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reoSift.c File Reference
#include "reo.h"

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ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START void reoReorderSift (reo_man *p)
 DECLARATIONS ///. More...

Function Documentation

ABC_NAMESPACE_IMPL_START void reoReorderSift ( reo_man p)



FileName [reoSift.c]

PackageName [REO: A specialized DD reordering engine.]

Synopsis [Implementation of the sifting algorihtm.]

Author [Alan Mishchenko]

Affiliation [UC Berkeley]

Date [Ver. 1.0. Started - October 15, 2002.]

Revision [

reoSift.c,v 1.0 2002/15/10 03:00:00 alanmi Exp

]FUNCTION DEFINITIONS /// Function*************************************************************

Synopsis [Implements the variable sifting algorithm.]

Description [Performs a sequence of adjacent variable swaps known as "sifting". Uses the cost functions determined by the flag.]

SideEffects []

SeeAlso []

Definition at line 44 of file reoSift.c.

45 {
46  double CostCurrent; // the cost of the current permutation
47  double CostLimit; // the maximum increase in cost that can be tolerated
48  double CostBest; // the best cost
49  int BestQ; // the best position
50  int VarCurrent; // the current variable to move
51  int q; // denotes the current position of the variable
52  int c; // performs the loops over variables until all of them are sifted
53  int v; // used for other purposes
55  assert( p->nSupp > 0 );
57  // set the current cost depending on the minimization criteria
58  if ( p->fMinWidth )
59  CostCurrent = p->nWidthCur;
60  else if ( p->fMinApl )
61  CostCurrent = p->nAplCur;
62  else
63  CostCurrent = p->nNodesCur;
65  // find the upper bound on tbe cost growth
66  CostLimit = 1 + (int)(REO_REORDER_LIMIT * CostCurrent);
68  // perform sifting for each of p->nSupp variables
69  for ( c = 0; c < p->nSupp; c++ )
70  {
71  // select the current variable to be the one with the largest number of nodes that is not sifted yet
72  VarCurrent = -1;
73  CostBest = -1.0;
74  for ( v = 0; v < p->nSupp; v++ )
75  {
76  p->pVarCosts[v] = REO_HIGH_VALUE;
77  if ( !p->pPlanes[v].fSifted )
78  {
79 // VarCurrent = v;
80 // if ( CostBest < p->pPlanes[v].statsCost )
81  if ( CostBest < p->pPlanes[v].statsNodes )
82  {
83 // CostBest = p->pPlanes[v].statsCost;
84  CostBest = p->pPlanes[v].statsNodes;
85  VarCurrent = v;
86  }
88  }
89  }
90  assert( VarCurrent != -1 );
91  // mark this variable as sifted
92  p->pPlanes[VarCurrent].fSifted = 1;
94  // set the current value
95  p->pVarCosts[VarCurrent] = CostCurrent;
97  // set the best cost
98  CostBest = CostCurrent;
99  BestQ = VarCurrent;
101  // determine which way to move the variable first (up or down)
102  // the rationale is that if we move the shorter way first
103  // it is more likely that the best position will be found on the longer way
104  // and the reverse movement (to take the best position) will be faster
105  if ( VarCurrent < p->nSupp/2 ) // move up first, then down
106  {
107  // set the total cost on all levels above the current level
108  p->pPlanes[0].statsCostAbove = 0;
109  for ( v = 1; v <= VarCurrent; v++ )
110  p->pPlanes[v].statsCostAbove = p->pPlanes[v-1].statsCostAbove + p->pPlanes[v-1].statsCost;
