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1 /****************************************************************************************[Solver.h]
2 Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson
3 Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Niklas Sorensson
5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
6 associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
7 including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
8 sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
9 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
12 substantial portions of the Software.
19 **************************************************************************************************/
21 #ifndef Minisat_Solver_h
22 #define Minisat_Solver_h
24 #include "Vec.h"
25 #include "Heap.h"
26 #include "Alg.h"
27 #include "Options.h"
28 #include "SolverTypes.h"
31 namespace Minisat {
33 //=================================================================================================
34 // Solver -- the main class:
36 class Solver {
37 public:
39  // Constructor/Destructor:
40  //
41  Solver();
42  virtual ~Solver();
44  // Problem specification:
45  //
46  Var newVar (bool polarity = true, bool dvar = true); // Add a new variable with parameters specifying variable mode.
48  bool addClause (const vec<Lit>& ps); // Add a clause to the solver.
49  bool addEmptyClause(); // Add the empty clause, making the solver contradictory.
50  bool addClause (Lit p); // Add a unit clause to the solver.
51  bool addClause (Lit p, Lit q); // Add a binary clause to the solver.
52  bool addClause (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r); // Add a ternary clause to the solver.
53  bool addClause_( vec<Lit>& ps); // Add a clause to the solver without making superflous internal copy. Will
54  // change the passed vector 'ps'.
56  // Solving:
57  //
58  bool simplify (); // Removes already satisfied clauses.
59  bool solve (const vec<Lit>& assumps); // Search for a model that respects a given set of assumptions.
60  lbool solveLimited (const vec<Lit>& assumps); // Search for a model that respects a given set of assumptions (With resource constraints).
61  bool solve (); // Search without assumptions.
62  bool solve (Lit p); // Search for a model that respects a single assumption.
63  bool solve (Lit p, Lit q); // Search for a model that respects two assumptions.
64  bool solve (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r); // Search for a model that respects three assumptions.
65  bool okay () const; // FALSE means solver is in a conflicting state
67  void toDimacs (FILE* f, const vec<Lit>& assumps); // Write CNF to file in DIMACS-format.
68  void toDimacs (const char *file, const vec<Lit>& assumps);
69  void toDimacs (FILE* f, Clause& c, vec<Var>& map, Var& max);
71  // Convenience versions of 'toDimacs()':
72  void toDimacs (const char* file);
73  void toDimacs (const char* file, Lit p);
74  void toDimacs (const char* file, Lit p, Lit q);
75  void toDimacs (const char* file, Lit p, Lit q, Lit r);
77  // Variable mode:
78  //
79  void setPolarity (Var v, bool b); // Declare which polarity the decision heuristic should use for a variable. Requires mode 'polarity_user'.
80  void setDecisionVar (Var v, bool b); // Declare if a variable should be eligible for selection in the decision heuristic.
82  // Read state:
83  //
84  lbool value (Var x) const; // The current value of a variable.
85  lbool value (Lit p) const; // The current value of a literal.
86  lbool modelValue (Var x) const; // The value of a variable in the last model. The last call to solve must have been satisfiable.
87  lbool modelValue (Lit p) const; // The value of a literal in the last model. The last call to solve must have been satisfiable.
88  int nAssigns () const; // The current number of assigned literals.
89  int nClauses () const; // The current number of original clauses.
90  int nLearnts () const; // The current number of learnt clauses.
91  int nVars () const; // The current number of variables.
92  int nFreeVars () const;
94  // Resource contraints:
95  //
96  void setConfBudget(int64_t x);
97  void setPropBudget(int64_t x);
98  void budgetOff();
99  void interrupt(); // Trigger a (potentially asynchronous) interruption of the solver.
100  void clearInterrupt(); // Clear interrupt indicator flag.
102  // Memory managment:
103  //
104  virtual void garbageCollect();
105  void checkGarbage(double gf);
106  void checkGarbage();
108  // Extra results: (read-only member variable)
109  //
110  vec<lbool> model; // If problem is satisfiable, this vector contains the model (if any).
111  vec<Lit> conflict; // If problem is unsatisfiable (possibly under assumptions),
112  // this vector represent the final conflict clause expressed in the assumptions.
114  // Mode of operation:
115  //
117  double var_decay;
118  double clause_decay;
120  double random_seed;
122  int ccmin_mode; // Controls conflict clause minimization (0=none, 1=basic, 2=deep).
123  int phase_saving; // Controls the level of phase saving (0=none, 1=limited, 2=full).
