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1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3  FileName [ioReadBlifMv.c]
5  SystemName [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
7  PackageName [Command processing package.]
9  Synopsis [Procedures to read BLIF-MV file.]
11  Author [Alan Mishchenko]
13  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
15  Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - January 8, 2007.]
17  Revision [$Id: ioReadBlifMv.c,v 1.00 2007/01/08 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
19 ***********************************************************************/
21 #include "misc/zlib/zlib.h"
22 #include "misc/bzlib/bzlib.h"
23 #include "base/abc/abc.h"
24 #include "misc/vec/vecPtr.h"
25 #include "ioAbc.h"
29 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 #define IO_BLIFMV_MAXVALUES 256
34 //#define IO_VERBOSE_OUTPUT
36 typedef struct Io_MvVar_t_ Io_MvVar_t; // parsing var
37 typedef struct Io_MvMod_t_ Io_MvMod_t; // parsing model
38 typedef struct Io_MvMan_t_ Io_MvMan_t; // parsing manager
43 {
44  int nValues; // the number of values
45  char ** pNames; // the value names
46 };
49 {
50  // file lines
51  char * pName; // .model line
52  Vec_Ptr_t * vInputs; // .inputs lines
53  Vec_Ptr_t * vOutputs; // .outputs lines
54  Vec_Ptr_t * vLatches; // .latch lines
55  Vec_Ptr_t * vFlops; // .flop lines
56  Vec_Ptr_t * vResets; // .reset lines
57  Vec_Ptr_t * vNames; // .names lines
58  Vec_Ptr_t * vSubckts; // .subckt lines
59  Vec_Ptr_t * vShorts; // .short lines
60  Vec_Ptr_t * vOnehots; // .onehot lines
61  Vec_Ptr_t * vMvs; // .mv lines
62  Vec_Ptr_t * vConstrs; // .constraint lines
64  int fBlackBox; // indicates blackbox model
65  // the resulting network
68  // the parent manager
70 };
73 {
74  // general info about file
75  int fBlifMv; // the file is BLIF-MV
76  int fUseReset; // the reset circuitry is added
77  char * pFileName; // the name of the file
78  char * pBuffer; // the contents of the file
79  Vec_Ptr_t * vLines; // the line beginnings
80  // the results of reading
81  Abc_Des_t * pDesign; // the design under construction
82  int nNDnodes; // the counter of ND nodes
83  // intermediate storage for models
84  Vec_Ptr_t * vModels; // vector of models
85  Io_MvMod_t * pLatest; // the current model
86  // current processing info
87  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens; // the current tokens
88  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens2; // the current tokens
89  Vec_Str_t * vFunc; // the local function
90  // error reporting
91  char sError[512]; // the error string generated during parsing
92  // statistics
93  int nTablesRead; // the number of processed tables
94  int nTablesLeft; // the number of dangling tables
95 };
97 // static functions
98 static Io_MvMan_t * Io_MvAlloc();
99 static void Io_MvFree( Io_MvMan_t * p );
100 static Io_MvMod_t * Io_MvModAlloc();
101 static void Io_MvModFree( Io_MvMod_t * p );
102 static char * Io_MvLoadFile( char * pFileName );
103 static void Io_MvReadPreparse( Io_MvMan_t * p );
104 static int Io_MvReadInterfaces( Io_MvMan_t * p );
105 static Abc_Des_t * Io_MvParse( Io_MvMan_t * p );
106 static int Io_MvParseLineModel( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
107 static int Io_MvParseLineInputs( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
108 static int Io_MvParseLineOutputs( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
109 static int Io_MvParseLineConstrs( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
110 static int Io_MvParseLineLatch( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
111 static int Io_MvParseLineFlop( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
112 static int Io_MvParseLineSubckt( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
113 static Vec_Int_t * Io_MvParseLineOnehot( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
114 static int Io_MvParseLineMv( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
115 static int Io_MvParseLineNamesMv( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine, int fReset );
116 static int Io_MvParseLineNamesBlif( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
117 static int Io_MvParseLineShortBlif( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
118 static int Io_MvParseLineLtlProperty( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine );
119 static int Io_MvParseLineGateBlif( Io_MvMod_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens );
120 static Io_MvVar_t * Abc_NtkMvVarDup( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Io_MvVar_t * pVar );
122 static int Io_MvCharIsSpace( char s ) { return s == ' ' || s == '\t' || s == '\r' || s == '\n'; }
123 static int Io_MvCharIsMvSymb( char s ) { return s == '(' || s == ')' || s == '{' || s == '}' || s == '-' || s == ',' || s == '!'; }
125 extern void Abc_NtkStartMvVars( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk );
127 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
131 /**Function*************************************************************
133  Synopsis [Reads the network from the BLIF or BLIF-MV file.]
135  Description []
137  SideEffects []
139  SeeAlso []
141 ***********************************************************************/
142 Abc_Ntk_t * Io_ReadBlifMv( char * pFileName, int fBlifMv, int fCheck )
143 {
144  FILE * pFile;
145  Io_MvMan_t * p;
146  Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, * pExdc;
147  Abc_Des_t * pDesign = NULL;
148  char * pDesignName;
149  int RetValue, i;
150  char * pLtlProp;
152  // check that the file is available
153  pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
154  if ( pFile == NULL )
155  {
156  printf( "Io_ReadBlifMv(): The file is unavailable (absent or open).\n" );
157  return 0;
158  }
159  fclose( pFile );
161  // start the file reader
162  p = Io_MvAlloc();
163  p->fBlifMv = fBlifMv;
164  p->fUseReset = 1;
165  p->pFileName = pFileName;
166  p->pBuffer = Io_MvLoadFile( pFileName );
167  if ( p->pBuffer == NULL )
168  {
169  Io_MvFree( p );
170  return NULL;
171  }
172  // set the design name
173  pDesignName = Extra_FileNameGeneric( pFileName );
174  p->pDesign = Abc_DesCreate( pDesignName );
175  ABC_FREE( pDesignName );
176  // free the HOP manager
178  p->pDesign->pManFunc = NULL;
179  // prepare the file for parsing
180  Io_MvReadPreparse( p );
181  // parse interfaces of each network and construct the network
182  if ( Io_MvReadInterfaces( p ) )
183  pDesign = Io_MvParse( p );
184  if ( p->sError[0] )
185  fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", p->sError );
186  Io_MvFree( p );
187  if ( pDesign == NULL )
188  return NULL;
189 // pDesign should be linked to all models of the design
191  // make sure that everything is okay with the network structure
192  if ( fCheck )
193  {
194  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Abc_Ntk_t *, pDesign->vModules, pNtk, i )
195  {
196  if ( !Abc_NtkCheckRead( pNtk ) )
197  {
198  printf( "Io_ReadBlifMv: The network check has failed for model %s.\n", pNtk->pName );
199  Abc_DesFree( pDesign, NULL );
200  return NULL;
201  }
202  }
203  }
205 //Abc_DesPrint( pDesign );
207  // check if there is an EXDC network
208  if ( Vec_PtrSize(pDesign->vModules) > 1 )
209  {
210  pNtk = (Abc_Ntk_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(pDesign->vModules, 0);
211  Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( Abc_Ntk_t *, pDesign->vModules, pExdc, i, 1 )
212  if ( !strcmp(pExdc->pName, "EXDC") )
213  {
214  assert( pNtk->pExdc == NULL );
215  pNtk->pExdc = pExdc;
216  Vec_PtrRemove(pDesign->vModules, pExdc);
217  pExdc->pDesign = NULL;
218  i--;
219  }
220  else
221  pNtk = pExdc;
222  }
224  // detect top-level model
225  RetValue = Abc_DesFindTopLevelModels( pDesign );
226  pNtk = (Abc_Ntk_t *)Vec_PtrEntry( pDesign->vTops, 0 );
227  if ( RetValue > 1 )
228  printf( "Warning: The design has %d root-level modules. The first one (%s) will be used.\n",
229  Vec_PtrSize(pDesign->vTops), pNtk->pName );
231  // extract the master network
232  pNtk->pDesign = pDesign;
233  pDesign->pManFunc = NULL;
235  // verify the design for cyclic dependence
236  assert( Vec_PtrSize(pDesign->vModules) > 0 );
237  if ( Vec_PtrSize(pDesign->vModules) == 1 )
238  {
239 // printf( "Warning: The design is not hierarchical.\n" );
240  Abc_DesFree( pDesign, pNtk );
241  pNtk->pDesign = NULL;
242  pNtk->pSpec = Extra_UtilStrsav( pFileName );
243  }
244  else
247 //Io_WriteBlifMv( pNtk, "" );
248  if ( pNtk->pSpec == NULL )
249  pNtk->pSpec = Extra_UtilStrsav( pFileName );
251  vGlobalLtlArray = Vec_PtrAlloc( 100 );
252  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, vGlobalLtlArray, pLtlProp, i )
253  Vec_PtrPush( pNtk->vLtlProperties, pLtlProp );
255  return pNtk;
256 }
258 /**Function*************************************************************
260  Synopsis [Allocates the BLIF parsing structure.]
262  Description []
264  SideEffects []
266  SeeAlso []
268 ***********************************************************************/
270 {
271  Io_MvMan_t * p;
272  p = ABC_ALLOC( Io_MvMan_t, 1 );
273  memset( p, 0, sizeof(Io_MvMan_t) );
274  p->vLines = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
275  p->vModels = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
276  p->vTokens = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
277  p->vTokens2 = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
278  p->vFunc = Vec_StrAlloc( 512 );
279  return p;
280 }
282 /**Function*************************************************************
284  Synopsis [Frees the BLIF parsing structure.]
286  Description []
288  SideEffects []
290  SeeAlso []
292 ***********************************************************************/
293 static void Io_MvFree( Io_MvMan_t * p )
294 {
295  Io_MvMod_t * pMod;
296  int i;
297  if ( p->pDesign )
298  Abc_DesFree( p->pDesign, NULL );
299  if ( p->pBuffer )
300  ABC_FREE( p->pBuffer );
301  if ( p->vLines )
302  Vec_PtrFree( p->vLines );
303  if ( p->vModels )
304  {
305  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Io_MvMod_t *, p->vModels, pMod, i )
306  Io_MvModFree( pMod );
307  Vec_PtrFree( p->vModels );
308  }
309  Vec_PtrFree( p->vTokens );
310  Vec_PtrFree( p->vTokens2 );
311  Vec_StrFree( p->vFunc );
312  ABC_FREE( p );
313 }
315 /**Function*************************************************************
317  Synopsis [Allocates the BLIF parsing structure for one model.]
319  Description []
321  SideEffects []
323  SeeAlso []
325 ***********************************************************************/
327 {
328  Io_MvMod_t * p;
329  p = ABC_ALLOC( Io_MvMod_t, 1 );
330  memset( p, 0, sizeof(Io_MvMod_t) );
331  p->vInputs = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
332  p->vOutputs = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
333  p->vLatches = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
334  p->vFlops = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
335  p->vResets = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
336  p->vNames = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
337  p->vSubckts = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
338  p->vShorts = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
339  p->vOnehots = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
340  p->vMvs = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
341  p->vConstrs = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
342  p->vLtlProperties = Vec_PtrAlloc( 512 );
343  return p;
344 }
346 /**Function*************************************************************
348  Synopsis [Allocates the BLIF parsing structure for one model.]
350  Description []
352  SideEffects []
354  SeeAlso []
356 ***********************************************************************/
357 static void Io_MvModFree( Io_MvMod_t * p )
358 {
359 // if ( p->pNtk )
360 // Abc_NtkDelete( p->pNtk );
