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1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3  FileName [extraBddCas.c]
5  PackageName [extra]
7  Synopsis [Procedures related to LUT cascade synthesis.]
9  Author [Alan Mishchenko]
11  Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
13  Date [Ver. 2.0. Started - September 1, 2003.]
15  Revision [$Id: extraBddCas.c,v 1.0 2003/05/21 18:03:50 alanmi Exp $]
17 ***********************************************************************/
19 #include "extraBdd.h"
24 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
25 /* Constant declarations */
26 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 /* Stucture declarations */
30 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
33 /* Type declarations */
34 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 // the table to store cofactor operations
37 #define _TABLESIZE_COF 51113
38 typedef struct
39 {
40  unsigned Sign;
45 // the table to store the result of computation of the number of minterms
46 #define _TABLESIZE_MINT 15113
47 typedef struct
48 {
50  unsigned Arg2;
51  unsigned Res;
55 typedef struct
56 {
57  int nEdges; // the number of in-coming edges of the node
58  DdNode * bSum; // the sum of paths of the incoming edges
59 } traventry;
61 // the signature used for hashing
62 static unsigned s_Signature = 1;
64 static int s_CutLevel = 0;
66 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
67 /* Variable declarations */
68 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
70 // because the proposed solution to the optimal encoding problem has exponential complexity
71 // we limit the depth of the branch and bound procedure to 5 levels
72 static int s_MaxDepth = 5;
74 static int s_nVarsBest; // the number of vars in the best ordering
75 static int s_VarOrderBest[32]; // storing the best ordering of vars in the "simple encoding"
76 static int s_VarOrderCur[32]; // storing the current ordering of vars
78 // the place to store the supports of the encoded function
79 static DdNode * s_Field[8][256]; // the size should be K, 2^K, where K is no less than MaxDepth
80 static DdNode * s_Encoded; // this is the original function
81 static DdNode * s_VarAll; // the set of all column variables
82 static int s_MultiStart; // the total number of encoding variables used
83 // the array field now stores the supports
85 static DdNode ** s_pbTemp; // the temporary storage for the columns
87 static int s_BackTracks;
88 static int s_BackTrackLimit = 100;
90 static DdNode * s_Terminal; // the terminal value for counting minterms
96 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
97 /* Macro declarations */
98 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
101 /**AutomaticStart*************************************************************/
103 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
104 /* Static function prototypes */
105 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
107 static DdNode * CreateTheCodes_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bEncoded, int Level, DdNode ** pCVars );
108 static void EvaluateEncodings_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bVarsCol, int nVarsCol, int nMulti, int Level );
109 // functions called from EvaluateEncodings_rec()
110 static DdNode * ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bVars, DdNode * bVarTop, unsigned * Cost );
111 static DdNode * ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms2( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bVars, DdNode * bVarTop, unsigned * Cost );
112 unsigned Extra_CountCofactorMinterms( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bFunc, DdNode * bVarsCof, DdNode * bVarsAll );
113 static unsigned Extra_CountMintermsSimple( DdNode * bFunc, unsigned max );
115 static void CountNodeVisits_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * aFunc, st__table * Visited );
116 static void CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * aFunc, DdNode * bCube, st__table * Visited, st__table * CutNodes );
118 /**AutomaticEnd***************************************************************/
121 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
122 /* Definition of exported functions */
123 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
125 /**Function********************************************************************
127  Synopsis [Performs the binary encoding of the set of function using the given vars.]
129  Description [Performs a straight binary encoding of the set of functions using
130  the variable cubes formed from the given set of variables. ]
132  SideEffects []
134  SeeAlso []
136 ******************************************************************************/
137 DdNode *
139  DdManager * dd,
140  DdNode ** pbFuncs, // pbFuncs is the array of columns to be encoded
141  int nFuncs, // nFuncs is the number of columns in the array
142  DdNode ** pbVars, // pbVars is the array of variables to use for the codes
143  int nVars ) // nVars is the column multiplicity, [log2(nFuncs)]
144 {
145  int i;
146  DdNode * bResult;
147  DdNode * bCube, * bTemp, * bProd;
149  assert( nVars >= Abc_Base2Log(nFuncs) );
151  bResult = b0; Cudd_Ref( bResult );
152  for ( i = 0; i < nFuncs; i++ )
153  {
154  bCube = Extra_bddBitsToCube( dd, i, nVars, pbVars, 1 ); Cudd_Ref( bCube );
155  bProd = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bCube, pbFuncs[i] ); Cudd_Ref( bProd );
156  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCube );
158  bResult = Cudd_bddOr( dd, bProd, bTemp = bResult ); Cudd_Ref( bResult );
159  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bTemp );
160  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bProd );
161  }
163  Cudd_Deref( bResult );
164  return bResult;
165 } /* end of Extra_bddEncodingBinary */
168 /**Function********************************************************************
170  Synopsis [Solves the column encoding problem using a sophisticated method.]
172  Description [The encoding is based on the idea of deriving functions which
173  depend on only one variable, which corresponds to the case of non-disjoint
174  decompostion. It is assumed that the variables pCVars are ordered below the variables
175  representing the solumns, and the first variable pCVars[0] is the topmost one.]