111  // set the total cost on all levels below the current level
112  p->pPlanes[p->nSupp].statsCostBelow = 0;
113  for ( v = p->nSupp - 1; v >= VarCurrent; v-- )
114  p->pPlanes[v].statsCostBelow = p->pPlanes[v+1].statsCostBelow + p->pPlanes[v+1].statsCost;
116  assert( CostCurrent == p->pPlanes[VarCurrent].statsCostAbove +
117  p->pPlanes[VarCurrent].statsCost +
118  p->pPlanes[VarCurrent].statsCostBelow );
120  // move up
121  for ( q = VarCurrent-1; q >= 0; q-- )
122  {
123  CostCurrent -= reoReorderSwapAdjacentVars( p, q, 1 );
124  // now q points to the position of this var in the order
125  p->pVarCosts[q] = CostCurrent;
126  // update the lower bound (assuming that for level q+1 it is set correctly)
127  p->pPlanes[q].statsCostBelow = p->pPlanes[q+1].statsCostBelow + p->pPlanes[q+1].statsCost;
128  // check the upper bound
129  if ( CostCurrent >= CostLimit )
130  break;
131  // check the lower bound
132  if ( p->pPlanes[q].statsCostBelow + (REO_QUAL_PAR-1)*p->pPlanes[q].statsCostAbove/REO_QUAL_PAR >= CostBest )
133  break;
134  // update the best cost
135  if ( CostBest > CostCurrent )
136  {
137  CostBest = CostCurrent;
138  BestQ = q;
139  // adjust node limit
140  CostLimit = ddMin( CostLimit, 1 + (int)(REO_REORDER_LIMIT * CostCurrent) );
141  }
143  // when we are reordering for width or APL, it may happen that
144  // the number of nodes has grown above certain limit,
145  // in which case we have to resize the data structures
146  if ( p->fMinWidth || p->fMinApl )
147  {
148  if ( p->nNodesCur >= 2 * p->nNodesMaxAlloc )
149  {
150 // printf( "Resizing data structures. Old size = %6d. New size = %6d.\n", p->nNodesMaxAlloc, p->nNodesCur );
151  reoResizeStructures( p, 0, p->nNodesCur, 0 );
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  // fix the plane index
156  if ( q == -1 )
157  q++;
158  // now p points to the position of this var in the order
160  // move down
161  for ( ; q < p->nSupp-1; )
162  {
163  CostCurrent -= reoReorderSwapAdjacentVars( p, q, 0 );
164  q++; // change q to point to the position of this var in the order
165  // sanity check: the number of nodes on the back pass should be the same
166  if ( p->pVarCosts[q] != REO_HIGH_VALUE && fabs( p->pVarCosts[q] - CostCurrent ) > REO_COST_EPSILON )
167  printf("reoReorderSift(): Error! On the backward move, the costs are different.\n");
168  p->pVarCosts[q] = CostCurrent;
169  // update the lower bound (assuming that for level q-1 it is set correctly)
170  p->pPlanes[q].statsCostAbove = p->pPlanes[q-1].statsCostAbove + p->pPlanes[q-1].statsCost;
171  // check the bounds only if the variable already reached its previous position
172  if ( q >= BestQ )
173  {
174  // check the upper bound
175  if ( CostCurrent >= CostLimit )
176  break;
177  // check the lower bound
178  if ( p->pPlanes[q].statsCostAbove + (REO_QUAL_PAR-1)*p->pPlanes[q].statsCostBelow/REO_QUAL_PAR >= CostBest )
179  break;
180  }
181  // update the best cost
182  if ( CostBest >= CostCurrent )
183  {
184  CostBest = CostCurrent;
185  BestQ = q;
186  // adjust node limit
187  CostLimit = ddMin( CostLimit, 1 + (int)(REO_REORDER_LIMIT * CostCurrent) );
188  }
190  // when we are reordering for width or APL, it may happen that
191  // the number of nodes has grown above certain limit,
192  // in which case we have to resize the data structures