362  Vec_PtrFree( p->vInputs );
363  Vec_PtrFree( p->vOutputs );
364  Vec_PtrFree( p->vLatches );
365  Vec_PtrFree( p->vFlops );
366  Vec_PtrFree( p->vResets );
367  Vec_PtrFree( p->vNames );
368  Vec_PtrFree( p->vSubckts );
369  Vec_PtrFree( p->vShorts );
370  Vec_PtrFree( p->vOnehots );
371  Vec_PtrFree( p->vMvs );
372  Vec_PtrFree( p->vConstrs );
373  ABC_FREE( p );
374 }
378 /**Function*************************************************************
380  Synopsis [Counts the number of given chars.]
382  Description []
384  SideEffects []
386  SeeAlso []
388 ***********************************************************************/
389 static int Io_MvCountChars( char * pLine, char Char )
390 {
391  char * pCur;
392  int Counter = 0;
393  for ( pCur = pLine; *pCur; pCur++ )
394  if ( *pCur == Char )
395  Counter++;
396  return Counter;
397 }
399 /**Function*************************************************************
401  Synopsis [Returns the place where the arrow is hiding.]
403  Description []
405  SideEffects []
407  SeeAlso []
409 ***********************************************************************/
410 static char * Io_MvFindArrow( char * pLine )
411 {
412  char * pCur;
413  for ( pCur = pLine; *(pCur+1); pCur++ )
414  if ( *pCur == '-' && *(pCur+1) == '>' )
415  {
416  *pCur = ' ';
417  *(pCur+1) = ' ';
418  return pCur;
419  }
420  return NULL;
421 }
423 /**Function*************************************************************
425  Synopsis [Collects the already split tokens.]
427  Description []
429  SideEffects []
431  SeeAlso []
433 ***********************************************************************/
434 static void Io_MvCollectTokens( Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens, char * pInput, char * pOutput )
435 {
436  char * pCur;
437  Vec_PtrClear( vTokens );
438  for ( pCur = pInput; pCur < pOutput; pCur++ )
439  {
440  if ( *pCur == 0 )
441  continue;
442  Vec_PtrPush( vTokens, pCur );
443  while ( *++pCur );
444  }
445 }
447 /**Function*************************************************************
449  Synopsis [Splits the line into tokens.]
451  Description []
453  SideEffects []
455  SeeAlso []
457 ***********************************************************************/
458 static void Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens, char * pLine, char Stop )
459 {
460  char * pCur;
461  // clear spaces
462  for ( pCur = pLine; *pCur != Stop; pCur++ )
463  if ( Io_MvCharIsSpace(*pCur) )
464  *pCur = 0;
465  // collect tokens
466  Io_MvCollectTokens( vTokens, pLine, pCur );
467 }
469 /**Function*************************************************************
471  Synopsis [Splits the line into tokens when .default may be present.]
473  Description []
475  SideEffects []
477  SeeAlso []
479 ***********************************************************************/
480 static void Io_MvSplitIntoTokensMv( Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens, char * pLine )
481 {
482  char * pCur;
483  // clear spaces
484  for ( pCur = pLine; *pCur != '.' || *(pCur+1) == 'd'; pCur++ )
485  if ( Io_MvCharIsSpace(*pCur) )
486  *pCur = 0;
487  // collect tokens
488  Io_MvCollectTokens( vTokens, pLine, pCur );
489 }
491 /**Function*************************************************************
493  Synopsis [Splits the line into tokens.]
495  Description []
497  SideEffects []
499  SeeAlso []
501 ***********************************************************************/
502 static void Io_MvSplitIntoTokensAndClear( Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens, char * pLine, char Stop, char Char )
503 {
504  char * pCur;
505  // clear spaces
506  for ( pCur = pLine; *pCur != Stop; pCur++ )
507  if ( Io_MvCharIsSpace(*pCur) || *pCur == Char )
508  *pCur = 0;
509  // collect tokens
510  Io_MvCollectTokens( vTokens, pLine, pCur );
511 }
513 /**Function*************************************************************
515  Synopsis [Returns the 1-based number of the line in which the token occurs.]
517  Description []
519  SideEffects []
521  SeeAlso []
523 ***********************************************************************/
524 static int Io_MvGetLine( Io_MvMan_t * p, char * pToken )
525 {
526  char * pLine;
527  int i;
528  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, p->vLines, pLine, i )
529  if ( pToken < pLine )
530  return i;
531  return -1;
532 }
534 /**Function*************************************************************
536  Synopsis [Reads the file into a character buffer.]
538  Description []
540  SideEffects []
542  SeeAlso []
544 ***********************************************************************/
545 typedef struct buflist {
546  char buf[1<<20];
547  int nBuf;
548  struct buflist * next;
549 } buflist;
551 char * Io_MvLoadFileBz2( char * pFileName, int * pnFileSize )
552 {
553  FILE * pFile;
554  int nFileSize = 0;
555  char * pContents;
556  BZFILE * b;
557  int bzError, RetValue;
558  struct buflist * pNext;
559  buflist * bufHead = NULL, * buf = NULL;
561  pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
562  if ( pFile == NULL )
563  {
564  Abc_Print( -1, "Io_MvLoadFileBz2(): The file is unavailable (absent or open).\n" );
565  return NULL;
566  }
567  b = BZ2_bzReadOpen(&bzError,pFile,0,0,NULL,0);
568  if (bzError != BZ_OK) {
569  Abc_Print( -1, "Io_MvLoadFileBz2(): BZ2_bzReadOpen() failed with error %d.\n",bzError );
570  return NULL;
571  }
572  do {
573  if (!bufHead)
574  buf = bufHead = ABC_ALLOC( buflist, 1 );
575  else
576  buf = buf->next = ABC_ALLOC( buflist, 1 );
577  nFileSize += buf->nBuf = BZ2_bzRead(&bzError,b,buf->buf,1<<20);
578  buf->next = NULL;
579  } while (bzError == BZ_OK);
580  if (bzError == BZ_STREAM_END) {
581  // we're okay
582  char * p;
583  int nBytes = 0;
584  BZ2_bzReadClose(&bzError,b);
585  p = pContents = ABC_ALLOC( char, nFileSize + 10 );
586  buf = bufHead;
587  do {
588  memcpy(p+nBytes,buf->buf,buf->nBuf);
589  nBytes += buf->nBuf;
590 // } while((buf = buf->next));
591  pNext = buf->next;
592  ABC_FREE( buf );
593  } while((buf = pNext));
594  } else if (bzError == BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC) {
595  // not a BZIP2 file
596  BZ2_bzReadClose(&bzError,b);
597  fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END );
598  nFileSize = ftell( pFile );
599  if ( nFileSize == 0 )
600  {
601  Abc_Print( -1, "Io_MvLoadFileBz2(): The file is empty.\n" );
602  return NULL;
603  }
604  pContents = ABC_ALLOC( char, nFileSize + 10 );
605  rewind( pFile );
606  RetValue = fread( pContents, nFileSize, 1, pFile );
607  } else {
608  // Some other error.
609  Abc_Print( -1, "Io_MvLoadFileBz2(): Unable to read the compressed BLIF.\n" );
610  return NULL;
611  }
612  fclose( pFile );
613  // finish off the file with the spare .end line
614  // some benchmarks suddenly break off without this line
615  strcpy( pContents + nFileSize, "\n.end\n" );
616  *pnFileSize = nFileSize;
617  return pContents;
618 }
620 /**Function*************************************************************
622  Synopsis [Reads the file into a character buffer.]
624  Description []
626  SideEffects []
628  SeeAlso []
630 ***********************************************************************/
631 static char * Io_MvLoadFileGz( char * pFileName, int * pnFileSize )
632 {
633  const int READ_BLOCK_SIZE = 100000;
634  gzFile pFile;
635  char * pContents;
636  int amtRead, readBlock, nFileSize = READ_BLOCK_SIZE;
637  pFile = gzopen( pFileName, "rb" ); // if pFileName doesn't end in ".gz" then this acts as a passthrough to fopen
638  pContents = ABC_ALLOC( char, nFileSize );
639  readBlock = 0;
640  while ((amtRead = gzread(pFile, pContents + readBlock * READ_BLOCK_SIZE, READ_BLOCK_SIZE)) == READ_BLOCK_SIZE) {
641  //Abc_Print( 1,"%d: read %d bytes\n", readBlock, amtRead);
642  nFileSize += READ_BLOCK_SIZE;
643  pContents = ABC_REALLOC(char, pContents, nFileSize);
644  ++readBlock;
645  }
646  //Abc_Print( 1,"%d: read %d bytes\n", readBlock, amtRead);
647  assert( amtRead != -1 ); // indicates a zlib error
648  nFileSize -= (READ_BLOCK_SIZE - amtRead);
649  gzclose(pFile);
650  *pnFileSize = nFileSize;
651  return pContents;
652 }
654 /**Function*************************************************************
656  Synopsis [Reads the file into a character buffer.]
658  Description []
660  SideEffects []
662  SeeAlso []
664 ***********************************************************************/
665 static char * Io_MvLoadFile( char * pFileName )
666 {
667  FILE * pFile;
668  int nFileSize;
669  char * pContents;
670  int RetValue;
671  if ( !strncmp(pFileName+strlen(pFileName)-4,".bz2",4) )
672  return Io_MvLoadFileBz2( pFileName, &nFileSize );
673  if ( !strncmp(pFileName+strlen(pFileName)-3,".gz",3) )
674  return Io_MvLoadFileGz( pFileName, &nFileSize );
675  pFile = fopen( pFileName, "rb" );
676  if ( pFile == NULL )
677  {
678  printf( "Io_MvLoadFile(): The file is unavailable (absent or open).\n" );
679  return NULL;
680  }
681  fseek( pFile, 0, SEEK_END );
682  nFileSize = ftell( pFile );
683  if ( nFileSize == 0 )
684  {
685  fclose( pFile );
686  printf( "Io_MvLoadFile(): The file is empty.\n" );
687  return NULL;
688  }
689  pContents = ABC_ALLOC( char, nFileSize + 10 );
690  rewind( pFile );
691  RetValue = fread( pContents, nFileSize, 1, pFile );
692  fclose( pFile );
693  // finish off the file with the spare .end line
694  // some benchmarks suddenly break off without this line
695  strcpy( pContents + nFileSize, "\n.end\n" );
696  return pContents;
697 }
699 /**Function*************************************************************
701  Synopsis [Prepares the parsing.]
703  Description [Performs several preliminary operations:
704  - Cuts the file buffer into separate lines.
705  - Removes comments and line extenders.
706  - Sorts lines by directives.
707  - Estimates the number of objects.
708  - Allocates room for the objects.
709  - Allocates room for the hash table.]