177  SideEffects []
179  SeeAlso [Extra_bddEncodingBinary]
181 ******************************************************************************/
183 DdNode *
185  DdManager * dd,
186  DdNode ** pbColumns, // pbColumns is the array of columns to be encoded;
187  int nColumns, // nColumns is the number of columns in the array
188  DdNode * bVarsCol, // bVarsCol is the cube of variables on which the columns depend
189  DdNode ** pCVars, // pCVars is the array of variables to use for the codes
190  int nMulti, // nMulti is the column multiplicity, [log2(nColumns)]
191  int * pSimple ) // pSimple gets the number of code variables taken from the input varibles without change
192 {
193  DdNode * bEncoded, * bResult;
194  int nVarsCol = Cudd_SupportSize(dd,bVarsCol);
195  abctime clk;
197  // cannot work with more that 32-bit codes
198  assert( nMulti < 32 );
200  // perform the preliminary encoding using the straight binary code
201  bEncoded = Extra_bddEncodingBinary( dd, pbColumns, nColumns, pCVars, nMulti ); Cudd_Ref( bEncoded );
202  //printf( "Node count = %d", Cudd_DagSize(bEncoded) );
204  // set the backgroup value for counting minterms
205  s_Terminal = b0;
206  // set the level of the encoding variables
207  s_EncodingVarsLevel = dd->invperm[pCVars[0]->index];
209  // the current number of backtracks
210  s_BackTracks = 0;
211  // the variables that are cofactored on the topmost level where everything starts (no vars)
212  s_Field[0][0] = b1;
213  // the size of the best set of "simple" encoding variables found so far
214  s_nVarsBest = 0;
216  // set the relation to be accessible to traversal procedures
217  s_Encoded = bEncoded;
218  // the set of all vars to be accessible to traversal procedures
219  s_VarAll = bVarsCol;
220  // the column multiplicity
221  s_MultiStart = nMulti;
224  clk = Abc_Clock();
225  // find the simplest encoding
226  if ( nColumns > 2 )
227  EvaluateEncodings_rec( dd, bVarsCol, nVarsCol, nMulti, 1 );
228 // printf( "The number of backtracks = %d\n", s_BackTracks );
229 // s_EncSearchTime += Abc_Clock() - clk;
231  // allocate the temporary storage for the columns
232  s_pbTemp = (DdNode **)ABC_ALLOC( char, nColumns * sizeof(DdNode *) );
234 // clk = Abc_Clock();
235  bResult = CreateTheCodes_rec( dd, bEncoded, 0, pCVars ); Cudd_Ref( bResult );
236 // s_EncComputeTime += Abc_Clock() - clk;
238  // delocate the preliminarily encoded set
239  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bEncoded );
240 // Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, aEncoded );
242  ABC_FREE( s_pbTemp );
244  *pSimple = s_nVarsBest;
245  Cudd_Deref( bResult );
246  return bResult;
247 }
249 /**Function********************************************************************
251  Synopsis [Collects the nodes under the cut and, for each node, computes the sum of paths leading to it from the root.]
253  Description [The table returned contains the set of BDD nodes pointed to under the cut
254  and, for each node, the BDD of the sum of paths leading to this node from the root
255  The sums of paths in the table are referenced. CutLevel is the first DD level
256  considered to be under the cut.]
258  SideEffects []
260  SeeAlso [Extra_bddNodePaths]
262 ******************************************************************************/
263  st__table * Extra_bddNodePathsUnderCut( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bFunc, int CutLevel )
264 {
265  st__table * Visited; // temporary table to remember the visited nodes
266  st__table * CutNodes; // the result goes here
267  st__table * Result; // the result goes here
268  DdNode * aFunc;
270  s_CutLevel = CutLevel;
273  // the terminal cases
274  if ( Cudd_IsConstant( bFunc ) )
275  {
276  if ( bFunc == b1 )
277  {
278  st__insert( Result, (char*)b1, (char*)b1 );
279  Cudd_Ref( b1 );
280  Cudd_Ref( b1 );
281  }
282  else
283  {
284  st__insert( Result, (char*)b0, (char*)b0 );
285  Cudd_Ref( b0 );
286  Cudd_Ref( b0 );
287  }
288  return Result;
289  }
291  // create the ADD to simplify processing (no complemented edges)
292  aFunc = Cudd_BddToAdd( dd, bFunc ); Cudd_Ref( aFunc );
294  // Step 1: Start the tables and collect information about the nodes above the cut
295  // this information tells how many edges point to each node
296  Visited = st__init_table( st__ptrcmp, st__ptrhash);;
297  CutNodes = st__init_table( st__ptrcmp, st__ptrhash);;
299  CountNodeVisits_rec( dd, aFunc, Visited );
301  // Step 2: Traverse the BDD using the visited table and compute the sum of paths
302  CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec( dd, aFunc, b1, Visited, CutNodes );
304  // at this point the table of cut nodes is ready and the table of visited is useless
305  {
306  st__generator * gen;
307  DdNode * aNode;
308  traventry * p;
309  st__foreach_item( Visited, gen, (const char**)&aNode, (char**)&p )
310  {
311  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, p->bSum );
312  ABC_FREE( p );
313  }
314  st__free_table( Visited );
315  }
317  // go through the table CutNodes and create the BDD and the path to be returned
318  {
319  st__generator * gen;
320  DdNode * aNode, * bNode, * bSum;
321  st__foreach_item( CutNodes, gen, (const char**)&aNode, (char**)&bSum)
322  {
323  // aNode is not referenced, because aFunc is holding it
324  bNode = Cudd_addBddPattern( dd, aNode ); Cudd_Ref( bNode );
325  st__insert( Result, (char*)bNode, (char*)bSum );
326  // the new table takes both refs
327  }
328  st__free_table( CutNodes );
329  }
331  // dereference the ADD
332  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, aFunc );
334  // return the table
335  return Result;
337 } /* end of Extra_bddNodePathsUnderCut */
339 /**Function********************************************************************
341  Synopsis [Collects the nodes under the cut in the ADD starting from the given set of ADD nodes.]
343  Description [Takes the array, paNodes, of ADD nodes to start the traversal,
344  the array, pbCubes, of BDD cubes to start the traversal with in each node,
345  and the number, nNodes, of ADD nodes and BDD cubes in paNodes and pbCubes.
346  Returns the number of columns found. Fills in paNodesRes (pbCubesRes)
347  with the set of ADD columns (BDD paths). These arrays should be allocated
348  by the user.]