193  if ( p->fMinWidth || p->fMinApl )
194  {
195  if ( p->nNodesCur >= 2 * p->nNodesMaxAlloc )
196  {
197 // printf( "Resizing data structures. Old size = %6d. New size = %6d.\n", p->nNodesMaxAlloc, p->nNodesCur );
198  reoResizeStructures( p, 0, p->nNodesCur, 0 );
199  }
200  }
201  }
202  // move the variable up from the given position (q) to the best position (BestQ)
203  assert( q >= BestQ );
204  for ( ; q > BestQ; q-- )
205  {
206  CostCurrent -= reoReorderSwapAdjacentVars( p, q-1, 1 );
207  // sanity check: the number of nodes on the back pass should be the same
208  if ( fabs( p->pVarCosts[q-1] - CostCurrent ) > REO_COST_EPSILON )
209  {
210  printf("reoReorderSift(): Error! On the return move, the costs are different.\n" );
211  fflush(stdout);
212  }
213  }
214  }
215  else // move down first, then up
216  {
217  // set the current number of nodes on all levels above the given level
218  p->pPlanes[0].statsCostAbove = 0;
219  for ( v = 1; v <= VarCurrent; v++ )
220  p->pPlanes[v].statsCostAbove = p->pPlanes[v-1].statsCostAbove + p->pPlanes[v-1].statsCost;
221  // set the current number of nodes on all levels below the given level
222  p->pPlanes[p->nSupp].statsCostBelow = 0;
223  for ( v = p->nSupp - 1; v >= VarCurrent; v-- )
224  p->pPlanes[v].statsCostBelow = p->pPlanes[v+1].statsCostBelow + p->pPlanes[v+1].statsCost;
226  assert( CostCurrent == p->pPlanes[VarCurrent].statsCostAbove +
227  p->pPlanes[VarCurrent].statsCost +
228  p->pPlanes[VarCurrent].statsCostBelow );
230  // move down
231  for ( q = VarCurrent; q < p->nSupp-1; )
232  {
233  CostCurrent -= reoReorderSwapAdjacentVars( p, q, 0 );
234  q++; // change q to point to the position of this var in the order
235  p->pVarCosts[q] = CostCurrent;
236  // update the lower bound (assuming that for level q-1 it is set correctly)
237  p->pPlanes[q].statsCostAbove = p->pPlanes[q-1].statsCostAbove + p->pPlanes[q-1].statsCost;
238  // check the upper bound
239  if ( CostCurrent >= CostLimit )
240  break;
241  // check the lower bound
242  if ( p->pPlanes[q].statsCostAbove + (REO_QUAL_PAR-1)*p->pPlanes[q].statsCostBelow/REO_QUAL_PAR >= CostBest )
243  break;
244  // update the best cost
245  if ( CostBest > CostCurrent )
246  {
247  CostBest = CostCurrent;
248  BestQ = q;
249  // adjust node limit
250  CostLimit = ddMin( CostLimit, 1 + (int)(REO_REORDER_LIMIT * CostCurrent) );
251  }
253  // when we are reordering for width or APL, it may happen that
254  // the number of nodes has grown above certain limit,
255  // in which case we have to resize the data structures
256  if ( p->fMinWidth || p->fMinApl )
257  {
258  if ( p->nNodesCur >= 2 * p->nNodesMaxAlloc )
259  {
260 // printf( "Resizing data structures. Old size = %6d. New size = %6d.\n", p->nNodesMaxAlloc, p->nNodesCur );
261  reoResizeStructures( p, 0, p->nNodesCur, 0 );
262  }
263  }
264  }
266  // move up
267  for ( --q; q >= 0; q-- )
268  {
269  CostCurrent -= reoReorderSwapAdjacentVars( p, q, 1 );
270  // now q points to the position of this var in the order
271  // sanity check: the number of nodes on the back pass should be the same
272  if ( p->pVarCosts[q] != REO_HIGH_VALUE && fabs( p->pVarCosts[q] - CostCurrent ) > REO_COST_EPSILON )
273  printf("reoReorderSift(): Error! On the backward move, the costs are different.\n");
