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1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3  FileName [bmcCexDepth.c]
5  SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
7  PackageName [SAT-based bounded model checking.]
9  Synopsis [CEX depth minimization.]
11  Author [Alan Mishchenko]
13  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
15  Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
17  Revision [$Id: bmcCexDepth.c,v 1.00 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
19 ***********************************************************************/
21 #include "bmc.h"
26 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 extern Abc_Cex_t * Bmc_CexInnerStates( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, Abc_Cex_t ** ppCexImpl, int fVerbose );
31 extern Abc_Cex_t * Bmc_CexCareBits( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCexState, Abc_Cex_t * pCexImpl, Abc_Cex_t * pCexEss, int fFindAll, int fVerbose );
32 extern int Bmc_CexVerify( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, Abc_Cex_t * pCexCare );
34 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
36 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38 /**Function*************************************************************
40  Synopsis [Performs targe enlargement of the given size.]
42  Description []
44  SideEffects []
46  SeeAlso []
48 ***********************************************************************/
50 {
51  Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pOne;
52  Gia_Obj_t * pObj, * pObjRo;
53  int i, k;
54  pNew = Gia_ManStart( Gia_ManObjNum(p) );
55  pNew->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( p->pName );
56  pNew->pSpec = Abc_UtilStrsav( p->pSpec );
57  Gia_ManHashAlloc( pNew );
58  Gia_ManConst0(p)->Value = 0;
59  for ( k = 0; k < nFrames; k++ )
60  Gia_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i )
61  Gia_ManAppendCi( pNew );
62  Gia_ManForEachRo( p, pObj, i )
63  pObj->Value = Gia_ManAppendCi( pNew );
64  for ( k = 0; k < nFrames; k++ )
65  {
66  Gia_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, i )
67  pObj->Value = Gia_ManCiLit( pNew, (nFrames - 1 - k) * Gia_ManPiNum(p) + i );
68  Gia_ManForEachAnd( p, pObj, i )
69  pObj->Value = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObj), Gia_ObjFanin1Copy(pObj) );
70  Gia_ManForEachRi( p, pObj, i )
71  pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObj);
72  Gia_ManForEachRiRo( p, pObj, pObjRo, i )
73  pObjRo->Value = pObj->Value;
74  }
75  pObj = Gia_ManPo( p, 0 );
76  pObj->Value = Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(pObj) );
77  Gia_ManHashStop( pNew );
78  pNew = Gia_ManCleanup( pOne = pNew );
79  Gia_ManStop( pOne );
80  return pNew;
81 }
83 /**Function*************************************************************
85  Synopsis [Create target with quantified inputs.]
87  Description []
89  SideEffects []
91  SeeAlso []
93 ***********************************************************************/
94 Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexTarget( Gia_Man_t * p, int nFrames )
95 {
96  Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
97  int i, Limit = nFrames * Gia_ManPiNum(p);
98  pNew = Bmc_CexTargetEnlarge( p, nFrames );
99  for ( i = 0; i < Limit; i++ )
100  {
101  printf( "%3d : ", i );
102  if ( i % Gia_ManPiNum(p) == 0 )
103  Gia_ManPrintStats( pNew, NULL );
104  pNew = Gia_ManDupExist( pTemp = pNew, i );
105  Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
106  }
107  Gia_ManPrintStats( pNew, NULL );
108  pNew = Gia_ManDupLastPis( pTemp = pNew, Gia_ManRegNum(p) );
109  Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
110  Gia_ManPrintStats( pNew, NULL );
111  pTemp = Gia_ManDupAppendCones( p, &pNew, 1, 1 );
112  Gia_ManStop( pNew );
113  Gia_AigerWrite( pTemp, "", 0, 0 );
114  return pTemp;