711  SideEffects []
713  SeeAlso []
715 ***********************************************************************/
717 {
718  char * pCur, * pPrev;
719  int i, fComment = 0;
720  // parse the buffer into lines and remove comments
721  Vec_PtrPush( p->vLines, p->pBuffer );
722  for ( pCur = p->pBuffer; *pCur; pCur++ )
723  {
724  if ( *pCur == '\n' )
725  {
726  *pCur = 0;
727 // if ( *(pCur-1) == '\r' )
728 // *(pCur-1) = 0;
729  fComment = 0;
730  Vec_PtrPush( p->vLines, pCur + 1 );
731  }
732  else if ( *pCur == '#' )
733  fComment = 1;
734  // remove comments
735  if ( fComment )
736  *pCur = 0;
737  }
739  // unfold the line extensions and sort lines by directive
740  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, p->vLines, pCur, i )
741  {
742  if ( *pCur == 0 )
743  continue;
744  // find previous non-space character
745  for ( pPrev = pCur - 2; pPrev >= p->pBuffer; pPrev-- )
746  if ( !Io_MvCharIsSpace(*pPrev) )
747  break;
748  // if it is the line extender, overwrite it with spaces
749  if ( pPrev >= p->pBuffer && *pPrev == '\\' )
750  {
751  for ( ; *pPrev; pPrev++ )
752  *pPrev = ' ';
753  *pPrev = ' ';
754  continue;
755  }
756  // skip spaces at the beginning of the line
757  while ( Io_MvCharIsSpace(*pCur++) );
758  // parse directives
759  if ( *(pCur-1) != '.' )
760  continue;
761  if ( !strncmp(pCur, "names", 5) || !strncmp(pCur, "table", 5) || !strncmp(pCur, "gate", 4) )
762  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vNames, pCur );
763  else if ( p->fBlifMv && (!strncmp(pCur, "def ", 4) || !strncmp(pCur, "default ", 8)) )
764  continue;
765  else if ( !strncmp( pCur, "ltlformula", 10 ) )
766  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vLtlProperties, pCur );
767  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "latch", 5) )
768  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vLatches, pCur );
769  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "flop", 4) )
770  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vFlops, pCur );
771  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "r ", 2) || !strncmp(pCur, "reset ", 6) )
772  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vResets, pCur );
773  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "inputs", 6) )
774  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vInputs, pCur );
775  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "outputs", 7) )
776  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vOutputs, pCur );
777  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "subckt", 6) )
778  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vSubckts, pCur );
779  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "short", 5) )
780  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vShorts, pCur );
781  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "onehot", 6) )
782  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vOnehots, pCur );
783  else if ( p->fBlifMv && !strncmp(pCur, "mv", 2) )
784  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vMvs, pCur );
785  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "constraint", 10) )
786  Vec_PtrPush( p->pLatest->vConstrs, pCur );
787  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "blackbox", 8) )
788  p->pLatest->fBlackBox = 1;
789  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "model", 5) )
790  {
791  p->pLatest = Io_MvModAlloc();
792  p->pLatest->pName = pCur;
793  p->pLatest->pMan = p;
794  }
795  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "end", 3) )
796  {
797  if ( p->pLatest )
798  Vec_PtrPush( p->vModels, p->pLatest );
799  p->pLatest = NULL;
800  }
801  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "exdc", 4) )
802  {
803 // fprintf( stdout, "Line %d: The design contains EXDC network (warning only).\n", Io_MvGetLine(p, pCur) );
804  fprintf( stdout, "Warning: The design contains EXDC network.\n" );
805  if ( p->pLatest )
806  Vec_PtrPush( p->vModels, p->pLatest );
807  p->pLatest = Io_MvModAlloc();
808  p->pLatest->pName = NULL;
809  p->pLatest->pMan = p;
810  }
811  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "attrib", 6) )
812  {}
813  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "delay", 5) )
814  {}
815  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "input_", 6) )
816  {}
817  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "output_", 7) )
818  {}
819  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "no_merge", 8) )
820  {}
821  else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "wd", 2) )
822  {}
823 // else if ( !strncmp(pCur, "inouts", 6) )
824 // {}
825  else
826  {
827  pCur--;
828  if ( pCur[strlen(pCur)-1] == '\r' )
829  pCur[strlen(pCur)-1] = 0;
830  fprintf( stdout, "Line %d: Skipping line \"%s\".\n", Io_MvGetLine(p, pCur), pCur );
831  }
832  }
833 }
835 /**Function*************************************************************
837  Synopsis [Parses interfaces of the models.]
839  Description []
841  SideEffects []
843  SeeAlso []
845 ***********************************************************************/
847 {
848  Io_MvMod_t * pMod;
849  char * pLine;
850  int i, k, nOutsOld;
851  // iterate through the models
852  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Io_MvMod_t *, p->vModels, pMod, i )
853  {
854  // parse the model
855  if ( !Io_MvParseLineModel( pMod, pMod->pName ) )
856  return 0;
857  // add model to the design
858  if ( !Abc_DesAddModel( p->pDesign, pMod->pNtk ) )
859  {
860  sprintf( p->sError, "Line %d: Model %s is defined twice.", Io_MvGetLine(p, pMod->pName), pMod->pName );
861  return 0;
862  }
863  // parse the inputs
864  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vInputs, pLine, k )
865  if ( !Io_MvParseLineInputs( pMod, pLine ) )
866  return 0;
867  // parse the outputs
868  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vOutputs, pLine, k )
869  if ( !Io_MvParseLineOutputs( pMod, pLine ) )
870  return 0;
871  // parse the constraints
872  nOutsOld = Abc_NtkPoNum(pMod->pNtk);
873  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vConstrs, pLine, k )
874  if ( !Io_MvParseLineConstrs( pMod, pLine ) )
875  return 0;
876  pMod->pNtk->nConstrs = Abc_NtkPoNum(pMod->pNtk) - nOutsOld;
877  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vLtlProperties, pLine, k )
878  if ( !Io_MvParseLineLtlProperty( pMod, pLine ) )
879  return 0;
880  // report the results
882  if ( Vec_PtrSize(p->vModels) > 1 )
883  printf( "Parsed %-32s: PI =%6d PO =%6d ND =%8d FF =%6d B =%6d\n",
884  pMod->pNtk->pName, Abc_NtkPiNum(pMod->pNtk), Abc_NtkPoNum(pMod->pNtk),
885  Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vNames), Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vLatches), Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vSubckts) );
886 #endif
887  }
888  return 1;
889 }
892 /**Function*************************************************************
894  Synopsis []
896  Description []
898  SideEffects []
900  SeeAlso []
902 ***********************************************************************/
904 {
905  Abc_Des_t * pDesign;
906  Io_MvMod_t * pMod;
907  char * pLine;
908  int i, k;
909  // iterate through the models
910  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Io_MvMod_t *, p->vModels, pMod, i )
911  {
913  if ( Vec_PtrSize(p->vModels) > 1 )
914  printf( "Parsing model %s...\n", pMod->pNtk->pName );
915 #endif
917  // check if there any MV lines
918  if ( Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vMvs) > 0 )
919  Abc_NtkStartMvVars( pMod->pNtk );
920  // parse the mv lines
921  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vMvs, pLine, k )
922  if ( !Io_MvParseLineMv( pMod, pLine ) )
923  return NULL;
924  // if reset lines are used there should be the same number of them as latches
925  if ( Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vResets) > 0 )
926  {
927  if ( Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vLatches) != Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vResets) )
928  {
929  sprintf( p->sError, "Line %d: Model %s has different number of latches (%d) and reset nodes (%d).",
930  Io_MvGetLine(p, pMod->pName), Abc_NtkName(pMod->pNtk), Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vLatches), Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vResets) );
931  return NULL;
932  }
933  // create binary latch with 1-data and 0-init
934  if ( p->fUseReset )
935  pMod->pResetLatch = Io_ReadCreateResetLatch( pMod->pNtk, p->fBlifMv );
936  }
937  // parse the flops
938  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vFlops, pLine, k )
939  if ( !Io_MvParseLineFlop( pMod, pLine ) )
940  return NULL;
941  // parse the latches
942  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vLatches, pLine, k )
943  if ( !Io_MvParseLineLatch( pMod, pLine ) )
944  return NULL;
945  // parse the reset lines
946  if ( p->fUseReset )
947  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vResets, pLine, k )
948  if ( !Io_MvParseLineNamesMv( pMod, pLine, 1 ) )
949  return NULL;
950  // parse the nodes
951  if ( p->fBlifMv )
952  {
953  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vNames, pLine, k )
954  if ( !Io_MvParseLineNamesMv( pMod, pLine, 0 ) )
955  return NULL;
956  }
957  else
958  {
959  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vNames, pLine, k )
960  if ( !Io_MvParseLineNamesBlif( pMod, pLine ) )
961  return NULL;
962  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vShorts, pLine, k )
963  if ( !Io_MvParseLineShortBlif( pMod, pLine ) )
964  return NULL;
965  }
966  // parse the subcircuits
967  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vSubckts, pLine, k )
968  if ( !Io_MvParseLineSubckt( pMod, pLine ) )
969  return NULL;
971  // allow for blackboxes without .blackbox line
972  if ( Abc_NtkLatchNum(pMod->pNtk) == 0 && Abc_NtkNodeNum(pMod->pNtk) == 0 && Abc_NtkBoxNum(pMod->pNtk) == 0 )
973  {
974  if ( pMod->pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_SOP )
975  {
976  Mem_FlexStop( (Mem_Flex_t *)pMod->pNtk->pManFunc, 0 );
977  pMod->pNtk->pManFunc = NULL;
978  pMod->pNtk->ntkFunc = ABC_FUNC_BLACKBOX;
979  }
980  }
982  // finalize the network
983  Abc_NtkFinalizeRead( pMod->pNtk );
984  // read the one-hotness lines
985  if ( Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vOnehots) > 0 )
986  {
987  Vec_Int_t * vLine;
988  Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
989  // set register numbers
990  Abc_NtkForEachLatch( pMod->pNtk, pObj, k )
991  pObj->pNext = (Abc_Obj_t *)(ABC_PTRINT_T)k;
992  // derive register
993  pMod->pNtk->vOnehots = Vec_PtrAlloc( Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vOnehots) );
994  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, pMod->vOnehots, pLine, k )
995  {
996  vLine = Io_MvParseLineOnehot( pMod, pLine );
997  if ( vLine == NULL )
998  return NULL;
999  Vec_PtrPush( pMod->pNtk->vOnehots, vLine );
1000 // printf( "Parsed %d one-hot registers.\n", Vec_IntSize(vLine) );
1001  }
1002  // reset register numbers
1003  Abc_NtkForEachLatch( pMod->pNtk, pObj, k )
1004  pObj->pNext = NULL;
1005  // print the result
1006  printf( "Parsed %d groups of 1-hot registers: { ", Vec_PtrSize(pMod->pNtk->vOnehots) );
1007  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( Vec_Int_t *, pMod->pNtk->vOnehots, vLine, k )
1008  printf( "%d ", Vec_IntSize(vLine) );
1009  printf( "}\n" );
1010  printf( "The total number of 1-hot registers = %d. (%.2f %%)\n",
1011  Vec_VecSizeSize( (Vec_Vec_t *)pMod->pNtk->vOnehots ),
1012  100.0 * Vec_VecSizeSize( (Vec_Vec_t *)pMod->pNtk->vOnehots ) / Abc_NtkLatchNum(pMod->pNtk) );
1013  {
1014  extern void Abc_GenOneHotIntervals( char * pFileName, int nPis, int nRegs, Vec_Ptr_t * vOnehots );
1015  char * pFileName = Extra_FileNameGenericAppend( pMod->pMan->pFileName, "_1h.blif" );
1016  Abc_GenOneHotIntervals( pFileName, Abc_NtkPiNum(pMod->pNtk), Abc_NtkLatchNum(pMod->pNtk), pMod->pNtk->vOnehots );
1017  printf( "One-hotness condition is written into file \"%s\".\n", pFileName );
1018  }
1019  }
1020  if ( Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vFlops) )
1021  {
1022  printf( "Warning: The parser converted %d .flop lines into .latch lines\n", Vec_PtrSize(pMod->vFlops) );
1023  printf( "(information about set, reset, enable of the flops may be lost).\n" );
1024  }
1026  }
1027  if ( p->nNDnodes )
1028 // printf( "Warning: The parser added %d PIs to replace non-deterministic nodes.\n", p->nNDnodes );
1029  printf( "Warning: The parser added %d constant 0 nodes to replace non-deterministic nodes.\n", p->nNDnodes );
1030  // return the network
1031  pDesign = p->pDesign;
1032  p->pDesign = NULL;
1033  return pDesign;
1034 }
1036 /**Function*************************************************************
1038  Synopsis [Parses the model line.]
1040  Description []
1042  SideEffects []
1044  SeeAlso []
1046 ***********************************************************************/
1047 static int Io_MvParseLineModel( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1048 {
1049  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1050  char * pToken, * pPivot;
1051  if ( pLine == NULL )
1052  {
1054  p->pNtk->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav( "EXDC" );
1055  return 1;
1056  }
1057  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
1058  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, 0 );
1059  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "model") );
1060  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) != 2 )
1061  {
1062  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Model line has %d entries while it should have 2.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) );
1063  return 0;
1064  }
1065  if ( p->fBlackBox )
1067  else if ( p->pMan->fBlifMv )
1069  else
1071 // for ( pPivot = pToken = Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, 1); *pToken; pToken++ )
1072 // if ( *pToken == '/' || *pToken == '\\' )
1073 // pPivot = pToken+1;
1074  pPivot = pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, 1);
1075  p->pNtk->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav( pPivot );
1076  return 1;
