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abcFx.c File Reference
#include "base/abc/abc.h"
#include "misc/vec/vecWec.h"
#include "misc/vec/vecQue.h"
#include "misc/vec/vecHsh.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Fx_Man_t_


#define Fx_ManForEachCubeVec(vVec, vCubes, vCube, i)   for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_IntSize(vVec)) && ((vCube) = Vec_WecEntry(vCubes, Vec_IntEntry(vVec, i))); i++ )


struct Fx_Man_t_ 
 DECLARATIONS ///. More...


static int Fx_ManGetFirstVarCube (Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCube)
Vec_Wec_tAbc_NtkFxRetrieve (Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
void Abc_NtkFxInsert (Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, Vec_Wec_t *vCubes)
int Abc_NtkFxCheck (Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
int Abc_NtkFxPerform (Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, int nNewNodesMax, int LitCountMax, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose)
Fx_Man_tFx_ManStart (Vec_Wec_t *vCubes)
void Fx_ManStop (Fx_Man_t *p)
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelDiv (Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelCube (Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCube)
void Fx_ManComputeLevel (Fx_Man_t *p)
static char Fx_PrintDivLit (int Lit)
static void Fx_PrintDivOneReal (Vec_Int_t *vDiv)
static void Fx_PrintDivOne (Vec_Int_t *vDiv)
static void Fx_PrintDivArray (Vec_Int_t *vDiv)
static void Fx_PrintDiv (Fx_Man_t *p, int iDiv)
static void Fx_PrintDivisors (Fx_Man_t *p)
static void Fx_PrintLiterals (Fx_Man_t *p)
static void Fx_PrintMatrix (Fx_Man_t *p)
static void Fx_PrintStats (Fx_Man_t *p, abctime clk)
static int Fx_ManDivNormalize (Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
int Fx_ManDivFindCubeFree (Vec_Int_t *vArr1, Vec_Int_t *vArr2, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
static void Fx_ManDivFindPivots (Vec_Int_t *vDiv, int *pLit0, int *pLit1)
static int Fx_ManDivRemoveLits (Vec_Int_t *vCube, Vec_Int_t *vDiv, int fCompl)
static void Fx_ManDivAddLits (Vec_Int_t *vCube, Vec_Int_t *vCube2, Vec_Int_t *vDiv)
void Fx_ManCreateLiterals (Fx_Man_t *p, int nVars)
int Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors (Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vPivot, int fRemove, int fUpdate)
void Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors (Fx_Man_t *p, int iFirst, Vec_Int_t *vPivot, int fRemove, int fUpdate)
void Fx_ManCreateDivisors (Fx_Man_t *p)
static void Fx_ManCompressCubes (Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, Vec_Int_t *vLit2Cube)
static int Fx_ManGetCubeVar (Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, int iCube)
void Fx_ManFindCommonPairs (Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, Vec_Int_t *vPart0, Vec_Int_t *vPart1, Vec_Int_t *vPairs, Vec_Int_t *vCompls, Vec_Int_t *vDiv, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
void Fx_ManUpdate (Fx_Man_t *p, int iDiv)
int Fx_FastExtract (Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, int ObjIdMax, int nNewNodesMax, int LitCountMax, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define Fx_ManForEachCubeVec (   vVec,
)    for ( i = 0; (i < Vec_IntSize(vVec)) && ((vCube) = Vec_WecEntry(vCubes, Vec_IntEntry(vVec, i))); i++ )

Definition at line 119 of file abcFx.c.

Typedef Documentation

typedef typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Fx_Man_t_ Fx_Man_t



FileName [abcFx.c]

SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]

PackageName [Network and node package.]

Synopsis [Implementation of traditional "fast_extract" algorithm.]

Author [Alan Mishchenko]

Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - April 26, 2013.]

Revision [

abcFx.c,v 1.00 2013/04/26 00:00:00 alanmi Exp


Definition at line 85 of file abcFx.c.

Function Documentation

int Abc_NtkFxCheck ( Abc_Ntk_t pNtk)


Synopsis [Makes sure the nodes do not have complemented and duplicated fanins.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 280 of file abcFx.c.

281 {
282  Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
283  int i;
284 // Abc_NtkForEachObj( pNtk, pNode, i )
285 // Abc_ObjPrint( stdout, pNode );
286  Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
287  if ( !Vec_IntCheckUniqueSmall( &pNode->vFanins ) )
288  return 0;
289  return 1;
290 }
static int Vec_IntCheckUniqueSmall(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: vecInt.h:1336
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
#define Abc_NtkForEachNode(pNtk, pNode, i)
Definition: abc.h:461
void Abc_NtkFxInsert ( Abc_Ntk_t pNtk,
Vec_Wec_t vCubes 


Synopsis [Inserts SOP information after fast_extract.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 180 of file abcFx.c.

181 {
182  Vec_Int_t * vCube, * vPres, * vFirst, * vCount;
183  Abc_Obj_t * pNode, * pFanin;
184  char * pCube, * pSop;
185  int i, k, v, Lit, iFanin, iNodeMax = 0;
186  assert( Abc_NtkIsSopLogic(pNtk) );
187  // check that cubes have no gaps and are ordered by first node
188  Lit = -1;
189  Vec_WecForEachLevel( vCubes, vCube, i )
190  {
191  assert( Vec_IntSize(vCube) > 0 );
192  assert( Lit <= Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0) );
193  Lit = Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0);
194  }
195  // find the largest index
196  Vec_WecForEachLevel( vCubes, vCube, i )
197  iNodeMax = Abc_MaxInt( iNodeMax, Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0) );
198  // quit if nothing changes
199  if ( iNodeMax < Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk) )
200  {
201  printf( "The network is unchanged by fast extract.\n" );
202  return;
203  }
204  // create new nodes
205  for ( i = Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk); i <= iNodeMax; i++ )
206  {
207  pNode = Abc_NtkCreateNode( pNtk );
208  assert( i == (int)Abc_ObjId(pNode) );
209  }
210  // create node fanins
211  vFirst = Vec_IntStart( Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk) );
212  vCount = Vec_IntStart( Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk) );
213  Vec_WecForEachLevel( vCubes, vCube, i )
214  {
215  iFanin = Vec_IntEntry( vCube, 0 );
216  if ( Vec_IntEntry(vCount, iFanin) == 0 )
217  Vec_IntWriteEntry( vFirst, iFanin, i );
218  Vec_IntAddToEntry( vCount, iFanin, 1 );
219  }
220  // create node SOPs
221  vPres = Vec_IntStartFull( Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk) );
222  Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
223  {
224 // if ( Vec_IntEntry(vCount, i) == 0 ) continue;
225  Abc_ObjRemoveFanins( pNode );
226  // create fanins
227  assert( Vec_IntEntry(vCount, i) > 0 );
228  for ( k = 0; k < Vec_IntEntry(vCount, i); k++ )
229  {
230  vCube = Vec_WecEntry( vCubes, Vec_IntEntry(vFirst, i) + k );
231  assert( Vec_IntEntry( vCube, 0 ) == i );
232  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, v, 1 )
233  {
234  pFanin = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit));
235  if ( Vec_IntEntry(vPres, Abc_ObjId(pFanin)) >= 0 )
236  continue;
237  Vec_IntWriteEntry(vPres, Abc_ObjId(pFanin), Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode));
238  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNode, pFanin );
239  }
240  }
241  // create SOP
242  pSop = pCube = Abc_SopStart( (Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, Vec_IntEntry(vCount, i), Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) );
243  for ( k = 0; k < Vec_IntEntry(vCount, i); k++ )
244  {
245  vCube = Vec_WecEntry( vCubes, Vec_IntEntry(vFirst, i) + k );
246  assert( Vec_IntEntry( vCube, 0 ) == i );
247  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, v, 1 )
248  {
249  pFanin = Abc_NtkObj(pNtk, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit));
250  iFanin = Vec_IntEntry(vPres, Abc_ObjId(pFanin));
251  assert( iFanin >= 0 && iFanin < Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) );
252  pCube[iFanin] = Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) ? '0' : '1';
253  }
254  pCube += Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) + 3;
255  }
256  // complement SOP if the original one was complemented
257  if ( pNode->pData && Abc_SopIsComplement((char *)pNode->pData) )
258  Abc_SopComplement( pSop );
259  pNode->pData = pSop;
260  // clean fanins
261  Abc_ObjForEachFanin( pNode, pFanin, v )
262  Vec_IntWriteEntry( vPres, Abc_ObjId(pFanin), -1 );
263  }
264  Vec_IntFree( vFirst );
265  Vec_IntFree( vCount );
266  Vec_IntFree( vPres );
267 }
static unsigned Abc_ObjId(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:329
ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopStart(Mem_Flex_t *pMan, int nCubes, int nVars)
Definition: abcSop.c:76
static int Abc_NtkObjNumMax(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:284
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static int Abc_ObjFaninNum(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:364
static int Abc_NtkIsSopLogic(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:264
static int Abc_MaxInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:238
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkObj(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, int i)
Definition: abc.h:314
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntStartFull(int nSize)
Definition: vecInt.h:119
ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjAddFanin(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, Abc_Obj_t *pFanin)
Definition: abcFanio.c:84
static void Vec_IntWriteEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:285
void * pManFunc
Definition: abc.h:191
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntStart(int nSize)
Definition: bblif.c:172
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
#define Vec_WecForEachLevel(vGlob, vVec, i)
Definition: vecWec.h:55
static void Vec_IntAddToEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Addition)
Definition: bblif.c:302
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
#define Vec_IntForEachEntryStart(vVec, Entry, i, Start)
Definition: vecInt.h:56
ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjRemoveFanins(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abcFanio.c:141
#define Abc_NtkForEachNode(pNtk, pNode, i)
Definition: abc.h:461
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecEntry(Vec_Wec_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecWec.h:142
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
ABC_DLL void Abc_SopComplement(char *pSop)
Definition: abcSop.c:600
#define Abc_ObjForEachFanin(pObj, pFanin, i)
Definition: abc.h:524
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNode(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:308
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
void * pData
Definition: abc.h:145
static void Vec_IntFree(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:235
ABC_DLL int Abc_SopIsComplement(char *pSop)
Definition: abcSop.c:655
int Abc_NtkFxPerform ( Abc_Ntk_t pNtk,
int  nNewNodesMax,
int  LitCountMax,
int  fVerbose,
int  fVeryVerbose 