124  bool rnd_pol; // Use random polarities for branching heuristics.
125  bool rnd_init_act; // Initialize variable activities with a small random value.
126  double garbage_frac; // The fraction of wasted memory allowed before a garbage collection is triggered.
128  int restart_first; // The initial restart limit. (default 100)
129  double restart_inc; // The factor with which the restart limit is multiplied in each restart. (default 1.5)
130  double learntsize_factor; // The intitial limit for learnt clauses is a factor of the original clauses. (default 1 / 3)
131  double learntsize_inc; // The limit for learnt clauses is multiplied with this factor each restart. (default 1.1)
136  // Statistics: (read-only member variable)
137  //
141 protected:
143  // Helper structures:
144  //
145  struct VarData { CRef reason; int level; };
146  static inline VarData mkVarData(CRef cr, int l){ VarData d = {cr, l}; return d; }
148  struct Watcher {
151  Watcher(CRef cr, Lit p) : cref(cr), blocker(p) {}
152  bool operator==(const Watcher& w) const { return cref == w.cref; }
153  bool operator!=(const Watcher& w) const { return cref != w.cref; }
154  };
157  {
159  WatcherDeleted(const ClauseAllocator& _ca) : ca(_ca) {}
160  bool operator()(const Watcher& w) const { return ca[w.cref].mark() == 1; }
161  };
163  struct VarOrderLt {
165  bool operator () (Var x, Var y) const { return activity[x] > activity[y]; }
166  VarOrderLt(const vec<double>& act) : activity(act) { }
167  };
169  // Solver state:
170  //
171  bool ok; // If FALSE, the constraints are already unsatisfiable. No part of the solver state may be used!
172  vec<CRef> clauses; // List of problem clauses.
173  vec<CRef> learnts; // List of learnt clauses.
174  double cla_inc; // Amount to bump next clause with.
175  vec<double> activity; // A heuristic measurement of the activity of a variable.
176  double var_inc; // Amount to bump next variable with.
178  watches; // 'watches[lit]' is a list of constraints watching 'lit' (will go there if literal becomes true).
179  vec<lbool> assigns; // The current assignments.
180  vec<char> polarity; // The preferred polarity of each variable.
181  vec<char> decision; // Declares if a variable is eligible for selection in the decision heuristic.
182  vec<Lit> trail; // Assignment stack; stores all assigments made in the order they were made.
183  vec<int> trail_lim; // Separator indices for different decision levels in 'trail'.
184  vec<VarData> vardata; // Stores reason and level for each variable.
185  int qhead; // Head of queue (as index into the trail -- no more explicit propagation queue in MiniSat).
186  int simpDB_assigns; // Number of top-level assignments since last execution of 'simplify()'.
187  int64_t simpDB_props; // Remaining number of propagations that must be made before next execution of 'simplify()'.
188  vec<Lit> assumptions; // Current set of assumptions provided to solve by the user.
189  Heap<VarOrderLt> order_heap; // A priority queue of variables ordered with respect to the variable activity.
190  double progress_estimate;// Set by 'search()'.
191  bool remove_satisfied; // Indicates whether possibly inefficient linear scan for satisfied clauses should be performed in 'simplify'.
195  // Temporaries (to reduce allocation overhead). Each variable is prefixed by the method in which it is
196  // used, exept 'seen' wich is used in several places.
197  //
203  double max_learnts;
207  // Resource contraints:
208  //
209  int64_t conflict_budget; // -1 means no budget.
210  int64_t propagation_budget; // -1 means no budget.
213  // Main internal methods:
214  //
215  void insertVarOrder (Var x); // Insert a variable in the decision order priority queue.
216  Lit pickBranchLit (); // Return the next decision variable.
217  void newDecisionLevel (); // Begins a new decision level.
218  void uncheckedEnqueue (Lit p, CRef from = CRef_Undef); // Enqueue a literal. Assumes value of literal is undefined.
219  bool enqueue (Lit p, CRef from = CRef_Undef); // Test if fact 'p' contradicts current state, enqueue otherwise.
220  CRef propagate (); // Perform unit propagation. Returns possibly conflicting clause.
221  void cancelUntil (int level); // Backtrack until a certain level.
222  void analyze (CRef confl, vec<Lit>& out_learnt, int& out_btlevel); // (bt = backtrack)
223  void analyzeFinal (Lit p, vec<Lit>& out_conflict); // COULD THIS BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE ORDINARIY "analyze" BY SOME REASONABLE GENERALIZATION?
