);
1142  }
1143  }
1145  /* Check for abnormal condition that should never happen. */
1146  if (f == NULL)
1147  return(0);
1149  /* Mark node as visited. */
1150  if ( st__insert(visited, (char *) f, NULL) == st__OUT_OF_MEM)
1151  return(0);
1153  /* Check for special case: If constant node, generate constant 1. */
1154  if (Cudd_IsConstant(f)) {
1155  retval = fprintf(fp,
1156  "l(\"%p\",n(\"constant\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%g\")],[]))",
1157  (void *) id, cuddV(f));
1158  if (retval == EOF) {
1159  return(0);
1160  } else {
1161  return(1);
1162  }
1163  }
1165  /* Recursive calls. */
1166  if (names != NULL) {
1167  retval = fprintf(fp,
1168  "l(\"%p\",n(\"internal\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\"),",
1169  (void *) id, names[f->index]);
1170  } else {
1171  retval = fprintf(fp,
1172 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
1173  "l(\"%p\",n(\"internal\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%u\"),",
1174 #else
1175  "l(\"%p\",n(\"internal\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%hu\"),",
1176 #endif
1177  (void *) id, f->index);
1178  }
1179  retval = fprintf(fp, "a(\"_GO\",\"ellipse\")],[e(\"then\",[a(\"EDGECOLOR\",\"blue\"),a(\"_DIR\",\"none\")],");
1180  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1181  T = cuddT(f);
1182  retval = ddDoDumpDaVinci(dd,T,fp,visited,names,mask);
1183  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1184  retval = fprintf(fp, "),e(\"else\",[a(\"EDGECOLOR\",\"%s\"),a(\"_DIR\",\"none\")],",
1185  Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(f)) ? "red" : "green");
1186  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1187  E = Cudd_Regular(cuddE(f));
1188  retval = ddDoDumpDaVinci(dd,E,fp,visited,names,mask);
1189  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1191  retval = fprintf(fp,")]))");
1192  if (retval == EOF) {
1193  return(0);
1194  } else {
1195  return(1);
1196  }
1198 } /* end of ddDoDumpDaVinci */
static int ddDoDumpDaVinci(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, ptruint mask)
Definition: cuddExport.c:1117
Definition: cudd.h:278
int st__insert(st__table *table, const char *key, char *value)
Definition: st.c:171
#define Cudd_IsConstant(node)
Definition: cudd.h:352
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
#define st__is_member(table, key)
Definition: st.h:70
struct DdNode DdNode
Definition: cudd.h:270
#define cuddV(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:668
Definition: cuddInt.h:261
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
Definition: cudd.h:78
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
#define st__OUT_OF_MEM
Definition: st.h:113
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
#define cuddE(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:652
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static int ddDoDumpDDcal ( DdManager dd,
DdNode f,
FILE *  fp,
st__table visited,
char **  names,
ptruint  mask 


Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpDDcal.]

Description [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpDDcal. Traverses the BDD f and writes a line for each node to the file pointed by fp in DDcal format. f is assumed to be a regular pointer and ddDoDumpDDcal guarantees this assumption in the recursive calls.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1216 of file cuddExport.c.

1223 {
1224  DdNode *T, *E;
1225  int retval;
1226  ptruint id, idT, idE;
1228 #ifdef DD_DEBUG
1230 #endif
1232  id = ((ptruint) f & mask) / sizeof(DdNode);
1234  /* If already visited, do nothing. */
1235  if ( st__is_member(visited, (char *) f) == 1) {
1236  return(1);
1237  }
1239  /* Check for abnormal condition that should never happen. */
1240  if (f == NULL)
1241  return(0);
1243  /* Mark node as visited. */
1244  if ( st__insert(visited, (char *) f, NULL) == st__OUT_OF_MEM)
1245  return(0);
1247  /* Check for special case: If constant node, assign constant. */
1248  if (Cudd_IsConstant(f)) {
1249  if (f != DD_ONE(dd) && f != DD_ZERO(dd))
1250  return(0);
1251  retval = fprintf(fp, "n%p = %g\n", (void *) id, cuddV(f));
1252  if (retval == EOF) {
1253  return(0);
1254  } else {
1255  return(1);
1256  }
1257  }
1259  /* Recursive calls. */
1260  T = cuddT(f);
1261  retval = ddDoDumpDDcal(dd,T,fp,visited,names,mask);
1262  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1263  E = Cudd_Regular(cuddE(f));
1264  retval = ddDoDumpDDcal(dd,E,fp,visited,names,mask);
1265  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1266  idT = ((ptruint) T & mask) / sizeof(DdNode);
1267  idE = ((ptruint) E & mask) / sizeof(DdNode);
1268  if (names != NULL) {
1269  retval = fprintf(fp, "n%p = %s * n%p + %s' * n%p%s\n",
1270  (void *) id, names[f->index],
1271  (void *) idT, names[f->index],
1272  (void *) idE, Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(f)) ? "'" : "");
1273  } else {
1274 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
1275  retval = fprintf(fp, "n%p = v%u * n%p + v%u' * n%p%s\n",
1276 #else
1277  retval = fprintf(fp, "n%p = v%hu * n%p + v%hu' * n%p%s\n",
1278 #endif
1279  (void *) id, f->index,
1280  (void *) idT, f->index,
1281  (void *) idE, Cudd_IsComplement(cuddE(f)) ? "'" : "");
1282  }
1283  if (retval == EOF) {
1284  return(0);
1285  } else {
1286  return(1);
1287  }
1289 } /* end of ddDoDumpDDcal */
Definition: cudd.h:278
int st__insert(st__table *table, const char *key, char *value)
Definition: st.c:171
#define Cudd_IsConstant(node)
Definition: cudd.h:352
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
#define st__is_member(table, key)
Definition: st.h:70
struct DdNode DdNode
Definition: cudd.h:270
#define cuddV(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:668
Definition: cuddInt.h:261
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
#define st__OUT_OF_MEM
Definition: st.h:113
static int ddDoDumpDDcal(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, st__table *visited, char **names, ptruint mask)
Definition: cuddExport.c:1216
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
#define cuddE(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:652
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
#define DD_ONE(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:911
#define DD_ZERO(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:927
static int ddDoDumpFactoredForm ( DdManager dd,
DdNode f,
FILE *  fp,
char **  names 