Synopsis []

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 303 of file abcFx.c.

304 {
305  extern int Fx_FastExtract( Vec_Wec_t * vCubes, int ObjIdMax, int nNewNodesMax, int LitCountMax, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose );
306  Vec_Wec_t * vCubes;
307  assert( Abc_NtkIsSopLogic(pNtk) );
308  // check unique fanins
309  if ( !Abc_NtkFxCheck(pNtk) )
310  {
311  printf( "Abc_NtkFastExtract: Nodes have duplicated fanins. FX is not performed.\n" );
312  return 0;
313  }
314  // sweep removes useless nodes
315  Abc_NtkCleanup( pNtk, 0 );
316 // Abc_NtkOrderFanins( pNtk );
317  // makes sure the SOPs are SCC-free and D1C-free
318  Abc_NtkMakeLegit( pNtk );
319  // collect information about the covers
320  vCubes = Abc_NtkFxRetrieve( pNtk );
321  // call the fast extract procedure
322  if ( Fx_FastExtract( vCubes, Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk), nNewNodesMax, LitCountMax, fVerbose, fVeryVerbose ) > 0 )
323  {
324  // update the network
325  Abc_NtkFxInsert( pNtk, vCubes );
326  Vec_WecFree( vCubes );
327  if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtk ) )
328  printf( "Abc_NtkFxPerform: The network check has failed.\n" );
329  return 1;
330  }
331  else
332  printf( "Warning: The network has not been changed by \"fx\".\n" );
333  Vec_WecFree( vCubes );
334  return 0;
335 }
ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkMakeLegit(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcFanOrder.c:461
void Abc_NtkFxInsert(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, Vec_Wec_t *vCubes)
Definition: abcFx.c:180
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START struct Vec_Wec_t_ Vec_Wec_t
Definition: vecWec.h:42
static int Abc_NtkObjNumMax(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:284
static void Vec_WecFree(Vec_Wec_t *p)
Definition: vecWec.h:345
ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheck(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcCheck.c:61
static int Abc_NtkIsSopLogic(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:264
ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCleanup(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, int fVerbose)
Definition: abcSweep.c:476
int Fx_FastExtract(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, int ObjIdMax, int nNewNodesMax, int LitCountMax, int fVerbose, int fVeryVerbose)
Definition: abcFx.c:1168
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
int Abc_NtkFxCheck(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcFx.c:280
Vec_Wec_t * Abc_NtkFxRetrieve(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcFx.c:137
Vec_Wec_t* Abc_NtkFxRetrieve ( Abc_Ntk_t pNtk)



Synopsis [Retrieves SOP information for fast_extract.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 137 of file abcFx.c.

138 {
139  Vec_Wec_t * vCubes;
140  Vec_Int_t * vCube;
141  Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
142  char * pCube, * pSop;
143  int nVars, i, v, Lit;
144  assert( Abc_NtkIsSopLogic(pNtk) );
145  vCubes = Vec_WecAlloc( 1000 );
146  Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
147  {
148  pSop = (char *)pNode->pData;
149  nVars = Abc_SopGetVarNum(pSop);
150  assert( nVars == Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) );
151 // if ( nVars < 2 ) continue;
152  Abc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nVars, pCube )
153  {
154  vCube = Vec_WecPushLevel( vCubes );
155  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_ObjId(pNode) );
156  Abc_CubeForEachVar( pCube, Lit, v )
157  {
158  if ( Lit == '0' )
159  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_Var2Lit(Abc_ObjFaninId(pNode, v), 1) );
160  else if ( Lit == '1' )
161  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_Var2Lit(Abc_ObjFaninId(pNode, v), 0) );
162  }
163  Vec_IntSelectSort( Vec_IntArray(vCube) + 1, Vec_IntSize(vCube) - 1 );
164  }
165  }
166  return vCubes;
167 }
static int * Vec_IntArray(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: vecInt.h:328
static unsigned Abc_ObjId(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:329
static Vec_Wec_t * Vec_WecAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: vecWec.h:87
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START struct Vec_Wec_t_ Vec_Wec_t
Definition: vecWec.h:42
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
#define Abc_SopForEachCube(pSop, nFanins, pCube)
Definition: abc.h:531
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecPushLevel(Vec_Wec_t *p)
Definition: vecWec.h:284
static int Abc_Var2Lit(int Var, int fCompl)
Definition: abc_global.h:263
static int Abc_ObjFaninNum(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:364
static int Abc_NtkIsSopLogic(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:264
#define Abc_CubeForEachVar(pCube, Value, i)
Definition: abc.h:529
static void Vec_IntSelectSort(int *pArray, int nSize)
Definition: vecInt.h:1740
static void Vec_IntPush(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:468
#define Abc_NtkForEachNode(pNtk, pNode, i)
Definition: abc.h:461
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
ABC_DLL int Abc_SopGetVarNum(char *pSop)
Definition: abcSop.c:536
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static int Abc_ObjFaninId(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, int i)
Definition: abc.h:366
void * pData
Definition: abc.h:145
int Fx_FastExtract ( Vec_Wec_t vCubes,
int  ObjIdMax,
int  nNewNodesMax,
int  LitCountMax,
int  fVerbose,
int  fVeryVerbose 


Synopsis [Implements the traditional fast_extract algorithm.]

Description [J. Rajski and J. Vasudevamurthi, "The testability- preserving concurrent decomposition and factorization of Boolean expressions", IEEE TCAD, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 1992, pp. 778-793.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 1168 of file abcFx.c.