350  SideEffects []
352  SeeAlso [Extra_bddNodePaths]
354 ******************************************************************************/
355 int Extra_bddNodePathsUnderCutArray( DdManager * dd, DdNode ** paNodes, DdNode ** pbCubes, int nNodes, DdNode ** paNodesRes, DdNode ** pbCubesRes, int CutLevel )
356 {
357  st__table * Visited; // temporary table to remember the visited nodes
358  st__table * CutNodes; // the nodes under the cut go here
359  int i, Counter;
361  s_CutLevel = CutLevel;
363  // there should be some nodes
364  assert( nNodes > 0 );
365  if ( nNodes == 1 && Cudd_IsConstant( paNodes[0] ) )
366  {
367  if ( paNodes[0] == a1 )
368  {
369  paNodesRes[0] = a1; Cudd_Ref( a1 );
370  pbCubesRes[0] = pbCubes[0]; Cudd_Ref( pbCubes[0] );
371  }
372  else
373  {
374  paNodesRes[0] = a0; Cudd_Ref( a0 );
375  pbCubesRes[0] = pbCubes[0]; Cudd_Ref( pbCubes[0] );
376  }
377  return 1;
378  }
380  // Step 1: Start the table and collect information about the nodes above the cut
381  // this information tells how many edges point to each node
382  CutNodes = st__init_table( st__ptrcmp, st__ptrhash);;
383  Visited = st__init_table( st__ptrcmp, st__ptrhash);;
385  for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
386  CountNodeVisits_rec( dd, paNodes[i], Visited );
388  // Step 2: Traverse the BDD using the visited table and compute the sum of paths
389  for ( i = 0; i < nNodes; i++ )
390  CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec( dd, paNodes[i], pbCubes[i], Visited, CutNodes );
392  // at this point, the table of cut nodes is ready and the table of visited is useless
393  {
394  st__generator * gen;
395  DdNode * aNode;
396  traventry * p;
397  st__foreach_item( Visited, gen, (const char**)&aNode, (char**)&p )
398  {
399  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, p->bSum );
400  ABC_FREE( p );
401  }
402  st__free_table( Visited );
403  }
405  // go through the table CutNodes and create the BDD and the path to be returned
406  {
407  st__generator * gen;
408  DdNode * aNode, * bSum;
409  Counter = 0;
410  st__foreach_item( CutNodes, gen, (const char**)&aNode, (char**)&bSum)
411  {
412  paNodesRes[Counter] = aNode; Cudd_Ref( aNode );
413  pbCubesRes[Counter] = bSum;
414  Counter++;
415  }
416  st__free_table( CutNodes );
417  }
419  // return the number of cofactors found
420  return Counter;
422 } /* end of Extra_bddNodePathsUnderCutArray */
424 /**Function*************************************************************
426  Synopsis [Collects all the BDD nodes into the table.]
428  Description []
430  SideEffects []
432  SeeAlso []
434 ***********************************************************************/
435 void extraCollectNodes( DdNode * Func, st__table * tNodes )
436 {
437  DdNode * FuncR;
438  FuncR = Cudd_Regular(Func);
439  if ( st__find_or_add( tNodes, (char*)FuncR, NULL ) )
440  return;
441  if ( cuddIsConstant(FuncR) )
442  return;
443  extraCollectNodes( cuddE(FuncR), tNodes );
444  extraCollectNodes( cuddT(FuncR), tNodes );
445 }
447 /**Function*************************************************************
449  Synopsis [Collects all the nodes of one DD into the table.]
451  Description []
453  SideEffects []
455  SeeAlso []
457 ***********************************************************************/
459 {
460  st__table * tNodes;
462  extraCollectNodes( Func, tNodes );
463  return tNodes;
464 }
466 /**Function*************************************************************
468  Synopsis [Updates the topmost level from which the given node is referenced.]
470  Description [Takes the table which maps each BDD nodes (including the constants)
471  into the topmost level on which this node counts as a cofactor. Takes the topmost
472  level, on which this node counts as a cofactor (see Extra_ProfileWidthFast().
473  Takes the node, for which the table entry should be updated.]
475  SideEffects []
477  SeeAlso []
479 ***********************************************************************/
480 void extraProfileUpdateTopLevel( st__table * tNodeTopRef, int TopLevelNew, DdNode * node )
481 {
482  int * pTopLevel;
484  if ( st__find_or_add( tNodeTopRef, (char*)node, (char***)&pTopLevel ) )
485  { // the node is already referenced
486  // the current top level should be updated if it is larger than the new level
487  if ( *pTopLevel > TopLevelNew )
488  *pTopLevel = TopLevelNew;
489  }
490  else
491  { // the node is not referenced
492  // its level should be set to the current new level
493  *pTopLevel = TopLevelNew;
494  }
495 }
496 /**Function*************************************************************
498  Synopsis [Fast computation of the BDD profile.]
500  Description [The array to store the profile is given by the user and should
501  contain at least as many entries as there is the maximum of the BDD/ZDD
502  size of the manager PLUS ONE.
503  When we say that the widths of the DD on level L is W, we mean the following.
504  Let us create the cut between the level L-1 and the level L and count the number
505  of different DD nodes pointed to across the cut. This number is the width W.
506  From this it follows the on level 0, the width is equal to the number of external
507  pointers to the considered DDs. If there is only one DD, then the profile on
508  level 0 is always 1. If this DD is rooted in the topmost variable, then the width
509  on level 1 is always 2, etc. The width at the level equal to dd->size is the
510  number of terminal nodes in the DD. (Because we consider the first level #0
511  and the last level #dd->size, the profile array should contain dd->size+1 entries.)
512  ]
514  SideEffects [This procedure will not work for BDDs w/ complement edges, only for ADDs and ZDDs]
516  SeeAlso []
518 ***********************************************************************/
519 int Extra_ProfileWidth( DdManager * dd, DdNode * Func, int * pProfile, int CutLevel )
520 {
521  st__generator * gen;
522  st__table * tNodeTopRef; // this table stores the top level from which this node is pointed to
523  st__table * tNodes;
524  DdNode * node;
525  DdNode * nodeR;
526  int LevelStart, Limit;
527  int i, size;
528  int WidthMax;
530  // start the mapping table
531  tNodeTopRef = st__init_table( st__ptrcmp, st__ptrhash);;
532  // add the topmost node to the profile
533  extraProfileUpdateTopLevel( tNodeTopRef, 0, Func );
535  // collect all nodes
536  tNodes = Extra_CollectNodes( Func );
537  // go though all the nodes and set the top level the cofactors are pointed from
538 // Cudd_ForeachNode( dd, Func, genDD, node )
539  st__foreach_item( tNodes, gen, (const char**)&node, NULL )
540  {
541 // assert( Cudd_Regular(node) ); // this procedure works only with ADD/ZDD (not BDD w/ compl.edges)
542  nodeR = Cudd_Regular(node);
543  if ( cuddIsConstant(nodeR) )
544  continue;
545  // this node is not a constant - consider its cofactors
546  extraProfileUpdateTopLevel( tNodeTopRef, dd->perm[node->index]+1, cuddE(nodeR) );
547  extraProfileUpdateTopLevel( tNodeTopRef, dd->perm[node->index]+1, cuddT(nodeR) );
548  }
549  st__free_table( tNodes );
551  // clean the profile
552  size = ddMax(dd->size, dd->sizeZ) + 1;
553  for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
554  pProfile[i] = 0;
556  // create the profile
557  st__foreach_item( tNodeTopRef, gen, (const char**)&node, (char**)&LevelStart )
558  {
559  nodeR = Cudd_Regular(node);
560  Limit = (cuddIsConstant(nodeR))? dd->size: dd->perm[nodeR->index];
561  for ( i = LevelStart; i <= Limit; i++ )
562  pProfile[i]++;
563  }
565  if ( CutLevel != -1 && CutLevel != 0 )
566  size = CutLevel;
568  // get the max width
569  WidthMax = 0;
570  for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
571  if ( WidthMax < pProfile[i] )
572  WidthMax = pProfile[i];
574  // deref the table
575  st__free_table( tNodeTopRef );
577  return WidthMax;
578 } /* end of Extra_ProfileWidth */
581 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
582 /* Definition of internal functions */
583 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
585 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
586 /* Definition of static functions */
587 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
589 /**Function********************************************************************