224  bool litRedundant (Lit p, uint32_t abstract_levels); // (helper method for 'analyze()')
225  lbool search (int nof_conflicts); // Search for a given number of conflicts.
226  lbool solve_ (); // Main solve method (assumptions given in 'assumptions').
227  void reduceDB (); // Reduce the set of learnt clauses.
228  void removeSatisfied (vec<CRef>& cs); // Shrink 'cs' to contain only non-satisfied clauses.
229  void rebuildOrderHeap ();
231  // Maintaining Variable/Clause activity:
232  //
233  void varDecayActivity (); // Decay all variables with the specified factor. Implemented by increasing the 'bump' value instead.
234  void varBumpActivity (Var v, double inc); // Increase a variable with the current 'bump' value.
235  void varBumpActivity (Var v); // Increase a variable with the current 'bump' value.
236  void claDecayActivity (); // Decay all clauses with the specified factor. Implemented by increasing the 'bump' value instead.
237  void claBumpActivity (Clause& c); // Increase a clause with the current 'bump' value.
239  // Operations on clauses:
240  //
241  void attachClause (CRef cr); // Attach a clause to watcher lists.
242  void detachClause (CRef cr, bool strict = false); // Detach a clause to watcher lists.
243  void removeClause (CRef cr); // Detach and free a clause.
244  bool locked (const Clause& c) const; // Returns TRUE if a clause is a reason for some implication in the current state.
245  bool satisfied (const Clause& c) const; // Returns TRUE if a clause is satisfied in the current state.
247  void relocAll (ClauseAllocator& to);
249  // Misc:
250  //
251  int decisionLevel () const; // Gives the current decisionlevel.
252  uint32_t abstractLevel (Var x) const; // Used to represent an abstraction of sets of decision levels.
253  CRef reason (Var x) const;
254  int level (Var x) const;
255  double progressEstimate () const; // DELETE THIS ?? IT'S NOT VERY USEFUL ...
256  bool withinBudget () const;
258  // Static helpers:
259  //
261  // Returns a random float 0 <= x < 1. Seed must never be 0.
262  static inline double drand(double& seed) {
263  seed *= 1389796;
264  int q = (int)(seed / 2147483647);
265  seed -= (double)q * 2147483647;
266  return seed / 2147483647; }
268  // Returns a random integer 0 <= x < size. Seed must never be 0.
269  static inline int irand(double& seed, int size) {
270  return (int)(drand(seed) * size); }
271 };
274 //=================================================================================================
275 // Implementation of inline methods:
277 inline CRef Solver::reason(Var x) const { return vardata[x].reason; }
278 inline int Solver::level (Var x) const { return vardata[x].level; }
280 inline void Solver::insertVarOrder(Var x) {
281  if (!order_heap.inHeap(x) && decision[x]) order_heap.insert(x); }
283 inline void Solver::varDecayActivity() { var_inc *= (1 / var_decay); }
285 inline void Solver::varBumpActivity(Var v, double inc) {
286  if ( (activity[v] += inc) > 1e100 ) {
287  // Rescale:
288  for (int i = 0; i < nVars(); i++)
289  activity[i] *= 1e-100;
290  var_inc *= 1e-100; }
292  // Update order_heap with respect to new activity:
293  if (order_heap.inHeap(v))
294  order_heap.decrease(v); }
296 inline void Solver::claDecayActivity() { cla_inc *= (1 / clause_decay); }
297 inline void Solver::claBumpActivity (Clause& c) {
298  if ( (c.activity() += cla_inc) > 1e20 ) {
299  // Rescale:
300  for (int i = 0; i < learnts.size(); i++)
301  ca[learnts[i]].activity() *= (float)1e-20;
302  cla_inc *= 1e-20; } }
305 inline void Solver::checkGarbage(double gf){
306  if (ca.wasted() > ca.size() * gf)
307  garbageCollect(); }
309 // NOTE: enqueue does not set the ok flag! (only public methods do)
310 inline bool Solver::enqueue (Lit p, CRef from) { return value(p) != l_Undef ? value(p) != l_False : (uncheckedEnqueue(p, from), true); }
311 inline bool Solver::addClause (const vec<Lit>& ps) { ps.copyTo(add_tmp); return addClause_(add_tmp); }