1169 {
1170  int fVeryVeryVerbose = 0;
1171  int i, iDiv;
1172  Fx_Man_t * p;
1173  abctime clk = Abc_Clock();
1174  // initialize the data-structure
1175  p = Fx_ManStart( vCubes );
1176  p->LitCountMax = LitCountMax;
1177  Fx_ManCreateLiterals( p, ObjIdMax );
1178  Fx_ManComputeLevel( p );
1179  Fx_ManCreateDivisors( p );
1180  if ( fVeryVerbose )
1181  Fx_PrintMatrix( p );
1182  if ( fVerbose )
1183  Fx_PrintStats( p, Abc_Clock() - clk );
1184  // perform extraction
1185  p->timeStart = Abc_Clock();
1186  for ( i = 0; i < nNewNodesMax && Vec_QueTopPriority(p->vPrio) > 0.0; i++ )
1187  {
1188  iDiv = Vec_QuePop(p->vPrio);
1189  if ( fVeryVerbose )
1190  Fx_PrintDiv( p, iDiv );
1191  Fx_ManUpdate( p, iDiv );
1192  if ( fVeryVeryVerbose )
1193  Fx_PrintMatrix( p );
1194  }
1195  if ( fVerbose )
1196  Fx_PrintStats( p, Abc_Clock() - clk );
1197  Fx_ManStop( p );
1198  // return the result
1199  Vec_WecRemoveEmpty( vCubes );
1200  return 1;
1201 }
static void Vec_WecRemoveEmpty(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes)
Definition: vecWec.h:676
Fx_Man_t * Fx_ManStart(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes)
Definition: abcFx.c:350
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static float Vec_QueTopPriority(Vec_Que_t *p)
Definition: vecQue.h:143
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Fx_Man_t_ Fx_Man_t
Definition: abcFx.c:85
void Fx_ManStop(Fx_Man_t *p)
Definition: abcFx.c:363
static int Vec_QuePop(Vec_Que_t *p)
Definition: vecQue.h:234
static abctime Abc_Clock()
Definition: abc_global.h:279
void Fx_ManCreateDivisors(Fx_Man_t *p)
Definition: abcFx.c:871
void Fx_ManUpdate(Fx_Man_t *p, int iDiv)
Definition: abcFx.c:984
void Fx_ManCreateLiterals(Fx_Man_t *p, int nVars)
Definition: abcFx.c:746
static void Fx_PrintStats(Fx_Man_t *p, abctime clk)
Definition: abcFx.c:530
static void Fx_PrintDiv(Fx_Man_t *p, int iDiv)
Definition: abcFx.c:471
void Fx_ManComputeLevel(Fx_Man_t *p)
Definition: abcFx.c:407
ABC_INT64_T abctime
Definition: abc_global.h:278
static void Fx_PrintMatrix(Fx_Man_t *p)
Definition: abcFx.c:501
static void Fx_ManCompressCubes ( Vec_Wec_t vCubes,
Vec_Int_t vLit2Cube 


Synopsis [Compress the cubes by removing unused ones.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 907 of file abcFx.c.

908 {
909  int i, CubeId, k = 0;
910  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vLit2Cube, CubeId, i )
911  if ( Vec_IntSize(Vec_WecEntry(vCubes, CubeId)) > 0 )
912  Vec_IntWriteEntry( vLit2Cube, k++, CubeId );
913  Vec_IntShrink( vLit2Cube, k );
914 }
static void Vec_IntWriteEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:285
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecEntry(Vec_Wec_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecWec.h:142
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static void Vec_IntShrink(Vec_Int_t *p, int nSizeNew)
Definition: bblif.c:435
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
void Fx_ManComputeLevel ( Fx_Man_t p)

Definition at line 407 of file abcFx.c.

408 {
409  Vec_Int_t * vCube;
410  int i, iVar, iFirst = 0;
411  iVar = Vec_IntEntry( Vec_WecEntry(p->vCubes,0), 0 );
412  p->vLevels = Vec_IntStart( p->nVars );
413  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
414  {
415  if ( iVar != Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0) )
416  {
417  // add the number of cubes
418  Vec_IntAddToEntry( p->vLevels, iVar, i - iFirst );
419  iVar = Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0);
420  iFirst = i;
421  }
422  Vec_IntUpdateEntry( p->vLevels, iVar, Fx_ManComputeLevelCube(p, vCube) );
423  }
424 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntStart(int nSize)
Definition: bblif.c:172
#define Vec_WecForEachLevel(vGlob, vVec, i)
Definition: vecWec.h:55
static void Vec_IntAddToEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Addition)
Definition: bblif.c:302
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
static void Vec_IntUpdateEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Value)
Definition: vecInt.h:468
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecEntry(Vec_Wec_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecWec.h:142
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelCube(Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCube)
Definition: abcFx.c:400
int nVars
Definition: llb3Image.c:58
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelCube ( Fx_Man_t p,
Vec_Int_t vCube 

Definition at line 400 of file abcFx.c.

401 {
402  int k, Lit, Level = 0;
403  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 )
404  Level = Abc_MaxInt( Level, Vec_IntEntry(p->vLevels, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit)) );
405  return Level;
406 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static int Abc_MaxInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:238
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
#define Vec_IntForEachEntryStart(vVec, Entry, i, Start)
Definition: vecInt.h:56
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelDiv ( Fx_Man_t p,
Vec_Int_t vCubeFree 


Synopsis [Compute levels of the nodes.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 393 of file abcFx.c.

394 {
395  int i, Lit, Level = 0;
396  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vCubeFree, Lit, i )
397  Level = Abc_MaxInt( Level, Vec_IntEntry(p->vLevels, Abc_Lit2Var(Abc_Lit2Var(Lit))) );
398  return Abc_MinInt( Level, 800 );
399 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static int Abc_MaxInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:238
static int Abc_MinInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:239
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
void Fx_ManCreateDivisors ( Fx_Man_t p)

Definition at line 871 of file abcFx.c.

872 {
873  Vec_Int_t * vCube;
874  float Weight;
875  int i;
876  // alloc hash table
877  assert( p->pHash == NULL );
878  p->pHash = Hsh_VecManStart( 1000 );
879  p->vWeights = Vec_FltAlloc( 1000 );
880  // create single-cube two-literal divisors
881  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
882  Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors( p, vCube, 0, 0 ); // add - no update
883  assert( p->nDivsS == Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) );
884  // create two-cube divisors
885  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
886  Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors( p, i+1, vCube, 0, 0 ); // add - no update
887  // create queue with all divisors
888  p->vPrio = Vec_QueAlloc( Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) );
889  Vec_QueSetPriority( p->vPrio, Vec_FltArrayP(p->vWeights) );
890  Vec_FltForEachEntry( p->vWeights, Weight, i )
891  if ( Weight > 0.0 )
892  Vec_QuePush( p->vPrio, i );
893 }
#define Vec_FltForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecFlt.h:54
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
int Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors(Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vPivot, int fRemove, int fUpdate)
Definition: abcFx.c:782
static Vec_Flt_t * Vec_FltAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: vecFlt.h:78
void Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors(Fx_Man_t *p, int iFirst, Vec_Int_t *vPivot, int fRemove, int fUpdate)
Definition: abcFx.c:822
#define Vec_WecForEachLevel(vGlob, vVec, i)
Definition: vecWec.h:55
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
static Hsh_VecMan_t * Hsh_VecManStart(int nEntries)
Definition: vecHsh.h:292
static float ** Vec_FltArrayP(Vec_Flt_t *p)
Definition: vecFlt.h:278
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static int Vec_FltSize(Vec_Flt_t *p)
Definition: vecFlt.h:294
static Vec_Que_t * Vec_QueAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: vecQue.h:71
static void Vec_QuePush(Vec_Que_t *p, int v)
Definition: vecQue.h:221
static void Vec_QueSetPriority(Vec_Que_t *p, float **pCosts)
Definition: vecQue.h:95
void Fx_ManCreateLiterals ( Fx_Man_t p,
int  nVars 


Synopsis [Setting up the data-structure.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 746 of file abcFx.c.

747 {
748  Vec_Int_t * vCube;
749  int i, k, Lit, Count;
750  // find the number of variables
751  p->nVars = p->nLits = 0;
752  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
753  {
754  assert( Vec_IntSize(vCube) > 0 );
755  p->nVars = Abc_MaxInt( p->nVars, Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0) );
756  p->nLits += Vec_IntSize(vCube) - 1;
757  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 )
758  p->nVars = Abc_MaxInt( p->nVars, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) );
759  }
760 // p->nVars++;
761  assert( p->nVars < nVars );
762  p->nVars = nVars;
763  // count literals
764  p->vCounts = Vec_IntStart( 2*p->nVars );
765  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
766  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 )
767  Vec_IntAddToEntry( p->vCounts, Lit, 1 );
768  // start literals
769  p->vLits = Vec_WecStart( 2*p->nVars );
770  Vec_IntForEachEntry( p->vCounts, Count, Lit )
771  Vec_IntGrow( Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Lit), Count );
772  // fill out literals
773  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
774  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, k, 1 )
775  Vec_WecPush( p->vLits, Lit, i );
776  // create mapping of variable into the first cube
777  p->vVarCube = Vec_IntStartFull( p->nVars );
778  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
779  if ( Vec_IntEntry(p->vVarCube, Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0)) == -1 )
780  Vec_IntWriteEntry( p->vVarCube, Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0), i );
781 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static Vec_Wec_t * Vec_WecStart(int nSize)
Definition: vecWec.h:98
static int Abc_MaxInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:238
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntStartFull(int nSize)
Definition: vecInt.h:119
static void Vec_IntGrow(Vec_Int_t *p, int nCapMin)
Definition: bblif.c:336
static void Vec_IntWriteEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:285
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntStart(int nSize)
Definition: bblif.c:172
#define Vec_WecForEachLevel(vGlob, vVec, i)
Definition: vecWec.h:55
static void Vec_IntAddToEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Addition)
Definition: bblif.c:302
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
#define Vec_IntForEachEntryStart(vVec, Entry, i, Start)
Definition: vecInt.h:56
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecEntry(Vec_Wec_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecWec.h:142
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
int nVars
Definition: llb3Image.c:58
static void Vec_WecPush(Vec_Wec_t *p, int Level, int Entry)
Definition: vecWec.h:275
void Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors ( Fx_Man_t p,
int  iFirst,
Vec_Int_t vPivot,
int  fRemove,
int  fUpdate 

Definition at line 822 of file abcFx.c.