591  Synopsis [Computes the non-strict codes when evaluation is finished.]
593  Description [The information about the best code is stored in s_VarOrderBest,
594  which has s_nVarsBest entries.]
596  SideEffects [None]
598 ******************************************************************************/
599 DdNode * CreateTheCodes_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bEncoded, int Level, DdNode ** pCVars )
600 // bEncoded is the preliminarily encoded set of columns
601 // Level is the current level in the recursion
602 // pCVars are the variables to be used for encoding
603 {
604  DdNode * bRes;
605  if ( Level == s_nVarsBest )
606  { // the terminal case, when we need to remap the encoded function
607  // from the preliminary encoded variables to the new ones
608  st__table * CutNodes;
609  int nCols;
610 // double nMints;
611 /*
612 #ifdef _DEBUG
614  {
615  DdNode * bTemp;
616  // make sure that the given number of variables is enough
617  bTemp = Cudd_bddExistAbstract( dd, bEncoded, s_VarAll ); Cudd_Ref( bTemp );
618 // nMints = Cudd_CountMinterm( dd, bTemp, s_MultiStart );
619  nMints = Extra_CountMintermsSimple( bTemp, (1<<s_MultiStart) );
620  if ( nMints > Extra_Power2( s_MultiStart-Level ) )
621  { // the number of minterms is too large to encode the columns
622  // using the given minimum number of encoding variables
623  assert( 0 );
624  }
625  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bTemp );
626  }
627 #endif
628 */
629  // get the columns to be re-encoded
630  CutNodes = Extra_bddNodePathsUnderCut( dd, bEncoded, s_EncodingVarsLevel );
631  // LUT size is the cut level because because the temporary encoding variables
632  // are above the functional variables - this is not true!!!
633  // the temporary variables are below!
635  // put the entries from the table into the temporary array
636  {
637  st__generator * gen;
638  DdNode * bColumn, * bCode;
639  nCols = 0;
640  st__foreach_item( CutNodes, gen, (const char**)&bCode, (char**)&bColumn )
641  {
642  if ( bCode == b0 )
643  { // the unused part of the columns
644  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bColumn );
645  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCode );
646  continue;
647  }
648  else
649  {
650  s_pbTemp[ nCols ] = bColumn; // takes ref
651  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCode );
652  nCols++;
653  }
654  }
655  st__free_table( CutNodes );
656 // assert( nCols == (int)nMints );
657  }
659  // encode the columns
660  if ( s_MultiStart-Level == 0 ) // we reached the bottom level of recursion
661  {
662  assert( nCols == 1 );
663 // assert( (int)nMints == 1 );
664  bRes = s_pbTemp[0]; Cudd_Ref( bRes );
665  }
666  else
667  {
668  bRes = Extra_bddEncodingBinary( dd, s_pbTemp, nCols, pCVars+Level, s_MultiStart-Level ); Cudd_Ref( bRes );
669  }
671  // deref the columns
672  {
673  int i;
674  for ( i = 0; i < nCols; i++ )
675  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, s_pbTemp[i] );
676  }
677  }
678  else
679  {
680  // cofactor the problem as specified in the best solution
681  DdNode * bCof0, * bCof1;
682  DdNode * bRes0, * bRes1;
683  DdNode * bProd0, * bProd1;
684  DdNode * bTemp;
685  DdNode * bVarNext = dd->vars[ s_VarOrderBest[Level] ];
687  bCof0 = Cudd_Cofactor( dd, bEncoded, Cudd_Not( bVarNext ) ); Cudd_Ref( bCof0 );
688  bCof1 = Cudd_Cofactor( dd, bEncoded, bVarNext ); Cudd_Ref( bCof1 );
690  // call recursively
691  bRes0 = CreateTheCodes_rec( dd, bCof0, Level+1, pCVars ); Cudd_Ref( bRes0 );
692  bRes1 = CreateTheCodes_rec( dd, bCof1, Level+1, pCVars ); Cudd_Ref( bRes1 );
694  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCof0 );
695  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCof1 );
697  // compose the result using the identity (bVarNext <=> pCVars[Level]) - this is wrong!
698  // compose the result as follows: x'y'F0 + xyF1
699  bProd0 = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, Cudd_Not(bVarNext), Cudd_Not(pCVars[Level]) ); Cudd_Ref( bProd0 );
700  bProd1 = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bVarNext , pCVars[Level] ); Cudd_Ref( bProd1 );
702  bProd0 = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bTemp = bProd0, bRes0 ); Cudd_Ref( bProd0 );
703  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bTemp );
704  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bRes0 );
706  bProd1 = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bTemp = bProd1, bRes1 ); Cudd_Ref( bProd1 );
707  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bTemp );
708  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bRes1 );
710  bRes = Cudd_bddOr( dd, bProd0, bProd1 ); Cudd_Ref( bRes );
712  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bProd0 );
713  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bProd1 );
714  }
715  Cudd_Deref( bRes );
716  return bRes;
717 }
719 /**Function********************************************************************