312 inline bool Solver::addEmptyClause () { add_tmp.clear(); return addClause_(add_tmp); }
313 inline bool Solver::addClause (Lit p) { add_tmp.clear(); add_tmp.push(p); return addClause_(add_tmp); }
314 inline bool Solver::addClause (Lit p, Lit q) { add_tmp.clear(); add_tmp.push(p); add_tmp.push(q); return addClause_(add_tmp); }
315 inline bool Solver::addClause (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r) { add_tmp.clear(); add_tmp.push(p); add_tmp.push(q); add_tmp.push(r); return addClause_(add_tmp); }
316 inline bool Solver::locked (const Clause& c) const { return value(c[0]) == l_True && reason(var(c[0])) != CRef_Undef && ca.lea(reason(var(c[0]))) == &c; }
317 inline void Solver::newDecisionLevel() { trail_lim.push(trail.size()); }
319 inline int Solver::decisionLevel () const { return trail_lim.size(); }
320 inline uint32_t Solver::abstractLevel (Var x) const { return 1 << (level(x) & 31); }
321 inline lbool Solver::value (Var x) const { return assigns[x]; }
322 inline lbool Solver::value (Lit p) const { return assigns[var(p)] ^ sign(p); }
323 inline lbool Solver::modelValue (Var x) const { return model[x]; }
324 inline lbool Solver::modelValue (Lit p) const { return model[var(p)] ^ sign(p); }
325 inline int Solver::nAssigns () const { return trail.size(); }
326 inline int Solver::nClauses () const { return clauses.size(); }
327 inline int Solver::nLearnts () const { return learnts.size(); }
328 inline int Solver::nVars () const { return vardata.size(); }
329 inline int Solver::nFreeVars () const { return (int)dec_vars - (trail_lim.size() == 0 ? trail.size() : trail_lim[0]); }
330 inline void Solver::setPolarity (Var v, bool b) { polarity[v] = b; }
331 inline void Solver::setDecisionVar(Var v, bool b)
332 {
333  if ( b && !decision[v]) dec_vars++;
334  else if (!b && decision[v]) dec_vars--;
336  decision[v] = b;
337  insertVarOrder(v);
338 }
339 inline void Solver::setConfBudget(int64_t x){ conflict_budget = conflicts + x; }
340 inline void Solver::setPropBudget(int64_t x){ propagation_budget = propagations + x; }
341 inline void Solver::interrupt(){ asynch_interrupt = true; }
342 inline void Solver::clearInterrupt(){ asynch_interrupt = false; }
344 inline bool Solver::withinBudget() const {
345  return !asynch_interrupt &&
346  (conflict_budget < 0 || conflicts < (uint64_t)conflict_budget) &&
347  (propagation_budget < 0 || propagations < (uint64_t)propagation_budget); }
349 // FIXME: after the introduction of asynchronous interrruptions the solve-versions that return a
350 // pure bool do not give a safe interface. Either interrupts must be possible to turn off here, or
351 // all calls to solve must return an 'lbool'. I'm not yet sure which I prefer.
352 inline bool Solver::solve () { budgetOff(); assumptions.clear(); return solve_() == l_True; }
353 inline bool Solver::solve (Lit p) { budgetOff(); assumptions.clear(); assumptions.push(p); return solve_() == l_True; }
354 inline bool Solver::solve (Lit p, Lit q) { budgetOff(); assumptions.clear(); assumptions.push(p); assumptions.push(q); return solve_() == l_True; }
355 inline bool Solver::solve (Lit p, Lit q, Lit r) { budgetOff(); assumptions.clear(); assumptions.push(p); assumptions.push(q); assumptions.push(r); return solve_() == l_True; }
356 inline bool Solver::solve (const vec<Lit>& assumps){ budgetOff(); assumps.copyTo(assumptions); return solve_() == l_True; }
357 inline lbool Solver::solveLimited (const vec<Lit>& assumps){ assumps.copyTo(assumptions); return solve_(); }
358 inline bool Solver::okay () const { return ok; }
360 inline void Solver::toDimacs (const char* file){ vec<Lit> as; toDimacs(file, as); }
361 inline void Solver::toDimacs (const char* file, Lit p){ vec<Lit> as; as.push(p); toDimacs(file, as); }
362 inline void Solver::toDimacs (const char* file, Lit p, Lit q){ vec<Lit> as; as.push(p); as.push(q); toDimacs(file, as); }