823 {
824  Vec_Int_t * vCube;
825  int i, iDiv, Base;
826  Vec_WecForEachLevelStart( p->vCubes, vCube, i, iFirst )
827  {
828  if ( Vec_IntSize(vCube) == 0 || vCube == vPivot )
829  continue;
830  if ( Vec_WecIntHasMark(vCube) && Vec_WecIntHasMark(vPivot) && vCube > vPivot )
831  continue;
832  if ( Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0) != Vec_IntEntry(vPivot, 0) )
833  break;
834  Base = Fx_ManDivFindCubeFree( vCube, vPivot, p->vCubeFree );
835  if ( Vec_IntSize(p->vCubeFree) == 4 )
836  {
837  int Value = Fx_ManDivNormalize( p->vCubeFree );
838  if ( Value == 0 )
839  p->nDivMux[0]++;
840  else if ( Value == 1 )
841  p->nDivMux[1]++;
842  else
843  p->nDivMux[2]++;
844  }
845  if ( p->LitCountMax && p->LitCountMax < Vec_IntSize(p->vCubeFree) )
846  continue;
847  iDiv = Hsh_VecManAdd( p->pHash, p->vCubeFree );
848  if ( !fRemove )
849  {
850  if ( iDiv == Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) )
851  Vec_FltPush(p->vWeights, -Vec_IntSize(p->vCubeFree) + 0.9 - 0.0009 * Fx_ManComputeLevelDiv(p, p->vCubeFree));
852  assert( iDiv < Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) );
853  Vec_FltAddToEntry( p->vWeights, iDiv, Base + Vec_IntSize(p->vCubeFree) - 1 );
854  p->nPairsD++;
855  }
856  else
857  {
858  assert( iDiv < Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) );
859  Vec_FltAddToEntry( p->vWeights, iDiv, -(Base + Vec_IntSize(p->vCubeFree) - 1) );
860  p->nPairsD--;
861  }
862  if ( fUpdate )
863  {
864  if ( Vec_QueIsMember(p->vPrio, iDiv) )
865  Vec_QueUpdate( p->vPrio, iDiv );
866  else if ( !fRemove )
867  Vec_QuePush( p->vPrio, iDiv );
868  }
869  }
870 }
static int Hsh_VecManAdd(Hsh_VecMan_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vVec)
Definition: vecHsh.h:340
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelDiv(Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
Definition: abcFx.c:393
static int Fx_ManDivNormalize(Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
Definition: abcFx.c:558
static void Vec_FltPush(Vec_Flt_t *p, float Entry)
Definition: vecFlt.h:528
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
int Fx_ManDivFindCubeFree(Vec_Int_t *vArr1, Vec_Int_t *vArr2, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
Definition: abcFx.c:638
static void Vec_FltAddToEntry(Vec_Flt_t *p, int i, float Addition)
Definition: vecFlt.h:381
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
#define Vec_WecForEachLevelStart(vGlob, vVec, i, LevelStart)
Definition: vecWec.h:59
static int Vec_WecIntHasMark(Vec_Int_t *vVec)
Definition: vecWec.h:641
static void Vec_QueUpdate(Vec_Que_t *p, int v)
Definition: vecQue.h:199
static int Vec_QueIsMember(Vec_Que_t *p, int v)
Definition: vecQue.h:216
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static int Vec_FltSize(Vec_Flt_t *p)
Definition: vecFlt.h:294
static void Vec_QuePush(Vec_Que_t *p, int v)
Definition: vecQue.h:221
int Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors ( Fx_Man_t p,
Vec_Int_t vPivot,
int  fRemove,
int  fUpdate 

Definition at line 782 of file abcFx.c.

783 {
784  int k, n, Lit, Lit2, iDiv;
785  if ( Vec_IntSize(vPivot) < 2 )
786  return 0;
787  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vPivot, Lit, k, 1 )
788  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vPivot, Lit2, n, k+1 )
789  {
790  assert( Lit < Lit2 );
791  Vec_IntClear( p->vCubeFree );
792  Vec_IntPush( p->vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit(Abc_LitNot(Lit), 0) );
793  Vec_IntPush( p->vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit(Abc_LitNot(Lit2), 1) );
794  iDiv = Hsh_VecManAdd( p->pHash, p->vCubeFree );
795  if ( !fRemove )
796  {
797  if ( Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) == iDiv )
798  {
799  Vec_FltPush(p->vWeights, -2 + 0.9 - 0.001 * Fx_ManComputeLevelDiv(p, p->vCubeFree));
800  p->nDivsS++;
801  }
802  assert( iDiv < Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) );
803  Vec_FltAddToEntry( p->vWeights, iDiv, 1 );
804  p->nPairsS++;
805  }
806  else
807  {
808  assert( iDiv < Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights) );
809  Vec_FltAddToEntry( p->vWeights, iDiv, -1 );
810  p->nPairsS--;
811  }
812  if ( fUpdate )
813  {
814  if ( Vec_QueIsMember(p->vPrio, iDiv) )
815  Vec_QueUpdate( p->vPrio, iDiv );
816  else if ( !fRemove )
817  Vec_QuePush( p->vPrio, iDiv );
818  }
819  }
820  return Vec_IntSize(vPivot) * (Vec_IntSize(vPivot) - 1) / 2;
821 }
static int Hsh_VecManAdd(Hsh_VecMan_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vVec)
Definition: vecHsh.h:340
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static int Abc_Var2Lit(int Var, int fCompl)
Definition: abc_global.h:263
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelDiv(Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
Definition: abcFx.c:393
static void Vec_FltPush(Vec_Flt_t *p, float Entry)
Definition: vecFlt.h:528
static void Vec_IntPush(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:468
#define Vec_IntForEachEntryStart(vVec, Entry, i, Start)
Definition: vecInt.h:56
static int Abc_LitNot(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:266
static void Vec_FltAddToEntry(Vec_Flt_t *p, int i, float Addition)
Definition: vecFlt.h:381
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static void Vec_QueUpdate(Vec_Que_t *p, int v)
Definition: vecQue.h:199
static int Vec_QueIsMember(Vec_Que_t *p, int v)
Definition: vecQue.h:216
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static void Vec_IntClear(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:452
static int Vec_FltSize(Vec_Flt_t *p)
Definition: vecFlt.h:294
static void Vec_QuePush(Vec_Que_t *p, int v)
Definition: vecQue.h:221
static void Fx_ManDivAddLits ( Vec_Int_t vCube,
Vec_Int_t vCube2,
Vec_Int_t vDiv 

Definition at line 713 of file abcFx.c.

714 {
715  int i, Lit, * pArray;
716 // Vec_IntClear( vCube );
717 // Vec_IntClear( vCube2 );
718  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
719  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
720  Vec_IntPush( vCube2, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) );
721  else
722  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) );
723  if ( Vec_IntSize(vDiv) == 4 && Vec_IntSize(vCube) == 3 )
724  {
725  assert( Vec_IntSize(vCube2) == 3 );
726  pArray = Vec_IntArray(vCube);
727  if ( pArray[1] > pArray[2] )
728  ABC_SWAP( int, pArray[1], pArray[2] );
729  pArray = Vec_IntArray(vCube2);
730  if ( pArray[1] > pArray[2] )
731  ABC_SWAP( int, pArray[1], pArray[2] );
732  }
733 }
static int * Vec_IntArray(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: vecInt.h:328
#define ABC_SWAP(Type, a, b)
Definition: abc_global.h:218
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
Definition: sparse_int.h:55
static void Vec_IntPush(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:468
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
int Fx_ManDivFindCubeFree ( Vec_Int_t vArr1,
Vec_Int_t vArr2,
Vec_Int_t vCubeFree 


Synopsis [Find a cube-free divisor of the two cubes.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 638 of file abcFx.c.