721  Synopsis [Computes the current set of variables and counts the number of minterms.]
723  Description [Old implementation.]
725  SideEffects []
727  SeeAlso []
729 ******************************************************************************/
730 void EvaluateEncodings_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bVarsCol, int nVarsCol, int nMulti, int Level )
731 // bVarsCol is the set of remaining variables
732 // nVarsCol is the number of remaining variables
733 // nMulti is the number of encoding variables to be used
734 // Level is the level of recursion, from which this function is called
735 // if we successfully finish this procedure, Level also stands for how many encoding variabled we saved
736 {
737  int i, k;
738  int nEntries = (1<<(Level-1)); // the number of entries in the field of the previous level
739  DdNode * bVars0, * bVars1; // the cofactors
740  unsigned nMint0, nMint1; // the number of minterms
741  DdNode * bTempV;
742  DdNode * bVarTop;
743  int fBreak;
746  // there is no need to search above this level
747  if ( Level > s_MaxDepth )
748  return;
750  // if there are no variables left, quit the research
751  if ( bVarsCol == b1 )
752  return;
755  return;
757  s_BackTracks++;
759  // otherwise, go through the remaining variables
760  for ( bTempV = bVarsCol; bTempV != b1; bTempV = cuddT(bTempV) )
761  {
762  // the currently tested variable
763  bVarTop = dd->vars[bTempV->index];
765  // put it into the array
766  s_VarOrderCur[Level-1] = bTempV->index;
768  // go through the entries and fill them out by cofactoring
769  fBreak = 0;
770  for ( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ )
771  {
772  bVars0 = ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms( dd, s_Field[Level-1][i], Cudd_Not(bVarTop), &nMint0 );
773  Cudd_Ref( bVars0 );
775  if ( nMint0 > Extra_Power2( nMulti-1 ) )
776  {
777  // there is no way to encode - dereference and return
778  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bVars0 );
779  fBreak = 1;
780  break;
781  }
783  bVars1 = ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms( dd, s_Field[Level-1][i], bVarTop, &nMint1 );
784  Cudd_Ref( bVars1 );
786  if ( nMint1 > Extra_Power2( nMulti-1 ) )
787  {
788  // there is no way to encode - dereference and return
789  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bVars0 );
790  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bVars1 );
791  fBreak = 1;
792  break;
793  }
795  // otherwise, add these two cofactors
796  s_Field[Level][2*i + 0] = bVars0; // takes ref
797  s_Field[Level][2*i + 1] = bVars1; // takes ref
798  }
800  if ( !fBreak )
801  {
802  DdNode * bVarsRem;
803  // if we ended up here, it means that the cofactors w.r.t. variable bVarTop satisfy the condition
804  // save this situation
805  if ( s_nVarsBest < Level )
806  {
807  s_nVarsBest = Level;
808  // copy the variable assignment
809  for ( k = 0; k < Level; k++ )
811  }
813  // call recursively
814  // get the new variable set
815  if ( nMulti-1 > 0 )
816  {
817  bVarsRem = Cudd_bddExistAbstract( dd, bVarsCol, bVarTop ); Cudd_Ref( bVarsRem );
818  EvaluateEncodings_rec( dd, bVarsRem, nVarsCol-1, nMulti-1, Level+1 );
819  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bVarsRem );
820  }
821  }
823  // deref the contents of the array
824  for ( k = 0; k < i; k++ )
825  {
826  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, s_Field[Level][2*k + 0] );
827  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, s_Field[Level][2*k + 1] );
828  }
830  // if the solution is found, there is no need to continue
831  if ( s_nVarsBest == s_MaxDepth )
832  return;
834  // if the solution is found, there is no need to continue
835  if ( s_nVarsBest == s_MultiStart )
836  return;
837  }
838  // at this point, we have tried all possible directions in the space of variables
839 }
841 /**Function********************************************************************
843  Synopsis [Computes the current set of variables and counts the number of minterms.]
845  Description []
847  SideEffects []
849  SeeAlso []
851 ******************************************************************************/
852 DdNode * ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bVars, DdNode * bVarTop, unsigned * Cost )
853 // takes bVars - the variables cofactored so far (some of them may be in negative polarity)
854 // bVarTop - the topmost variable w.r.t. which to cofactor (may be in negative polarity)
855 // returns the cost and the new set of variables (bVars & bVarTop)
856 {
857  DdNode * bVarsRes;
859  // get the resulting set of variables
860  bVarsRes = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bVars, bVarTop ); Cudd_Ref( bVarsRes );
862  // increment signature before calling Cudd_CountCofactorMinterms()
863  s_Signature++;
864  *Cost = Extra_CountCofactorMinterms( dd, s_Encoded, bVarsRes, s_VarAll );
866  Cudd_Deref( bVarsRes );
867 // s_CountCalls++;
868  return bVarsRes;
869 }
871 /**Function********************************************************************
873  Synopsis [Computes the current set of variables and counts the number of minterms.]
875  Description [The old implementation, which is approximately 4 times slower.]
877  SideEffects []
879  SeeAlso []
881 ******************************************************************************/
882 DdNode * ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms2( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bVars, DdNode * bVarTop, unsigned * Cost )
883 {
884  DdNode * bVarsRes;
885  DdNode * bCof, * bFun;
887  bVarsRes = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, bVars, bVarTop ); Cudd_Ref( bVarsRes );
889  bCof = Cudd_Cofactor( dd, s_Encoded, bVarsRes ); Cudd_Ref( bCof );
890  bFun = Cudd_bddExistAbstract( dd, bCof, s_VarAll ); Cudd_Ref( bFun );
891  *Cost = (unsigned)Cudd_CountMinterm( dd, bFun, s_MultiStart );
892  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bFun );
893  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCof );
895  Cudd_Deref( bVarsRes );
896 // s_CountCalls++;
897  return bVarsRes;
898 }
901 /**Function********************************************************************