115 }
117 /**Function*************************************************************
119  Synopsis [Computes CE-induced network.]
121  Description []
123  SideEffects []
125  SeeAlso []
127 ***********************************************************************/
129 {
130  Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
131  Gia_Obj_t * pObj, * pObjRo, * pObjRi;
132  int fCompl0, fCompl1;
133  int i, k, iBit;
134  assert( pCex->nRegs == 0 );
135  assert( pCex->nPis == Gia_ManCiNum(p) );
136  assert( fStart <= pCex->iFrame );
137  // start the manager
138  pNew = Gia_ManStart( 1000 );
139  pNew->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( "unate" );
140  // set const0
141  Gia_ManConst0(p)->fMark0 = 0; // value
142  Gia_ManConst0(p)->fMark1 = 1; // care
143  Gia_ManConst0(p)->Value = ~0;
144  // set init state
145  Gia_ManForEachRi( p, pObj, k )
146  {
147  pObj->fMark0 = Abc_InfoHasBit( pCex->pData, pCex->nRegs + fStart * Gia_ManCiNum(p) + Gia_ManPiNum(p) + k );
148  pObj->fMark1 = 0;
149  pObj->Value = Abc_LitNotCond( Gia_ManAppendCi(pNew), !pObj->fMark0 );
150  }
151  Gia_ManHashAlloc( pNew );
152  iBit = pCex->nRegs + fStart * Gia_ManCiNum(p);
153  for ( i = fStart; i <= pCex->iFrame; i++ )
154  {
155  // primary inputs
156  Gia_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, k )
157  {
158  pObj->fMark0 = Abc_InfoHasBit( pCex->pData, iBit++ );
159  pObj->fMark1 = 1;
160  pObj->Value = ~0;
161  }
162  iBit += Gia_ManRegNum(p);
163  // transfer
164  Gia_ManForEachRiRo( p, pObjRi, pObjRo, k )
165  {
166  pObjRo->fMark0 = pObjRi->fMark0;
167  pObjRo->fMark1 = pObjRi->fMark1;
168  pObjRo->Value = pObjRi->Value;
169  }
170  // internal nodes
171  Gia_ManForEachAnd( p, pObj, k )
172  {
173  fCompl0 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark0 ^ Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj);
174  fCompl1 = Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->fMark0 ^ Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj);
175  pObj->fMark0 = fCompl0 & fCompl1;
176  if ( pObj->fMark0 )
177  pObj->fMark1 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark1 & Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->fMark1;
178  else if ( !fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
179  pObj->fMark1 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark1 | Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->fMark1;
180  else if ( !fCompl0 )
181  pObj->fMark1 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark1;
182  else if ( !fCompl1 )
183  pObj->fMark1 = Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->fMark1;
184  else assert( 0 );
185  pObj->Value = ~0;
186  if ( pObj->fMark1 )
187  continue;
188  if ( pObj->fMark0 )
189  pObj->Value = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value, Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value );
190  else if ( !fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
191  pObj->Value = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value, Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value );
192  else if ( !fCompl0 )
193  pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value;
194  else if ( !fCompl1 )
195  pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value;
196  else assert( 0 );
197  assert( pObj->Value > 0 );
198  }
199  // combinational outputs
200  Gia_ManForEachCo( p, pObj, k )
201  {
202  pObj->fMark0 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark0 ^ Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj);
203  pObj->fMark1 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark1;
204  pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value;
205  }
206  }
207  Gia_ManHashStop( pNew );
208  assert( iBit == pCex->nBits );
209  // create primary output
210  pObj = Gia_ManPo(p, pCex->iPo);
211  assert( pObj->fMark0 == 1 );
212  assert( pObj->fMark1 == 0 );
213  assert( pObj->Value > 0 );