639 {
640  int * pBeg1 = vArr1->pArray + 1; // skip variable ID
641  int * pBeg2 = vArr2->pArray + 1; // skip variable ID
642  int * pEnd1 = vArr1->pArray + vArr1->nSize;
643  int * pEnd2 = vArr2->pArray + vArr2->nSize;
644  int Counter = 0, fAttr0 = 0, fAttr1 = 1;
645  Vec_IntClear( vCubeFree );
646  while ( pBeg1 < pEnd1 && pBeg2 < pEnd2 )
647  {
648  if ( *pBeg1 == *pBeg2 )
649  pBeg1++, pBeg2++, Counter++;
650  else if ( *pBeg1 < *pBeg2 )
651  Vec_IntPush( vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit(*pBeg1++, fAttr0) );
652  else
653  {
654  if ( Vec_IntSize(vCubeFree) == 0 )
655  fAttr0 = 1, fAttr1 = 0;
656  Vec_IntPush( vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit(*pBeg2++, fAttr1) );
657  }
658  }
659  while ( pBeg1 < pEnd1 )
660  Vec_IntPush( vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit(*pBeg1++, fAttr0) );
661  while ( pBeg2 < pEnd2 )
662  Vec_IntPush( vCubeFree, Abc_Var2Lit(*pBeg2++, fAttr1) );
663  if ( Vec_IntSize(vCubeFree) == 0 )
664  printf( "The SOP has duplicated cubes.\n" );
665  else if ( Vec_IntSize(vCubeFree) == 1 )
666  printf( "The SOP has contained cubes.\n" );
667  else if ( Vec_IntSize(vCubeFree) == 2 && Abc_Lit2Var(Abc_Lit2Var(Vec_IntEntry(vCubeFree, 0))) == Abc_Lit2Var(Abc_Lit2Var(Vec_IntEntry(vCubeFree, 1))) )
668  printf( "The SOP has distance-1 cubes or it is not a prime cover. Please make sure the result verifies.\n" );
669  assert( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Vec_IntEntry(vCubeFree, 0)) );
670  return Counter;
671 }
static int Abc_Var2Lit(int Var, int fCompl)
Definition: abc_global.h:263
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
static void Vec_IntPush(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:468
static int Counter
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static void Vec_IntClear(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:452
static void Fx_ManDivFindPivots ( Vec_Int_t vDiv,
int *  pLit0,
int *  pLit1 


Synopsis [Procedures operating on a two-cube divisor.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 684 of file abcFx.c.

685 {
686  int i, Lit;
687  *pLit0 = -1;
688  *pLit1 = -1;
689  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
690  {
691  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
692  {
693  if ( *pLit1 == -1 )
694  *pLit1 = Abc_Lit2Var(Lit);
695  }
696  else
697  {
698  if ( *pLit0 == -1 )
699  *pLit0 = Abc_Lit2Var(Lit);
700  }
701  if ( *pLit0 >= 0 && *pLit1 >= 0 )
702  return;
703  }
704 }
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
static int Fx_ManDivNormalize ( Vec_Int_t vCubeFree)


Synopsis [Returns 1 if the divisor should be complemented.]

Description [Normalizes the divisor by putting, first, positive control literal first and, second, positive data1 literal. As the result, a MUX divisor is (ab + !ac) and an XOR divisor is (ab + !a!b).]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 558 of file abcFx.c.

559 {
560  int * L = Vec_IntArray(vCubeFree);
561  int RetValue = 0, LitA0 = -1, LitB0 = -1, LitA1 = -1, LitB1 = -1;
562  assert( Vec_IntSize(vCubeFree) == 4 );
563  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[0]) != Abc_LitIsCompl(L[1]) && (L[0] >> 2) == (L[1] >> 2) ) // diff cubes, same vars
564  {
565  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[2]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[3]) )
566  return -1;
567  LitA0 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[0]), LitB0 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[1]);
568  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[0]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[2]) )
569  {
570  assert( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[1]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[3]) );
571  LitA1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[2]), LitB1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[3]);
572  }
573  else
574  {
575  assert( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[0]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[3]) );
576  assert( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[1]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[2]) );
577  LitA1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[3]), LitB1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[2]);
578  }
579  }
580  else if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[1]) != Abc_LitIsCompl(L[2]) && (L[1] >> 2) == (L[2] >> 2) )
581  {
582  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[0]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[3]) )
583  return -1;
584  LitA0 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[1]), LitB0 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[2]);
585  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[1]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[0]) )
586  LitA1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[0]), LitB1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[3]);
587  else
588  LitA1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[3]), LitB1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[0]);
589  }
590  else if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[2]) != Abc_LitIsCompl(L[3]) && (L[2] >> 2) == (L[3] >> 2) )
591  {
592  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[0]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[1]) )
593  return -1;
594  LitA0 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[2]), LitB0 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[3]);
595  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(L[2]) == Abc_LitIsCompl(L[0]) )
596  LitA1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[0]), LitB1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[1]);
597  else
598  LitA1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[1]), LitB1 = Abc_Lit2Var(L[0]);
599  }
600  else
601  return -1;
602  assert( LitA0 == Abc_LitNot(LitB0) );
603  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(LitA0) )
604  {
605  ABC_SWAP( int, LitA0, LitB0 );
606  ABC_SWAP( int, LitA1, LitB1 );
607  }
608  assert( !Abc_LitIsCompl(LitA0) );
609  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(LitA1) )
610  {
611  LitA1 = Abc_LitNot(LitA1);
612  LitB1 = Abc_LitNot(LitB1);
613  RetValue = 1;
614  }
615  assert( !Abc_LitIsCompl(LitA1) );
616  // arrange literals in such as a way that
617  // - the first two literals are control literals from different cubes
618  // - the third literal is non-complented data input
619  // - the forth literal is possibly complemented data input
620  L[0] = Abc_Var2Lit( LitA0, 0 );
621  L[1] = Abc_Var2Lit( LitB0, 1 );
622  L[2] = Abc_Var2Lit( LitA1, 0 );
623  L[3] = Abc_Var2Lit( LitB1, 1 );
624  return RetValue;
625 }
static int * Vec_IntArray(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: vecInt.h:328
static int Abc_Var2Lit(int Var, int fCompl)
Definition: abc_global.h:263
#define ABC_SWAP(Type, a, b)
Definition: abc_global.h:218
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
static int Abc_LitNot(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:266
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static int Fx_ManDivRemoveLits ( Vec_Int_t vCube,
Vec_Int_t vDiv,
int  fCompl 

Definition at line 705 of file abcFx.c.

706 {
707  int i, Lit, Count = 0;
708  assert( !fCompl || Vec_IntSize(vDiv) == 4 );
709  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
710  Count += Vec_IntRemove1( vCube, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) ^ (fCompl && i > 1) ); // the last two lits can be complemented
711  return Count;
712 }
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
static int Vec_IntRemove1(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: vecInt.h:929
void Fx_ManFindCommonPairs ( Vec_Wec_t vCubes,
Vec_Int_t vPart0,
Vec_Int_t vPart1,
Vec_Int_t vPairs,
Vec_Int_t vCompls,
Vec_Int_t vDiv,
Vec_Int_t vCubeFree 

Definition at line 929 of file abcFx.c.