903  Synopsis [Counts the number of encoding minterms pointed to by the cofactor of the function.]
905  Description []
907  SideEffects [None]
909 ******************************************************************************/
910 unsigned Extra_CountCofactorMinterms( DdManager * dd, DdNode * bFunc, DdNode * bVarsCof, DdNode * bVarsAll )
911 // this function computes how many minterms depending on the encoding variables
912 // are there in the cofactor of bFunc w.r.t. variables bVarsCof
913 // bFunc is assumed to depend on variables s_VarsAll
914 // the variables s_VarsAll should be ordered above the encoding variables
915 {
916  unsigned HKey;
917  DdNode * bFuncR;
919  // if the function is zero, there are no minterms
920 // if ( bFunc == b0 )
921 // return 0;
923 // if ( st__lookup(Visited, (char*)bFunc, NULL) )
924 // return 0;
926 // HKey = hashKey2c( s_Signature, bFuncR );
927 // if ( HHTable1[HKey].Sign == s_Signature && HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 == bFuncR ) // this node is visited
928 // return 0;
931  // check the hash-table
932  bFuncR = Cudd_Regular(bFunc);
933 // HKey = hashKey2( s_Signature, bFuncR, _TABLESIZE_COF );
934  HKey = hashKey2( s_Signature, bFunc, _TABLESIZE_COF );
935  for ( ; HHTable1[HKey].Sign == s_Signature; HKey = (HKey+1) % _TABLESIZE_COF )
936 // if ( HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 == bFuncR ) // this node is visited
937  if ( HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 == bFunc ) // this node is visited
938  return 0;
941  // if the function is already the code
942  if ( dd->perm[bFuncR->index] >= s_EncodingVarsLevel )
943  {
944 // st__insert(Visited, (char*)bFunc, NULL);
946 // HHTable1[HKey].Sign = s_Signature;
947 // HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 = bFuncR;
949  assert( HHTable1[HKey].Sign != s_Signature );
950  HHTable1[HKey].Sign = s_Signature;
951 // HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 = bFuncR;
952  HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 = bFunc;
954  return Extra_CountMintermsSimple( bFunc, (1<<s_MultiStart) );
955  }
956  else
957  {
958  DdNode * bFunc0, * bFunc1;
959  DdNode * bVarsCof0, * bVarsCof1;
960  DdNode * bVarsCofR = Cudd_Regular(bVarsCof);
961  unsigned Res;
963  // get the levels
964  int LevelF = dd->perm[bFuncR->index];
965  int LevelC = cuddI(dd,bVarsCofR->index);
966  int LevelA = dd->perm[bVarsAll->index];
968  int LevelTop = LevelF;
970  if ( LevelTop > LevelC )
971  LevelTop = LevelC;
973  if ( LevelTop > LevelA )
974  LevelTop = LevelA;
976  // the top var in the function or in cofactoring vars always belongs to the set of all vars
977  assert( !( LevelTop == LevelF || LevelTop == LevelC ) || LevelTop == LevelA );
979  // cofactor the function
980  if ( LevelTop == LevelF )
981  {
982  if ( bFuncR != bFunc ) // bFunc is complemented
983  {
984  bFunc0 = Cudd_Not( cuddE(bFuncR) );
985  bFunc1 = Cudd_Not( cuddT(bFuncR) );
986  }
987  else
988  {
989  bFunc0 = cuddE(bFuncR);
990  bFunc1 = cuddT(bFuncR);
991  }
992  }
993  else // bVars is higher in the variable order
994  bFunc0 = bFunc1 = bFunc;
996  // cofactor the cube
997  if ( LevelTop == LevelC )
998  {
999  if ( bVarsCofR != bVarsCof ) // bFunc is complemented
1000  {
1001  bVarsCof0 = Cudd_Not( cuddE(bVarsCofR) );
1002  bVarsCof1 = Cudd_Not( cuddT(bVarsCofR) );
1003  }
1004  else
1005  {
1006  bVarsCof0 = cuddE(bVarsCofR);
1007  bVarsCof1 = cuddT(bVarsCofR);
1008  }
1009  }
1010  else // bVars is higher in the variable order
1011  bVarsCof0 = bVarsCof1 = bVarsCof;
1013  // there are two cases:
1014  // (1) the top variable belongs to the cofactoring variables
1015  // (2) the top variable does not belong to the cofactoring variables
1017  // (1) the top variable belongs to the cofactoring variables
1018  Res = 0;
1019  if ( LevelTop == LevelC )
1020  {
1021  if ( bVarsCof1 == b0 ) // this is a negative cofactor
1022  {
1023  if ( bFunc0 != b0 )
1024  Res = Extra_CountCofactorMinterms( dd, bFunc0, bVarsCof0, cuddT(bVarsAll) );
1025  }
1026  else // this is a positive cofactor
1027  {
1028  if ( bFunc1 != b0 )
1029  Res = Extra_CountCofactorMinterms( dd, bFunc1, bVarsCof1, cuddT(bVarsAll) );
1030  }
1031  }
1032  else
1033  {
1034  if ( bFunc0 != b0 )
1035  Res += Extra_CountCofactorMinterms( dd, bFunc0, bVarsCof0, cuddT(bVarsAll) );
1037  if ( bFunc1 != b0 )
1038  Res += Extra_CountCofactorMinterms( dd, bFunc1, bVarsCof1, cuddT(bVarsAll) );
1039  }
1041 // st__insert(Visited, (char*)bFunc, NULL);
1043 // HHTable1[HKey].Sign = s_Signature;
1044 // HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 = bFuncR;
1046  // skip through the entries with the same signatures
1047  // (these might have been created at the time of recursive calls)
1048  for ( ; HHTable1[HKey].Sign == s_Signature; HKey = (HKey+1) % _TABLESIZE_COF );
1049  assert( HHTable1[HKey].Sign != s_Signature );
1050  HHTable1[HKey].Sign = s_Signature;
1051 // HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 = bFuncR;
1052  HHTable1[HKey].Arg1 = bFunc;
1054  return Res;
1055  }
1056 }
1058 /**Function********************************************************************
1060  Synopsis [Counts the number of minterms.]
1062  Description [This function counts minterms for functions up to 32 variables
1063  using a local cache. The terminal value (s_Termina) should be adjusted for
1064  BDDs and ADDs.]
1066  SideEffects [None]
1068 ******************************************************************************/
1069 unsigned Extra_CountMintermsSimple( DdNode * bFunc, unsigned max )
1070 {
1071  unsigned HKey;
1073  // normalize
1074  if ( Cudd_IsComplement(bFunc) )
1075  return max - Extra_CountMintermsSimple( Cudd_Not(bFunc), max );
1077  // now it is known that the function is not complemented
1078  if ( cuddIsConstant(bFunc) )
1079  return ((bFunc==s_Terminal)? 0: max);
1081  // check cache
1082  HKey = hashKey2( bFunc, max, _TABLESIZE_MINT );
1083  if ( HHTable2[HKey].Arg1 == bFunc && HHTable2[HKey].Arg2 == max )
1084  return HHTable2[HKey].Res;
1085  else
1086  {
1087  // min = min0/2 + min1/2;
1088  unsigned min = (Extra_CountMintermsSimple( cuddE(bFunc), max ) >> 1) +
1089  (Extra_CountMintermsSimple( cuddT(bFunc), max ) >> 1);
1091  HHTable2[HKey].Arg1 = bFunc;
1092  HHTable2[HKey].Arg2 = max;
1093  HHTable2[HKey].Res = min;
1095  return min;
1096  }
1097 } /* end of Extra_CountMintermsSimple */
1100 /**Function********************************************************************
1102  Synopsis [Visits the nodes.]
1104  Description [Visits the nodes above the cut and the nodes pointed to below the cut;
1105  collects the visited nodes, counts how many times each node is visited, and sets
1106  the path-sum to be the constant zero BDD.]