214  Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, pObj->Value );
215  // cleanup
216  pNew = Gia_ManCleanup( pTemp = pNew );
217  Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
218  return pNew;
219 }
221 {
222  Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
223  Gia_Obj_t * pObj, * pObjRo, * pObjRi;
224  int fCompl0, fCompl1;
225  int i, k, iBit;
226  assert( pCex->nRegs == 0 );
227  assert( pCex->nPis == Gia_ManCiNum(p) );
228  assert( fStart <= pCex->iFrame );
229  // start the manager
230  pNew = Gia_ManStart( 1000 );
231  pNew->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav( "unate" );
232  // set const0
233  Gia_ManConst0(p)->fMark0 = 0; // value
234  Gia_ManConst0(p)->Value = 1;
235  // set init state
236  Gia_ManForEachRi( p, pObj, k )
237  {
238  pObj->fMark0 = Abc_InfoHasBit( pCex->pData, pCex->nRegs + fStart * Gia_ManCiNum(p) + Gia_ManPiNum(p) + k );
239  pObj->Value = Abc_LitNotCond( Gia_ManAppendCi(pNew), !pObj->fMark0 );
240  }
241  Gia_ManHashAlloc( pNew );
242  iBit = pCex->nRegs + fStart * Gia_ManCiNum(p);
243  for ( i = fStart; i <= pCex->iFrame; i++ )
244  {
245  // primary inputs
246  Gia_ManForEachPi( p, pObj, k )
247  {
248  pObj->fMark0 = Abc_InfoHasBit( pCex->pData, iBit++ );
249  pObj->Value = 1;
250  }
251  iBit += Gia_ManRegNum(p);
252  // transfer
253  Gia_ManForEachRiRo( p, pObjRi, pObjRo, k )
254  {
255  pObjRo->fMark0 = pObjRi->fMark0;
256  pObjRo->Value = pObjRi->Value;
257  }
258  // internal nodes
259  Gia_ManForEachAnd( p, pObj, k )
260  {
261  fCompl0 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark0 ^ Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj);
262  fCompl1 = Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->fMark0 ^ Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj);
263  pObj->fMark0 = fCompl0 & fCompl1;
264  if ( pObj->fMark0 )
265  pObj->Value = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value, Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value );
266  else if ( !fCompl0 && !fCompl1 )
267  pObj->Value = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value, Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value );
268  else if ( !fCompl0 )
269  pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value;
270  else if ( !fCompl1 )
271  pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value;
272  else assert( 0 );
273  }
274  // combinational outputs
275  Gia_ManForEachCo( p, pObj, k )
276  {
277  pObj->fMark0 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->fMark0 ^ Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj);
278  pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value;
279  }
280  }
281  Gia_ManHashStop( pNew );
282  assert( iBit == pCex->nBits );
283  // create primary output
284  pObj = Gia_ManPo(p, pCex->iPo);
285  assert( pObj->fMark0 == 1 );
286  assert( pObj->Value > 0 );
287  Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, pObj->Value );
288  // cleanup
289  pNew = Gia_ManCleanup( pTemp = pNew );
290  Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
291  return pNew;
292 }
295 {
296  Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
297  Vec_Ptr_t * vCones;
298  abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
299  int i;
300  nFramesMax = Abc_MinInt( nFramesMax, pCex->iFrame );
301  printf( "Processing CEX in frame %d (max frames %d).\n", pCex->iFrame, nFramesMax );
302  vCones = Vec_PtrAlloc( nFramesMax );
303  for ( i = pCex->iFrame; i > pCex->iFrame - nFramesMax; i-- )
304  {
305  printf( "Frame %5d : ", i );
306  pNew = Bmc_CexBuildNetwork2_( p, pCex, i );
307  Gia_ManPrintStats( pNew, NULL );
308  Vec_PtrPush( vCones, pNew );
309  }
310  pNew = Gia_ManDupAppendCones( p, (Gia_Man_t **)Vec_PtrArray(vCones), Vec_PtrSize(vCones), 1 );
311  Gia_AigerWrite( pNew, "", 0, 0 );
312 //Bmc_CexDumpAogStats( pNew, Abc_Clock() - clk );