930 {
931  int * pBeg1 = vPart0->pArray;
932  int * pBeg2 = vPart1->pArray;
933  int * pEnd1 = vPart0->pArray + vPart0->nSize;
934  int * pEnd2 = vPart1->pArray + vPart1->nSize;
935  int i, k, i_, k_, fCompl, CubeId1, CubeId2;
936  Vec_IntClear( vPairs );
937  Vec_IntClear( vCompls );
938  while ( pBeg1 < pEnd1 && pBeg2 < pEnd2 )
939  {
940  CubeId1 = Fx_ManGetCubeVar(vCubes, *pBeg1);
941  CubeId2 = Fx_ManGetCubeVar(vCubes, *pBeg2);
942  if ( CubeId1 == CubeId2 )
943  {
944  for ( i = 1; pBeg1+i < pEnd1; i++ )
945  if ( CubeId1 != Fx_ManGetCubeVar(vCubes, pBeg1[i]) )
946  break;
947  for ( k = 1; pBeg2+k < pEnd2; k++ )
948  if ( CubeId1 != Fx_ManGetCubeVar(vCubes, pBeg2[k]) )
949  break;
950  for ( i_ = 0; i_ < i; i_++ )
951  for ( k_ = 0; k_ < k; k_++ )
952  {
953  if ( pBeg1[i_] == pBeg2[k_] )
954  continue;
955  Fx_ManDivFindCubeFree( Vec_WecEntry(vCubes, pBeg1[i_]), Vec_WecEntry(vCubes, pBeg2[k_]), vCubeFree );
956  fCompl = (Vec_IntSize(vCubeFree) == 4 && Fx_ManDivNormalize(vCubeFree) == 1);
957  if ( !Vec_IntEqual( vDiv, vCubeFree ) )
958  continue;
959  Vec_IntPush( vPairs, pBeg1[i_] );
960  Vec_IntPush( vPairs, pBeg2[k_] );
961  Vec_IntPush( vCompls, fCompl );
962  }
963  pBeg1 += i;
964  pBeg2 += k;
965  }
966  else if ( CubeId1 < CubeId2 )
967  pBeg1++;
968  else
969  pBeg2++;
970  }
971 }
static int Fx_ManGetCubeVar(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, int iCube)
Definition: abcFx.c:928
static int Fx_ManDivNormalize(Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
Definition: abcFx.c:558
static void Vec_IntPush(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:468
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecEntry(Vec_Wec_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecWec.h:142
int Fx_ManDivFindCubeFree(Vec_Int_t *vArr1, Vec_Int_t *vArr2, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
Definition: abcFx.c:638
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static int Vec_IntEqual(Vec_Int_t *p1, Vec_Int_t *p2)
Definition: vecInt.h:1201
static void Vec_IntClear(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:452
static int Fx_ManGetCubeVar ( Vec_Wec_t vCubes,
int  iCube 


Synopsis [Find command cube pairs.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 928 of file abcFx.c.

928 { return Vec_IntEntry( Vec_WecEntry(vCubes, iCube), 0 ); }
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecEntry(Vec_Wec_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecWec.h:142
static int Fx_ManGetFirstVarCube ( Fx_Man_t p,
Vec_Int_t vCube 

Definition at line 117 of file abcFx.c.

117 { return Vec_IntEntry( p->vVarCube, Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0) ); }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
Fx_Man_t* Fx_ManStart ( Vec_Wec_t vCubes)


Synopsis [Starting the manager.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 350 of file abcFx.c.

351 {
352  Fx_Man_t * p;
353  p = ABC_CALLOC( Fx_Man_t, 1 );
354  p->vCubes = vCubes;
355  // temporary data
356  p->vCubesS = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
357  p->vCubesD = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
358  p->vCompls = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
359  p->vCubeFree = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
360  p->vDiv = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
361  return p;
362 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Fx_Man_t_ Fx_Man_t
Definition: abcFx.c:85
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: bblif.c:149
#define ABC_CALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:230
void Fx_ManStop ( Fx_Man_t p)

Definition at line 363 of file abcFx.c.

364 {
365 // Vec_WecFree( p->vCubes );
366  Vec_WecFree( p->vLits );
367  Vec_IntFree( p->vCounts );
368  Hsh_VecManStop( p->pHash );
369  Vec_FltFree( p->vWeights );
370  Vec_QueFree( p->vPrio );
371  Vec_IntFree( p->vVarCube );
372  Vec_IntFree( p->vLevels );
373  // temporary data
374  Vec_IntFree( p->vCubesS );
375  Vec_IntFree( p->vCubesD );
376  Vec_IntFree( p->vCompls );
377  Vec_IntFree( p->vCubeFree );
378  Vec_IntFree( p->vDiv );
379  ABC_FREE( p );
380 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static void Vec_WecFree(Vec_Wec_t *p)
Definition: vecWec.h:345
static void Vec_FltFree(Vec_Flt_t *p)
Definition: vecFlt.h:218
static void Hsh_VecManStop(Hsh_VecMan_t *p)
Definition: vecHsh.h:301
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
static void Vec_QueFree(Vec_Que_t *p)
Definition: vecQue.h:83
static void Vec_IntFree(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:235
void Fx_ManUpdate ( Fx_Man_t p,
int  iDiv 


Synopsis [Updates the data-structure when one divisor is selected.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 984 of file abcFx.c.