1108  SideEffects []
1110  SeeAlso []
1112 ******************************************************************************/
1113 void CountNodeVisits_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * aFunc, st__table * Visited )
1115 {
1116  traventry * p;
1117  char **slot;
1118  if ( st__find_or_add(Visited, (char*)aFunc, &slot) )
1119  { // the entry already exists
1120  p = (traventry*) *slot;
1121  // increment the counter of incoming edges
1122  p->nEdges++;
1123  return;
1124  }
1125  // this node has not been visited
1126  assert( !Cudd_IsComplement(aFunc) );
1128  // create the new traversal entry
1129  p = (traventry *) ABC_ALLOC( char, sizeof(traventry) );
1130  // set the initial sum of edges to zero BDD
1131  p->bSum = b0; Cudd_Ref( b0 );
1132  // set the starting number of incoming edges
1133  p->nEdges = 1;
1134  // set this entry into the slot
1135  *slot = (char*)p;
1137  // recur if the node is above the cut
1138  if ( cuddI(dd,aFunc->index) < s_CutLevel )
1139  {
1140  CountNodeVisits_rec( dd, cuddE(aFunc), Visited );
1141  CountNodeVisits_rec( dd, cuddT(aFunc), Visited );
1142  }
1143 } /* end of CountNodeVisits_rec */
1146 /**Function********************************************************************
1148  Synopsis [Revisits the nodes and computes the paths.]
1150  Description [This function visits the nodes above the cut having the goal of
1151  summing all the incomming BDD edges; when this function comes across the node
1152  below the cut, it saves this node in the CutNode table.]
1154  SideEffects []
1156  SeeAlso []
1158 ******************************************************************************/
1159 void CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec( DdManager * dd, DdNode * aFunc, DdNode * bCube, st__table * Visited, st__table * CutNodes )
1160 {
1161  // find the node in the visited table
1162  DdNode * bTemp;
1163  traventry * p;
1164  char **slot;
1165  if ( st__find_or_add(Visited, (char*)aFunc, &slot) )
1166  { // the node is found
1167  // get the pointer to the traversal entry
1168  p = (traventry*) *slot;
1170  // make sure that the counter of incoming edges is positive
1171  assert( p->nEdges > 0 );
1173  // add the cube to the currently accumulated cubes
1174  p->bSum = Cudd_bddOr( dd, bTemp = p->bSum, bCube ); Cudd_Ref( p->bSum );
1175  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bTemp );
1177  // decrement the number of visits
1178  p->nEdges--;
1180  // if more visits to this node are expected, return
1181  if ( p->nEdges )
1182  return;
1183  else // if ( p->nEdges == 0 )
1184  { // this is the last visit - propagate the cube
1186  // check where this node is
1187  if ( cuddI(dd,aFunc->index) < s_CutLevel )
1188  { // the node is above the cut
1189  DdNode * bCube0, * bCube1;
1191  // get the top-most variable
1192  DdNode * bVarTop = dd->vars[aFunc->index];
1194  // compute the propagated cubes
1195  bCube0 = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, p->bSum, Cudd_Not( bVarTop ) ); Cudd_Ref( bCube0 );
1196  bCube1 = Cudd_bddAnd( dd, p->bSum, bVarTop ); Cudd_Ref( bCube1 );
1198  // call recursively
1199  CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec( dd, cuddE(aFunc), bCube0, Visited, CutNodes );
1200  CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec( dd, cuddT(aFunc), bCube1, Visited, CutNodes );
1202  // dereference the cubes
1203  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCube0 );
1204  Cudd_RecursiveDeref( dd, bCube1 );
1205  return;
1206  }
1207  else
1208  { // the node is below the cut
1209  // add this node to the cut node table, if it is not yet there
1211 // DdNode * bNode;
1212 // bNode = Cudd_addBddPattern( dd, aFunc ); Cudd_Ref( bNode );
1213  if ( st__find_or_add(CutNodes, (char*)aFunc, &slot) )
1214  { // the node exists - should never happen
1215  assert( 0 );
1216  }
1217  *slot = (char*) p->bSum; Cudd_Ref( p->bSum );
1218  // the table takes the reference of bNode
1219  return;
1220  }
1221  }
1222  }
1224  // the node does not exist in the visited table - should never happen
1225  assert(0);
1227 } /* end of CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec */
1231 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1232 /// END OF FILE ///
1233 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void CountNodeVisits_rec(DdManager *dd, DdNode *aFunc, st__table *Visited)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:1113
void st__free_table(st__table *table)
Definition: st.c:81
static int s_BackTrackLimit
Definition: extraBddCas.c:88
static void CollectNodesAndComputePaths_rec(DdManager *dd, DdNode *aFunc, DdNode *bCube, st__table *Visited, st__table *CutNodes)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:1159
#define hashKey2(a, b, TSIZE)
Definition: extraBdd.h:86
void Cudd_RecursiveDeref(DdManager *table, DdNode *n)
Definition: cuddRef.c:154
double Cudd_CountMinterm(DdManager *manager, DdNode *node, int nvars)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:578
static unsigned s_Signature
Definition: extraBddCas.c:62
Definition: cudd.h:278
#define Cudd_Not(node)
Definition: cudd.h:367
unsigned Extra_CountCofactorMinterms(DdManager *dd, DdNode *bFunc, DdNode *bVarsCof, DdNode *bVarsAll)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:910
static Llb_Mgr_t * p
Definition: llb3Image.c:950
int st__insert(st__table *table, const char *key, char *value)
Definition: st.c:171
void Cudd_Deref(DdNode *node)
Definition: cuddRef.c:438
int size
Definition: cuddInt.h:361
static DdNode * s_VarAll
Definition: extraBddCas.c:81
DdNode * Cudd_addBddPattern(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f)
Definition: cuddBridge.c:379