1077 }
1079 /**Function*************************************************************
1081  Synopsis [Parses the inputs line.]
1083  Description []
1085  SideEffects []
1087  SeeAlso []
1089 ***********************************************************************/
1090 static int Io_MvParseLineInputs( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1091 {
1092  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1093  char * pToken;
1094  int i;
1095  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
1096  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, 0);
1097  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "inputs") );
1098  Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( char *, vTokens, pToken, i, 1 )
1099  Io_ReadCreatePi( p->pNtk, pToken );
1100  return 1;
1101 }
1103 /**Function*************************************************************
1105  Synopsis [Parses the outputs line.]
1107  Description []
1109  SideEffects []
1111  SeeAlso []
1113 ***********************************************************************/
1114 static int Io_MvParseLineOutputs( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1115 {
1116  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1117  char * pToken;
1118  int i;
1119  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
1120  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, 0);
1121  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "outputs") );
1122  Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( char *, vTokens, pToken, i, 1 )
1123  Io_ReadCreatePo( p->pNtk, pToken );
1124  return 1;
1125 }
1127 /**Function*************************************************************
1129  Synopsis [Parses the outputs line.]
1131  Description []
1133  SideEffects []
1135  SeeAlso []
1137 ***********************************************************************/
1138 static int Io_MvParseLineConstrs( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1139 {
1140  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1141  char * pToken;
1142  int i;
1143  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
1144  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens, 0);
1145  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "constraint") );
1146  Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( char *, vTokens, pToken, i, 1 )
1147  Io_ReadCreatePo( p->pNtk, pToken );
1148  return 1;
1149 }
1151 /**Function*************************************************************
1153  Synopsis [Parses the LTL property line.]
1155  Description []
1157  SideEffects []
1159  SeeAlso []
1161 ***********************************************************************/
1162 static int Io_MvParseLineLtlProperty( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1163 {
1164  int i, j;
1165  int quoteBegin, quoteEnd;
1166  char keyWordLtlFormula[11];
1167  char *actualLtlFormula;
1169  //checking if the line begins with the keyword "ltlformula" and
1170  //progressing the pointer forword
1171  for( i=0; i<10; i++ )
1172  keyWordLtlFormula[i] = pLine[i];
1173  quoteBegin = i;
1174  keyWordLtlFormula[10] = '\0';
1175  assert( strcmp( "ltlformula", keyWordLtlFormula ) == 0 );
1176  while( pLine[i] != '"' )
1177  i++;
1178  quoteBegin = i;
1179  i = strlen( pLine );
1180  while( pLine[i] != '"' )
1181  i--;
1182  quoteEnd = i;
1183  actualLtlFormula = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * (quoteEnd - quoteBegin) );
1184  //printf("\nThe input ltl formula = ");
1185  for( i = quoteBegin + 1, j = 0; i<quoteEnd; i++, j++ )
1186  //printf("%c", pLine[i] );
1187  actualLtlFormula[j] = pLine[i];
1188  actualLtlFormula[j] = '\0';
1189  Vec_PtrPush( vGlobalLtlArray, actualLtlFormula );
1190  return 1;
1191 }
1194 /**Function*************************************************************
1196  Synopsis [Parses the latches line.]
1198  Description []
1200  SideEffects []
1202  SeeAlso []
1204 ***********************************************************************/
1205 static int Io_MvParseLineLatch( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1206 {
1207  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1208  Abc_Obj_t * pObj, * pNet;
1209  char * pToken;
1210  int Init;
1211  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
1212  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0);
1213  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "latch") );
1214  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) < 3 )
1215  {
1216  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Latch does not have input name and output name.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken) );
1217  return 0;
1218  }
1219  // create latch
1220  if ( p->pResetLatch == NULL )
1221  {
1222  pObj = Io_ReadCreateLatch( p->pNtk, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,1), (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,2) );
1223  // get initial value
1224  if ( p->pMan->fBlifMv )
1225  Abc_LatchSetInit0( pObj );
1226  else
1227  {
1228  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) > 6 )
1229  printf( "Warning: Line %d has .latch directive with unrecognized entries (the total of %d entries).\n",
1230  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) );
1231  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) > 3 )
1232  Init = atoi( (char *)Vec_PtrEntryLast(vTokens) );
1233  else
1234  Init = 2;
1235  if ( Init < 0 || Init > 3 )
1236  {
1237  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Initial state of the latch is incorrect \"%s\".", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), (char*)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,3) );
1238  return 0;
1239  }
1240  if ( Init == 0 )
1241  Abc_LatchSetInit0( pObj );
1242  else if ( Init == 1 )
1243  Abc_LatchSetInit1( pObj );
1244  else // if ( Init == 2 )
1245  Abc_LatchSetInitDc( pObj );
1246  }
1247  }
1248  else
1249  {
1250  // get the net corresponding to the output of the latch
1251  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,2) );
1252  // get the net corresponding to the latch output (feeding into reset MUX)
1253  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, Abc_ObjNameSuffix(pNet, "_out") );
1254  // create latch
1255  pObj = Io_ReadCreateLatch( p->pNtk, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,1), Abc_ObjName(pNet) );
1256 // Abc_LatchSetInit0( pObj );
1257  Abc_LatchSetInit0( pObj );
1258  }
1259  return 1;
1260 }
1262 /**Function*************************************************************
1264  Synopsis [Parses the latches line.]
1266  Description []
1268  SideEffects []
1270  SeeAlso []
1272 ***********************************************************************/
1273 static int Io_MvParseLineFlop( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1274 {
1275  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1276  Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
1277  char * pToken, * pOutput, * pInput;
1278  int i, Init = 2;
1279  assert( !p->pMan->fBlifMv );
1280  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
1281  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0);
1282  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "flop") );
1283  // get flop output
1284  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, vTokens, pToken, i )
1285  if ( pToken[0] == 'Q' && pToken[1] == '=' )
1286  break;
1287  if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) )
1288  {
1289  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find flop output.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0)) );
1290  return 0;
1291  }
1292  pOutput = pToken+2;
1293  // get flop input
1294  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, vTokens, pToken, i )
1295  if ( pToken[0] == 'D' && pToken[1] == '=' )
1296  break;
1297  if ( i == Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) )
1298  {
1299  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find flop input.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0)) );
1300  return 0;
1301  }
1302  pInput = pToken+2;
1303  // create latch
1304  pObj = Io_ReadCreateLatch( p->pNtk, pInput, pOutput );
1305  // get the init value
1306  Vec_PtrForEachEntry( char *, vTokens, pToken, i )
1307  {
1308  if ( !strncmp( pToken, "init=", 5 ) )
1309  {
1310  Init = 0;
1311  if ( pToken[5] == '1' )
1312  Init = 1;
1313  else if ( pToken[5] == '2' )
1314  Init = 2;
1315  else if ( pToken[5] != '0' )
1316  {
1317  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot read flop init value %s.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pToken );
1318  return 0;
1319  }
1320  break;
1321  }
1322  }
1323  if ( Init < 0 || Init > 2 )
1324  {
1325  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Initial state of the flop is incorrect \"%s\".", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), (char*)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,3) );
1326  return 0;
1327  }
1328  if ( Init == 0 )
1329  Abc_LatchSetInit0( pObj );
1330  else if ( Init == 1 )
1331  Abc_LatchSetInit1( pObj );
1332  else // if ( Init == 2 )
1333  Abc_LatchSetInitDc( pObj );
1334  return 1;
1335 }
1337 /**Function*************************************************************
1339  Synopsis [Parses the subckt line.]
1341  Description []
1343  SideEffects []
1345  SeeAlso []
1347 ***********************************************************************/
1348 static int Io_MvParseLineSubckt( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1349 {
1350  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1351  Abc_Ntk_t * pModel;
1352  Abc_Obj_t * pBox, * pNet, * pTerm;
1353  char * pToken, * pName, * pName2, ** ppNames;
1354  int nEquals, Last, i, k;
1356  // split the line into tokens
1357  nEquals = Io_MvCountChars( pLine, '=' );
1358  Io_MvSplitIntoTokensAndClear( vTokens, pLine, '\0', '=' );
1359  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0);
1360  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "subckt") );
1361 //printf( "%d ", nEquals );
1363  // get the model for this box
1364  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,1);
1365  // skip instance name for now
1366  for ( pToken = pName; *pToken; pToken++ )
1367  if ( *pToken == '|' )
1368  {
1369  *pToken = 0;
1370  break;
1371  }
1372  // find the model
1373  pModel = Abc_DesFindModelByName( p->pMan->pDesign, pName );
1374  if ( pModel == NULL )
1375  {
1376  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find the model for subcircuit %s.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pName );
1377  return 0;
1378  }
1379 /*
1380  // check if the number of tokens is correct
1381  if ( nEquals != Abc_NtkPiNum(pModel) + Abc_NtkPoNum(pModel) )
1382  {
1383  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: The number of ports (%d) in .subckt differs from the sum of PIs and POs of the model (%d).",
1384  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), nEquals, Abc_NtkPiNum(pModel) + Abc_NtkPoNum(pModel) );
1385  return 0;
1386  }
1387 */
1388  // get the names
1389  ppNames = (char **)Vec_PtrArray(vTokens) + 2 + p->pMan->fBlifMv;
1391  // create the box with these terminals
1392  if ( Abc_NtkHasBlackbox(pModel) )
1393  pBox = Abc_NtkCreateBlackbox( p->pNtk );
1394  else
1395  pBox = Abc_NtkCreateWhitebox( p->pNtk );
1396  pBox->pData = pModel;
1397  if ( p->pMan->fBlifMv )
1398  Abc_ObjAssignName( pBox, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,2), NULL );
1399  // go through formal inputs
1400  Last = 0;
1401  Abc_NtkForEachPi( pModel, pTerm, i )
1402  {
1403  // find this terminal among the actual inputs of the subcircuit
1404  pName2 = NULL;
1405  pName = Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout0(pTerm));
1406  for ( k = 0; k < nEquals; k++ )
1407  if ( !strcmp( ppNames[2*((k+Last)%nEquals)], pName ) )
1408  {
1409  pName2 = ppNames[2*((k+Last)%nEquals)+1];
1410  Last = k+Last+1;
1411  break;
1412  }
1413 /*
1414  if ( k == nEquals )
1415  {
1416  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find PI \"%s\" of the model \"%s\" as a formal input of the subcircuit.",
1417  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pName, Abc_NtkName(pModel) );
1418  return 0;
1419  }
1420 */
1421  if ( pName2 == NULL )
1422  {
1423  Abc_Obj_t * pNode = Abc_NtkCreateNode( p->pNtk );
1424  pNode->pData = Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc, " 0\n" );
1425  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, Abc_ObjNameSuffix(pNode, "abc") );
1426  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNet, pNode );
1427  pTerm = Abc_NtkCreateBi( p->pNtk );
1428  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pBox, pTerm );
1429  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pTerm, pNet );
1430  continue;
1431  }
1432  assert( pName2 != NULL );
1434  // create the BI with the actual name
1435  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pName2 );
1436  pTerm = Abc_NtkCreateBi( p->pNtk );
1437  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pBox, pTerm );
1438  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pTerm, pNet );
1439  }
1440  // go through formal outputs
1441  Last = 0;
1442  Abc_NtkForEachPo( pModel, pTerm, i )
1443  {
1444  // find this terminal among the actual outputs of the subcircuit
1445  pName2 = NULL;
1446  pName = Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanin0(pTerm));
1447  for ( k = 0; k < nEquals; k++ )
1448  if ( !strcmp( ppNames[2*((k+Last)%nEquals)], pName ) )
1449  {
1450  pName2 = ppNames[2*((k+Last)%nEquals)+1];
1451  Last = k+Last+1;
1452  break;
1453  }
1454 /*
1455  if ( k == nEquals )
1456  {
1457  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find PO \"%s\" of the modell \"%s\" as a formal output of the subcircuit.",
1458  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pName, Abc_NtkName(pModel) );
1459  return 0;
1460  }
1461 */
1463  // create the BI with the actual name
1464  pTerm = Abc_NtkCreateBo( p->pNtk );
1465  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pName2 == NULL ? Abc_ObjNameSuffix(pTerm, "abc") : pName2 );
1466  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNet, pTerm );
1467  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pTerm, pBox );
1468  }
1469  return 1;