313  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Gia_Man_t *, vCones, pTemp, i )
314  Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
315  Vec_PtrFree( vCones );
316  printf( "GIA with additional properties is written into \"\".\n" );
317 // printf( "CE-induced network is written into file \"\".\n" );
318  Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
319 // Gia_ManStop( pNew );
320  return pNew;
321 }
324 /**Function*************************************************************
326  Synopsis []
328  Description []
330  SideEffects []
332  SeeAlso []
334 ***********************************************************************/
335 Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexDepthTest( Gia_Man_t * p, Abc_Cex_t * pCex, int nFrames, int fVerbose )
336 {
337  Gia_Man_t * pNew;
338  abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
339  Abc_Cex_t * pCexImpl = NULL;
340  Abc_Cex_t * pCexStates = Bmc_CexInnerStates( p, pCex, &pCexImpl, fVerbose );
341  Abc_Cex_t * pCexCare = Bmc_CexCareBits( p, pCexStates, pCexImpl, NULL, 1, fVerbose );
342 // Abc_Cex_t * pCexEss, * pCexMin;
344  if ( !Bmc_CexVerify( p, pCex, pCexCare ) )
345  printf( "Counter-example care-set verification has failed.\n" );
347 // pCexEss = Bmc_CexEssentialBits( p, pCexStates, pCexCare, fVerbose );
348 // pCexMin = Bmc_CexCareBits( p, pCexStates, pCexImpl, pCexEss, 0, fVerbose );
350 // if ( !Bmc_CexVerify( p, pCex, pCexMin ) )
351 // printf( "Counter-example min-set verification has failed.\n" );
353 // Bmc_CexDumpStats( p, pCex, pCexCare, pCexEss, pCexMin, Abc_Clock() - clk );
355  Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - clk );
356  pNew = Bmc_CexBuildNetwork2Test( p, pCexStates, nFrames );
357 // Bmc_CexPerformUnrollingTest( p, pCex );
359  Abc_CexFreeP( &pCexStates );
360  Abc_CexFreeP( &pCexImpl );
361  Abc_CexFreeP( &pCexCare );
362 // Abc_CexFreeP( &pCexEss );
363 // Abc_CexFreeP( &pCexMin );
364  return pNew;
365 }
367 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
368 /// END OF FILE ///
369 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexTargetEnlarge(Gia_Man_t *p, int nFrames)
Definition: bmcCexDepth.c:49
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START struct Vec_Ptr_t_ Vec_Ptr_t
Definition: vecPtr.h:42
void Gia_ManStop(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: giaMan.c:77
#define Gia_ManForEachCo(p, pObj, i)
Definition: gia.h:1022
void Gia_ManPrintStats(Gia_Man_t *p, Gps_Par_t *pPars)
Definition: giaMan.c:389
static int Gia_ObjFaninC1(Gia_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: gia.h:452
static int Gia_ManAppendCo(Gia_Man_t *p, int iLit0)
Definition: gia.h:703
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
int Bmc_CexVerify(Gia_Man_t *p, Abc_Cex_t *pCex, Abc_Cex_t *pCexCare)
Definition: bmcCexTools.c:346
static int Abc_InfoHasBit(unsigned *p, int i)
Definition: abc_global.h:258
static int Gia_ManCiLit(Gia_Man_t *p, int CiId)
Definition: gia.h:435
static Gia_Obj_t * Gia_ManPo(Gia_Man_t *p, int v)
Definition: gia.h:406
Abc_Cex_t * Bmc_CexCareBits(Gia_Man_t *p, Abc_Cex_t *pCexState, Abc_Cex_t *pCexImpl, Abc_Cex_t *pCexEss, int fFindAll, int fVerbose)
Definition: bmcCexTools.c:550
static int Gia_ManAppendCi(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: gia.h:583
static void Vec_PtrPush(Vec_Ptr_t *p, void *Entry)
Definition: vecPtr.h:606
Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexBuildNetwork2_(Gia_Man_t *p, Abc_Cex_t *pCex, int fStart)
Definition: bmcCexDepth.c:220
Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexBuildNetwork2Test(Gia_Man_t *p, Abc_Cex_t *pCex, int nFramesMax)
Definition: bmcCexDepth.c:294
unsigned fMark1
Definition: gia.h:84
static abctime Abc_Clock()
Definition: abc_global.h:279
static int Vec_PtrSize(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:295
Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupAppendCones(Gia_Man_t *p, Gia_Man_t **ppCones, int nCones, int fOnlyRegs)