363 inline void Solver::toDimacs (const char* file, Lit p, Lit q, Lit r){ vec<Lit> as; as.push(p); as.push(q); as.push(r); toDimacs(file, as); }
366 //=================================================================================================
367 // Debug etc:
370 //=================================================================================================
371 }
373 #endif
uint32_t size() const
Definition: Alloc.h:56
RegionAllocator< uint32_t >::Ref CRef
Definition: SolverTypes.h:120
uint32_t wasted() const
Definition: Alloc.h:57
void setConfBudget(int64_t x)
Definition: Solver.h:339
double clause_decay
Definition: Solver.h:118
double learntsize_inc
Definition: Solver.h:131
bool okay() const
Definition: Solver.h:358
void interrupt()
Definition: Solver.h:341
bool locked(const Clause &c) const
Definition: Solver.h:316
void reduceDB()
Definition: Solver.cpp:525
ClauseAllocator ca
Definition: Solver.h:193
void budgetOff()
Definition: Solver.h:343
int learntsize_adjust_cnt
Definition: Solver.h:205
bool luby_restart
Definition: Solver.h:121
bool simplify()
Definition: Solver.cpp:577
CRef reason(Var x) const
Definition: Solver.h:277
int level(Var x) const
Definition: Solver.h:278
void relocAll(ClauseAllocator &to)
Definition: Solver.cpp:876
bool operator()(const Watcher &w) const
Definition: Solver.h:160
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
void setPropBudget(int64_t x)
Definition: Solver.h:340
lbool modelValue(Var x) const
Definition: Solver.h:323
int restart_first
Definition: Solver.h:128
#define l_Undef
Definition: SolverTypes.h:86
double learntsize_adjust_inc
Definition: Solver.h:134
bool withinBudget() const
Definition: Solver.h:344
int var(Lit p)
Definition: SolverTypes.h:62
Watcher(CRef cr, Lit p)
Definition: Solver.h:151
double max_learnts
Definition: Solver.h:203
void claDecayActivity()
Definition: Solver.h:296
double learntsize_factor
Definition: Solver.h:130
void setPolarity(Var v, bool b)
Definition: Solver.h:330
void claBumpActivity(Clause &c)
Definition: Solver.h:297
int ccmin_mode
Definition: Solver.h:122
void map()
vec< Lit > conflict
Definition: Solver.h:111
vec< char > polarity
Definition: Solver.h:180
double cla_inc
Definition: Solver.h:174
#define l_True
Definition: SolverTypes.h:84
void newDecisionLevel()
Definition: Solver.h:317
bool addClause(const vec< Lit > &ps)
Definition: Solver.h:311
int learntsize_adjust_start_confl
Definition: Solver.h:133
bool sign(Lit p)
Definition: SolverTypes.h:61
uint64_t starts
Definition: Solver.h:138
bool operator!=(const Watcher &w) const
Definition: Solver.h:153
int64_t conflict_budget
Definition: Solver.h:209
void attachClause(CRef cr)
Definition: Solver.cpp:162
lbool search(int nof_conflicts)
Definition: Solver.cpp:614
void setDecisionVar(Var v, bool b)
Definition: Solver.h:331
vec< Lit > analyze_stack
Definition: Solver.h:199
void cancelUntil(int level)
Definition: Solver.cpp:207
void insertVarOrder(Var x)
Definition: Solver.h:280
void copyTo(vec< T > &copy) const
Definition: Vec.h:90
void detachClause(CRef cr, bool strict=false)
Definition: Solver.cpp:171
void removeSatisfied(vec< CRef > &cs)
Definition: Solver.cpp:545
uint64_t dec_vars
Definition: Solver.h:139
void push(void)
Definition: Vec.h:73
vec< int > trail_lim
Definition: Solver.h:183
int nVars() const
Definition: Solver.h:328
int size(void) const
Definition: Vec.h:63
void clearInterrupt()
Definition: Solver.h:342
float & activity()
Definition: SolverTypes.h:181
bool litRedundant(Lit p, uint32_t abstract_levels)
Definition: Solver.cpp:361
Clause * lea(Ref r)
Definition: SolverTypes.h:224
lbool solveLimited(const vec< Lit > &assumps)
Definition: Solver.h:357
int nFreeVars() const
Definition: Solver.h:329
Lit pickBranchLit()
Definition: Solver.cpp:225
uint64_t learnts_literals
Definition: Solver.h:139
const CRef CRef_Undef
Definition: SolverTypes.h:193
int decisionLevel() const
Definition: Solver.h:319
bool asynch_interrupt