1470 }
1472 /**Function*************************************************************
1474  Synopsis [Parses the subckt line.]
1476  Description []
1478  SideEffects []
1480  SeeAlso []
1482 ***********************************************************************/
1483 static Vec_Int_t * Io_MvParseLineOnehot( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1484 {
1485  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1486 // Vec_Ptr_t * vResult;
1487  Vec_Int_t * vResult;
1488  Abc_Obj_t * pNet, * pTerm;
1489  char * pToken;
1490  int nEquals, i;
1492  // split the line into tokens
1493  nEquals = Io_MvCountChars( pLine, '=' );
1494  Io_MvSplitIntoTokensAndClear( vTokens, pLine, '\0', '=' );
1495  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0);
1496  assert( !strcmp(pToken, "onehot") );
1498  // iterate through the register names
1499 // vResult = Vec_PtrAlloc( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) );
1500  vResult = Vec_IntAlloc( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) );
1501  Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( char *, vTokens, pToken, i, 1 )
1502  {
1503  // check if this register exists
1504  pNet = Abc_NtkFindNet( p->pNtk, pToken );
1505  if ( pNet == NULL )
1506  {
1507  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Signal with name \"%s\" does not exist in the model \"%s\".",
1508  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pToken, Abc_NtkName(p->pNtk) );
1509  return NULL;
1510  }
1511  // check if this is register output net
1512  pTerm = Abc_ObjFanin0( pNet );
1513  if ( pTerm == NULL || Abc_ObjFanin0(pTerm) == NULL || !Abc_ObjIsLatch(Abc_ObjFanin0(pTerm)) )
1514  {
1515  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Signal with name \"%s\" is not a register in the model \"%s\".",
1516  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pToken, Abc_NtkName(p->pNtk) );
1517  return NULL;
1518  }
1519  // save register name
1520 // Vec_PtrPush( vResult, Abc_ObjName(pNet) );
1521  Vec_IntPush( vResult, (int)(ABC_PTRINT_T)Abc_ObjFanin0(pTerm)->pNext );
1522 // printf( "%d(%d) ", (int)Abc_ObjFanin0(pTerm)->pNext, ((int)Abc_ObjFanin0(pTerm)->pData) -1 );
1523  printf( "%d", ((int)(ABC_PTRINT_T)Abc_ObjFanin0(pTerm)->pData)-1 );
1524  }
1525  printf( "\n" );
1526  return vResult;
1527 }
1530 /**Function*************************************************************
1532  Synopsis [Parses the mv line.]
1534  Description []
1536  SideEffects []
1538  SeeAlso []
1540 ***********************************************************************/
1541 static int Io_MvParseLineMv( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
1542 {
1543  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1544  Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
1545  Io_MvVar_t * pVar = NULL;
1546  Mem_Flex_t * pFlex;
1547  char * pName;
1548  int nCommas, nValues, i, k;
1549  // count commas and get the tokens
1550  nCommas = Io_MvCountChars( pLine, ',' );
1551  Io_MvSplitIntoTokensAndClear( vTokens, pLine, '\0', ',' );
1552  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0);
1553  assert( !strcmp(pName, "mv") );
1554  // get the number of values
1555  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) <= nCommas + 2 )
1556  {
1557  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: The number of values in not specified in .mv line.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName) );
1558  return 0;
1559  }
1560  nValues = atoi( (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,nCommas+2) );
1561  if ( nValues < 2 || nValues > IO_BLIFMV_MAXVALUES )
1562  {
1563  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: The number of values (%d) is incorrect (should be >= 2 and <= %d).",
1564  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), nValues, IO_BLIFMV_MAXVALUES );
1565  return 0;
1566  }
1567  // if there is no symbolic values, quit
1568  if ( nValues == 2 && Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) == nCommas + 3 )
1569  return 1;
1570  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) > nCommas + 3 && Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - (nCommas + 3) != nValues )
1571  {
1572  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Wrong number (%d) of symbolic value names (should be %d).",
1573  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - (nCommas + 3), nValues );
1574  return 0;
1575  }
1576  // go through variables
1577  pFlex = (Mem_Flex_t *)Abc_NtkMvVarMan( p->pNtk );
1578  for ( i = 0; i <= nCommas; i++ )
1579  {
1580  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, i+1 );
1581  pObj = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pName );
1582  // allocate variable
1583  pVar = (Io_MvVar_t *)Mem_FlexEntryFetch( pFlex, sizeof(Io_MvVar_t) );
1584  pVar->nValues = nValues;
1585  pVar->pNames = NULL;
1586  // create names
1587  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) > nCommas + 3 )
1588  {
1589  pVar->pNames = (char **)Mem_FlexEntryFetch( pFlex, sizeof(char *) * nValues );
1590  Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart( char *, vTokens, pName, k, nCommas + 3 )
1591  {
1592  pVar->pNames[k-(nCommas + 3)] = (char *)Mem_FlexEntryFetch( pFlex, strlen(pName) + 1 );
1593  strcpy( pVar->pNames[k-(nCommas + 3)], pName );
1594  }
1595  }
1596  // save the variable
1597  Abc_ObjSetMvVar( pObj, pVar );
1598  }
1599  // make sure the names are unique
1600  assert(pVar);
1601  if ( pVar->pNames )
1602  {
1603  for ( i = 0; i < nValues; i++ )
1604  for ( k = i+1; k < nValues; k++ )
1605  if ( !strcmp(pVar->pNames[i], pVar->pNames[k]) )
1606  {
1607  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0);
1608  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Symbolic value name \"%s\" is repeated in .mv line.",
1609  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), pVar->pNames[i] );
1610  return 0;
1611  }
1612  }
1613  return 1;
1614 }
1616 /**Function*************************************************************
1618  Synopsis [Writes the values into the BLIF-MV representation for the node.]
1620  Description []
1622  SideEffects []
1624  SeeAlso []
1626 ***********************************************************************/
1627 static int Io_MvWriteValues( Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Str_t * vFunc )
1628 {
1629  char Buffer[10];
1630  Abc_Obj_t * pFanin;
1631  int i;
1632  // add the fanin number of values
1633  Abc_ObjForEachFanin( pNode, pFanin, i )
1634  {
1635  sprintf( Buffer, "%d", Abc_ObjMvVarNum(pFanin) );
1636  Vec_StrPrintStr( vFunc, Buffer );
1637  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, ' ' );
1638  }
1639  // add the node number of values
1640  sprintf( Buffer, "%d", Abc_ObjMvVarNum(Abc_ObjFanout0(pNode)) );
1641  Vec_StrPrintStr( vFunc, Buffer );
1642  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, '\n' );
1643  return 1;
1644 }
1646 /**Function*************************************************************
1648  Synopsis [Translated one literal.]
1650  Description []
1652  SideEffects []
1654  SeeAlso []
1656 ***********************************************************************/
1657 static int Io_MvParseLiteralMv( Io_MvMod_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pNode, char * pToken, Vec_Str_t * vFunc, int iLit )
1658 {
1659  char Buffer[10];
1660  Io_MvVar_t * pVar;
1661  Abc_Obj_t * pFanin, * pNet;
1662  char * pCur, * pNext;
1663  int i;
1664  // consider the equality literal
1665  if ( pToken[0] == '=' )
1666  {
1667  // find the fanins
1668  Abc_ObjForEachFanin( pNode, pFanin, i )
1669  if ( !strcmp( Abc_ObjName(pFanin), pToken + 1 ) )
1670  break;
1671  if ( i == Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) )
1672  {
1673  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Node name in the table \"%s\" cannot be found on .names line.",
1674  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pToken + 1 );
1675  return 0;
1676  }
1677  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, '=' );
1678  sprintf( Buffer, "%d", i );
1679  Vec_StrPrintStr( vFunc, Buffer );
1680  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, (char)((iLit == -1)? '\n' : ' ') );
1681  return 1;
1682  }
1683  // consider regular literal
1684  assert( iLit < Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) );
1685  pNet = iLit >= 0 ? Abc_ObjFanin(pNode, iLit) : Abc_ObjFanout0(pNode);
1686  pVar = (Io_MvVar_t *)Abc_ObjMvVar( pNet );
1687  // if the var is absent or has no symbolic values quit
1688  if ( pVar == NULL || pVar->pNames == NULL )
1689  {
1690  Vec_StrPrintStr( vFunc, pToken );
1691  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, (char)((iLit == -1)? '\n' : ' ') );
1692  return 1;
1693  }
1694  // parse the literal using symbolic values
1695  for ( pCur = pToken; *pCur; pCur++ )
1696  {
1697  if ( Io_MvCharIsMvSymb(*pCur) )
1698  {
1699  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, *pCur );
1700  continue;
1701  }
1702  // find the next MvSymb char
1703  for ( pNext = pCur+1; *pNext; pNext++ )
1704  if ( Io_MvCharIsMvSymb(*pNext) )
1705  break;
1706  // look for the value name
1707  for ( i = 0; i < pVar->nValues; i++ )
1708  if ( !strncmp( pVar->pNames[i], pCur, pNext-pCur ) )
1709  break;
1710  if ( i == pVar->nValues )
1711  {
1712  *pNext = 0;
1713  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find value name \"%s\" among the value names of variable \"%s\".",
1714  Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pToken), pCur, Abc_ObjName(pNet) );
1715  return 0;
1716  }
1717  // value name is found
1718  sprintf( Buffer, "%d", i );
1719  Vec_StrPrintStr( vFunc, Buffer );
1720  // update the pointer
1721  pCur = pNext - 1;
1722  }
1723  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, (char)((iLit == -1)? '\n' : ' ') );
1724  return 1;
1725 }
1727 /**Function*************************************************************
1729  Synopsis [Constructs the MV-SOP cover from the file parsing info.]
1731  Description []
1733  SideEffects []
1735  SeeAlso []
1737 ***********************************************************************/
1738 static char * Io_MvParseTableMv( Io_MvMod_t * p, Abc_Obj_t * pNode, Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens2, int nInputs, int nOutputs, int iOut )
1739 {
1740  Vec_Str_t * vFunc = p->pMan->vFunc;
1741  char * pFirst, * pToken;
1742  int iStart, i;
1743  // prepare the place for the cover
1744  Vec_StrClear( vFunc );
1745  // write the number of values
1746 // Io_MvWriteValues( pNode, vFunc );
1747  // get the first token
1748  pFirst = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens2, 0 );
1749  if ( pFirst[0] == '.' )
1750  {
1751  // write the default literal
1752  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, 'd' );
1753  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens2, 1 + iOut);
1754  if ( !Io_MvParseLiteralMv( p, pNode, pToken, vFunc, -1 ) )
1755  return NULL;
1756  iStart = 1 + nOutputs;
1757  }
1758  else
1759  iStart = 0;
1760  // write the remaining literals
1761  while ( iStart < Vec_PtrSize(vTokens2) )
1762  {
1763  // input literals
1764  for ( i = 0; i < nInputs; i++ )
1765  {
1766  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens2, iStart + i );
1767  if ( !Io_MvParseLiteralMv( p, pNode, pToken, vFunc, i ) )
1768  return NULL;
1769  }
1770  // output literal
1771  pToken = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens2, iStart + nInputs + iOut );
1772  if ( !Io_MvParseLiteralMv( p, pNode, pToken, vFunc, -1 ) )
1773  return NULL;
1774  // update the counter
1775  iStart += nInputs + nOutputs;
1776  }
1777  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, '\0' );
1778  return Vec_StrArray( vFunc );