985 {
986  Vec_Int_t * vCube, * vCube2, * vLitP, * vLitN;
987  Vec_Int_t * vDiv = p->vDiv;
988  int nLitsNew = p->nLits - (int)Vec_FltEntry(p->vWeights, iDiv);
989  int i, k, Lit0, Lit1, iVarNew, RetValue, Level;
990  float Diff = Vec_FltEntry(p->vWeights, iDiv) - (float)((int)Vec_FltEntry(p->vWeights, iDiv));
991  assert( Diff > 0.0 && Diff < 1.0 );
993  // get the divisor and select pivot variables
994  p->nDivs++;
995  Vec_IntClear( vDiv );
996  Vec_IntAppend( vDiv, Hsh_VecReadEntry(p->pHash, iDiv) );
997  Fx_ManDivFindPivots( vDiv, &Lit0, &Lit1 );
998  assert( Lit0 >= 0 && Lit1 >= 0 );
1000  // if the input cover is not prime, it may happen that we are extracting divisor (x + !x)
1001  // although it is not strictly correct, it seems to be fine to just skip such divisors
1002  if ( Abc_Lit2Var(Lit0) == Abc_Lit2Var(Lit1) && Vec_IntSize(Hsh_VecReadEntry(p->pHash, iDiv)) == 2 )
1003  return;
1005  // collect single-cube-divisor cubes
1006  Vec_IntClear( p->vCubesS );
1007  if ( Vec_IntSize(vDiv) == 2 )
1008  {
1009  Fx_ManCompressCubes( p->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Abc_LitNot(Lit0)) );
1010  Fx_ManCompressCubes( p->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Abc_LitNot(Lit1)) );
1011  Vec_IntTwoRemoveCommon( Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Abc_LitNot(Lit0)), Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Abc_LitNot(Lit1)), p->vCubesS );
1012  }
1014  // collect double-cube-divisor cube pairs
1015  Fx_ManCompressCubes( p->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Lit0) );
1016  Fx_ManCompressCubes( p->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Lit1) );
1017  Fx_ManFindCommonPairs( p->vCubes, Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Lit0), Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Lit1), p->vCubesD, p->vCompls, vDiv, p->vCubeFree );
1019  // subtract cost of single-cube divisors
1020  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesS, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1021  Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors( p, vCube, 1, 1 ); // remove - update
1022  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesD, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1023  Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors( p, vCube, 1, 1 ); // remove - update
1025  // mark the cubes to be removed
1026  Vec_WecMarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesS );
1027  Vec_WecMarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesD );
1029  // subtract cost of double-cube divisors
1030  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesS, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1031  Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors( p, Fx_ManGetFirstVarCube(p, vCube), vCube, 1, 1 ); // remove - update
1032  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesD, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1033  Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors( p, Fx_ManGetFirstVarCube(p, vCube), vCube, 1, 1 ); // remove - update
1035  // unmark the cubes to be removed
1036  Vec_WecUnmarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesS );
1037  Vec_WecUnmarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesD );
1039  // create new divisor
1040  iVarNew = Vec_WecSize( p->vLits ) / 2;
1041  assert( Vec_IntSize(p->vVarCube) == iVarNew );
1042  Vec_IntPush( p->vVarCube, Vec_WecSize(p->vCubes) );
1043  vCube = Vec_WecPushLevel( p->vCubes );
1044  Vec_IntPush( vCube, iVarNew );
1045  if ( Vec_IntSize(vDiv) == 2 )
1046  {
1047  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_LitNot(Lit0) );
1048  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_LitNot(Lit1) );
1049  Level = 1 + Fx_ManComputeLevelCube( p, vCube );
1050  }
1051  else
1052  {
1053  vCube2 = Vec_WecPushLevel( p->vCubes );
1054  vCube = Vec_WecEntry( p->vCubes, Vec_WecSize(p->vCubes) - 2 );
1055  Vec_IntPush( vCube2, iVarNew );
1056  Fx_ManDivAddLits( vCube, vCube2, vDiv );
1057  Level = 2 + Abc_MaxInt( Fx_ManComputeLevelCube(p, vCube), Fx_ManComputeLevelCube(p, vCube2) );
1058  }
1059  assert( Vec_IntSize(p->vLevels) == iVarNew );
1060  Vec_IntPush( p->vLevels, Level );
1061  // do not add new cubes to the matrix
1062  p->nLits += Vec_IntSize( vDiv );
1063  // create new literals
1064  vLitP = Vec_WecPushLevel( p->vLits );
1065  vLitN = Vec_WecPushLevel( p->vLits );
1066  vLitP = Vec_WecEntry( p->vLits, Vec_WecSize(p->vLits) - 2 );
1067  // create updated single-cube divisor cubes
1068  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesS, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1069  {
1070  RetValue = Vec_IntRemove1( vCube, Abc_LitNot(Lit0) );
1071  RetValue += Vec_IntRemove1( vCube, Abc_LitNot(Lit1) );
1072  assert( RetValue == 2 );
1073  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_Var2Lit(iVarNew, 0) );
1074  Vec_IntPush( vLitP, Vec_WecLevelId(p->vCubes, vCube) );
1075  p->nLits--;
1076  }
1077  // create updated double-cube divisor cube pairs
1078  k = 0;
1079  p->nCompls = 0;
1080  assert( Vec_IntSize(p->vCubesD) % 2 == 0 );
1081  assert( Vec_IntSize(p->vCubesD) == 2 * Vec_IntSize(p->vCompls) );
1082  for ( i = 0; i < Vec_IntSize(p->vCubesD); i += 2 )
1083  {
1084  int fCompl = Vec_IntEntry(p->vCompls, i/2);
1085  p->nCompls += fCompl;
1086  vCube = Vec_WecEntry( p->vCubes, Vec_IntEntry(p->vCubesD, i) );
1087  vCube2 = Vec_WecEntry( p->vCubes, Vec_IntEntry(p->vCubesD, i+1) );
1088  RetValue = Fx_ManDivRemoveLits( vCube, vDiv, fCompl ); // cube 2*i
1089  RetValue += Fx_ManDivRemoveLits( vCube2, vDiv, fCompl ); // cube 2*i+1
1090  assert( RetValue == Vec_IntSize(vDiv) );
1091  if ( Vec_IntSize(vDiv) == 2 || fCompl )
1092  {
1093  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_Var2Lit(iVarNew, 1) );
1094  Vec_IntPush( vLitN, Vec_WecLevelId(p->vCubes, vCube) );
1095  }
1096  else
1097  {
1098  Vec_IntPush( vCube, Abc_Var2Lit(iVarNew, 0) );
1099  Vec_IntPush( vLitP, Vec_WecLevelId(p->vCubes, vCube) );
1100  }
1101  p->nLits -= Vec_IntSize(vDiv) + Vec_IntSize(vCube2) - 2;
1102  // remove second cube
1103  Vec_IntWriteEntry( p->vCubesD, k++, Vec_WecLevelId(p->vCubes, vCube) );
1104  Vec_IntClear( vCube2 );
1105  }
1106  assert( k == Vec_IntSize(p->vCubesD) / 2 );
1107  Vec_IntShrink( p->vCubesD, k );
1108  Vec_IntSort( p->vCubesD, 0 );
1110  // add cost of single-cube divisors
1111  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesS, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1112  Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors( p, vCube, 0, 1 ); // add - update
1113  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesD, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1114  Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors( p, vCube, 0, 1 ); // add - update
1116  // mark the cubes to be removed
1117  Vec_WecMarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesS );
1118  Vec_WecMarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesD );
1120  // add cost of double-cube divisors
1121  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesS, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1122  Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors( p, Fx_ManGetFirstVarCube(p, vCube), vCube, 0, 1 ); // add - update
1123  Fx_ManForEachCubeVec( p->vCubesD, p->vCubes, vCube, i )
1124  Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors( p, Fx_ManGetFirstVarCube(p, vCube), vCube, 0, 1 ); // add - update
1126  // unmark the cubes to be removed
1127  Vec_WecUnmarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesS );
1128  Vec_WecUnmarkLevels( p->vCubes, p->vCubesD );
1130  // add cost of the new divisor
1131  if ( Vec_IntSize(vDiv) > 2 )
1132  {
1133  vCube = Vec_WecEntry( p->vCubes, Vec_WecSize(p->vCubes) - 2 );
1134  vCube2 = Vec_WecEntry( p->vCubes, Vec_WecSize(p->vCubes) - 1 );
1135  Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors( p, vCube, 0, 1 ); // add - update
1136  Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors( p, vCube2, 0, 1 ); // add - update
1137  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit0, i, 1 )
1138  Vec_WecPush( p->vLits, Lit0, Vec_WecLevelId(p->vCubes, vCube) );
1139  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube2, Lit0, i, 1 )
1140  Vec_WecPush( p->vLits, Lit0, Vec_WecLevelId(p->vCubes, vCube2) );
1141  }
1143  // remove these cubes from the lit array of the divisor
1144  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit0, i )
1145  {
1146  Vec_IntTwoRemove( Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Abc_Lit2Var(Lit0)), p->vCubesD );
1147  if ( p->nCompls && i > 1 ) // the last two lits are possibly complemented
1148  Vec_IntTwoRemove( Vec_WecEntry(p->vLits, Abc_LitNot(Abc_Lit2Var(Lit0))), p->vCubesD );
1149  }
1151  // check predicted improvement: (new SOP lits == old SOP lits - divisor weight)
1152  assert( p->nLits == nLitsNew );
1153 }
static void Fx_ManCompressCubes(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, Vec_Int_t *vLit2Cube)
Definition: abcFx.c:907
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static void Fx_ManDivFindPivots(Vec_Int_t *vDiv, int *pLit0, int *pLit1)
Definition: abcFx.c:684
static void Vec_WecMarkLevels(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, Vec_Int_t *vLevels)
Definition: vecWec.h:644
int Fx_ManCubeSingleCubeDivisors(Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vPivot, int fRemove, int fUpdate)
Definition: abcFx.c:782
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecPushLevel(Vec_Wec_t *p)
Definition: vecWec.h:284
static int Abc_Var2Lit(int Var, int fCompl)
Definition: abc_global.h:263
static void Vec_WecUnmarkLevels(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, Vec_Int_t *vLevels)
Definition: vecWec.h:654
static int Abc_MaxInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:238
static void Vec_IntSort(Vec_Int_t *p, int fReverse)
Definition: vecInt.h:1293
void Fx_ManCubeDoubleCubeDivisors(Fx_Man_t *p, int iFirst, Vec_Int_t *vPivot, int fRemove, int fUpdate)
Definition: abcFx.c:822
static int Vec_WecSize(Vec_Wec_t *p)
Definition: vecWec.h:193
static int Fx_ManDivRemoveLits(Vec_Int_t *vCube, Vec_Int_t *vDiv, int fCompl)
Definition: abcFx.c:705
static void Vec_IntWriteEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:285
static int Vec_IntTwoRemove(Vec_Int_t *vArr1, Vec_Int_t *vArr2)
Definition: vecInt.h:1626
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
static void Vec_IntPush(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:468
static void Vec_IntAppend(Vec_Int_t *vVec1, Vec_Int_t *vVec2)
static int Vec_IntTwoRemoveCommon(Vec_Int_t *vArr1, Vec_Int_t *vArr2, Vec_Int_t *vArr)
Definition: vecInt.h:1588
#define Vec_IntForEachEntryStart(vVec, Entry, i, Start)
Definition: vecInt.h:56
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_WecEntry(Vec_Wec_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecWec.h:142
#define Fx_ManForEachCubeVec(vVec, vCubes, vCube, i)
Definition: abcFx.c:119
static void Fx_ManDivAddLits(Vec_Int_t *vCube, Vec_Int_t *vCube2, Vec_Int_t *vDiv)
Definition: abcFx.c:713
static int Abc_LitNot(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:266
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static void Vec_IntShrink(Vec_Int_t *p, int nSizeNew)
Definition: bblif.c:435
void Fx_ManFindCommonPairs(Vec_Wec_t *vCubes, Vec_Int_t *vPart0, Vec_Int_t *vPart1, Vec_Int_t *vPairs, Vec_Int_t *vCompls, Vec_Int_t *vDiv, Vec_Int_t *vCubeFree)
Definition: abcFx.c:929
static int Vec_WecLevelId(Vec_Wec_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vLevel)
Definition: vecWec.h:172
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
static int Fx_ManComputeLevelCube(Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCube)
Definition: abcFx.c:400
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static Vec_Int_t * Hsh_VecReadEntry(Hsh_VecMan_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecHsh.h:308
static float Vec_FltEntry(Vec_Flt_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecFlt.h:342
static void Vec_IntClear(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:452
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
static int Vec_IntRemove1(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: vecInt.h:929
static int Fx_ManGetFirstVarCube(Fx_Man_t *p, Vec_Int_t *vCube)
Definition: abcFx.c:117
static void Vec_WecPush(Vec_Wec_t *p, int Level, int Entry)
Definition: vecWec.h:275
static void Fx_PrintDiv ( Fx_Man_t p,
int  iDiv 

Definition at line 471 of file abcFx.c.