static DdNode * s_Terminal
Definition: extraBddCas.c:90
#define b1
Definition: extraBdd.h:76
#define Cudd_IsConstant(node)
Definition: cudd.h:352
DdNode * Extra_bddEncodingNonStrict(DdManager *dd, DdNode **pbColumns, int nColumns, DdNode *bVarsCol, DdNode **pCVars, int nMulti, int *pSimple)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:184
#define Cudd_Regular(node)
Definition: cudd.h:397
DdNode * Cudd_bddExistAbstract(DdManager *manager, DdNode *f, DdNode *cube)
Definition: cuddBddAbs.c:130
#define a1
Definition: extraBdd.h:80
static unsigned Extra_CountMintermsSimple(DdNode *bFunc, unsigned max)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:1069
int st__ptrcmp(const char *, const char *)
Definition: st.c:480
static int s_VarOrderCur[32]
Definition: extraBddCas.c:76
#define ABC_ALLOC(type, num)
Definition: abc_global.h:229
int nEdges
Definition: extraBddCas.c:57
static abctime Abc_Clock()
Definition: abc_global.h:279
Definition: extraBddCas.c:46
for(p=first;p->value< newval;p=p->next)
static DdNode ** s_pbTemp
Definition: extraBddCas.c:85
double Extra_Power2(int Num)
Definition: extraUtilMisc.c:98
DdNode * Arg1
Definition: extraBddCas.c:49
DdNode * bSum
Definition: extraBddCas.c:58
void extraCollectNodes(DdNode *Func, st__table *tNodes)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:435
unsigned Res
Definition: extraBddCas.c:51
st__table * st__init_table(st__compare_func_type compare, st__hash_func_type hash)
Definition: st.c:72
#define Cudd_IsComplement(node)
Definition: cudd.h:425
int st__find_or_add(st__table *table, char *key, char ***slot)
Definition: st.c:230
DdNode * Cudd_Cofactor(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g)
Definition: cuddCof.c:123
Definition: st.h:52
int Extra_bddNodePathsUnderCutArray(DdManager *dd, DdNode **paNodes, DdNode **pbCubes, int nNodes, DdNode **paNodesRes, DdNode **pbCubesRes, int CutLevel)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:355
static int s_BackTracks
Definition: extraBddCas.c:87
static DdNode * s_Field[8][256]
Definition: extraBddCas.c:79
static int s_CutLevel
Definition: extraBddCas.c:64
Definition: abc_global.h:108
#define cuddIsConstant(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:620
#define ddMax(x, y)
Definition: cuddInt.h:832
static double max
Definition: cuddSubsetHB.c:134
DdNode * Cudd_BddToAdd(DdManager *dd, DdNode *B)
Definition: cuddBridge.c:349
int Extra_ProfileWidth(DdManager *dd, DdNode *Func, int *pProfile, int CutLevel)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:519
static int size
Definition: cuddSign.c:86
static int Counter
static DdNode * CreateTheCodes_rec(DdManager *dd, DdNode *bEncoded, int Level, DdNode **pCVars)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:599
static int s_MaxDepth
Definition: extraBddCas.c:72
DdNode * Cudd_bddOr(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g)
Definition: cuddBddIte.c:381
#define cuddT(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:636
static DdNode * s_Encoded
Definition: extraBddCas.c:80
st__table * Extra_CollectNodes(DdNode *Func)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:458
Definition: abc_global.h:107
static DdNode * ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms2(DdManager *dd, DdNode *bVars, DdNode *bVarTop, unsigned *Cost)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:882
#define cuddI(dd, index)
Definition: cuddInt.h:686
static DdNode * ComputeVarSetAndCountMinterms(DdManager *dd, DdNode *bVars, DdNode *bVarTop, unsigned *Cost)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:852
_HashEntry_mint HHTable2[_TABLESIZE_MINT]
Definition: extraBddCas.c:53
unsigned Arg2
Definition: extraBddCas.c:50
static int s_MultiStart
Definition: extraBddCas.c:82
#define b0
Definition: extraBdd.h:75
int sizeZ
Definition: cuddInt.h:362
#define a0
Definition: extraBdd.h:79
DdHalfWord index
Definition: cudd.h:279
static int s_EncodingVarsLevel
Definition: extraBddCas.c:93
#define ABC_FREE(obj)
Definition: abc_global.h:232
DdNode ** vars
Definition: cuddInt.h:390
static int Abc_Base2Log(unsigned n)
Definition: abc_global.h:251
DdNode * Extra_bddEncodingBinary(DdManager *dd, DdNode **pbFuncs, int nFuncs, DdNode **pbVars, int nVars)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:138
#define cuddE(node)
Definition: cuddInt.h:652
DdNode * Cudd_bddAnd(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f, DdNode *g)
Definition: cuddBddIte.c:314
DdNode * Extra_bddBitsToCube(DdManager *dd, int Code, int CodeWidth, DdNode **pbVars, int fMsbFirst)
Definition: extraBddMisc.c:730
static void EvaluateEncodings_rec(DdManager *dd, DdNode *bVarsCol, int nVarsCol, int nMulti, int Level)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:730
#define st__foreach_item(table, gen, key, value)
Definition: st.h:107
#define assert(ex)
Definition: util_old.h:213
int * invperm
Definition: cuddInt.h:388
void extraProfileUpdateTopLevel(st__table *tNodeTopRef, int TopLevelNew, DdNode *node)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:480
void Cudd_Ref(DdNode *n)
Definition: cuddRef.c:129
static int s_VarOrderBest[32]
Definition: extraBddCas.c:75
unsigned Sign
Definition: extraBddCas.c:40
DdNode * Arg1
Definition: extraBddCas.c:41
ABC_INT64_T abctime
Definition: abc_global.h:278
Definition: extraBddCas.c:37
int Cudd_SupportSize(DdManager *dd, DdNode *f)
Definition: cuddUtil.c:857
int * perm
Definition: cuddInt.h:386
int st__ptrhash(const char *, int)
Definition: st.c:468
_HashEntry_cof HHTable1[_TABLESIZE_COF]
Definition: extraBddCas.c:43
static int s_nVarsBest
Definition: extraBddCas.c:74
st__table * Extra_bddNodePathsUnderCut(DdManager *dd, DdNode *bFunc, int CutLevel)
Definition: extraBddCas.c:263