1779 }
1781 /**Function*************************************************************
1783  Synopsis [Adds reset circuitry corresponding to latch with pName.]
1785  Description [Returns the reset node's net.]
1787  SideEffects []
1789  SeeAlso []
1791 ***********************************************************************/
1793 {
1794  char Buffer[50];
1795  Abc_Obj_t * pNode, * pData0Net, * pData1Net, * pResetLONet, * pOutNet;
1796  Io_MvVar_t * pVar;
1797  // make sure the reset latch exists
1798  assert( p->pResetLatch != NULL );
1799  // get the reset net
1800  pResetLONet = Abc_ObjFanout0(Abc_ObjFanout0(p->pResetLatch));
1801  // get the output net
1802  pOutNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pName );
1803  // get the data nets
1804  pData0Net = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, Abc_ObjNameSuffix(pOutNet, "_reset") );
1805  pData1Net = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, Abc_ObjNameSuffix(pOutNet, "_out") );
1806  // duplicate MV variables
1807  if ( Abc_NtkMvVar(p->pNtk) )
1808  {
1809  pVar = (Io_MvVar_t *)Abc_ObjMvVar( pOutNet );
1810  Abc_ObjSetMvVar( pData0Net, Abc_NtkMvVarDup(p->pNtk, pVar) );
1811  Abc_ObjSetMvVar( pData1Net, Abc_NtkMvVarDup(p->pNtk, pVar) );
1812  }
1813  // create the node
1814  pNode = Abc_NtkCreateNode( p->pNtk );
1815  // create the output net
1816  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pOutNet, pNode );
1817  // create the function
1818  if ( p->pMan->fBlifMv )
1819  {
1820 // Vec_Att_t * p = Abc_NtkMvVar( pNtk );
1821 // int nValues = Abc_ObjMvVarNum(pOutNet);
1822 // sprintf( Buffer, "2 %d %d %d\n1 - - =1\n0 - - =2\n", nValues, nValues, nValues );
1823  sprintf( Buffer, "1 - - =1\n0 - - =2\n" );
1824  pNode->pData = Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc, Buffer );
1825  }
1826  else
1827  pNode->pData = Abc_SopCreateMux( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc );
1828  // add nets
1829  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNode, pResetLONet );
1830  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNode, pData1Net );
1831  Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNode, pData0Net );
1832  return pData0Net;
1833 }
1835 /**Function*************************************************************
1837  Synopsis [Parses the nodes line.]
1839  Description []
1841  SideEffects []
1843  SeeAlso []
1845 ***********************************************************************/
1846 static int Io_MvParseLineNamesMvOne( Io_MvMod_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens, Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens2, int nInputs, int nOutputs, int iOut, int fReset )
1847 {
1848  Abc_Obj_t * pNet, * pNode;
1849  char * pName;
1850  // get the output name
1851  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - nOutputs + iOut );
1852  // create the node
1853  if ( fReset )
1854  {
1855  pNet = Abc_NtkFindNet( p->pNtk, pName );
1856  if ( pNet == NULL )
1857  {
1858  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Latch with output signal \"%s\" does not exist.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), pName );
1859  return 0;
1860  }
1861 /*
1862  if ( !Abc_ObjIsBo(Abc_ObjFanin0(pNet)) )
1863  {
1864  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Reset line \"%s\" defines signal that is not a latch output.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), pName );
1865  return 0;
1866  }
1867 */
1868  // construct the reset circuit and get the reset net feeding into it
1869  pNet = Io_MvParseAddResetCircuit( p, pName );
1870  // create fanins
1871  pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( p->pNtk, Abc_ObjName(pNet), (char **)(vTokens->pArray + 1), nInputs );
1872  assert( nInputs == Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - 2 );
1873  }
1874  else
1875  {
1876  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pName );
1877  if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) > 0 )
1878  {
1879  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Signal \"%s\" is defined more than once.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), pName );
1880  return 0;
1881  }
1882  pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( p->pNtk, pName, (char **)(vTokens->pArray + 1), nInputs );
1883  }
1884  // create the cover
1885  pNode->pData = Io_MvParseTableMv( p, pNode, vTokens2, nInputs, nOutputs, iOut );
1886  if ( pNode->pData == NULL )
1887  return 0;
1888  pNode->pData = Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc, (char *)pNode->pData );
1889 //printf( "Finished parsing node \"%s\" with table:\n%s\n", pName, pNode->pData );
1890  return 1;
1891 }
1893 /**Function*************************************************************
1895  Synopsis [Parses the nodes line.]
1897  Description []
1899  SideEffects []
1901  SeeAlso []
1903 ***********************************************************************/
1904 static int Io_MvParseLineNamesMv( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine, int fReset )
1905 {
1906  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
1907  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens2 = p->pMan->vTokens2;
1908  Abc_Obj_t * pNet;
1909  char * pName, * pFirst, * pArrow;
1910  int nInputs, nOutputs, nLiterals, nLines, i;
1911  assert( p->pMan->fBlifMv );
1912  // get the arrow if it is present
1913  pArrow = Io_MvFindArrow( pLine );
1914  if ( !p->pMan->fBlifMv && pArrow )
1915  {
1916  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Multi-output node symbol (->) in binary BLIF file.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pLine) );
1917  return 0;
1918  }
1919  // split names line into tokens
1920  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
1921  if ( fReset )
1922  assert( !strcmp((char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "r") || !strcmp((char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "reset") );
1923  else
1924  assert( !strcmp((char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "names") || !strcmp((char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "table") );
1925  // find the number of inputs and outputs
1926  nInputs = Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - 2;
1927  nOutputs = 1;
1928  if ( pArrow != NULL )
1929  {
1930  for ( i = Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - 2; i >= 1; i-- )
1931  if ( pArrow < (char*)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,i) )
1932  {
1933  nInputs--;
1934  nOutputs++;
1935  }
1936  }
1937  // split table into tokens
1938  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntryLast( vTokens );
1939  Io_MvSplitIntoTokensMv( vTokens2, pName + strlen(pName) );
1940  pFirst = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens2, 0 );
1941  if ( pFirst[0] == '.' )
1942  {
1943  assert( pFirst[1] == 'd' );
1944  nLiterals = Vec_PtrSize(vTokens2) - 1 - nOutputs;
1945  }
1946  else
1947  nLiterals = Vec_PtrSize(vTokens2);
1948  // check the number of lines
1949  if ( nLiterals % (nInputs + nOutputs) != 0 )
1950  {
1951  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Wrong number of literals in the table of node \"%s\". (Spaces inside literals are not allowed.)", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pFirst), pName );
1952  return 0;
1953  }
1954  // check for the ND table
1955  nLines = nLiterals / (nInputs + nOutputs);
1956  if ( nInputs == 0 && nLines > 1 )
1957  {
1958  // add the outputs to the PIs
1959  for ( i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++ )
1960  {
1961  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - nOutputs + i );
1962  // get the net corresponding to this node
1963  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet(p->pNtk, pName);
1964  if ( fReset )
1965  {
1966  assert( p->pResetLatch != NULL );
1967  // construct the reset circuit and get the reset net feeding into it
1968  pNet = Io_MvParseAddResetCircuit( p, pName );
1969  }
1970  // add the new PI node
1971 // Abc_ObjAddFanin( pNet, Abc_NtkCreatePi(p->pNtk) );
1972 // fprintf( stdout, "Io_ReadBlifMv(): Adding PI for internal non-deterministic node \"%s\".\n", pName );
1973  p->pMan->nNDnodes++;
1975  }
1976  return 1;
1977  }
1978  // iterate through the outputs
1979  for ( i = 0; i < nOutputs; i++ )
1980  {
1981  if ( !Io_MvParseLineNamesMvOne( p, vTokens, vTokens2, nInputs, nOutputs, i, fReset ) )
1982  return 0;
1983  }
1984  return 1;
1985 }
1988 /**Function*************************************************************
1990  Synopsis [Constructs the SOP cover from the file parsing info.]
1992  Description []
1994  SideEffects []
1996  SeeAlso []
1998 ***********************************************************************/
1999 static char * Io_MvParseTableBlif( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pTable, int nFanins )
2000 {
2001  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
2002  Vec_Str_t * vFunc = p->pMan->vFunc;
2003  char * pProduct, * pOutput, c;
2004  int i, Polarity = -1;
2006  p->pMan->nTablesRead++;
2007  // get the tokens
2008  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pTable, '.' );
2009  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) == 0 )
2010  return Abc_SopCreateConst0( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc );
2011  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) == 1 )
2012  {
2013  pOutput = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, 0 );
2014  c = pOutput[0];
2015  if ( (c!='0'&&c!='1'&&c!='x'&&c!='n') || pOutput[1] )
2016  {
2017  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Constant table has wrong output value \"%s\".", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pOutput), pOutput );
2018  return NULL;
2019  }
2020  return pOutput[0] == '0' ? Abc_SopCreateConst0((Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc) : Abc_SopCreateConst1((Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc);
2021  }
2022  pProduct = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, 0 );
2023  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) % 2 == 1 )
2024  {
2025  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Table has odd number of tokens (%d).", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pProduct), Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) );
2026  return NULL;
2027  }
2028  // parse the table
2029  Vec_StrClear( vFunc );
2030  for ( i = 0; i < Vec_PtrSize(vTokens)/2; i++ )
2031  {
2032  pProduct = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, 2*i + 0 );
2033  pOutput = (char *)Vec_PtrEntry( vTokens, 2*i + 1 );
2034  if ( strlen(pProduct) != (unsigned)nFanins )
2035  {
2036  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cube \"%s\" has size different from the fanin count (%d).", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pProduct), pProduct, nFanins );
2037  return NULL;
2038  }
2039  c = pOutput[0];
2040  if ( (c!='0'&&c!='1'&&c!='x'&&c!='n') || pOutput[1] )
2041  {
2042  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Output value \"%s\" is incorrect.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pProduct), pOutput );
2043  return NULL;
2044  }
2045  if ( Polarity == -1 )
2046  Polarity = (c=='1' || c=='x');
2047  else if ( Polarity != (c=='1' || c=='x') )
2048  {
2049  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Output value \"%s\" differs from the value in the first line of the table (%d).", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pProduct), pOutput, Polarity );
2050  return NULL;
2051  }
2052  // parse one product
2053  Vec_StrPrintStr( vFunc, pProduct );
2054  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, ' ' );
2055  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, pOutput[0] );
2056  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, '\n' );
2057  }
2058  Vec_StrPush( vFunc, '\0' );
2059  return Vec_StrArray( vFunc );
2060 }
2062 /**Function*************************************************************
2064  Synopsis [Parses the nodes line.]
2066  Description []
2068  SideEffects []
2070  SeeAlso []
2072 ***********************************************************************/
2073 static int Io_MvParseLineNamesBlif( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
2074 {
2075  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
2076  Abc_Obj_t * pNet, * pNode;
2077  char * pName;
2078  assert( !p->pMan->fBlifMv );
2079  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
2080  // parse the mapped node
2081  if ( !strcmp((char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "gate") )
2082  return Io_MvParseLineGateBlif( p, vTokens );
2083  // parse the regular name line
2084  assert( !strcmp((char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "names") );
2085  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntryLast( vTokens );
2086  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pName );
2087  if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) > 0 )
2088  {
2089  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Signal \"%s\" is defined more than once.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), pName );
2090  return 0;
2091  }
2092  // create fanins
2093  pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( p->pNtk, pName, (char **)(vTokens->pArray + 1), Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) - 2 );
2094  // parse the table of this node
2095  pNode->pData = Io_MvParseTableBlif( p, pName + strlen(pName), Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) );
2096  if ( pNode->pData == NULL )
2097  return 0;
2098  pNode->pData = Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc, (char *)pNode->pData );
2099  return 1;
2100 }
2104 #include "map/mio/mio.h"
2105 #include "base/main/main.h"