Synopsis [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpFactoredForm.]

Description [Performs the recursive step of Cudd_DumpFactoredForm. Traverses the BDD f and writes a factored form for each node to the file pointed by fp in terms of the factored forms of the children. Constants are propagated, and absorption is applied. f is assumed to be a regular pointer and ddDoDumpFActoredForm guarantees this assumption in the recursive calls.]

SideEffects [None]

SeeAlso [Cudd_DumpFactoredForm]

Definition at line 1310 of file cuddExport.c.

1315 {
1316  DdNode *T, *E;
1317  int retval;
1319 #ifdef DD_DEBUG
1321  assert(!Cudd_IsConstant(f));
1322 #endif
1324  /* Check for abnormal condition that should never happen. */
1325  if (f == NULL)
1326  return(0);
1328  /* Recursive calls. */
1329  T = cuddT(f);
1330  E = cuddE(f);
1331  if (T != DD_ZERO(dd)) {
1332  if (E != DD_ONE(dd)) {
1333  if (names != NULL) {
1334  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s", names[f->index]);
1335  } else {
1336 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
1337  retval = fprintf(fp, "x%u", f->index);
1338 #else
1339  retval = fprintf(fp, "x%hu", f->index);
1340 #endif
1341  }
1342  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1343  }
1344  if (T != DD_ONE(dd)) {
1345  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s(", E != DD_ONE(dd) ? " * " : "");
1346  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1347  retval = ddDoDumpFactoredForm(dd,T,fp,names);
1348  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1349  retval = fprintf(fp, ")");
1350  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1351  }
1352  if (E == Cudd_Not(DD_ONE(dd)) || E == DD_ZERO(dd)) return(1);
1353  retval = fprintf(fp, " + ");
1354  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1355  }
1356  E = Cudd_Regular(E);
1357  if (T != DD_ONE(dd)) {
1358  if (names != NULL) {
1359  retval = fprintf(fp, "!%s", names[f->index]);
1360  } else {
1361 #if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 && SIZEOF_INT == 4
1362  retval = fprintf(fp, "!x%u", f->index);
1363 #else
1364  retval = fprintf(fp, "!x%hu", f->index);
1365 #endif
1366  }
1367  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1368  }
1369  if (E != DD_ONE(dd)) {
1370  retval = fprintf(fp, "%s%s(", T != DD_ONE(dd) ? " * " : "",
1371  E != cuddE(f) ? "!" : "");
1372  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1373  retval = ddDoDumpFactoredForm(dd,E,fp,names);
1374  if (retval != 1) return(retval);
1375  retval = fprintf(fp, ")");
1376  if (retval == EOF) return(0);
1377  }
1378  return(1);
1380 } /* end of ddDoDumpFactoredForm */
static int ddDoDumpFactoredForm(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, FILE *fp, char **names)
Definition: cuddExport.c:1310
Definition: cudd.h:278
#define Cudd_Not(node)
Definition: cudd.h:367
#define Cudd_IsConstant(node)
Definition: cudd.h:352
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
#define cuddE(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:652
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
#define DD_ONE(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:911
#define DD_ZERO(dd)
Definition: cuddInt.h:927

Variable Documentation

ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START char rcsid [] DD_UNUSED = "$Id: cuddExport.c,v 1.22 2009/03/08 02:49:02 fabio Exp $"


FileName [cuddExport.c]

PackageName [cudd]

Synopsis [Export functions.]

Description [External procedures included in this module:

Internal procedures included in this module:

Static procedures included in this module:


Author [Fabio Somenzi]

Copyright [Copyright (c) 1995-2004, Regents of the University of Colorado

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Neither the name of the University of Colorado nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


Definition at line 89 of file cuddExport.c.