274  p->pVarCosts[q] = CostCurrent;
275  // update the lower bound (assuming that for level q+1 it is set correctly)
276  p->pPlanes[q].statsCostBelow = p->pPlanes[q+1].statsCostBelow + p->pPlanes[q+1].statsCost;
277  // check the bounds only if the variable already reached its previous position
278  if ( q <= BestQ )
279  {
280  // check the upper bound
281  if ( CostCurrent >= CostLimit )
282  break;
283  // check the lower bound
284  if ( p->pPlanes[q].statsCostBelow + (REO_QUAL_PAR-1)*p->pPlanes[q].statsCostAbove/REO_QUAL_PAR >= CostBest )
285  break;
286  }
287  // update the best cost
288  if ( CostBest >= CostCurrent )
289  {
290  CostBest = CostCurrent;
291  BestQ = q;
292  // adjust node limit
293  CostLimit = ddMin( CostLimit, 1 + (int)(REO_REORDER_LIMIT * CostCurrent) );
294  }
296  // when we are reordering for width or APL, it may happen that
297  // the number of nodes has grown above certain limit,
298  // in which case we have to resize the data structures
299  if ( p->fMinWidth || p->fMinApl )
300  {
301  if ( p->nNodesCur >= 2 * p->nNodesMaxAlloc )
302  {
303 // printf( "Resizing data structures. Old size = %6d. New size = %6d.\n", p->nNodesMaxAlloc, p->nNodesCur );
304  reoResizeStructures( p, 0, p->nNodesCur, 0 );
305  }
306  }
307  }
308  // fix the plane index
309  if ( q == -1 )
310  q++;
311  // now q points to the position of this var in the order
312  // move the variable down from the given position (q) to the best position (BestQ)
313  assert( q <= BestQ );
314  for ( ; q < BestQ; q++ )
315  {
316  CostCurrent -= reoReorderSwapAdjacentVars( p, q, 0 );
317  // sanity check: the number of nodes on the back pass should be the same
318  if ( fabs( p->pVarCosts[q+1] - CostCurrent ) > REO_COST_EPSILON )
319  {
320  printf("reoReorderSift(): Error! On the return move, the costs are different.\n" );
321  fflush(stdout);
322  }
323  }
324  }
325  assert( fabs( CostBest - CostCurrent ) < REO_COST_EPSILON );
327  // update the cost
328  if ( p->fMinWidth )
329  p->nWidthCur = (int)CostBest;
330  else if ( p->fMinApl )
331  p->nAplCur = CostCurrent;
332  else
333  p->nNodesCur = (int)CostBest;
334  }
336  // remove the sifted attributes if any
337  for ( v = 0; v < p->nSupp; v++ )
338  p->pPlanes[v].fSifted = 0;
339 }
int fMinApl
Definition: reo.h:105
double * pVarCosts
Definition: reo.h:121
double nAplCur
Definition: reo.h:132
int nNodesCur
Definition: reo.h:127
double statsCostBelow
Definition: reo.h:88
int nNodesMaxAlloc
Definition: reo.h:154
int nSupp
Definition: reo.h:119
for(p=first;p->value< newval;p=p->next)
double statsCostAbove
Definition: reo.h:87
Definition: reo.h:44
int fMinWidth
Definition: reo.h:104
void reoResizeStructures(reo_man *p, int nDdVarsMax, int nNodesMax, int nFuncs)
Definition: reoCore.c:269
double statsCost
Definition: reo.h:86
#define ddMin(x, y)
Definition: cuddInt.h:818
double reoReorderSwapAdjacentVars(reo_man *p, int Level, int fMovingUp)
Definition: reoSwap.c:46
reo_plane * pPlanes
Definition: reo.h:142
#define REO_QUAL_PAR
Definition: reo.h:38
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
Definition: reo.h:43
int statsNodes
Definition: reo.h:83
Definition: reo.h:37
int fSifted
Definition: reo.h:82
int nWidthCur
Definition: reo.h:129