2110 /**Function*************************************************************
2112  Synopsis [Parses the nodes line.]
2114  Description []
2116  SideEffects []
2118  SeeAlso []
2120 ***********************************************************************/
2121 static int Io_MvParseLineShortBlif( Io_MvMod_t * p, char * pLine )
2122 {
2123  Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = p->pMan->vTokens;
2124  Abc_Obj_t * pNet, * pNode;
2125  char * pName;
2126  assert( !p->pMan->fBlifMv );
2127  Io_MvSplitIntoTokens( vTokens, pLine, '\0' );
2128  if ( Vec_PtrSize(vTokens) != 3 )
2129  {
2130  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Expecting three entries in the .short line.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, (char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0)) );
2131  return 0;
2132  }
2133  // parse the regular name line
2134  assert( !strcmp((char *)Vec_PtrEntry(vTokens,0), "short") );
2135  pName = (char *)Vec_PtrEntryLast( vTokens );
2136  pNet = Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet( p->pNtk, pName );
2137  if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) > 0 )
2138  {
2139  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Signal \"%s\" is defined more than once.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), pName );
2140  return 0;
2141  }
2142  // create fanins
2143  pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( p->pNtk, pName, (char **)(vTokens->pArray + 1), 1 );
2144  // parse the table of this node
2145  if ( p->pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_MAP )
2146  {
2147  Mio_Library_t * pGenlib;
2148  Mio_Gate_t * pGate;
2149  // check that the library is available
2150  pGenlib = (Mio_Library_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibGen();
2151  if ( pGenlib == NULL )
2152  {
2153  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: The current library is not available.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName) );
2154  return 0;
2155  }
2156  // get the gate
2157  pGate = Mio_LibraryReadBuf( pGenlib );
2158  if ( pGate == NULL )
2159  {
2160  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find buffer gate in the library.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName) );
2161  return 0;
2162  }
2163  Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, pGate );
2164  }
2165  else
2166  pNode->pData = Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc, "1 1\n" );
2167  return 1;
2168 }
2170 /**Function*************************************************************
2172  Synopsis [Duplicate the MV variable.]
2174  Description []
2176  SideEffects []
2178  SeeAlso []
2180 ***********************************************************************/
2182 {
2183  Mem_Flex_t * pFlex;
2184  Io_MvVar_t * pVarDup;
2185  int i;
2186  if ( pVar == NULL )
2187  return NULL;
2188  pFlex = (Mem_Flex_t *)Abc_NtkMvVarMan( pNtk );
2189  assert( pFlex != NULL );
2190  pVarDup = (Io_MvVar_t *)Mem_FlexEntryFetch( pFlex, sizeof(Io_MvVar_t) );
2191  pVarDup->nValues = pVar->nValues;
2192  pVarDup->pNames = NULL;
2193  if ( pVar->pNames == NULL )
2194  return pVarDup;
2195  pVarDup->pNames = (char **)Mem_FlexEntryFetch( pFlex, sizeof(char *) * pVar->nValues );
2196  for ( i = 0; i < pVar->nValues; i++ )
2197  {
2198  pVarDup->pNames[i] = (char *)Mem_FlexEntryFetch( pFlex, strlen(pVar->pNames[i]) + 1 );
2199  strcpy( pVarDup->pNames[i], pVar->pNames[i] );
2200  }
2201  return pVarDup;
2202 }
2204 /**Function*************************************************************
2206  Synopsis []
2208  Description []
2210  SideEffects []
2212  SeeAlso []
2214 ***********************************************************************/
2215 static char * Io_ReadBlifCleanName( char * pName )
2216 {
2217  int i, Length;
2218  Length = strlen(pName);
2219  for ( i = 0; i < Length; i++ )
2220  if ( pName[i] == '=' )
2221  return pName + i + 1;
2222  return NULL;
2223 }
2225 /**Function*************************************************************
2227  Synopsis []
2229  Description []
2231  SideEffects []
2233  SeeAlso []
2235 ***********************************************************************/
2236 static int Io_MvParseLineGateBlif( Io_MvMod_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens )
2237 {
2238  extern int Io_ReadBlifReorderFormalNames( Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens, Mio_Gate_t * pGate, Mio_Gate_t * pTwin );
2239  Mio_Library_t * pGenlib;
2240  Mio_Gate_t * pGate;
2241  Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
2242  char ** ppNames, * pName;
2243  int i, nNames;
2245  pName = (char *)vTokens->pArray[0];
2247  // check that the library is available
2248  pGenlib = (Mio_Library_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibGen();
2249  if ( pGenlib == NULL )
2250  {
2251  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: The current library is not available.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName) );
2252  return 0;
2253  }
2255  // create a new node and add it to the network
2256  if ( vTokens->nSize < 2 )
2257  {
2258  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: The .gate line has less than two tokens.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName) );
2259  return 0;
2260  }
2262  // get the gate
2263  pGate = Mio_LibraryReadGateByName( pGenlib, (char *)vTokens->pArray[1], NULL );
2264  if ( pGate == NULL )
2265  {
2266  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Cannot find gate \"%s\" in the library.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), (char*)vTokens->pArray[1] );
2267  return 0;
2268  }
2270  // if this is the first line with gate, update the network type
2271  if ( Abc_NtkNodeNum(p->pNtk) == 0 )
2272  {
2273  assert( p->pNtk->ntkFunc == ABC_FUNC_SOP );
2274  p->pNtk->ntkFunc = ABC_FUNC_MAP;
2275  Mem_FlexStop( (Mem_Flex_t *)p->pNtk->pManFunc, 0 );
2276  p->pNtk->pManFunc = pGenlib;
2277  }
2279  // reorder the formal inputs to be in the same order as in the gate
2280  if ( !Io_ReadBlifReorderFormalNames( vTokens, pGate, Mio_GateReadTwin(pGate) ) )
2281  {
2282  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Mismatch in the fanins of gate \"%s\".", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName), (char*)vTokens->pArray[1] );
2283  return 0;
2284  }
2286  // remove the formal parameter names
2287  for ( i = 2; i < vTokens->nSize; i++ )
2288  {
2289  if ( vTokens->pArray[i] == NULL )
2290  continue;
2291  vTokens->pArray[i] = Io_ReadBlifCleanName( (char *)vTokens->pArray[i] );
2292  if ( vTokens->pArray[i] == NULL )
2293  {
2294  sprintf( p->pMan->sError, "Line %d: Invalid gate input assignment.", Io_MvGetLine(p->pMan, pName) );
2295  return 0;
2296  }
2297  }
2299  // create the node
2300  if ( Mio_GateReadTwin(pGate) == NULL )
2301  {
2302  nNames = vTokens->nSize - 3;
2303  ppNames = (char **)vTokens->pArray + 2;
2304  pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( p->pNtk, ppNames[nNames], ppNames, nNames );
2305  Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, pGate );
2306  }
2307  else
2308  {
2309  nNames = vTokens->nSize - 4;
2310  ppNames = (char **)vTokens->pArray + 2;
2311  assert( ppNames[nNames] != NULL || ppNames[nNames+1] != NULL );
2312  if ( ppNames[nNames] )
2313  {
2314  pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( p->pNtk, ppNames[nNames], ppNames, nNames );
2315  Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, pGate );
2316  }
2317  if ( ppNames[nNames+1] )
2318  {
2319  pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( p->pNtk, ppNames[nNames+1], ppNames, nNames );
2320  Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Mio_GateReadTwin(pGate) );
2321  }
2322  }
2324  return 1;
2325 }
2327 /**Function*************************************************************
2329  Synopsis [Box mapping procedures.]
2331  Description []
2333  SideEffects []
2335  SeeAlso []
2337 ***********************************************************************/
2338 static inline void Abc_MapBoxSetPrevNext( Vec_Ptr_t * vDrivers, Vec_Int_t * vMapIn, Vec_Int_t * vMapOut, int Id )
2339 {
2340  Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
2341  pNode = (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(vDrivers, Id+2);
2342  Vec_IntWriteEntry( vMapIn, Abc_ObjId(Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode))), Id );
2343  pNode = (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(vDrivers, Id+4);
2344  Vec_IntWriteEntry( vMapOut, Abc_ObjId(Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode))), Id );
2345 }
2346 static inline int Abc_MapBox2Next( Vec_Ptr_t * vDrivers, Vec_Int_t * vMapIn, Vec_Int_t * vMapOut, int Id )
2347 {
2348  Abc_Obj_t * pNode = (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(vDrivers, Id+4);
2349  return Vec_IntEntry( vMapIn, Abc_ObjId(Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode))) );
2350 }
2351 static inline int Abc_MapBox2Prev( Vec_Ptr_t * vDrivers, Vec_Int_t * vMapIn, Vec_Int_t * vMapOut, int Id )
2352 {
2353  Abc_Obj_t * pNode = (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(vDrivers, Id+2);
2354  return Vec_IntEntry( vMapOut, Abc_ObjId(Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_ObjFanin0(pNode))) );
2355 }
2357 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2358 /// END OF FILE ///
2359 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Mio_Gate_t * Mio_LibraryReadBuf(Mio_Library_t *pLib)
Definition: mioApi.c:47
char * memset()
static unsigned Abc_ObjId(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:329
Mio_Gate_t * Mio_LibraryReadGateByName(Mio_Library_t *pLib, char *pName, char *pOutName)
Definition: mioApi.c:99
Vec_Ptr_t * vMvs
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:61
char buf[1<< 20]
Definition: ioReadAiger.c:113
static int Io_MvParseLineNamesMv(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine, int fReset)
Abc_Des_t * pDesign
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:81
static int Io_MvParseLineMv(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
char * malloc()
static void Io_MvSplitIntoTokensMv(Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens, char *pLine)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:480
Vec_Ptr_t * vLtlProperties
Definition: abc.h:169
static Abc_Des_t * Io_MvParse(Io_MvMan_t *p)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:903
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START struct Vec_Ptr_t_ Vec_Ptr_t
Definition: vecPtr.h:42
ABC_DLL void * Abc_FrameReadLibGen()
Definition: mainFrame.c:56
static Vec_Int_t * Io_MvParseLineOnehot(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
Io_MvMan_t * pMan
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:69
Abc_Obj_t * Io_ReadCreateResetLatch(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, int fBlifMv)
Definition: ioUtil.c:693
char ** pNames
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:45
static int Io_MvCountChars(char *pLine, char Char)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:389
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateWhitebox(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:310
#define Vec_PtrForEachEntryStart(Type, vVec, pEntry, i, Start)
Definition: vecPtr.h:57
Vec_Ptr_t * vLtlProperties
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:63
static Abc_Obj_t * Io_MvParseAddResetCircuit(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pName)
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START struct Vec_Vec_t_ Vec_Vec_t
Definition: vecVec.h:42
static Io_MvMan_t * Io_MvAlloc()
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:269
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
Abc_Ntk_t * pExdc
Definition: abc.h:201
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START struct Vec_Int_t_ Vec_Int_t
Definition: bblif.c:37
static char * Vec_StrArray(Vec_Str_t *p)
Definition: vecStr.h:272
Definition: bzlib.h:43
static int Abc_ObjIsLatch(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:356
#define ABC_REALLOC(type, obj, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:233
ABC_DLL Abc_Des_t * Abc_DesCreate(char *pName)
Definition: abcLib.c:45
static int Abc_NtkBoxNum(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:289
#define SEEK_END
Definition: zconf.h:392
static void * Abc_NtkMvVar(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:435
ABC_DLL int Abc_DesAddModel(Abc_Des_t *p, Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcLib.c:226
static int Abc_ObjFaninNum(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:364
Vec_Ptr_t * vConstrs
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:62
static void Abc_ObjSetMvVar(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, void *pV)
Definition: abc.h:439
static int Abc_NtkLatchNum(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:294
void Abc_NtkStartMvVars(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcBlifMv.c:46
static void Vec_StrClear(Vec_Str_t *p)
Definition: vecStr.h:519
char * memcpy()
static int Io_MvParseLiteralMv(Io_MvMod_t *p, Abc_Obj_t *pNode, char *pToken, Vec_Str_t *vFunc, int iLit)
static void Vec_PtrPush(Vec_Ptr_t *p, void *Entry)
Definition: vecPtr.h:606
#define ABC_ALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:229
Definition: gzclose.c:18
Vec_Ptr_t * vModels
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:84
static void * Abc_NtkMvVarMan(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:436
static int Io_MvReadInterfaces(Io_MvMan_t *p)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:846
Vec_Ptr_t * vNames
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:57
ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjAssignName(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, char *pName, char *pSuffix)