Definition: Solver.h:211
uint64_t decisions
Definition: Solver.h:138
vec< Lit > assumptions
Definition: Solver.h:188
void checkGarbage()
Definition: Solver.h:304
vec< char > seen
Definition: Solver.h:198
double random_var_freq
Definition: Solver.h:119
vec< CRef > clauses
Definition: Solver.h:172
void rebuildOrderHeap()
Definition: Solver.cpp:559
double progress_estimate
Definition: Solver.h:190
static double max
Definition: cuddSubsetHB.c:134
int nAssigns() const
Definition: Solver.h:325
static int size
Definition: cuddSign.c:86
bool addClause_(vec< Lit > &ps)
Definition: Solver.cpp:132
vec< VarData > vardata
Definition: Solver.h:184
uint64_t clauses_literals
Definition: Solver.h:139
double garbage_frac
Definition: Solver.h:126
int phase_saving
Definition: Solver.h:123
bool rnd_init_act
Definition: Solver.h:125
int nClauses() const
Definition: Solver.h:326
const vec< double > & activity
Definition: Solver.h:164
const ClauseAllocator & ca
Definition: Solver.h:158
int64_t propagation_budget
Definition: Solver.h:210
bool operator()(Var x, Var y) const
Definition: Solver.h:165
void removeClause(CRef cr)
Definition: Solver.cpp:188
vec< Lit > analyze_toclear
Definition: Solver.h:200
void toDimacs(FILE *f, const vec< Lit > &assumps)
Definition: Solver.cpp:831
vec< lbool > model
Definition: Solver.h:110
static double drand(double &seed)
Definition: Solver.h:262
uint64_t propagations
Definition: Solver.h:138
vec< double > activity
Definition: Solver.h:175
OccLists< Lit, vec< Watcher >, WatcherDeleted > watches
Definition: Solver.h:178
VarOrderLt(const vec< double > &act)
Definition: Solver.h:166
lbool value(Var x) const
Definition: Solver.h:321
lbool solve_()
Definition: Solver.cpp:751
void varDecayActivity()
Definition: Solver.h:283
int simpDB_assigns
Definition: Solver.h:186
virtual void garbageCollect()
Definition: Solver.cpp:913
bool addEmptyClause()
Definition: Solver.h:312
vec< CRef > learnts
Definition: Solver.h:173
double var_decay
Definition: Solver.h:117
static int irand(double &seed, int size)
Definition: Solver.h:269
uint64_t solves
Definition: Solver.h:138
#define l_False
Definition: SolverTypes.h:85
int Var
Definition: SolverTypes.h:42
vec< Lit > add_tmp
Definition: Solver.h:201
double restart_inc
Definition: Solver.h:129
Var newVar(bool polarity=true, bool dvar=true)
Definition: Solver.cpp:114
virtual ~Solver()
Definition: Solver.cpp:102
void analyzeFinal(Lit p, vec< Lit > &out_conflict)
Definition: Solver.cpp:399
bool enqueue(Lit p, CRef from=CRef_Undef)
Definition: Solver.h:310
void uncheckedEnqueue(Lit p, CRef from=CRef_Undef)
Definition: Solver.cpp:429
bool operator==(const Watcher &w) const
Definition: Solver.h:152
uint32_t abstractLevel(Var x) const
Definition: Solver.h:320
void analyze(CRef confl, vec< Lit > &out_learnt, int &out_btlevel)
Definition: Solver.cpp:264
vec< Lit > trail
Definition: Solver.h:182
uint64_t max_literals
Definition: Solver.h:139
vec< char > decision
Definition: Solver.h:181
int nLearnts() const
Definition: Solver.h:327
bool satisfied(const Clause &c) const
Definition: Solver.cpp:198
double progressEstimate() const
Definition: Solver.cpp:708
WatcherDeleted(const ClauseAllocator &_ca)
Definition: Solver.h:159
int64_t simpDB_props
Definition: Solver.h:187
CRef propagate()
Definition: Solver.cpp:449
double var_inc
Definition: Solver.h:176
void varBumpActivity(Var v, double inc)
Definition: Solver.h:285
Heap< VarOrderLt > order_heap
Definition: Solver.h:189
bool solve()
Definition: Solver.h:352
vec< lbool > assigns
Definition: Solver.h:179
static VarData mkVarData(CRef cr, int l)
Definition: Solver.h:146
uint64_t rnd_decisions
Definition: Solver.h:138
double random_seed
Definition: Solver.h:120
uint64_t conflicts
Definition: Solver.h:138
uint64_t tot_literals
Definition: Solver.h:139
bool remove_satisfied
Definition: Solver.h:191
double learntsize_adjust_confl
Definition: Solver.h:204
bool rnd_pol
Definition: Solver.h:124