Definition: giaDup.c:836
static int Abc_LitNotCond(int Lit, int c)
Definition: abc_global.h:267
Definition: gia.h:75
Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexDepthTest(Gia_Man_t *p, Abc_Cex_t *pCex, int nFrames, int fVerbose)
Definition: bmcCexDepth.c:335
#define Gia_ManForEachRiRo(p, pObjRi, pObjRo, i)
Definition: gia.h:1042
static void Abc_PrintTime(int level, const char *pStr, abctime time)
Definition: abc_global.h:367
ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START Abc_Cex_t * Bmc_CexInnerStates(Gia_Man_t *p, Abc_Cex_t *pCex, Abc_Cex_t **ppCexImpl, int fVerbose)
Definition: bmcCexTools.c:388
static int Abc_MinInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:239
static Gia_Obj_t * Gia_ObjFanin0(Gia_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: gia.h:454
char * pName
Definition: gia.h:97
static int Gia_ObjFanin1Copy(Gia_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: gia.h:482
void Abc_CexFreeP(Abc_Cex_t **p)
Definition: utilCex.c:350
Definition: abc_global.h:108
char * pSpec
Definition: gia.h:98
Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManStart(int nObjsMax)
Definition: giaMan.c:52
Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexTarget(Gia_Man_t *p, int nFrames)
Definition: bmcCexDepth.c:94
#define Gia_ManForEachAnd(p, pObj, i)
Definition: gia.h:1002
#define Gia_ManForEachPi(p, pObj, i)
Definition: gia.h:1034
void Gia_AigerWrite(Gia_Man_t *p, char *pFileName, int fWriteSymbols, int fCompact)
Definition: giaAiger.c:1024
static int Gia_ObjFanin0Copy(Gia_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: gia.h:481
Definition: abc_global.h:107
static int Gia_ManCiNum(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: gia.h:383
static Vec_Ptr_t * Vec_PtrAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: vecPtr.h:83
Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupLastPis(Gia_Man_t *p, int nLastPis)
Definition: giaDup.c:429
unsigned fMark0
Definition: gia.h:79
Definition: gia.h:95
static Gia_Obj_t * Gia_ManConst0(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: gia.h:400
static Gia_Obj_t * Gia_ObjFanin1(Gia_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: gia.h:455
#define Gia_ManForEachRo(p, pObj, i)
Definition: gia.h:1038
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
unsigned Value
Definition: gia.h:87
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START struct Abc_Cex_t_ Abc_Cex_t
Definition: utilCex.h:39
#define Gia_ManForEachRi(p, pObj, i)
Definition: gia.h:1040
void Gia_ManHashAlloc(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: giaHash.c:99
static int Gia_ObjFaninC0(Gia_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: gia.h:451
#define Vec_PtrForEachEntry(Type, vVec, pEntry, i)
Definition: vecPtr.h:55
static int Gia_ManPiNum(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: gia.h:385
ABC_INT64_T abctime
Definition: abc_global.h:278
Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManCleanup(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: giaScl.c:84
char * Abc_UtilStrsav(char *s)
Definition: starter.c:47
int Gia_ManHashOr(Gia_Man_t *p, int iLit0, int iLit1)
Definition: giaHash.c:611
static void ** Vec_PtrArray(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:279
Gia_Man_t * Bmc_CexBuildNetwork2(Gia_Man_t *p, Abc_Cex_t *pCex, int fStart)
Definition: bmcCexDepth.c:128
int Gia_ManHashAnd(Gia_Man_t *p, int iLit0, int iLit1)
Definition: giaHash.c:572
static int Gia_ManObjNum(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: gia.h:388
Gia_Man_t * Gia_ManDupExist(Gia_Man_t *p, int iVar)
Definition: giaDup.c:1360
static void Vec_PtrFree(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:223
void Gia_ManHashStop(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: giaHash.c:142
static int Gia_ManRegNum(Gia_Man_t *p)
Definition: gia.h:387