Definition: abcNames.c:68
Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:87
static Vec_Str_t * Vec_StrAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: bblif.c:495
static int Io_MvCharIsMvSymb(char s)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:123
static void Vec_StrPush(Vec_Str_t *p, char Entry)
Definition: vecStr.h:535
ABC_DLL void Abc_NtkFinalizeRead(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcNtk.c:360
static int Vec_PtrSize(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:295
static int Io_MvWriteValues(Abc_Obj_t *pNode, Vec_Str_t *vFunc)
static void Abc_LatchSetInitDc(Abc_Obj_t *pLatch)
Definition: abc.h:420
voidp gzFile
Definition: zlib.h:1173
static int Abc_MapBox2Next(Vec_Ptr_t *vDrivers, Vec_Int_t *vMapIn, Vec_Int_t *vMapOut, int Id)
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanin0(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:373
ABC_DLL int Abc_DesFindTopLevelModels(Abc_Des_t *p)
Definition: abcLib.c:293
ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateConst0(Mem_Flex_t *pMan)
Definition: abcSop.c:123
Vec_Ptr_t * vOnehots
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:60
int nBuf
Definition: ioReadAiger.c:114
static void Vec_PtrRemove(Vec_Ptr_t *p, void *Entry)
Definition: vecPtr.h:714
char * Mem_FlexEntryFetch(Mem_Flex_t *p, int nBytes)
Definition: mem.c:372
static void Abc_ObjSetData(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, void *pData)
Definition: abc.h:343
static int Io_MvParseLineConstrs(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
char * Extra_UtilStrsav(const char *s)
static int Io_MvParseLineInputs(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
void Hop_ManStop(Hop_Man_t *p)
Definition: hopMan.c:84
ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateConst1(Mem_Flex_t *pMan)
Definition: abcSop.c:107
ABC_DLL void Abc_ObjAddFanin(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, Abc_Obj_t *pFanin)
Definition: abcFanio.c:84
Vec_Ptr_t * vSubckts
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:58
static int Io_MvParseLineSubckt(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkAlloc(Abc_NtkType_t Type, Abc_NtkFunc_t Func, int fUseMemMan)
Definition: abcNtk.c:50
int strcmp()
void * pManFunc
Definition: abc.h:221
void BZ_API() BZ2_bzReadClose(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b)
Definition: bzlib.c:1154
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateBo(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:306
static void Vec_IntWriteEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:285
static int Io_MvCharIsSpace(char s)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:122
void * pManFunc
Definition: abc.h:191
static int Abc_NtkNodeNum(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:293
Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens2
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:88
char * pBuffer
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:78
ABC_DLL void Abc_DesFree(Abc_Des_t *p, Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcLib.c:94
ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopRegister(Mem_Flex_t *pMan, char *pName)
Definition: abcSop.c:56
Io_MvMod_t * pLatest
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:85
Abc_Obj_t * Io_ReadCreatePi(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, char *pName)
Definition: ioUtil.c:610
#define BZ_OK
Definition: bzlib.h:34
static Vec_Int_t * Vec_IntAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: bblif.c:149
static void * Vec_PtrEntryLast(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:413
char Char
Definition: bzlib_private.h:43
static int Abc_NtkHasBlackbox(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:258
struct buflist * next
Definition: ioReadAiger.c:115
Abc_Ntk_t * Io_ReadBlifMv(char *pFileName, int fBlifMv, int fCheck)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:142
static void Vec_StrFree(Vec_Str_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:616
static void Io_MvFree(Io_MvMan_t *p)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:293
static void Io_MvCollectTokens(Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens, char *pInput, char *pOutput)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:434
static char * Io_MvLoadFile(char *pFileName)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:665
ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkCheckRead(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcCheck.c:77
ABC_DLL int Abc_NtkIsAcyclicHierarchy(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcCheck.c:809
Vec_Str_t * vFunc
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:89
char * Extra_FileNameGeneric(char *FileName)
static int Vec_IntEntry(Vec_Int_t *p, int i)
Definition: bblif.c:268
void Abc_GenOneHotIntervals(char *pFileName, int nPis, int nRegs, Vec_Ptr_t *vOnehots)
Definition: abcGen.c:618
Definition: bzlib.h:38
char * pFileName
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:77
Definition: abc_global.h:108
ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindNet(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, char *pName)
Definition: abcObj.c:507
static char * Io_MvLoadFileGz(char *pFileName, int *pnFileSize)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:631
static int Io_MvParseLineNamesMvOne(Io_MvMod_t *p, Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens, Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens2, int nInputs, int nOutputs, int iOut, int fReset)
Vec_Ptr_t * vFlops
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:55
BZFILE *BZ_API() BZ2_bzReadOpen(int *bzerror, FILE *f, int verbosity, int small, void *unused, int nUnused)
Definition: bzlib.c:1099
int BZ_API() BZ2_bzRead(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, void *buf, int len)
Definition: bzlib.c:1173
Definition: mioInt.h:61
static void Vec_IntPush(Vec_Int_t *p, int Entry)
Definition: bblif.c:468
ABC_DLL char * Abc_SopCreateMux(Mem_Flex_t *pMan)
Definition: abcSop.c:329
char * sprintf()
static int Counter
static void * Abc_ObjMvVar(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:437
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateBlackbox(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:311
Vec_Ptr_t * vTops
Definition: abc.h:222
#define Abc_NtkForEachLatch(pNtk, pObj, i)
Definition: abc.h:497
Vec_Ptr_t * vOutputs
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:53
static char * Io_MvParseTableMv(Io_MvMod_t *p, Abc_Obj_t *pNode, Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens2, int nInputs, int nOutputs, int iOut)
static void Abc_Print(int level, const char *format,...)
Definition: abc_global.h:313
ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkFindOrCreateNet(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, char *pName)
Definition: abcObj.c:579
Vec_Ptr_t * vLatches
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:54
Vec_Ptr_t * vLines
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:79
Vec_Ptr_t * vInputs
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:52
Abc_Obj_t * Io_ReadCreateLatch(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, char *pNetLI, char *pNetLO)
Definition: ioUtil.c:660
static int Io_MvGetLine(Io_MvMan_t *p, char *pToken)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:524
char * strcpy()
static char * Io_ReadBlifCleanName(char *pName)
static void Io_MvModFree(Io_MvMod_t *p)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:357
void Mem_FlexStop(Mem_Flex_t *p, int fVerbose)
Definition: mem.c:343
Definition: abc_global.h:107
Vec_Ptr_t * vGlobalLtlArray
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:40
static void * Vec_PtrEntry(Vec_Ptr_t *p, int i)
Definition: vecPtr.h:362
static void Io_MvReadPreparse(Io_MvMan_t *p)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:716
Abc_Obj_t * pResetLatch
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:67
static void Abc_LatchSetInit1(Abc_Obj_t *pLatch)
Definition: abc.h:419
char * pSpec
Definition: abc.h:159
Vec_Ptr_t * vShorts
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:59
Mio_Gate_t * Mio_GateReadTwin(Mio_Gate_t *pGate)
Definition: mioApi.c:150
gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen(const char *path, const char *mode)
Definition: gzlib.c:198
int Io_ReadBlifReorderFormalNames(Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens, Mio_Gate_t *pGate, Mio_Gate_t *pTwin)
Definition: ioReadBlif.c:540
ABC_DLL Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_DesFindModelByName(Abc_Des_t *p, char *pName)
Definition: abcLib.c:249
static int Vec_IntSize(Vec_Int_t *p)
Definition: bblif.c:252
static void Abc_MapBoxSetPrevNext(Vec_Ptr_t *vDrivers, Vec_Int_t *vMapIn, Vec_Int_t *vMapOut, int Id)
static char * Abc_NtkName(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:270
static int Abc_NtkPoNum(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:286
static Vec_Ptr_t * Vec_PtrAlloc(int nCap)
Definition: vecPtr.h:83
Abc_NtkFunc_t ntkFunc
Definition: abc.h:157
#define Abc_ObjForEachFanin(pObj, pFanin, i)
Definition: abc.h:524
Vec_Ptr_t * vOnehots
Definition: abc.h:211
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
ABC_DLL Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNodeConst0(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abcObj.c:604
static int Io_MvParseLineModel(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
static int Abc_NtkPiNum(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:285
ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjName(Abc_Obj_t *pNode)
Definition: abcNames.c:48
static int Vec_VecSizeSize(Vec_Vec_t *p)
Definition: vecVec.h:417
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateNode(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:308
static int Io_MvParseLineFlop(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
static int Io_MvParseLineShortBlif(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
char * pName
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:51
static int Io_MvParseLineLtlProperty(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
static int Io_MvParseLineGateBlif(Io_MvMod_t *p, Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens)
static int Abc_MapBox2Prev(Vec_Ptr_t *vDrivers, Vec_Int_t *vMapIn, Vec_Int_t *vMapOut, int Id)
int strncmp()
static void Vec_PtrFreeP(Vec_Ptr_t **p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:240
static int Abc_ObjMvVarNum(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:438
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:33
char sError[512]
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:91
static void Io_MvSplitIntoTokensAndClear(Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens, char *pLine, char Stop, char Char)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:502
struct buflist buflist
static char * Io_MvParseTableBlif(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pTable, int nFanins)
static void Io_MvSplitIntoTokens(Vec_Ptr_t *vTokens, char *pLine, char Stop)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:458
Abc_Obj_t * pNext
Definition: abc.h:131
Abc_Obj_t * Io_ReadCreateNode(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, char *pNameOut, char *pNamesIn[], int nInputs)
Definition: ioUtil.c:725
Vec_Ptr_t * vModules
Definition: abc.h:223
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
static void Vec_PtrClear(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:545
char * Extra_FileNameGenericAppend(char *pBase, char *pSuffix)
int strlen()
static void Vec_StrPrintStr(Vec_Str_t *p, const char *pStr)
Definition: vecStr.h:627
void * pData
Definition: abc.h:145
static int Io_MvParseLineLatch(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
static char * Io_MvFindArrow(char *pLine)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:410
#define Abc_NtkForEachPo(pNtk, pPo, i)
Definition: abc.h:517
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_NtkCreateBi(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk)
Definition: abc.h:305
char * Io_MvLoadFileBz2(char *pFileName, int *pnFileSize)
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:551
Definition: bzlib.h:142
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanin(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, int i)
Definition: abc.h:372
#define Vec_PtrForEachEntry(Type, vVec, pEntry, i)
Definition: vecPtr.h:55
Abc_Obj_t * Io_ReadCreatePo(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, char *pName)
Definition: ioUtil.c:635
static int Io_MvParseLineNamesBlif(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)
int ZEXPORT gzread(gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len)
Definition: gzread.c:357
Abc_Des_t * pDesign
Definition: abc.h:180
Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:66
static void Abc_LatchSetInit0(Abc_Obj_t *pLatch)
Definition: abc.h:418
static void ** Vec_PtrArray(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:279
typedefABC_NAMESPACE_HEADER_START struct Hop_Man_t_ Hop_Man_t
Definition: hop.h:49
VOID_HACK rewind()
char * pName
Definition: abc.h:158
static Io_MvVar_t * Abc_NtkMvVarDup(Abc_Ntk_t *pNtk, Io_MvVar_t *pVar)
static Abc_Obj_t * Abc_ObjFanout0(Abc_Obj_t *pObj)
Definition: abc.h:371
Vec_Ptr_t * vResets
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:56
int nConstrs
Definition: abc.h:173
static Io_MvMod_t * Io_MvModAlloc()
Definition: ioReadBlifMv.c:326
ABC_DLL char * Abc_ObjNameSuffix(Abc_Obj_t *pObj, char *pSuffix)
Definition: abcNames.c:103
#define Abc_NtkForEachPi(pNtk, pPi, i)
Definition: abc.h:513
static void Vec_PtrFree(Vec_Ptr_t *p)
Definition: vecPtr.h:223
static int Io_MvParseLineOutputs(Io_MvMod_t *p, char *pLine)