472 {
473  int i;
474  printf( "%4d : ", p->nDivs );
475  printf( "Div %7d : ", iDiv );
476  printf( "Weight %12.5f ", Vec_FltEntry(p->vWeights, iDiv) );
477 // printf( "Compl %4d ", p->nCompls );
478  Fx_PrintDivOne( Hsh_VecReadEntry(p->pHash, iDiv) );
479  for ( i = Vec_IntSize(Hsh_VecReadEntry(p->pHash, iDiv)) + 3; i < 16; i++ )
480  printf( " " );
481  printf( "Lits =%7d ", p->nLits );
482  printf( "Divs =%8d ", Hsh_VecSize(p->pHash) );
483  Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", Abc_Clock() - p->timeStart );
484 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static abctime Abc_Clock()
Definition: abc_global.h:279
static void Abc_PrintTime(int level, const char *pStr, abctime time)
Definition: abc_global.h:367
static int Hsh_VecSize(Hsh_VecMan_t *p)
Definition: vecHsh.h:315
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static Vec_Int_t * Hsh_VecReadEntry(Hsh_VecMan_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecHsh.h:308
static float Vec_FltEntry(Vec_Flt_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecFlt.h:342
static void Fx_PrintDivOne(Vec_Int_t *vDiv)
Definition: abcFx.c:449
static void Fx_PrintDivArray ( Vec_Int_t vDiv)

Definition at line 460 of file abcFx.c.

461 {
462  int i, Lit;
463  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
464  if ( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
465  printf( "%d(1) ", Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) );
466  printf( " + " );
467  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
468  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
469  printf( "%d(2) ", Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) );
470 }
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
static void Fx_PrintDivisors ( Fx_Man_t p)

Definition at line 485 of file abcFx.c.

486 {
487  int iDiv;
488  for ( iDiv = 0; iDiv < Vec_FltSize(p->vWeights); iDiv++ )
489  Fx_PrintDiv( p, iDiv );
490 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static void Fx_PrintDiv(Fx_Man_t *p, int iDiv)
Definition: abcFx.c:471
static int Vec_FltSize(Vec_Flt_t *p)
Definition: vecFlt.h:294
static char Fx_PrintDivLit ( int  Lit)


Synopsis [Printing procedures.]

Description []

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 437 of file abcFx.c.

437 { return (Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) ? 'A' : 'a') + Abc_Lit2Var(Lit); }
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
static void Fx_PrintDivOne ( Vec_Int_t vDiv)

Definition at line 449 of file abcFx.c.

450 {
451  int i, Lit;
452  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
453  if ( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
454  printf( "%c", Fx_PrintDivLit( Abc_Var2Lit(i, Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit)) ) );
455  printf( " + " );
456  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
457  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
458  printf( "%c", Fx_PrintDivLit( Abc_Var2Lit(i, Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit)) ) );
459 }
static int Abc_Var2Lit(int Var, int fCompl)
Definition: abc_global.h:263
static char Fx_PrintDivLit(int Lit)
Definition: abcFx.c:437
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
static void Fx_PrintDivOneReal ( Vec_Int_t vDiv)

Definition at line 438 of file abcFx.c.

439 {
440  int i, Lit;
441  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
442  if ( !Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
443  printf( "%c", Fx_PrintDivLit(Abc_Lit2Var(Lit)) );
444  printf( " + " );
445  Vec_IntForEachEntry( vDiv, Lit, i )
446  if ( Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) )
447  printf( "%c", Fx_PrintDivLit(Abc_Lit2Var(Lit)) );
448 }
static char Fx_PrintDivLit(int Lit)
Definition: abcFx.c:437
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
Definition: sparse_int.h:34
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define Vec_IntForEachEntry(vVec, Entry, i)
Definition: vecInt.h:54
static void Fx_PrintLiterals ( Fx_Man_t p)

Definition at line 491 of file abcFx.c.

492 {
493  Vec_Int_t * vTemp;
494  int i;
495  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vLits, vTemp, i )
496  {
497  printf( "%c : ", Fx_PrintDivLit(i) );
498  Vec_IntPrint( vTemp );
499  }
500 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static char Fx_PrintDivLit(int Lit)
Definition: abcFx.c:437
#define Vec_WecForEachLevel(vGlob, vVec, i)
Definition: vecWec.h:55
static void Vec_IntPrint(Vec_Int_t *vVec)
Definition: vecInt.h:1803
static void Fx_PrintMatrix ( Fx_Man_t p)

Definition at line 501 of file abcFx.c.

502 {
503  Vec_Int_t * vCube;
504  int i, v, Lit, nObjs;
505  char * pLine;
506  if ( Vec_WecSize(p->vLits)/2 > 26 )
507  return;
508  printf( " " );
509  nObjs = Vec_WecSize(p->vLits)/2;
510  for ( i = 0; i < Abc_MinInt(nObjs, 26); i++ )
511  printf( "%c", 'a' + i );
512  printf( "\n" );
513  pLine = ABC_CALLOC( char, nObjs+1 );
514  Vec_WecForEachLevel( p->vCubes, vCube, i )
515  {
516  if ( Vec_IntSize(vCube) == 0 )
517  continue;
518  memset( pLine, '-', nObjs );
519  Vec_IntForEachEntryStart( vCube, Lit, v, 1 )
520  {
521  assert( Abc_Lit2Var(Lit) < nObjs );
522  pLine[Abc_Lit2Var(Lit)] = Abc_LitIsCompl(Lit) ? '0' : '1';
523  }
524  printf( "%6d : %s %4d\n", i, pLine, Vec_IntEntry(vCube, 0) );
525  }
526  ABC_FREE( pLine );
527  Fx_PrintLiterals( p );
528  Fx_PrintDivisors( p );
529 }
char * memset()
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static int Vec_WecSize(Vec_Wec_t *p)
Definition: vecWec.h:193
static int Abc_MinInt(int a, int b)
Definition: abc_global.h:239
static int Abc_LitIsCompl(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:265
#define Vec_WecForEachLevel(vGlob, vVec, i)
Definition: vecWec.h:55
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
static void Fx_PrintLiterals(Fx_Man_t *p)
Definition: abcFx.c:491
#define Vec_IntForEachEntryStart(vVec, Entry, i, Start)
Definition: vecInt.h:56
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
static int Abc_Lit2Var(int Lit)
Definition: abc_global.h:264
#define ABC_CALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:230
static void Fx_PrintDivisors(Fx_Man_t *p)
Definition: abcFx.c:485
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static void Fx_PrintStats ( Fx_Man_t p,
abctime  clk 

Definition at line 530 of file abcFx.c.

531 {
532  printf( "Cubes =%8d ", Vec_WecSizeUsed(p->vCubes) );
533  printf( "Lits =%8d ", Vec_WecSizeUsed(p->vLits) );
534  printf( "Divs =%8d ", Hsh_VecSize(p->pHash) );
535  printf( "Divs+ =%8d ", Vec_QueSize(p->vPrio) );
536  printf( "Compl =%8d ", p->nDivMux[1] );
537  printf( "Extr =%7d ", p->nDivs );
538 // printf( "DivsS =%6d ", p->nDivsS );
539 // printf( "PairS =%6d ", p->nPairsS );
540 // printf( "PairD =%6d ", p->nPairsD );
541  Abc_PrintTime( 1, "Time", clk );
542 // printf( "\n" );
543 }
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
static int Vec_WecSizeUsed(Vec_Wec_t *p)
Definition: vecWec.h:210
static void Abc_PrintTime(int level, const char *pStr, abctime time)
Definition: abc_global.h:367
static int Vec_QueSize(Vec_Que_t *p)
Definition: vecQue.h:134
static int Hsh_VecSize(Hsh_VecMan_t *p)
Definition: vecHsh.h:315